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See PLAY on page 5
entertainment, the victory in tug of war or the thrill of the chase establish important social arrangements with the puppy learning his place in the world. It becomes very clear
Hot Dog Furry Words Basic Happy Howl-idays! & Ask The Vet Training Tips Supplies & Retailers News
-who’s in charge, bite inhibition, and how to play fair--are established. Games enrich the dogs’ world, burning energy while building confidence through the challenges of their feats of wonder. Much more than cheap
how puppies play their way through life’s lessons Play is not just fun and games couched under the guise of simple pleasure for my three dogs. All too important lessons in doghouse rules-
by Linda Webb Aceto
Volume 8 • Issue 12 • December 2013
Hot Dog News Green Acres Announces Fundraising Effort for Aging Furry Friends Food Bank
Green Acres Kennel Shop will be holding its annual fundraiser for the Eastern Area Agency on Aging Furry Friends Food Bank now through December 21st. Customers will be asked for a donation when making purchases. New this year is the ability for anyone to donate online through our website: http:// w w w. g r e e n a c r e s k e n n e l . c o m / community-projects/furry-friendsfood-bank-fall-fundraiser.html OR Additionally, when people in the store make a donation of either cash or food to the Furry Friends Food Bank between Sunday December 8th and Saturday December 21st, we will give them a 20% discount on all non-food items purchased that day. That includes: collars, leashes, toys, supplements, grooming tools, shampoos, coats/sweaters, ID tags, dog treats, cat treats, and chewables like bully sticks and rawhide. Once we have raised $1000, Green Acres Kennel Shop will donate an additional $1,000. All funds raised will be used to buy pet food at wholesale prices for distribution by the Eastern Area Agency on Aging Furry Friends Food Bank. Due to the generosity of our clients and many others in the community, last year
we raised a total of $3,345; this year’s goal is $3,500. Green Acres Kennel Shop owner Don Hanson states, “Keeping pets and seniors together and healthy is what the Furry Friends Food Bank is all about. No one should have to choose between feeding his/her pet and feeding himself/herself or being able to afford heat or medications. The pets in these homes play a vital role in the physical, mental, and emotional health of their human companions, especially those that are isolated and live alone. Sometimes a pet may be the only living thing a person interacts with on a daily basis. By helping people feed their pets, the Furry Friends Food Bank helps keep pet and person together and keeps both healthier. At this time of year, when we reflect on all that we have to be thankful for, Green Acres wants to encourage everyone to consider the joy he/she can create by helping keep a pet and person together by donating to the Eastern Area Agency on Aging Furry Friends Food Bank.” People may follow the activities of the fundraising drive on the Facebook page for the Friends of EAAA Furry Friends Food Bank at (https://www.
See FUND on page 5
Matching Grant for Donations to Pope Memorial Humane Society’s Capital Campaign
The Pope Memorial Humane Society of Knox County (PMHSKC) has announced that donations and pledges to its capital campaign made prior to the end of 2013 will be matched by Lyman Pope, up to a maximum amount of $100,000. Pope, PMHSKC benefactor and supporter of animal care programs throughout New England, has extended this offer to help PMHSKC reach their 2013 goal of raising $1 million in donations to be earmarked for a new, 10, 075 square foot shelter facility. Over $800,000 has been raised to date, and this matching grant will bring PMHSKC much closer to this first-year objective. The overall fundraising goal for the new shelter is $2.2 million. The need and opportunity for a new, expanded shelter emerged as the organization developed its strategy for addressing the future requirements of the Midcoast communities it serves. Plans for the new facility include 28 roomier kennels for dogs, 3 free roaming cat rooms (one with outdoor porch access), 12 cat condos, a kitten room, plus accommodation for an additional 72 cats. The plans also include a community room for educational programs and special events, isolation and exam areas for incoming animals, get acquainted/ adoption rooms, ample storage, and an outdoor covered pavilion area for dogs. There will be a room/adoption area for other small mammals, such as guinea pigs and rabbits. Additionally, the facility will be equipped with a special air exchange/filtration system and acoustical features to enhance the health and comfort of resident animals and staff.
All gifts and pledges must be made by December 31, 2013 and will be matched on a first-come, first-served basis until the $100,000 level is reached. Multi-year pledges are welcome (pledges over time require a signed pledge form). There is no upper limit on the size of a single gift. For more information or to request a pledge form, contact Executive Director Tracy Sala at 594-4897, or visit PMHSKC’s website, www. Richard Procopio, PMHSKC President, noted, “We are very appreciative of Mr. Pope’s backing. His expertise and support have been invaluable to us. He is a great philanthropist who is helping us create a brighter future for people and companion animals in the Midcoast.” The PMHSKC was founded in 1989 to provide care, protection, and loving homes for abandoned and homeless companion animals in the Midcoast Maine area. The Society operates an animal shelter located between the Dexter Street Extension and Buttermilk Lane in Thomaston that is open between 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday (closed Sundays). The Humane Society of Knox County provides animal support services to the towns of Rockland, Thomaston, Warren, Owls Head, St. George, Port Clyde, Martinsville, Tenants Harbor, S. Thomaston (including Spruce Head), Hope, Union, Appleton, Montville, Cushing, Matinicus, North Haven, Vinalhaven, Stockton Springs, and Morrill.
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Downeast Dog News
Downeast Dog News Publisher/
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Katie Grant
Copy Editor Belinda Carter Contributors William Kunitz Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Susan Spisak Advertising Wendi Smith 998-2605 Western Maine
Wendi Smith
Parent & Publishing Company Maine Pet News LLC
Our Goals
• Provide the latest in dogrelated news and information. • Encourage and support dogfriendly businesses and Mainemade pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.
