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Rachel Bergen EDITOR IN CHIEF Kaetlin Fehl CO-EDITOR CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Juliette Vella, Crissy Glasser, Veronica Siegel CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Juliette Vella, Drea Rose, Ben Williams, Veronica Siegel


LMFAO & The Party Rock Crew The Patriot Center - Fairfax, VA PHOTOS: Kaetlin Fehl







Interview/Photos- Kaetlin Fehl Feature/Photos- Rachel Bergen









Freshman 15 Interview by Kaetlin Fehl Photos by Rachel Bergen

Freshman 15 is a band composed of 4 southern pop-punk kids playing pop-punk music. Fronted by Davey Fortner with vocals and guitar followed by Davey Hoogerwerf with vocals and bass, Mike Baker with Guitar and vocals, and Leo Teran on drums. The Georgia natives recently toured with poppunk legends, Bowling For Soup. Touring with a band that has helped shape what pop-punk

has become today would be a huge deal to any band looking to follow in their footsteps. Was it luck that landed these boys a spot on the tour or their sheer love of pop-punk? Whatever it was, they're making the best of it and embracing their time with their fellow tourmates. We caught up with the band when they came through town on the Virginia leg of the tour, check out what they had to say.


Download Mag: Introduce yourself and your position in the band. Davey F: Hi, I'm Davey. I sing lead and play lead guitar in, well I guess I don't really play leads. And take 2. Hi, I'm Davey, I sing leads and play guitar in Davey and The Freshman 15s. Davey H: Hi, I'm Davey and I play lead bass in Davey and The Freshman 15s. Mike: I'm Mike and I play lead guitar and sing in Davey and The Freshman 15s. Davey H: I also sing. I didn't say Davey H: I know they're gonna that, but that should be noted. call me soon. Davey Davey F: It depends on what you call singing. we need you. Come out here and bring millions of fans. Download Mag: If you were to And I'll be like, alright. I'm just categorize your music into a waiting to answer the call. genre, what would it be? Davey F: That call's never gonna Davey H: Beautiful. Is that a happen. genre? Davey H: I hope it does. Davey F: Well, yeah. Download Mag: It can be now. Download Mag: How would Davey H: Classical. you describe your experience Davey F: It can't be a noun, she on the tour last year? says. Davey H: Beautiful. Download Mag: No I didn't Davey F: Next. Pop-punk. say that. I said, it can be now. Davey H: The last tour you said? ALL: OH IT CAN BE NOW. Or this tour? Davey F: And I'm deaf. Alright. Download Mag: Warped Tour. It's all about playing rock music. Davey H: Warped Tour was Can I cuss? Is that cool? Yes, amazing. We had a great time, baby. met a lot of new people. It Download Mag: Yeah, that's was pretty hot though. Well fine. obviously, in the South and in Davey F: Ah fuck yes. Pop- the middle of the summer. punk. Next question. Download Mag: Yeah, slightly. Davey F: And we had to wake Download Mag: After playing up at 7 and sleep in a hot, stupid Warped Tour last summer, do van. But yeah, it was probably you see yourselves playing the best time of our lives. again in the future? Mike: Not mine. Davey H: Well I would hope so. Davey H: Cause of stupid shit. Absolutely. He lost his virginity on Warped Davey F: It was a fucking blast. Tour. So you gotta admit, he


was a lucky guy. That was lucky. Download Mag: Have you heard of the documentary No Room For Rockstars? Davey F: I have not. Mike: Yeah, I've heard of it. Download Mag: It was actually filmed on the year that you guys were on Warped Tour. Davey F: Really. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I know exactly what you're talking about. Download Mag: Yeah where they were filming Mike Posner and what not. So explain how you feel Warped Tour changes bands, for better or for worse. Davey F: Well better, it's like one of the hardest tours that there is to do. Well, it depends. I guess if you're like hanging on a bus and shit. Download Mag: Like Mike Posner. Davey F: Yeah, exactly. Davey H: It'll make or break you. You can find out real easily if you have what it takes. Mike: I think it weeds out all of the bands that aren't dedicated enough to go through all the work involved in that tour and

and marketing your band at the same time, it's like a really big thing. Like I said, it can make or break you. Davey F: It made us. Davey H: Yeah, we're famous. Davey F: We're like famous as shit now. Davey H: It helps you realize your friendships too and how they're going, with the band and everything. Luckily we all hate each other. Davey F: We learned not to talk after that tour. Davey H: No, it's actually something that we can all share. Davey F: Hatred, yeah. Davey H: That's how we get along.


