2 minute read
Catching up with Sisters
Meet longtime Downers Grove residents Leigh Buehler and April Katsafanas
Downers Grove Roots. [Leigh] We were born and raised in Downers Grove. We’ve been in the area since the 1950s. Our parents later moved to unincorporated Naperville, but we were still in the Downers Grove school system. I went to Downers Grove North where our parents graduated as well. We were members of First Baptist Church in Downers Grove and did most of our activities in Downers Grove.
Our house. [April] In 1987, our parents bought the home in downtown Downers Grove where I currently reside. Our mom passed away in 2013, and our dad moved out of the house, offering to sell it to me and my family. I wasn’t sure—the house, which was built in 1940, needed a lot of work. But my husband said to me, ‘now that your sister lives in the neighborhood, are you going to be okay driving by and seeing another family’s kids playing in the front yard’? That was it. We bought the house in 2015.
A few doors down. [Leigh] My house is in Denburn Woods. It’s our family’s second BY KERRIE KENNEDY
house in Downers Grove, and it’s just 8 houses down from April’s house. Our kids go to school together, which is so cool.
Kid central. [April] Our dad was always involved with the homeowners association here and because of that, we got to know a lot of the neighbors. I’ve really noticed the past five years or so there’s been a large turnover. A lot of folks of certain generation have moved away, so we’re getting a lot of younger families. When I was in 7th grade, there were two or three other kids my age at our annual block party. Now, the block party is chalkful of kids! Where everybody knows your name. [Leigh] I’ve noticed a trend where a lot of the families that were here in the 80s, their now adult kids have moved back into the neighborhood, just like April and I both did. It’s great being back amongst people I have known forever. I love going out and walking around and always running into someone I know.
Summertime, summertime. [April] I love summertime here—the car shows and the sidewalk sales, farmers markets and Tuesdays in the Park. There’s always something happening here. There are so many options for adults and children.
Coming home. [Leigh] I love the trees and the wildlife and the natural setting where I am in Denburn Woods. April and I had both lived in the city before we moved back to Downers Grove, and were both initially concerned about the slower pace. But Downers Grove has so much to offer socially, and we’re now taking our kids to the same places our mom took us to. It’s been a real coming home for us both! ■
If you know a Downers Grove resident who should be featured on this page, email anne@hinsdalemag.com