From the Publisher
Happy “Howl-idays” Readers!! I hope everyone enjoyed a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday with friends and family, two and four-legged! The beagles and I certainly did! My husband and I celebrated with the pups at home after traveling to see our family for the day. As much as we love having the beagles with us at family events, they spend far too much time (as is their nature) drooling in various family members’ laps hoping someone will drop a tasty morsel from the table. Unable to avoid this instinctual and rather annoying habit of all three of the dogs, we celebrate on our own after the big family get together. The pups hang at home with some extra special treats and welcome us back with a whole mess of wiggles and kisses. This routine works for us, for our family, and for the dogs. Who knows what they might get into from the Thanksgiving table? I’m not trying to make an emergency trip to the vet on a holiday! Plus,
three squirmy beagles in the car (one that suffers from some pretty serious motion sickness) isn’t much fun either. We choose to celebrate in a comfortable and safe way at home together. How do you celebrate holidays with family and pets? This month’s issue features a great story about the importance of play in the life of a puppy. Puppies learn a lot about the do’s and don’ts of being a dog through playing. It’s a great feelgood story about the innocence of young life at this special time of year. We also are featuring a number of area pet suppliers and retailers with amazing selections for gift-giving this holiday season. Whether it’s for your furry friend or a fellow animal lover, make sure to swing into some of these great establishments to find that special “something”. Not sure what that special “something” might be? We’ve got you covered! Along with our featured shops and services, we
also have a great Shopping List of ideas for animal inspired gifts. Check it out! Lastly, I would like to say thank you to the DDN community of readers, advertisers, and contributors. As we wrap up 2013, I have to say that since taking over of the paper in April, I have been welcomed with open arms, and it has made my transition that much easier! We’ve made some changes and improvements, and I hope that everyone is enjoying them! If we or I can do anything to improve the paper further, please let us know. We appreciate your business and readership more than we can say, as do the animals we advocate and give voice to throughout the year. So thank you, thank you, thank you, and Happy Howl-idays! We’ll see you in 2014! -Katie & The 3 Beagles Left to right: Johnnie, Cassi & Molly wish you a very Happy Howl-iday Season!
Contact Us
Maine Pet News, LLC 6 Leland St. Rockland, ME 04841 Ph: 751-7786 Fx: 596-7323
Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge at pet-friendly locations in Maine.
Individual and gift subscriptions are available for $30 per year.
Below, some of Cassi, Johnnie & Molly’s “cousins”! Left to right:Petty, Max and Penny
Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: katie@
COPYRIGHT 2006-2013 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.
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10,000 issues per month are distributed in pet supply stores, veterinary offices, dog daycares, groomers and other pet-friendly establishments across Maine.
Advertising deadline is the 20th of the preceding month.
Contact Katie Grant, Publisher, (207) 751-7786 or
December 2013
Table of Contents Hot Dog News ................................. 2 Furry Words ...................................... 4 Ask the Vet .......................................... 4 Greg & Axel Show Photos ............ 6 Basic Training Tips .......................... 7 Happy Howl-idays! ......................... 8 Baxter .................................................. 10 Performance Dog Training .......... 11 Holiday Road Trip Tips ................... 12 Dogs for Adoption .......................... 13 Calendar of Events ......................... 14 Business Directory .......................... 15
Furry Words
Ask the Vet . . .
Sara Moore, Animal Communicator
I’ve got a few confessions to make. When I first began reading animals and doing this for a living, I had no idea what I was getting into. I had never been to a dog show, and my views of what they must be like were formed after watching “Best In Show”. I thought it was ridiculous that someone would put an outfit on a dog or cat and that the poor animals must hate it. I also thought it was kind of funny that people pose their pets for photos and make holiday cards out of them. In the past eight years, I’ve completely shifted my views on all of these things! If you’re still reading, thank you. I mean no disrespect, and I’m sharing this because I’m assuming I’m not the only one who may have felt this way. At my first dog show, I met the yellow Lab Ben, whose tail was too high and needed to be lower. He told us to use the command “Flat” and his tail (to this day) miraculously drops into the perfect position when he hears it. His owner was grounded, fun, “normal”, not someone who stepped out of the silly movie I had seen years prior, and clearly enjoyed Ben for his spirit and enthusiasm, Then there was Attitash. She’s come a long way from the first time I met her, but she showed up at my booth at my second show and informed me she loved to eat corn on the cob, simple as that. Where was the gourmet liver treat request? By now I was enjoying the show scene, and people were beginning to take me seriously. Sure, there was the Doberman that I asked to sit for the session, and the handler informed me the dog only knew show commands. That made absolutely no sense to me, but later I understood the rationale behind it. I’ve seen dogs eating better food than I’ll probably ever feed my son, but now it’s not so unfamiliar to me. It’s pretty cool that someone would cook chicken and rice every night for a four legged friend, and I’m just serving up nuggets, red pepper and apple slices on a plate and calling it gourmet! Now we need to talk about clothing. I was convinced at the first show that dogs do have opinions on fashion when Isis, the beautiful Great Dane asked for a blue rain coat. Five minutes later, she paraded by my booth wearing her new outfit, proud as a peacock. I wouldn’t have believed it unless I had seen it. I have met male bulldogs who want leather spike collars and pink shirts, super furry labs asking for the owners’ favorite sport teams’ jerseys, dogs that prefer cotton to wool sweaters,
and one dog who wanted a gray shirt with a huge #1 printed on the back for the world to see. I’ve had dogs ask to be superheroes and specifically design their own Halloween costumes. The owners are so surprised at how much the dog’s behavior shifts when he’s all done up that I have some regulars who just call me to find out what the dog wants to be next year. I am now a firm believer that some dogs are just as picky as their owners when it comes to their outfits. If I passed a little dog wearing a foofy sweater and booties ten years ago, I would have been slightly embarrassed for both the dog and owner. Now I stop, say hello and tell him how stunning he looks Myth busted. Some dogs LOVE clothes. I apologize to anyone who may remember me before I had this revelation. Finally, the photo shoots must be addressed. My favorite Christmas card was done by a friend of mine in college. She posed with her fiancé, his little feisty dog, and her huge cat Zach. They had set up the self timer, and just as it clicked, the dog lunged for the cat and the cat literally flew in front of both of their faces. It was captured on film, and that is the shot they used. “Seasons Greetings” is all it said, and I thought it was awesome. Now when I see a beautiful dog or cat, I want to take a picture! I did that today, actually, and the dog totally posed for me. He was so proud, and as soon as my phone/ camera came out, he cocked his head, looked slightly to the side, and smiled. Apparently he does this every single time. I have done readings at holiday events and love watching the photographers in action. This year my son and I will send out holiday cards with a picture of our family, Zachary, our orange kitty Casper, and me. I’m hoping we come out of it a little better than my friend did, but if not, I’m going to be proud that we made the effort. I’m officially someone who thinks that taking zillions of pictures of my pet is totally normal. And yes, there is a difference in cuteness factor in each and every one! I can tell, can’t you? This December, enjoy your families. Watch “Best in Show”, and then plan on going to a real show. Maybe even your dog would like to do one? How many of you write your dog’s name on his stocking or gifts? You’re not alone. I now do it, too. And finally, you may want to ask your pet if he’d like to get all fancied up for the family photos. If he does, he’ll undoubtedly let you know with a huge tail wag or a twinkle in his eye! And please don’t tell me that your dog doesn’t NEED a coat to stay warm. That’s totally not the point!