Download Mag: So a lot of bands feel that you can only grow so much once you become a “Warped Tour band�. Do you agree or disagree? Davey F: Umm... no. Davey H: Nah. Mike: I disagree, you can always grow. Davey H: You can always get bigger. A lot of those bands don't play Warped Tour because they have a bigger tour they can do where it's fans just coming for them not for the other 40 bands on the tour. Davey F: All Time Low's a good example. They're fucking huge and I think they're a Warped Tour band. Mike: Paramore. Davey F: Paramore, yeah. Download Mag: Katy Perry. Davey F: That's a good call. And she has big boobies, I enjoy them. Davey H: I enjoy you enjoying them. That's weird, you don't need to know that. We'll talk

later. at nine. And then I met my band Davey F: I'm gonna start locking and all that shit. But then I was doors. able to keep in touch with them and they kind of remembered Download Mag: So obviously, me so it's kind of weird being Bowling For Soup was around on tour with them. They're the when you guys were just reason I started playing bass. becoming a band. Do you guys Mike: So thank you Bowling For look up to them in any way? Soup for making this kid. Davey F: Excellent .

"It's kind of weird being on tour with them. They're the reason I started playing bass." Davey F: Yeah absolutely. That's why we're super stoked to be on this tour. They're some of our heroes and they've been fucking so nice, like they're one of the nicest bands I've ever met. We're so gracious. They're always just come on the fucking bus, hang out with us. Davey H: So yeah, we like Bowling For Soup a lot. Actually, that's the reason I started playing bass. Met them a long time ago at Warped Tour and their bass player met me at the next show I went to, came up and gave me an autograph and everything and then pulled me up on stage and let me sing with them. So that was when I was nine years old. I was a really good singer

Download Mag: So what's it like to be touring with them now? Have they given you any advice? Davey F: Drink more. Mike: Yeah. Davey F: That's the only thing I'm gonna remember from this tour. I am an alcoholic and I like to drink with my friends. And I'm sick, Partying is sick. Davey H: It's bad. Davey F: Drinking is sick and I'm sick. I like to hang out with my boys & talk about shit and drink. Download Mag: How did you get picked up for this tour? Davey H: In a van. Davey F: Yeah, in a van. Davey went and hung out with Jared, had a couple drinks. And they kept in touch and they hang out and Davey H: It's no big deal. I don't want to talk about it okay. Can we not talk about it? He just hangs out with me, on special occasions. It's not that big of a deal. It's not that big of a deal to hang out with the drummer too. Davey F: It's 'cause we're fucking tight with Bowling For Soup. They call us BFFs. And well yeah, they asked us to come on the tour and open up because we're the shittiest band ever. We really are the shittiest. Davey H: Absolutely.


should come watch. Davey F: Pretty good. Davey H: We have the voices of angels. Download Mag: So we actually interviewed Simple As Surgery a while back and... Davey H: Oh shit really. Davey F: Sweet bros. Sick. Download Mag: They referenced you guys, so that's kind of how this happened. Anything to say about them? Davey F: Oh we love Simple As Surgery, they recorded at the same studio we did. And Carter is a cute motherfucker. Davey H: Yeah, he looks exactly like the dude from Step Brothers that plays like the actual brother of Will Farrell. The dick. But he's a really good looking dude. Davey F: I think he's like 14 and he has more chest hair than I could ever acquire on one part of my chest. Mike: Maybe 14 and a half. Davey F: I just love to lay in it and nuzzle. Download Mag: They told us you guys do good deeds. Davey F: What does that even mean? Davey H: Good deeds? Davey F: Do we service people? Davey H: I think that's what it meant. Davey F: Hell yeah we do. Davey H: Yeah, all the time. If any of my friends are horny, I'll just, you know, go to the other side of the van. Mike: We have been helping the environment by just keeping all of our trash just piled inside of our van. Davey H: It's our way of being creative. Download Mag: Very impressive. Davey F: Thank you. Davey H: Keeping it off the earth.


It's our slogan. Download Mag: How do you feel you have grown as a band since your first release back in 2008, if you feel that way at all? Davey F: What we've learned is, what actually is different is the song tune is faster. We went more punk and that's fucking sick. So song's are faster, more intricate. We're really talented and just really, really good. The melodies are better on this CD, 'cause we write fantastic songs. Davey H: 'Cause we're really, really good. Mike: They're not buying it. Davey H: We're really, really good. It's why the chicks love us. I am being judged from all angles right now, I don't appreciate it. [laughs] Dowload Mag: So your most recent release was 2010? Davey H: Our most recent release Davey F: Was like a month ago Download Mag: Well according to Wikipedia... [laughs] Davey H: It was supposed to be out a year ago. We had recorded it, but we had some issues that we've resolved and it just came out on March 13th so you can go pick it up from iTunes. It's called Here's To Feeling Good. Davey F: You can go pick that up now, you clearly don 't have it. [laughs] Download Mag: So after this record, what do you plan on working on next? Davey F: I would think go into the studio in like winter-ish. Davey H: So now? Davey F: Haha yeah, it's like 8 degrees outside. Stupid punk crap. Download Mag: Yeah, it was 90 last week...

