Dovely Magazine - Spring 2011 Issue

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from the editor W

hen I think of Finer Womanhood, many images come to mind, elegance and class being among the top two. I think of all of the Sorors I have met throughout the years who exemplify just that – women who serve as tangible examples of what it means to be a lady. This organization is filled with a plethora of these women from coast to coast – from the Southern Region, Cassandra Black. Great Lakes Region – Sorors Ira Ebbs, Norma Dartis, Tamara Manning and Soror Jylla Tearte to the Atlantic Region – Soror Janet Bivins.

Talk to us! We welcome comments from our readers! Email your letters with your full name, chapter, city, state and phone number to

These Sorors have helped me understand the true meaning of Finer Womanhood. The concept that you can be yourself, embrace your individuality and still represent yourself appropriately. In addition, embrace the concept that you are willing to take correction from your sisters when you fall short. I foresee a renaissance in Zeta, in which we all rededicate ourselves to what the Founders envisioned as opposed to following our own interpretation of correct or what we were taught that was correct. We have powerful forces in Zeta bubbling near the surface, waiting to get out and help us accomplish everything we deserve, as a trailblazing, distinguished and above all FINER organization.

what’s inside >> spring 2011 2 Letter from the editor 5 Reader mailbag 6 Finer Womanhood Revealed

One of Zeta’s local leaders talks about what Zeta’s unique principle means to hear.


Power Moves

We take a look at sorors who are making big moves on the job and in the community.


Beauty Tips

Soror Patricia Ambrose answers readers’ beauty questions

12 Women in Business

Dr. Thompson reveals ten tips for success for women in business for themselves.


Zeta’s Brand

16 Portraits of Finer Womanhood Six tried and true Zetas talkabout Finerwomanhood

With that said, I hope that you enjoy this issue of Dovely and continue to give us feedback – let me know what you think at Stay dovely,

Amber AMBER PRATCHER Editor in Chief 2 dovely | spring 2011

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reader mailbag

As I sit here freezing in my English classroom in South

One word: Awesome. Thank you, sorors, and I abso-

Korea, the articles in Dovely magazine have warmed

lutely LOVED the piece on my Grand :-) [“A

submitted quarterly -

me up. Between the informative articles and the great

Candid Conversation with 20th International Grand


winter, spring, summer

pictures from the past, I’m anxious for the next posting

Basileus Jylla Moore Tearte,” Winter 2011].

Amber Pratcher

and fall.

A publication

Dovely Magazine is



Soror Karlene Blackburn Next Submission Deadline: Summer June 1 dovelymagazine

Dovely Magazine is devoted to highlighting the accomplishments and activities of

RealZetas Website

members of and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. Dovely is a publication of and is not affiliated with Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated. The views expressed in Dovely are those of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Dovely or its staff. All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in Dovely acknowledge the editor’s right to accept,

Follow RealZetas on Twitter

deny or edit materials for clarity, accuracy and length. Photographs submitted are preferred to be of high resolution (300 dpi or higher). Please include captions with all photographs. By submitting photos, you affirm that the photos are your property or you have a right to use them, and you grant Dovely the right to use photos as we see fit. Please submit your materials to the editor by the

of the ‘zine. Keep up the good work, ladies!

Like us on Facebook at REALZETAS.COM

Sorors, Dovely is absolutely tremendous. TREMENDOUS. I’m at a loss for words at how overwhelmed with gladness I feel at seeing this magazine come to fruition that celebrates what we all already knew — that Zetas are women of service and talent. I am more than humbled to be featured in the inaugural issue of this history mak-

Mia Jay Detroit, MI This is a great publication! As a graduate Zeta (Fall ‘09), the updates keep me informed and assist me in knowing more about my sorority.

ing publication [Sorors on the Move, Winter 2011].

JuTun Andrews-King

Soror Monica Britton

Unbelievable! What a wonderful publication!

Kappa Epsilon Zeta Chapter

Definitely gives sorors something to finally CHEER

Congratulations on your inaugural issue of Dovely

about! Keep up the fantastic work!

magazine. I enjoyed it and am looking forward

Dr. Yovanda Horton

to more issues.