Dr. Judith Herman
Puppies + Holidays...What Are Some Best Practices?
We are getting a puppy just before Christmas. What should we do to make this the best Christmas ever? Though it is exciting to have a puppy under the tree, it isn’t necessarily the best time to bring in the new addition with all the excitement and chaos of Christmas morning. Most breeders keep the pups until after the big day, so the puppy comes into their new home with some calmness and all the focus is on the pup. If you are picking up the puppy before the holidays, there are several things you need to do. First, take the pup to the vet and make sure he is healthy and parasite free. There are parasites inside, so bring a stool sample (poop) to the visit and parasites on the outside, ectoparasites, such as fleas. Second, start a routine right from the start. Structure will give you and the puppy a less stressful environment. It will also set you and the pup up for a successful, safe, and happy holiday. Make a schedule for the puppy’s needs, scheduled potty breaks, and feeding times. Housebreaking is high priority, and with a schedule, it will be easier and more successful. A key is to always take the pup outside to eliminate on leash. This will speed up the housebreaking. It allows you to praise the puppy and keep the pup focused on the task at hand. Off leash, he has the desire to explore and play, but he forgets what he was out there to do. The schedule must be one you can maintain through the Holiday festivities. On Christmas day, the puppy doesn’t understand what all the fuss will be about and could get into trouble. Third, start crate training right from the first moment you get the puppy. Many breeders start this before you pick up Fluffy. This is his “bedroom” or den. It gives the puppy a safe place to be when you can’t focus on him. It is also a good
place for the puppy to rest that is away from the commotion. The puppy should not be crated for prolonged periods of time. Puppies are not toys you put away in a box and take out when it is convenient. Fourth, obedience training should start the minute you pick up Fluffy. At this time of year, most puppy classes won’t start until after the holidays, but you don’t need to wait. There are plenty of positive training books out there. The website has many good books. Another great site is Dogstardaily has free books and videos. There is a book that you can download and read before you bring home the new addition. When Christmas arrives and everyone is excited and busy opening presents, someone needs to be in charge of the puppy to take the puppy out to the bathroom when needed and to make sure the puppy doesn’t eat something he shouldn’t. Like babies, puppies put everything in their mouths. Some of these things can be dangerous. Take care of the puppy’s needs first before the festivities start. Give the pup a frozen stuffed toy, like a kong or squirrely dude stuffed with cheese, peanut butter, kibble, or treats that have been frozen to work on in his crate while presents are being opened. This will keep his mind busy and happy. Everyone will want to hold and play with the puppy. Limit the time so the puppy can rest. I had a puppy come into my practice that appeared to be in a coma. The owner said the pup had been fine but wouldn’t wake up that morning. I couldn’t find anything wrong on physical exam, and all the lab work was normal. The puppy was observed that day in the clinic. At about 4 in the afternoon, the puppy gave a big yawn, stretch, and was ready to have lunch! When the owner returned, she had 6 children in tow. With further questioning, it turned out that the children had been taking turns playing with the puppy but not letting the puppy rest! This little puppy was exhausted. Enjoy the holidays with your new addition. Remember that this little bundle is a member of your family and will be around for a long time. Love him and he will love you forever. Have Happy and Safe Holidays. Judith K. Herman DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center, Augusta, ME
Sara Moore is a Reiki Master, Hypnotist, Psychic, and Animal Communicator. She is available for long distance readings, parties, and fundraising. More information and a full calendar of events can be found at or contact Sara directly at furrywords@
Downeast Dog News
FUND from page 2 Those that want to help spread the word can download a flyer/sign at (http:// st or ie s/pd f / F F F B _ Post e r-2013/ f u r r y % 2 0 f r i e n d s % 2 0 fo o d % 2 0 bank%20fundraiser-sign%20for%20 community-as%20of %2016nov13. pdf People can learn more about the Eastern Area Agency on Aging and the Furry Friends Food Bank on the October 26th podcast from The Woof Meow Show where Kate and Don talk with the EAAA’s Carol Higgins-Taylor about these important programs ( woofmeowshow/Woof MeowShow2013-10-26-Furry _Friends_Food_ Bank_Fundraiser.mp3). The Eastern Area Agency on Aging is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization serving Penobscot, Piscataquis, Hancock,
PLAY from page 1 and Washington counties dedicated to providing seniors, adults with disabilities and caregivers with a variety of options, opportunities, resources, and referrals. (http://www. In business since 1965, Green Acres Kennel Shop at 1653 Union Street is a Pet Care Services Association (PCSA) accredited facility offering boarding, daycare, and grooming for dogs and cats, as well as pet behavior consultations and training classes. Voted Best Kennel every year since 2002, Best Pet Store every year since 2007, Best Dog Trainer every year since 2011, and Best Pet Groomer in 2013, the Green Acres retail store offers a wide variety of wholesome pet foods, treats, and quality supplies. For more information, please call 945-6841 or visit
who can tumble whom, and, more importantly, who is totally off limits. For example, Duffy wants to initiate a round of barking madness with the big dog down the street, but her yapping is no match for the big and blustery growl rumbling from behind the fence. And what if the gate isn’t latched securely? Duffy’s simple content could quickly spiral out of control if the big dog won’t play fair. The face and posture of each game is very telling about the status and import of each dog. Emily is Queen Mother in our house, older, wiser, and always in charge of each interaction. She picks the stance, she sets the time limits, and she controls the layout of the playground. When she tires of running, jumping, rolling, and romping, she will attempt to disengage although the other two sports continue to bait her. It becomes annoying, I am sure, but to date she has never growled either of them away. Real fighting is not part of the lesson plan. Play time builds confidence and enhances creativity, spawning the innate ability to make up games and to play pretend. Duff is the consummate player in our house. Even though ripping up paper is her favorite past time, traditional dog toys are always welcomed. With a ball, rope, or chew toy in mouth, she stands anxiously in front of any potential playmate, begging for someone to accept her challenge. Her confidence soars as she takes on each event even if the human does throw the game. Rough and tumble adventures burn energy and calories helping to keep the dogs in tip top shape. In addition, there is the intrinsic value in release of kinetic energy. One game morphs into another of equal interest and frenetic pace without
a hitch. Along with this, a push of a ball or a whack of a rubber toy teaches cause and effect, increasing their understanding of the world and expanding their repertoire of merrymaking. And, as we know, a tired dog is a good dog. So, everybody wins. Vocabulary grows with regular interactive pastimes. Dogs can learn a whole host of words that can extend their horizons. Along with the basic commands, they can readily be taught such phrases as “go get your ball”, “where is the new toy?” and, the most dreaded of all, “I don’t want to play anymore.” I have found that learning just for the sake of learning brings unending amusement for all parties concerned. Along with this, communication among the dogs becomes apparent. Growls take on shape and meaning even though colored by fun. Invitations to engage are passed between them through barks, whines, and whimpers. And, joy is discovered in their cacophonous chorus of yips and hollers that chase away the bad guys passing by the house--so much fun that they continue on in their rousing glee long after the threat has passed. Learning in humans is fun and exciting. In addition, it is said that it increases and preserves brain function. It is entirely conceivable that the same is true for animals. We all need challenges. Challenge your pet and why not yourself with frequent play dates, (and don’t forget the Christmas stocking stuffed with puppy playthings!), then time for a well-deserved treat and nap. Linda plays in Portland with two Australian Labradoodles and a springer spaniel/border collie. And, her husband.
