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Statement of Cash Flows - Proprietary Funds
from City of Downey Annual Comprehensive Financial Report For Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021
by downeyca
were incurred in the governmental funds as opposed to the enterprise funds. The GASB 68 adjustment allocates CalPERS expenses by fund and the CalPERS liability is based on the percentage of CalPERS costs in the fund. Therefore, the pension contra expenses in Water Fund decrease by 2.2 million as opposed to increase prior year of 1.7. And the Sewer pension contra expense this year decreased by 523 thousand as opposed to FY19-20 an increase of 610 thousand. Golf had 140 thousand or 4.70%. increase in expenditures. This is expected as more tournaments and revenues were generated and therefore there was an increase in operational expenditures such as water and management service fees.
City of Downey Summary of Net Position Business- Type Activities For Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Amounts Expressed in Thousands)
Amount Business-Type Activities Increase REVENUES: 2021 2020 (Decrease)
Program Revenues: Charges for Services 24,620 22,296 2,324
General Revenues: Use of Money and Property 138 779 (641) Other Revenues 493 202 291
Total Revenues 25,251 23,277 1,974 EXPENSES:
Program Activities Water Golf 10,825 14,789 (3,964) 3,119 2,979 140 Sewer and Storm Drain 1,933 3,812 (1,879)
Total Expenses 15,877 21,580 (5,703)
Excess/(Shortage) of Revenues Over Expenses 9,374 1,697 7,677 TRANSFERS:
Transfer-in - - -
Transfer-out (898) (205) (693)