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Brand new 50c types! Not to be issued for circulation!

Beautifully designed, and superbly enhanced with full-colour, these eye-catching new coins from the Royal Australian Mint pay homage to two of the most iconic animals of the Australian Antarctic Territory – the Humpback Whale and the Emperor Penguin.
Whilst sure to be popular as an affordable tribute to the wildlife of Australia’s largest overseas territory, there is no doubt that these sparkling Australian legal tender coins will be instantly targeted by serious decimal collectors. Why? Because this dynamic duo will not be issued for circulation and will never be found in change!

A must-have for a complete collection, the 2023 Humpback Whale 50c and the 2023 Emperor Penguin 50c each have a mintage of 25,000 coins – each presented within an official Royal Australian Mint card. As we have been able to secure only a tiny allocation of these unique, one-year-only types, we must apply a limit of one per household. Don’t miss this important opportunity!
Australian Antarctic Territory – Emperor Penguin 2023 50c Colour Uncirculated Coin Official Issue Price

Australian Antarctic Territory – Humpback Whale 2023 50c Colour Uncirculated Coin Official Issue Price

Australia’s first commemorative coin – and arguably our most beautiful coin –secure the 1927 Canberra Florin in aUnc!

Only George VI commemorative florin, honouring the 50th anniversary of Australian nationhood. Strictly Unc!

Pack 19547 $2995
Sole Elizabeth II predecimal commemorative, celebrating her first tour of Australia as Queen. Unc quality!

Captain Cook Bicentenary 1970 50c Cu-Ni Coin Pack

19529 $20
Issued for the 1982 Commonwealth Games, Australia’s 3rd decimal commemorative type is available in Unc!
A genuine collector favourite, we have the Royal Australian Mint’s Charles & Diana 50c in Unc – at just $15 apiece!

Offered in Uncirculated quality, the unique Australia’s Volunteer 50c type represents unbeatable value at a mere $12.

Australia’s Volunteers 2003 50c Cu-Ni Coin Pack
19560 $15