Please Support Our Advertisers MIDCOAST Ames True Value, Wiscasset ....... 10 Blake Vet ............................................ 16 Damariscotta Veterinary Clinic.... 12 Loyal Biscuit ....................................... 2 Quirk Subaru .................................... 16 The Animal House .......................... 2 Two Salty Dogs ................................ 6 Yankee Clipper.................................... 6 SOUTHERN Camp Bow Wow ............................. 16 DogAHolick ........................................ 2 Maine Veterinary Referral Center.......... .. 5 Pet Connection ............................... 10 Pleasant Hill Kennels .................... 12 Portland Veterinary Specialists..... 5 Tender Touch-Groovy Tuesday .. 11 Tender Touch-Vaccinations .......... 11 Uncommon Paws ............................ 10 York Bark & Play .............................. 10
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December 2013
The Greg & Axel Show A wonderful photo re-cap of The Greg & Axel Show that took place on Friday, November 15th. Greg & Axel even brought the students special care packs put together by friends! Each one had gloves, hat, sweatshirt, pictures af Axel and, of course, magic wands! Keep up the good work Greg & Axel!
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Downeast Dog News
Basic Training Tips by Diana Logan
Fun is just another word for learning Incorporate games into teaching
Dogs are a “neotenous” species; juvenile traits persist throughout their lives, unlike most other mammals. They don’t care about “working” or personal responsibility – they just “ wanna” have fun. Puppies: what isn’t to love? They are full of vim and vigor, action and enthusiasm. When observing puppies, it’s clear that much of their time is spent in the pursuit of play. They play with toys, furniture, rugs, each other… and anything that moves - such as the family cat or that roll of toilet paper. Playing teaches them about the world, about boundaries, about problemsolving. It’s an essential part of development.
Introducing the concept of “learning equals fun” early in your pup’s life will build an amazing foundation – and you will be at its center acting as his personal activities director. Your puppy will become addicted to learning the right stuff if it’s “gamified.”
We can take advantage of the tremendous power of play when teaching everything from good manners to coming when called and everything in between.
If you read my column in last month’s Downeast Dog News, you remember that many desired behaviors are actually trained skills rather than innate behaviors.
Our puppies will be more likely to learn and maintain a solid recall if it is introduced as an exciting game that will result in “winning” instead of a game they risk losing something for. The same goes for sits and downs, for leash walking, and for nail trimming. Pretty much anything we want to teach our dogs we can teach by “gamifying” it. How to Gamify: Does your puppy want the toy you are holding? If he sits and gives you eye contact, he wins it! Does he love to tug? When he voluntarily drops the tug toy (you may have to trade it for a treat at first), he gets invited to tug again! Then there’s leash walking… if he can walk beside you without a tight leash, he gets to move forward. If not, he goes nowhere. For handling such as nail trimming or grooming, I make sure there’s lots of food and very short sessions. Handle/ feed simultaneously for 3 seconds, then stop. Repeat a bunch of times and Puppy will beg to be handled some more.
opportunities as you can, and those good habits will take hold and blossom! If the humans don’t gamify it, Puppy is sure to do so on his own, and his rules leave a lot to be desired. The more fun something is, the more likely we are to do it whether we are dog or human. After all, who wants learning to be boring, or at worst, intimidating or painful? From James Paul Gee’s book on gaming: • Games provide instant feedback; • Games cultivate progressive learning; increasing a player’s competence through an increase in level of difficulty while remaining achievable; • Games allow players to be producers and not just consumers. Visit to see how gamification can alter human behavior, from driving the speed limit to taking the stairs vs. the escalator. Now, go play... and have fun!