Kappa Iota Zeta Chapter

Kent L. Poindexter

I almost need Dovely to be done weekly. I am look-

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity,

ing for this mag to be 100 pages because I don’t

Iota Nu Sigma Chapter,

want to stop reading.

Editor of The Sentinel

Joczie Smith

deadline indicated. Materials submitted after deadlines will be considered for the following issue. 4

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dovely feature

While the founding principle Finer Womanhood has no formal definition, it has always been the standard state of being for women in our sisterhood. Go on the journey with one of our local leaders and consider her thoughts.

Finer Womanhood Revealed:

One leader offers insight on Zeta’s unique principle


ho are we when nobody is around? How do we stand out among a room full of women?

What perception can be made from a touch of our presence and a hint of our personality? Finer Womanhood is more than a founding principle of our Sisterhood. It is a process. Since our inception, Finer Womanhood was and is the very trait that separates Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. from other sororities. While many Sorors ponder the thought of a concrete definition, I

there is to be! It means that when compared to other woman, Zeta is supreme. She stands out. She is the first choice. She is the epitome. She is the jewel amongst all others. Sorors, our quality, skill and appearance should

us, and more importantly, how we view our-

be exemplary in all circumstances and places.

selves. It is a direct reflection on our outer

There is no excuse and we should accept noth-

shell coupled with our inner core; both perti-

ing less. Again, a process in which we all should

nent to the totality of the Finer Woman.

be actively pursuing daily.

A Finer Woman is comfortable with who she

The importance of Finer Womanhood is para-

is, all while “climbing towards the perfection”

mount in the very distinguished existence of

of who she will become.

our sisterhood. Sorors, it sets us apart and what will sustain us. Sorors have long debated Zeta’s

“ FinerWomahood is not a trendy saying picked up along the way. It is our standard.

take great honor in explain-

dovely feature

A Finer Woman is commit-

brand and our standard, but my belief is that

ted to her maker, her family,

we already have and have had one since 1920.

herself and her Sorority.

Finer Womanhood is not a trendy saying picked

Soror Tamara ManningGordon, J.D. , is the second-term president of Nu Theta Zeta chapter in Warrensville, Ohio. Visit the chapter’s website at

up along the way. Finer, by definition is: - Of superior quality, skill, or appearance - Characterized by refine-

It is our standard. It is our brand and once we buy into it, it is unsurpassed by any organization.


ment or elegance.

ing what it means to me. The aforementioned is calling Sorors to not Finer Womanhood is how the public views 6

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only be the best she can be, but to be the best spring 2011| dovely 7


dovely feature

Soror Linda Isabel was recognized for her commitment to service with the presentation of the inaugural Pacesetter’s Award at the 76th Southeastern Regional Conference in Atlanta. Additionally, she received the prestigious President’s Volunteer Service Award presented by The President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation. The award celebrates the valuable contributions volunteers make in our communities; Soror Isabel is certainly a role model for all. For her service she received an official President’s Volunteer Service Award lapel pin, a personalized certificate of achievement and a congratulatory letter from the President Barack Obama. Her service is the epitome of a Finer Woman of Zeta. Congratulations, Soror Isabel!

Soror Maretta Johnson, an inventor, patented the Total Travel Bag – the first diaper bag with a built-in bottle warmer and car adapter -- and it is now available at national and online retailers Buy Buy Baby,, Right and her website

Soror Patrice Joseph published her first book titled “Straight Talk About Classroom Teaching.” Encouraged by a professor, she used one of her papers from a doctoral class as the foundation for an instructional book for teachers. Her book is now available at Borders. com and

Soror Tecia McKay was honored by The Gainesville Hall County Black History Society, Inc on February 26, 2011 and featured in the society’s historical video for her leadership and accomplishments in education.

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dovely beauty


ver wonder the best way to apply eye shadow or about a less noticeable way to cover acne. If the questions Soror Patricia Ambroise received are any indication, you are not alone. Stand by as Soror Ambroise offers great tips for the aforementioned.


How should I properly apply my eye shadow?



Concealer is denser than foundation, allowing fuller

coverage of trouble spots and hyper pigmentation (red

Define the crease of your eyelid using amedium or dar shadeThe deeper the shade, the more dra


greater staying power. Remember, a little goes a long way!

lid from lash line to eyebrow bone, but not be

matic look.