Davey H: What happened? Download Mag: I don't know. It snowed in New Jersey yesterday so, I don't know. Davey H: It's gonna snow where we're going tomorrow. Davey F: Sucks. Davey H: It does suck. Davey F: Question? Oh yeah, winter. Pop-punk, sup. Beautiful, I like to think about it. Download Mag: Any singles or anything that fans can look out for? Davey H: Yeah, ChristianMingle. com is where you can find us for singles. We've got a new song called Davey F:; That exists. Davey H: We've got a new single called “Anywhere But Here� that will be out and you guys can get that on iTunes. Davey F: You'll be able to get that on iTunes as well. Download Mag: Actually, it's just sound, the camera's not really focused on anything. Davey H: OH IT'S JUST SOUND. Davey F: Oh, then we can be way funnier now. Davey H: When we get video taped, we are not funny. So now it's gonna be better. Davey F: We're good. Download Mag: But that was the last question. Davey F: Oh, I told you it was gonna better. [claps] Davey H: She was forced by some friend of hers who likes the band to do the interview. Like you've gotta do an interview with Freshman 15. [laughs] Davey F: Well it was lovely meeting you guys. Thanks! Davey H: Yeah thanks!


The Fillmore - Silver Spring, MD PHOTO: Kaetlin Fehl






The 26

Maine Interview & Photos by Kaetlin Fehl Story by Drea Rose





rizona natives, The Maine, released their third fulllength studio album, Pioneer, last December. You might sit there and ask yourself 'Now, what makes this album different from the others?' Besides having sold over 12,000 copies its first week in stores, and having a noticeably more mature alternative-rock sound, Pioneer is also the Maine's first self-produced record. Selfproducing an album can pose a challenge to even the most experienced artists, but The Maine didn't let that psyche them out and arguably created their best album yet. “It was definitely different. Especially with the last two records just 'cause they were with pretty big producers and they did a good amount. So it was definitely a little scary but once we actually started doing it, it was awesome. I almost liked doing that more.” Bassist Garret Nickelsen told us. It's a huge switch for a band to declare themselves independent of producers, and in some cases can be a death sentence, one that The Maine did not fall a victim to. Many rumors and controversy have sparked over the sudden separation from Warner Brothers Records and creation of their own independent label, Action Theory Records. “We were super excited about it [the album] and we ended up showing out label and they weren't as excited so we kinda


just separated from there.” Nickelsen explained. It was during Black & White that the band first realized they may not want to deal with a major label. The band and label both had different visions for the album. They changed the track list, and “They flew me all the way back out to L.A. to literally record one guitar part. Like one note. And we ended up not even using it.” Monaco Totaling in at thirteen tracks, the guys of The Maine spent weeks perfecting the songs, and hoping to create a sound that was uniquely theirs. “We wrote a lot of songs for that album [Pioneer]. We recorded it in two different batches. The first time we wrote, we were at a farm in Arizona out in Gilbert.” said guitarist Jared Monaco. “We were there for about two and a half weeks. We were just set up live. There was like a piano in the room and we'd switch instruments sometimes too. Like John would be on piano a lot, there'd be some things where I'd play drums, or some of the other guys would play drums. Just like messing around with stuff, you know? It was just really fun.” Garrett added in. The set-up also allowed for the band to record whenever was convenient for them, and to just have fun with it, a liberty they did not have with a major label. “Some of the guys were actually living there too, my house was actually right down the street so I wasn't living there but I would come over in the morning and they

would have stuff that they were working on like way late into the night and so we would get to work on that and see where that took us. That's how a few of the songs came about.” Monaco mused about the situation. “It was definitely a lot different than all of the other records. Because normally you were like pre-productions, we're going to this studio at 10 in the morning and we're going to be there for 12 hours and then the producers gonna come in for a couple hours and mess with some stuff and you keep working. Where this was just us sitting in a room like, That's cool, let's keep going with that.' It was awesome,” Nickelsen shared with us. For the first time the band didn't have to listen to a major label telling them what to do. They were able to make the record exactly how they wanted, and that really shines through. “I think what Pioneer did for us, more than anything else, was made us realize that we can actually go out and try different things and it's possible for that to work,” Monaco said, “everyone was pouring everything they had into every take of it.” Monaco and Garrett also talked of the possibility of a B-side to Pioneer although nothing is official as of yet. “We pretty much have like another record of recorded songs from Pioneer. So we'll probably do like a B-side type record of something” Nickelsen disclosed. Right now, anything is up in the air for the band, although they have not been back in the studio and are