Anytime your puppy wants something is the perfect time to train. Capitalize on as many
Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connection Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine 207-252-9352
December 2013
Happy HowlGifts for the Canine Lover By Susan Spisak
Holiday shopping may have you mumbling “bah humbug,” but don’t despair. If you’re lucky enough to have canine-loving family and friends on your list, gear gifting towards that passion can’t go wrong. Visit Maine’s pet friendly retailers, enjoy their festively decorated shops and boutiques— don’t forget their cheery websites—and you’ll find presents sure to please. Is there someone on your list who travels with Fido in tow? He might have a need for a seat cover that will protect his vehicle’s upholstery from fur and muddy or wet paws. A car harness is another option—it will keep his buddy buckled in and some harnesses double as a walking harness. If his dog is petite, consider a booster seat for safe riding. For a hiker who shares
treks with his pet, put together a bag of goodies. Start with a collapsible bowl and bottles of water; add in nut r it iou s, all-nat u ral t r e a t s for both. Don’t forget biodegradable pet waste bags and a clip-on safety light for early morn or dusk jaunts. Finish with a guide book on hiking with dogs and he’ll be thrilled. For the camera happy, buy canine inspired frames, so he can display shots of his furry friend. A scrapbook with dog themed papers, stickers, and embellishments is another idea for crafty ones. For the not-socrafty, wrap up a photo album that they can fill to remember time well spent with their dogs. Do you have a trendy friend who keeps her dog fashion forward? There are plenty of specialty collars and matching leashes, caps, scarves, and sweaters to boot. Your friend probably keeps her pal clipped and coiffed; a gift card to a groomer’s will delight. Maybe you need a small gift for a teacher or staffer at your vet’s. There’s an array of breed
inspired calendars, note pads, stationary, pens, and magnets that say “Season’s Greetings.” For a close friend or sister, purchase an assortment of those items, arrange in a basket, wrap in cellophane and tie it all up with a bow for a unique, thoughtful present. For the new dog owner, consider a pet key chain, leash holder, handcrafted ID collar tag, or a tin of organic biscuits. To keep his canine’s mouth busy, look for chew, puzzle, or tug toys, tough plastic balls, or interactive games. Books on animal health and wellness will be appreciated. If you want to spend a little more, consider a dog bed, soft crate, or training class gift certificate. If there’s a
no-nonsense rescue advocate on your list, make a donation to his favorite animal non-profit in his name. Notate the gesture in a card along with a dog-inspired coffee mug or ball cap and call it a day. You may feel like you didn’t search for the right gift, but it’ll probably be one of his favorites. Forget your inner Scrooge. Embrace this joyful season when area towns and shops are transformed into magical wonderlands. They’re brimming with twinkling lights, pretty wreaths, and fresh garlands, and if you look closely, you’ll spot a few elves. Make a day of it, and get out and support the local merchants. Happy Holidays!
- id ay s from DDN! Below are some great places to search for holiday gifts for the dogs or dog lovers in your life! Those retailers with storefronts are also listed on our map. 3
Don't forget your furry friends this Holiday!
Visit Paws Applause for all your pets stocking stuffer needs. We have a wide selection of toys, treats, custom collars and leashes. Come in and enjoy many holiday specials throughout our store.
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Wagging tails always guaranteed.
211 Marginal Way, Portland 207.347.8606
get ready. get set.
get merry! toys, gifts, and treats for every best friend on your list
Augusta, ME 152 Western Ave 207-623-2939
There's no paws button,
winter is here. Keep all dogs (big and small) warm all season long with our wide selection of jackets, sweaters, and coats.
Wiscasset, ME 681 Bath Rd 207-882-5492
Scarborough, ME 200 Expedition Dr 207-883-3674
South Portland, ME visit us online at 50 Market St for all locations 207-799-7282
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GREAT SELECTION, GREAT PRICES AND A HELPFUL STAFF. WE HAVE IT ALL! n Huge selectiot a c d n a g of do foods!
By Baxter
Christmastime Last year I vowed I’d check myself into a kennel rather than suffer through another stressful Christmas holiday – but I’ve had a year to calm down, and I’ve forgotten exactly why it was so stressful. And besides, I would have to convince my humans to take me to a kennel, and I think they are more interested in having me around – though I don’t know why. They are so wrapped up in themselves they have little time for their faithful canine. Mostly I get left home while they go shopping in the middle of the night, or I’m forgotten as they glue themselves to their computer. In the event they might read this column, here is my Christmas list: I want to see our young humans who have moved away. I want to see them in the worst way. I hope they come home. My humans have more shoes than I can count on all the claws on all my paws – including my dewclaws. Some are very old and never worn. Couldn’t they give me one to chew on? I’d make it last. A nice big all-day marrow bone would be a welcome gift. I don’t mind taking it outside. In fact, with my coat I’d rather take it outside. I would like to participate in that annual orgy of cooking and eating that materializes every Christmas. I don’t really have any interest in cooking, but I’m willing to help clean up any messes, and I wouldn’t mind helping with the results either. There is always way more than even a room full of humans can possibly eat, so I offer my help. It’s the least I can do. And to you and your human and dog families, have a very merry Christmas, a nice snowy winter, and a wonderful new year. Chow! Baxter
Nutro Pro Pac Candidae Iams
Blue Seal By Nature Fromm Wysong Innova Solid Gold
Pedigree Purina Pro Plan Science Diet Taste of the Wild Eukanuba
Merrick Max Triumph Whiskas Friskies
U.S. Route 1, Wiscasset Mon.-Fri. 7:00 - 5:30 Sat. 7:00 - 5:00 Closed Sun.
Bring your dog to check out our great supply of pet foods and toys!
103 Tripp Lake Rd. Poland, ME 04274
207.998.3358 Find us on Faceb
• Boarding for cats, small to medium sized dogs, & other critters
Watch Going Places with Charlie & Penny Crockett
• Daycare offered 7 days a week
on Maine TV Channel 85 in Time Warner Cable
• NEW online camera service so you can view your pup while away! • Spacious rooms with couch and tv play area
License #F628
Over 10 years of trusted experience!
Maine-Made Collars Leashes Apparel Organic Treats Natural Toys
Going Places airs everyday at 9 AM, 7 PM , and 3 AM. On Wednesdays and Sundays, Going Places features an exciting auction from Thomaston Place Auction Galleries with auctioneer Kaja Veilleux.
Upcoming, Going Places shows will feature a tour of the USS San Antonio, led by the Commander and his Executive Officer; the Launch of the Fife Yacht Adventuress in Rockport Harbor; a float trip down the Upper Colorado River, a trip along the famed Route 66 and highlights of the National Toboggan Championships at the Camden Snow Bowl.
Going Places Goes to the Dogs Coming soon we will continue our series of shows dedicated to our furry friends.
Sports Fans, be sure to watch Camden Hills, Oceanside, and Medomak Valley High School girls & boys basketball, wrestling, and ice hockey on Time Warner Cable, Maine TV CH 85 at 3 PM, 8 PM, and Midnight.
Check our Facebook page, “C2 Productions” for the current listings of our Going Places shows and sports events.