What are the best ways that I can conceal the acne on my face?

Apply a light eye shadow over your entire eye yond.


areas). It can be used over foundation or on its own, and has

A: 1

dovely beauty

Tip: When choosing an eye shadow shade, keep in mind that a pastel shade will look softer while a darker shade will appear more dramatic when applied.

To open up your eyes so that they appear livelier, place a dot of a light shade inthe inner corner of each eye.

“Choose the shade of your concealer carefully. When testing out shades, pick one that matches your skin tone or one shade lighter. “ - Soror Patricia Ambrose

Soror Patricia Ambroise has mastered the art of true beauty make-up. Patricia is a certified MAC Pro and Temptu Pro makeup artist. She holds membership with Face Atelier, Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics, and Le Cosmetique. Visit her website at


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d | dovely finances

d | dovely finances


By Soror Syleecia Thompson, DBA

he number of women-owned businesses has grown significantly over the last five years in America. Women busiPerform a financial check-up of ness owners are leading the nation in your assets & liabilities job growth. According to The Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute, by 2018, women enMonitor your cashflow trepreneurs will be responsible for creating more than half of the jobs created within the U.S as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. With these statistics in mind, below are ten tips for women of color who own businesses to maintain a healthy organization.

Stress Management

Tip #1: Stress management is vital to a healthy business. Workout consistently, take supplements and use meditation techniques to maintain balanced mind, body and spirit.

Dr. Thompson: “Be informed and educate yourself on the business that you work within. Stay up to date on current and future regulations and legislation that may affect your business. Watch industry trends.� Tip #4: Monitor your cash-flow daily. Pos- Tip: #8: Create a positive itive cash flows represent a healthy busienvironment. ness. Tip #9: Be informed and educate yourself Tip #5: Participate in strategic planning. on the business that you work within. Stay Strategic planning should be done at least up to date on current and future regulatwice per year. tions and legislation that may affect your business. Watch industry trends. Tip #6: Take time monthly to review the organization and structure of your comTip #10: Take a vacation! pany. Tip: #7: Back up your business records.

Your physical and mental state directly affects how you run your business. Tip #2: Perform a financial check-up of your assets and liabilities. Review your balance sheet.

Dr. Syleecia Thompson is a Professor, Author, Consultant and Entertainment Manager and a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. She is available for consulting and speaking engagements throughout the USA.

Tip #3: Every business must evaluate their marketing strategy in order to be competitive in todays workplace. Develop a new marketing plan that allows you to re-brand yourself. 12

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dovely feature

The Zeta Brand: Identity

support local functions, not because of our tangible

put that protocol out there up front. It’s hardcore, but

symbols, but because of who we are and how we make

people are always looking at your brand.”

them feel. They trust us with their resources because of

Experience Relationships


dovely feature

eta’s brand is both experiential

what we say, what we believe, our leadership, and the

With the proliferation of the Internet, Dixon said these

kind of image we project.

same principles should be applied in Zeta’s online

That’s why it is critical that every individual member’s personal brand and integrity fall in line with the Zeta’s guiding principles, said Debra Dixon, President & CEO of New York-based Light of Gold PR, Marketing and

and tangible, and because of these

In a 2009 article The Brand Experience: What Is It? How

complexities, we must consistently

Is It Measured? Does It Affect Loyalty? the authors

remain cognizant of Zeta’s principles

suggests that “the brand experience is conceptualized

“All of us have a personal brand whether we have a

of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood

as sensations, feelings, cognitions, and behavioral

business or not. Your personal brand is simply, ‘What

and, particularly the unique principle of Finer Woman-

responses evoked by brand-related stimuli.” Who we

kind of image do you present to the world?,” Dixon said.

hood, in our effort to create and maintain the kind of

are as members, how we behave, and the personal

image we want.

experiences we create when interacting with some-

“Women who use vulgar language, dress in a certain

one (whether we’re conducting Zeta business or not)

way, or engage in activities that are directly against

all shape Zeta’s brand.

what Zeta is trying to project simply shouldn’t be part

When individuals think about a brand, they most often conjure images of symbolic construct. Zeta’s shield, the white rose, the hand sign and Z-HOPE,