focusing on their tour. Should fans expect some new songs from the road? The answer; Probably not. “Writing on the road is really hard. I mean, John's always coming up with ideas for songs and stuff. If something happens and we have extra time, we'll work on something during soundcheck. But it usually doesn't happen. It's usually when we're at home just messing around with stuff.” Nickelsen told. Unfortunately fans will just have to be patient, although with music like their's the wait can seem unfairly long. The Maine are experienced Warped Tour veterans, and as you all know, it is that time of year again. Although they haven't played the tour since 2009, the band recall fond memories of their times with the traveling music festival. “Warped tour is a great experience, it's an experience in itself, I should say. It's a one of a kind, there's nothing else out there like it and it's definitely worth it, it's fun and grueling.” Monaco said. The tour is not for the faint of heart, and requires many hours on the road, and playing shows every night in the sweltering heat. “Warped Tour separates the men from the boys, I feel like if you can make it through it then it's like a badge of honor you get to wear,” the guitarist mused. “Everyone should get a tattoo at the end, 'I survived Warped Tour,” Nickelsen joked. “I don't think we'd be opposed to doing it [Warped Tour] again. We'll have to see what happens in the future,” Monaco added. Hopefully the guys will be returning to the sacred stages Warped soon. Many bands that start out on the


Warped Tour, and are known for attending year after year, take on the title as being a “Warped Tour Band”. It however can be a disguised curse. Many people peg these artists as being stagnant, and slightly juvenile. “I mean, maybe a lot of people thought of

"It's come to the point where we're not gonna compromise on what kind of songs we want to make."

-Garrett Nickelsen us as that at one point and I think we've grown out of that at least a little bit, which is nice. So it's like I guess maybe we're proof that there isn't,” Nickelsen laughed. The Maine have broken that negative stereotype.“You definitely see a lot of bands that will get stuck in a certain circuit and they'll just run it 'till it's out of gas and that's not what we want to do at all. We want to be branching out and finding unique tours and even learning new stuff,” Monaco explained.

Touring can take its toll both mentally and physically on a band, but it seems like The Maine is finally getting the hang of it “[We have] definitely gotten somewhat used to it, it's amazing. When I'm at home I get bummed really quickly just 'cause I want to be doing this, but it does take a little bit of a toll on your body. I'd say that's the only bad thing about it,” Nickelsen confided to us. “ You definitely, for all the travel that you do and how tired you are, you feel like you're running on about 50% most of the time, but once you play those shows, that puts the stamp on it and that makes you remember how lucky you are to be there and why you do what you do,” he added. But the two of them swear it's the key to staying young. “You definitely have to grow up quick, but at the same time you kind of keep this little kid thing about you,” Nickelson said. “A lot of the people I know that are out on the road, they have a very young soul. I think that's great. It's the closest you can get to the fountain of youth,” Monaco agreed. What are The Maine planning for the future? Good news, it includes yet another tour. Where or exactly when is unknown, but they're looking at some time in the fall. “It's in the works,” claimed Monaco, and I'm sure he will be held to that. There are no hints as to who they will be touring with, but anything is possible for this band. Recently, the guys of The Maine released their cover of the Beatles' “With A Little Help From My Friends” featuring their tourmates Lydia and The Arkells. “The theme of the song is just, speaks for itself. We actually got the idea when we were out on tour with Augustana.


We did covers with their band and they did covers with us and it was a blast. We figured if we could get this song recorded and then release it when we go out on tour, kids could actually take it home with them or have it at home I guess. And it was a great way to break the ice with the other bands. We got them all on stage the first night and worked it out,� Monaco disclosed. They put their own unique spin on the classic song to create a rendition that is totally their own. It shows the dynamic the different artists had on their tour and the friendship they shared. Maybe this will become a regular habit for The Maine, and every now and again they will release collaborations with other artists. It's without a doubt that we'll be hearing some big things from the guys of The Maine in the near future, and Pioneer will remain a testament to their success and their true creative freedom. Anything is in store for them, and as long as they make music, they'll have plenty of true fans. They currently have some tour dates through Central America and the Philippines this Summer on the last leg of their Pioneer World Tour.








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