Downeast Dog News
TRAINING YOUR PERFORMANCE DOG Agility, Obedience, Tracking Turmoil in Training
5-6 exercises to perform in each class. That is plenty of time to make mistakes and a long time to stay connected. In agility, runs are 35 seconds to maybe 75 seconds, and many times the dog has no idea he went the wrong way or knocked a bar. It was fun to run around and sometimes it is over before you know it! Obedience presents a challenge because of the nature of the sport. We must remain focused and connected and supportive of our canine partner through several exercises over an extended period of time involving set ups and moving to various places in the ring and responding to a judge. This is where the false bottom, created by improper use of food, begins to give way. The dog does not receive food in the ring and has learned that food means he is right. Without food, the dog begins to feel he is not correct in his
back. This is your responsibility, and you must work hard to get back the dog you want. In order to successfully gain and keep your dog’s attention, you must give your attention to the dog. You must learn how to keep your dog interested in you. This takes a tremendous amount of energy, patience, and consistency. You must work very hard to keep the joy in training. It is so much easier to offer a piece of food. Toys and food are certainly good rewards, but the joy, fairness, consistency, and clarity of training must come from you. This is the joy of obedience that comes from a true relationship based on trust. This is what makes it fun. Praise must be your primary motivation. Your praise and your dog’s response to it reflect the true nature of your relationship. It is our responsibility as trainers to take full responsibility for what our dogs know and do. We need to treat their minds and emotions with respect by being fair and clear in our instruction and motivating them to enjoy learning. Have fun in obedience.
Obedience requires that the dog perform an exercise on command. One command = one response. You don’t get a second chance – these are the rules. The turmoil in training is caused by your dog not understanding one or more of the following: performance and starts to hesitate 1. What you want or slow down. Now the handler gets 2. When you want it nervous or stressed and everything 3. How you want it starts to fall apart. Now no one likes 4. If you like it (were they obedience. correct?) How do we as teachers of our This is not a simple problem to dogs bridge the communication solve once the dog is unsure or gap and truly create a partnership stressed, but it could have been based on trust, clarity, and fairness? avoided if the handler understood You must learn to recognize how to properly teach each exercise. bright attention in your dog and So many times people say I never train with less dog. You like agility better than obedience must learn to recognize the subtle because my dog is happier. It is the changes of diminishing cooperation nature of the sport. In obedience, or distraction and stop training until we are in the ring 5 to 15 minutes, you get cooperation and attention depending upon the class, with Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 75 AKC titles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker titles. You can contact her with questions, suggestions and ideas for her column by e-mailing
Includes FVRCP and RABIES VACCINES Call us for details. (207) 839-7456 Tender Touch Veterinary Hospital 336 Gorham Road, Scarborough, ME 04074
VACCINATION CLINICS Last Sunday of Every Month from 8am-11am
Tender Touch Veterinary Hospital & Home Care 336 Gorham Road, Scarborough, ME 04074 (207) 839-7456 WE ARE A FULL SERVICE HOSPITAL OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK
Don’t just go to a clinic - HAVE A VET!
Buy one new subscription, get one free to use as a gift for your favorite dog-lover this holiday season!
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December 2013
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Return these forms with $30 to: Downeast Dog News 6 Leland St., Rockland, ME 04841
Pet Travel Tips
Holiday Road Trip Edition From It’s almost time to go over the river and through the woods and start your holiday travels with your pet, possibly staying at pet friendly hotels along the way. Before you start thinking of presents and egg nog, keep in mind that it’s important to plan ahead for pet travel and always keep the best interests of your furry, four-legged friend in mind. Traveling with your pet can be a wonderful and bonding experience or a not so pleasant one. It’s all a matter of proper planning and preparation. Your first decision is whether to bring your pet along with you on your trip. Not all pets are suited for travel. While it may be very tempting to bring your pet with you, keep in mind that not all pets are happy travelers. Things to consider include your pet’s temperament, any physical impairments, or if your pet suffers from an illness. If you’re uncertain whether your pet is suited for travel, you may want to consult with your veterinarian. If you determine that your pet is up for the trip, then following some common sense tips will help to ensure that your Thanksgiving travels with your furry friend is enjoyable for both of you! Pre-TrAvel PrePArATiOn Healthy Start: The last thing you need is a sick pet when traveling. This means a visit to the vet for a medical checkup and to ensure that your pet is up-to-date with all necessary vaccinations. The veterinarian can also issue a health certificate for your pet. If you and your pet will be traveling across state lines, you must obtain a recent health certificate and a certificate of rabies vaccination. If your plans include traveling with your pet from the United States to Canada, you will need to bring along a certificate issued by a veterinarian that clearly identifies the animal and certifies that your pet has been
vaccinated against rabies during the preceding 36 month period. Be sure to contact the government of the province you plan to visit as each province has its own requirements. Plan for Restraint: Have a plan for how you’re going to properly restrain your pet in your vehicle. This is a crucial element of pet travel that is not taken seriously enough. The reality is that hundreds of pets are injured or even killed each year because they are allowed free reign in cars, trucks, RVs, and SUVs. Even more real is the toll in human life and property damage caused when an “enthusiastic” animal distracts a driver, leading to an accident. Vehicle pet barriers, pet seat belts, pet car seats, and pet travel crates are all excellent ways to keep your pet (and you) safe when traveling in your vehicle. It’s important to familiarize your pet with the vehicle restraint of choice weeks or months before traveling so that they are comfortable. Temporary ID Tag: In the unfortunate event that your pet runs off while you’re traveling. A temporary identification tag, along with a photo of your pet will help ensure their safe return. Attach
a temporary ID tag to your pet’s collar in addition to their permanent tag. Include the address and phone number of where you’ll be staying along with your cell phone number and perhaps your email address. This is one of the most important aspects of traveling with your pet, but also one of the most overlooked. In addition, bring along a current photo of your pet. A photograph will make it easier for others to help you find your lost pet. Packing Essentials: When packing for your pet include an ample supply of your pet’s food. Don’t rely on stopping along the way to pick up their food or picking it up at your final destination. Their particular brand of food may not be readily available and it is not advisable to introduce your pet to a new brand of food while traveling. Other essentials to pack for your pet include collapsible travel food and water bowls, bedding, litter and litter box, leash, collar and tags, favorite toys, grooming supplies, a pet first-aid kit and any necessary medications. And of course, be sure to always have an ample supply of water available for your pet.
