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The Return of Spirit Song

THIS MONTH, Indigenous culture takes centre stage in St. John’s, NL, as musicians, artists, storytellers and more meet in the city for the sixth annual Spirit Song Festival. It’s a beautiful, inclusive celebration that has grown by leaps and bounds in just a few years.

“Our first year had six different acts in one show – this year we have 10 acts in three different shows, so it’s all very exciting!” says Jenelle Duval, the arts and culture coordinator with First Light (formerly the St. John’s Native Friendship Centre).

In 2013, when Spirit Song launched, “we didn’t see many festivals or events dedicated to showcasing NL’s incredible Indigenous artists,” Jenelle explains. “Spirit Song became a way for Indigenous artists to see themselves on the stage and to get the community excited about performance and the arts.”

The first festival was three showings of the same show at LSPU Hall, plus two workshops and a community feast.

“It has evolved and changed so much since its humble beginnings, and has become a way for Indigenous artists from all across the country to join us in St. John’s,” Jenelle says.

Some of those artists have included Terrance Littletent (Kawacatoose Cree Nation grass/hoop dancer), Twin Flames (First Nations/Inuit folk-rock), Eastern Eagle (a men’s Mi’kmaq drum group), Possesom Paul (dancer/choreographer of Wolastoqey Nation in New Brunswick), Michael R Denny (Mi’kmaq traditional singer), Strength of the Drum (St. John’s first Inuit drumdancing group) and Robin Benoit (Miawpukek First Nation shawl dancer), just to name a few artists.

All photos Jennie Williams

Last year, their fifth anniversary, was a big one for the Spirit Song Festival. “The main stage was magical as a room of 500 people sang along to the Twin Flames at the First Light Centre for Performance and Creativity. To see St. John’s pour so much love in one space and have such a large circle of support was incredible,” she recalls.

Chelsey June and Jaaji of Twin Flames recall their 2018 showcase. “We were honoured to be a part of the Spirit Song Festival. St. John’s has a very special place in our hearts,” they wrote via email to Downhome. “We instantly felt welcomed into the community by the amazing staff and fellow musicians. We are grateful to see a place where our Indigenous people can find community. We hope to come back again someday.”

New year, new lineup

The 2019 festival will be held at several locations in the capital city November 21-23. There are three shows at different venues, and six workshops held at First Light and Eastern Edge Gallery.

This year’s Performance Series lineup features the Snotty Nose Rez Kids and DJ Kookum at The Rockhouse; Jeremy Dutcher at The Arts and Culture Centre; and The Jerry Cans, Michael R Denny, Eastern Owl, Wape’k Muin and more at the Spirit Song Gala.

The Knowledge Share Series boasts a number of workshops, such as braiding with Megan Musseau, a songwriting workshop with The Jerry Cans, a throat-singing workshop with The Blake Sisters, Pow Wow dancing with Possesom Paul, sweetgrass basket weaving with Burlington Tooshkenig, and a Kojua workshop with Michael R. Denny, at various locations including Eastern Edge Art Gallery and First Light Centre for Performance and Creativity.

“It seems that as time goes on, and the festival builds its reputation, we have ever-increasing community support, more excitement, more volunteers, and more artists eager to take part,” Jenelle says.

Scenes from past Spirit Song Festivals in St. John's. The event incorporates music, storytelling, art, learning workshops and more - all of it celebrating Indigenous culture.

As Canadians continue to have important conversations about Indigenous people, culture, traditions, rights, history etc., more people outside the Indigenous community are getting involved and showing interest in local Indigenous culture.

“Indigenous arts and culture is experiencing a powerful resurgence and reclamation in NL and all over Canada,” Jenelle says. “We are in the midst of a beautiful awakening that can be seen in the work that is being created by artists. It is powerful and impactful and in response to the many different realities that Indigenous people are living. Indigenous artists are expressing important narratives that are both celebrations of beauty and calls to action.”

She continues, “Many people from all walks of life are taking notice and are being called in or invited to be a part of that. In Newfoundland and Labrador, we see the growth and success of Indigenous-led organizations and initiatives such as First Light, People of the Dawn Friendship Centre, Petapan, To Light the Fire and The Sweetgrass Festival. Indigenous arts and culture is becoming more visible. So it makes sense that there is more involvement and more appreciation.”

“Spirit Song Festival is a great opportunity for us to showcase the vibrant Indigenous culture that is present in St. John’s,” First Light board president and community elder Emma Reelis adds. “It is the first and only Indigenous arts festival in St. John’s, and we hope to continue to grow it and raise awareness of our culture.” For anyone considering experiencing the festival or local Indigenous culture for the first time, this writer can attest that the community is very accepting, welcoming newcomers with open arms.

“All of our events are all-ages and free... because we want this to be accessible to everyone, and we want to see everyone,” explains festival coordinator and technical whiz, Natasha Blackwood of Hartery Music House, also Jenelle’s bandmate in Eastern Owl. “It has always been our belief that reconciliation between communities can be achieved through the arts, and we encourage all people to please come check it out. Take in a show, register for a workshop, learn something new!”

Get the latest on the 2019 Spirit Song Festival at www.firstlightnl.ca or follow First Light NL on Facebook.

November 2019

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