Your personal brand = Zeta’s brand

would all be considered symbolic instruments to

Unlike Coca-Cola or Nike, Zeta is not in the business of

convey Zeta’s brand most often referred to as brand

selling a tangible product. Our business is selling our-


selves - using our ideas and our ideals as the vehicles

The brand experience, however is perhaps the most important branding principle for Zeta and organiza-

to promote our own service agenda in how we want to serve and what we believe to be important.

tions like ours, but it is a great deal more complicated

Our consumers are the corporate sponsors and events

and difficult to master.

patrons that donate to our organization’s charities or


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Consulting firm.

environment. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and other online social media can be a benefit to promoting the sorority’s goals, but can also hinder Zeta’s advancement when a vulgar public profile is associated with the brand.

Dixon said that many people, particularly African Americans, are losing out on opportunities because of the way they present themselves in the online environment. “There are some things that you post or tweet about that live on in infinity, she said. “In some cases all anyone has to do is Google your name. You’d be surprised what could surface.”


of Zeta’s community if you are trying to create a certain image,” said Dixon. As a brand, it’s imperative to

Soror Stephanie L. Arnold runs the North Atlanta site of AOL’s newest online venture She is a 14-year financial and active member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated and Immediate Past President of Zeta’s Philadelphia Graduate Chapter, Beta Delta Zeta. She was Zeta’s National Director of Public Relations from 2000-2002 under Dr. Barbara West Carpenter.

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Portraits of

Finer Womanhood: Living Legacies


rom the National First Vice President to local leaders, the women in the following pages are the epiome of faithful service to the sisterhood. With more than 20,

30, 40 and even 50 years of service under their respective

dovely feature

tion she needed to become a finer woman. Soror

Wright says, “When I first joined, Finer Womanhood see.” was something that began before Zeta. It was a

A good Zeta is also mindful of the rich heritage of the

continuation of my upbringing. If you have to de-

sorority. Soror Wright elaborates, “If you don’t know Zeta,

fine what Finer Womanhood is, you’ve missed it all,” you will be lost. We have to continuously pass down our she said. There are non-negotiable qualities that

history. Every chapter could have a ‘Zeta moment’ at their

Zeta women should possess like kindness, trust-

chapter meeting where a piece of history is discussed for

worthiness, a peaceful disposition, and a positive

a few minutes.”

attitude. Soror Wright adds, “All members should

Every year dur-

showcase these characteristics and these traits

ing Founders’

should always shine through. If you are faking it,

Day and Finer

people will know. You have to be genuine.”


belts, they share anectdotes on what Finer Womanhood really

Having approved more than 3,500 candidates for


membership, Soror Wright knows what a finer

By Soror Denise Marie Snow

woman should be like. “Finer Womanhood is in

Soror Mary B. Wright

Protocol; Southern Regional Director; Chairman of

your appearance and it’s in your attitude. It’s in

National First Vice President

Regional Directors; Chairman of Personnel; researched and coordinated “Torchbearers of a Lega-

Year and Initiating Chapter: Fall 1969,

cy” with Past Grand Basileus Lullelia W. Harrison for

Psi Beta, Grambling State University

four years.

Current Chapter: Lambda Zeta Chapter (Houston, TX) where PIGB Lullelia Walker Harrison was a member


he concept of Finer Womanhood has to come from within. “You can’t buy it, sell it, or market

it. And it is a gift from God,” says Soror Mary Wright, Zeta’s National First Vice President. She believes

Positions Held: National First Anti Basileus,

that being raised by service-minded parents and

Louisiana State Director; National Director of

being involved in the church gave her the founda-

16 dovely | spring 2011

We have to be the light - the shining light for everyone to

everything you do,” says Soror Wright. “Once you become a member, you become a walking billboard for Zeta and everything you exemplify must be in line with Finer Womanhood. You are no longer Mary, you become Mary the Zeta.” Society has had a tremendous influence on how individuals present themselves publicly. But Soror Wright believes that, “if we are true to ourselves we won’t give in to the stereotypes about who we are. We have to be

Month, Zetas reaffirm their commitment to the ideals of the sorority. Soror Wright offers a poignant conclusion about