Secure Pet Friendly Accommodations: If you’re planning a long journey and will need to stay in lodging on the way to your final destination, be sure to secure these pet friendly accommodations before you hit the road. Map out where you’ll be spending the night and arrange for lodging along the way. Our Search By Route will allow you to find pet friendly lodging along your route by plugging in your origination location and final destination. Pet policies do change some times without notice and accommodations may be limited so it’s recommended that you make reservations in advance. Medical Records: In case of a medical emergency while traveling, it is advisable to bring along your pets medical records along with your vet’s contact information should they be needed for consultation. HiTTing THe rOAd No Heads Out the Window: Although many pets find that sticking their head out the window is the best part of the road trip, it’s not safe.
See TRIP on page 13
Downeast Dog News
Dogs for Adoption Seegold, 3 yrs, Greyhound
He is a big handsome black retired racer, with lots of energy to play. FMI: Maine Greyhound Placement Service, 207-846-4707
Sponsored by
Little River Veterinary Hospital 207-338-2909 1333 Atlantic Highway, Northport, ME
Austell, 7 mos., Pit Bull Mix
A polite and friendly boy who would make a wonderful family dog with his social and sweet nature. If you are interested in adopting please contact The Animal Welfare Society at 207-985-3244 or visit us online at Our Adoption Center is open from 11 AM to 7 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and from 11 AM to 4 PM Saturday and Sunday.
Sponsored by Zeke’s Dog Retreat
Bentley, 8 mos., Boxer Mix
Bentley, a spayed, sweet dog who loves to be with people. He will do extremely well in a home with children and other animals. He listens well and is very well behaved. He is a calm puppy with a sweet personality. Looking for the right home for this great dog. Please contact: Sponsored by
Full Circle Holistic Veterinary Clinic 207-338-6700 81 Belmont Avenue, Belfast, ME
Levi, 5 yrs, Greyhound
A large brindle male retired racer, who’s energetic and enjoys attention. FMI: Maine Greyhound Placement Service, 207-846-4707
Sponsored by
Eastern Tire & Auto Service
207-594-5250 70 Park St., Rockland, ME
Wall-E, 4 yrs, Greyhound
A retired racer, she is a beautiful dark brindle color, playful and very friendly. FMI: Maine Greyhound Placement Service, 207-846-4707
Harper, 1.5 yrs, Lab/Pit Bull Mix
Luann, 5 yrs, Bloodhound
If you are interested in adopting please contact The Animal Welfare Society at 207-985-3244 or visit us online at www. Our Adoption Center is open from 11 AM to 7 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and from 11 AM to 4 PM Saturday and Sunday.
If you are interested in adopting please contact The Animal Welfare Society at 207-985-3244 or visit us online at www. Our Adoption Center is open from 11 AM to 7 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and from 11 AM to 4 PM Saturday and Sunday.
A fun-loving boy who loves, loves, loves playing with tennis balls and getting attention from his people.
Can be a little cautious, but a sweet and lovable companion who loves to follow her nose.
TRIP from page 12 Your pet can easily be injured by flying debris. This should go without saying, but NEVER travel with a pet in the back of a pickup truck. Some states have laws restricting such transport and it is always dangerous. Frequent Pit Stops: Always provide frequent bathroom and exercise breaks. Most travel service areas have designated areas for walking your pet. Be sure to stay in this area particularly when you pet needs a potty break, and of course, bring along a bag to pick up after your pet. When outside your vehicle, make sure that your pet is always on a leash and wearing a collar with a permanent and temporary travel identification tag. Proper Hydration: During your pit stops be sure to provide your pet with some fresh water to wet their whistle. Occasionally traveling can upset your pet’s stomach. Take along
December 2013
ice cubes, which are easier on your pet than large amounts of water. Watch the Food Intake: It is recommended that you keep feeding to a minimum during travel. Be sure to feed them their regular pet food and resist the temptation to give them some of your fast food burger or fries (that never has a good ending!). Don’t Leave Them Alone: Never leave your pet unattended in a parked vehicle. On warm days, the temperature in your vehicle can rise to 120 degrees in minutes, even with the windows slightly open. In addition, an animal left alone in a vehicle is an open invitation to pet thieves. Practice Restraint: Be sure that your pet is safely restrained in your vehicle. Utilizing a pet safety harness, travel kennel, vehicle pet barrier, or pet car seat are the best ways to keep your pet safe.
They not only protect your pet from injury, but they help by keeping them from distracting you as you drive. A safety harness functions like a seatbelt. While most pets will not have a problem adjusting to it, you may want to let them wear the harness by itself a few times before using it in the vehicle. If your pet prefers a travel kennel, be sure it is well ventilated and stabilized. Many pet owners prefer vehicle barriers, particularly for larger pets. Vehicle barriers are best suited for SUVs. Smaller pets are best suited for pet car seats. The car seat is secured in the back seat using a seat belt and your pet is secured in the car seat with a safety harness. In addition to it’s safety features, a pet car seat will prop up your smaller pet, allowing them to better look out the window. No matter what method you choose, back seat travel is always safer for
your pet. Safe and Comfortable: Whatever method you choose to properly restrain your pet in your vehicle, be sure to make their comfort a priority. Just as it’s important for your “seat” to be comfortable for your long road trip, your pet’s seat should be comfortable too. Typically their favorite blanket or travel bed will do the trick. There are also some safe and very cozy pet car seats available that your pet may find quite comfy. Careful preparation is the key to ensuring that you and your pet have a happy and safe trip. See more at: www.tripswithpets. com.
December C lendar To submit or get more information on the events below, go online to
Make sure to go out and play in the winter weather! Bundle up! Matching Grant for Donations to Pope Memorial Humane Society’s Capital Campaign
Thomaston Throughout December The Pope Memorial Humane Society of Knox County (PMHSKC) has announced that donations and pledges to its capital campaign made prior to the end of 2013 will be matched by Lyman Pope, up to a maximum amount of $100,000. All gifts and pledges must be made by December 31, 2013 and will be matched on a first-come, first-served basis until the $100,000 level is reached. Multi-year pledges are welcome (pledges over time require a signed pledge form). There is no upper limit on the size of a single gift. For more information or to request a pledge form, contact Executive Director Tracy Sala at 594-4897, or visit PMHSKC’s website,
Above and Beyond Great Dane Rescue at Pet Quarters Scarborough Sun. December 1 Meet with the members of this organization as they appear at Pet Quarters. These regal dogs make a great impression on all who meet them! Noon to 2 PM.
