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Goal 6: Sustained commitment to ending homelessness from the Downey City Council
from Downey Homeless Plan
by downeyca
Policy Changes Discuss with City-contracted outreach consultant the possibility of prioritizing presence at faith community gatherings Measurement Service providers are present at 50 percent of faith community gatherings Timeline 12 months Ownership City Manager’s Office; Coast to Coast Leveraged City Resources Existing Agreement for Professional Services with Coast to Coast Foundation Funding Opportunities General Fund County Strategy Alignment E7 City Policy Alignment N/A Action 5c: Encourage faith communities to offer a variety of intersecting services to people experiencing homelessness 1) Low cost/free English language classes, 2) Employment services, 3) Safe Parking, 4) Monitored shower/bathroom access, 5) Support networks for people moving out of homelessness, and 6) Sponsoring Move In Programs. Policy Changes No associated policy changes required Measurement Clergy Council provides list of available services to Subcommittee on Homelessness, Coast to Coast, and Kingdom Causes Bellflower Timeline 12 months Ownership Downey’s Clergy Council Leveraged City Resources N/A Funding Opportunities HUD Continuum of Care County Strategy Alignment E7, E8 City Policy Alignment N/A
Goal 6: Sustained commitment to ending homelessness from the Downey City Council
Ending homelessness takes time and sustained commitment. Goal 6 aims to ensure that the City’s commitment to addressing this issue does not end when council members change or when State and County priorities shift. Ongoing commitment provides a sense of security to service providers in the City and ensures residents are aware of City efforts to end homelessness.
Approachable Action Items
Action 6a: Create a permanent Subcommittee on Homelessness. Policy Changes Make the City Council Subcommittee on Homelessness a standing Subcommittee Measurement Establish subcommittee as a standing subcommittee Timeline 12 months Ownership City Council Leveraged City Resources Staff time
Funding Opportunities Funding not required
County Strategy Alignment N/A
City Policy Alignment N/A
Growth Action Items
Action 6b: Ensure that the City practices SB 2 requirements. Policy Changes The City’s Housing Element is in compliance with SB 2. The City should continue to include identification of the unmet need for emergency shelters and information about potential sites zoned by-right (Public Counsel, 27).
The City should continue to define transitional and supportive housing in the zoning code to be consistent with SB 2, and state that supportive and transitional housing are residential uses (Public Counsel 28). Measurement Provide annual reports outlining applications for bridge, supportive, and affordable housing along with the outcomes of the applications to the City Council Subcommittee on Homelessness Timeline 12 months Ownership Community Development Department Leveraged City Resources Staff time Funding Opportunities Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG); Fee waivers for nonprofits County Strategy Alignment E8, F1 City Policy Alignment The City’s Housing Element is in full compliance with State Housing Element Law (HCD). Therefore, the City is in compliance with the major requirements of SB 2 (see Appendix I). Action 6c: Voice City support for the Everyone In Campaign spearheaded by United Way of Greater Los Angeles and invite representatives from the Everyone In Campaign to Subcommittee and City Council meetings. Policy Changes Adopt Everyone In Resolution Measurement Adoption of Everyone In Resolution (Appendix G) Timeline 6 months Ownership Subcommittee on Homelessness Leveraged City Resources Time at City Council meeting Funding Opportunities Funding not required County Strategy Alignment N/A City Policy Alignment
2014-2021 Housing Element: Goal 1, Program 3 – “Monitor and
Preserve Affordable Housing”: “The Housing Division will continue to pursue partnership opportunities with non-profits to preserve and expand affordable housing in the City” (22).