“The concept of Finer Womanhood has to come from within. You can’t buy it, sell it, or market it. It is a gift from God “

that special time between sorors. “The oath does not make you a Zeta. It makes you a member. How we LIVE the oath is what makes you a Zeta.”

strong enough not to fall into those traps.” To build on the legacy of Finer Womanhood, Soror Wright says, “We must continue to do what is right for Zeta. We must provide examples that would make others want to follow our lead. spring 2011| dovely 17

Finer Womanhood: A Living Legacy


Dr. Nadine Kohn

Edward Waters College, Jacksonville, Florida, May 1967

Current chapter: Beta Alpha Zeta, Jacksonville, Florida

Zeta resume: Appointed to serve as the National Zeta Male Network Coordi-

d dovely spotlight

dovely spotlight

Chapter and year of initiation: Charter member of Mu Gamma,

Finer Womanhood: A Living Legacy Soror Brenda Reed Chapter/Year of Initiation: Epsilon Alpha Chapter, Tennessee State University, October 1959 Current chapter: Basileus of Sigma Alpha Zeta Chapter, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Zeta resume: National Phylacter; Wisconsin/Minnesota State Director;

nator during PIGB Moore’s Administration; Immediate Past Basileus of Beta Alpha Zeta chapter;

Great Lakes Region Representative to the National Nominating Committee; Zeta Legacy Chairman

Served as First and Second Vice President of BAZ; Basileus of Mu Gamma



iner Womanhood should always conjure up a picture of what a real woman is and what a real lady looks like. In reflecting on her days as a neophyte, Dr. Kohn says “Zeta was the first and

only sorority on campus at the time. We made sure that what we did displayed confidence and competence. We wanted to show how viable Zeta was in the community.”

hen you come from a strong lineage of Zetas that include your mother, aunt, three sisters, one niece, and a cousin – there is no question that you understand the importance of finer

womanhood. Soror Reed says “The finer womanhood principle was not something I had to think about doing –it was part of my upbringing. Being, becoming and carrying myself as a “finer woman” was part of my daily ritual like brushing my teeth or combing my hair - I just knew this was who I was; and, what was expected of me.”

These portrayals of finer womanhood should never change and Dr. Kohn encourages older so-

Soror Reed has 51 years of uninterrupted service to Zeta and was honored at Boule´ 2010 as part of

rors to teach younger sorors about the Proverbs 31 woman. “If you are a Zeta,” Dr. Kohn says, “you

the inaugural class of Zeta Doves (implemented by Grand Basileus Underwood). She believes that

should read Proverbs 31 and subscribe to it. We should all aspire to be like that Proverbs 31 wom-

finer womanhood is not something you can emulate if you don’t know anything about it. Soror


Reed says “if you’ve been raised as a “Finer Woman”, you won’t stray far from it.” This principle follows the old biblical adage in raising a child in the way that they should go.

To preserve the legacy of Finer Womanhood, Dr. Kohn suggests that we remain vigilant about explaining the expectations of a Zeta lady. She understands that Facebook and other social networking sites have made it easier to post provocative images and updates. But Dr. Kohn is serious about how Zeta women should carry themselves in public. She says, “We won’t be afraid to talk to you. The way you act, the way you behave will not bring reproach to our chapter or Zeta Phi Beta.”


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Soror Reed believes that the future of the “finer woman” will rest on our ability to showcase our inner and outer finer womanhood qualities. “As sorors grow in Zeta wisdom, our founding tenet of Finer Womanhood will become a major facet in that growth. We must practice walking, talking, dressing and carrying ourselves as Finer Women at all times.”