Free Rabies Clinic
Lincolnville Sat. December 7 The Waldo County Humane Society will host their final rabies clinic of the year, Saturday, December 7 2013 at the Lincolnville Center Fire Station, 470 Camden Road (Route 52), in Lincolnville Center, from 9:00 to 11:00am. The rabies shot will be free to animals residing in Waldo County. Pets from other counties are welcome to come for shots for a small fee. Donations will be gratefully accepted. Please bring all animals on leashes or in portable pet carriers. In addition to the rabies shot, coupon discounts toward the cost of having pets spayed or neutered can be picked up at any Waldo County Humane Society
Rabies Clinic. For information about Waldo County Humane Society’s Rabies Clinics call 852-5033 or find us on Facebook.
AWS Open House
West Kennebunk Sat. December 7 Christmas Open House at the Animal Welfare Society on Holland Road in West Kennebunk from 12-3. Enjoy some holiday treats, have your pet’s photo taken with Santa, do some holiday shopping and celebrate another amazing year with the staff and volunteers from AWS. For more information, call Animal Welfare Society ( at 9853244 x 117.
Ugly Christmas Sweater Dance
Rockland Sat. December 7 Join Us for the Ugly Christmas Sweater Dance on Saturday - December 7, 2013 at the Rockland American Legion Post 335 Limerock Street - Rockland, ME $10 Admission with Proceeds Benefiting The Pope Memorial Humane Society of Knox County. Silent Auction - Raffles - AND, The UGLY Christmas Sweater Contest with 1st and 2nd Prizes!
Maine Greyhound Placement Services at Pet Quarters
Scarborough Sat. December 7 Meet these gentle retired racing dogs and consider adopting one (or two) for yourself. This loyal organization has been visiting Scarborough Pet Quarters monthly for as long as we remember. We have visiting greyhounds in the store as well so our customers can experience their kind and gentle dispositions. Visit us today! 11AM to 2 PM.
Planet Dog Annual Sit With Santa Fundraiser
Portland Sun. December 8 Families, kids and dogs are invited to have
their pictures taken with Santa. Join us for either session with Santa. Everyone will leave with one printed image, and will be able to access all images via Flickr for download the following day. All proceeds benefit the Planet Dog Foundation grant program, funding dogs that help people in need. Just $10! Please call 207.347.8606 for more details.
Maine Labrador Retriever Rescue at Pet Quarters
Scarborough Sat. December 14 Meet the members of this organization that has placed many dogs during their visits to Pet Quarters. Many dogs and puppies go home on this day to homes already arranged via internet and telephone contact with the Labrador Retriever Rescue organization. Because of the need for homes for dogs from shelters from Southern States, some of the dogs are not Labradors, and some are Labrador mixed breeds. Come by to see these wonderful reunions take place in real life! 11 AM to 3 PM.
Holiday Cookie Swap
Scarborough Sat. December 14 Join us for our 4th Holiday Cookie Swap at Finish Forward Dogs from 5PM to 7PM! Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 cookie (or dessert) recipes, as determined by our all canine panel of judges! Human and Canine Recipes are welcome! Come fill a plate of scrumptious tasties! $5.00 donations will go to the York County Shelter Program.
AWS at the Pooch Parade
Kennebunkport Sun. December 15 Watch AWS Adoptable Dogs in the Third Annual Pooch Parade in Kennebunkport. The parade leaves Consolidated School on School Street in Kennebunkport at 11am. Look for AWS crafters under the tent. For more information, call Animal Welfare Society ( at 985-3244 x 117.
AWS at the Portland Children’s Museum
Portland Sat. December 21 Join the Animal Welfare Society of West Kennebunk Humane Educator and a shelter pet at the Children’s Museum and Theatre of Maine on Free Street in Portland for a hands-on program about animal care and handling from 10:30 -11:30. Meet some great animals and learn about Pet Care and Handling. The Children’s Museum is at 142 Free Street, Portland, Maine (207-828-1234). For more information, call Animal Welfare Society ( at 9853244 x 117.
JJ Pet Photography at Pet Quarters
Scarborough Sat. December 21 Have updated professional digital pictures taken of your pets. Having photos done digitally means you have a great opportunity to pick out the exact look and expression you want on your pet’s photograph. If you look at the Chihuahua duet picture on the easel at Pet Quarters Scarborough, you will see exactly what we are saying. Book your photo session. Walk-ins welcomed..... For answers to questions about prices and photo packages available, please call 207725-6803.
Do you have an upcoming event? Let us know about it ad we will include it on this page. Non-Profits are Free, Business $15 per month, or Free with ad running in present month. Send info to
Event schedules are subject to change. Contact individual event organizers to confirm times and locations. Downeast Dog News is not responsible for changes or errors.
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WANT TO WORK WITH DOWNEAST DOG NEWS? Downeast Dog News is currently seeking a part-time salesperson to assist in marketing to new advertisers and maintaining relationships with our current clients. If you have a passion for dogs, pets and the animal-loving communities of Maine, this is a great opportunity to become even more involved! Our sales position would ideal for someone looking for additional income or anyone else who enjoys flexible hours and the ability to control their earnings! Please send your resume to Katie Grant, Publisher at This is a part-time, commission only position.
DOWNEAST DOG NEWS Would like to wish you and your pets a very happy and safe Holiday season! Thanks for another great year!
December 2013
Ok, so maybe you can’t adopt this little one, but you can still help us get her a good home! We have received a $100,000 donation challenge from shelter benefactor, Mr. Lyman Pope. Dollar for dollar, the donation will match the next $100,000 raised for the new animal shelter so your gift will go twice as far!* All gifts and pledges must be made by December 31, 2013 and will be matched until the $100,000 level is reached. For more information contact Executive Director Tracy Sala at 594-4897 or * Please indicate “Capital Campaign” on your check and mail to P.O. Box 1294, Rockland, Maine 04841 or stop by the shelter at 17 Buttermilk Lane, Thomaston, Maine 04861.
Maine Lic #F1083
789 • 5700 small animal medicine • surgery • dentistry luxury boarding • grooming • daycare