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Finer Womanhood: A Living Legacy Soror Barbara Cousar

Indiana University of Pennsylvania Current chapter: Rho Chi Zeta chapter, Chester, PA Zeta resume: Served on the National Elections committee; Executive Assistant to Past Regional Di-

dovely spotlight

dovely spotlight

Initiating Year and Chapter: Fall 1981, Mu Kappa chapter,


Finer Womanhood: A Living Legacy Soror Pricilla Johnson Year and chapter of initiation: Spring 1966, Chi chapter, Cheyney University Current chapter: Espilon Omega Zeta chapter, Chester County, PA, serves as 3rd Anti Basileus

rector (Soror Barbara A. Henderson); Pennsylvania State Tamias Grammateus, Tamias, and Marshal;

Zeta resume: Associate Regional Director (before State Directors were in existence),

Chapter Basileus; First Anti-Basileus; Third Anti-Basileus, Grammateus; Tamias; and Epistoleus

Pennsylvania State Director; Basileus; and a host of other positions


iner Womanhood sets Zeta apart from all other sororities. The principle is very unique and

Soror Priscilla Johnson is a Zeta treasure who has met every Founder and almost every Internation-

requires that members uphold a higher standard of conduct as they represent the sorority.

al Grand Basileus. She was pledged by “Grand Jan” (Triumphant Soror Janice G. Kissner, 17th Inter-

Soror Barbara Cousar says, “As a neo, I understood that I had a different standard in which to gov-

national Grand Basileus) on the campus of Cheyney University and knew Arizona Cleaver Stemons

ern myself to as I carried out my membership on campus. I ensured that I carried myself like a finer

intimately. Her Zeta upbringing was deeply rooted in sisterhood and finer womanhood. Members

woman of Zeta because outsiders would monitor my actions closely and would judge me based

built lasting relationships and the reputation of Zeta was that scholarship was first priority.

upon being in a sorority.” Soror Cousar believes that Finer Womanhood is not something that can be turned on and or off, nor does it mean that a finer woman is perfect, prideful or boastful. Being a finer woman means being an imperfect vessel living to be all that God has ordained us to become. In order for Zeta to preserve its rich legacy it is imperative that we know and understand our histo-


s a member of Chi Chapter, Soror Johnson remembers, “Sorors spoke appropriately and acted like ladies. Members wore gloves and hats and business attire was the standard.” Soror

Johnson attended her first Boule at the age of 12 and she says the picture of those Zeta members never left her mind. “Those women were no slouches. They walked tall and dressed beautifully. They were real ladies that women could truly look up to.”

ry. Soror Cousar suggests that we review our organs where our history was told and captured and


where we can read from the pages why Finer Womanhood was conceived, what it actually is, and

To build on the legacy of Finer Womanhood Soror Johnson believes that we should remember the

how it should be carried out. “I also feel that sorors can build on the legacy of Finer Womanhood

work of our Founders and each International Grand Basileus. “We should be the type of person

by realizing that a Proverbs 31 woman is the blue print for Finer Womanhood. This is the scripture

who encourages others through our principles. Give someone a person to look up to. Ask your-

that our Founders chose for the sorority.”

self, ‘What can I do to make someone else better?’”

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Finer Womanhood: A Living Legacy Soror Lynette R. F. smith

dovely spotlight

Year and Chapter of Initiation: April 15, 1967, Alpha chapter, Howard University

Current chapter: Beta Zeta Chapter, Washington, DC

Zeta resume: (National) Served as the 75th Anniversary Celebration Marshal, Eastern Regional Undergraduate Program Coordinator; Life Members Coordinator; Phylacter; State Director of Washington, DC; and every position in Beta Zeta except Tamias


aving been initiated on the campus where Zeta was conceived, Soror Lynette R.F. Smith recognizes the exceptional importance of our founding tenets. She recalls “Finer Woman-

hood, as a neophyte, encompassed the “whole” soror. We exemplified scholarship, good organizational skills, lady-like behavior, the importance of connecting with one’s God, and social awareness.” Soror Smith is an advocate of getting back to the basics of what has driven our organization toward such longevity. She says, “While I realize that times have changed, some things are basic and should remain as we move into a greater understanding of Zeta. “We came to sorority meeting dressed appropriately. We did not wear jeans or come looking as if we had just run a marathon.” She also thinks that technology (such as texting) has made it challenging for sorors to communicate properly. Soror Smith adds, “We were always cognizant of our language and grammar skills. We made sure that reports were well written or if the reports were given orally that we used proper English.” Moving forward, it is critical that members understand the past and how closely it links to the future of the sorority. “Sorors need to know their Zeta history, learn parliamentary procedure and their rights as a Soror. Above all know who you are and whose you are in your faith.


dovely | spring 2011

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