BMC - Model FJ FJT and K Workshop manual
Models FJ FJT and K
Diesel engine models
FJ 950 - 1100 - 1300
FJT 1200 1500 1800
K 240 300 340 360
Trucks and Prime movers.
Engine types
5.1 ltr 51JUJ and 51UD
5.7 ltr 57JUJ and 57UD
Six cylinder.
workshop service manual.
340 + Pages
Full Workshop manual.
Every nut and bolt listed.
Exploded https://www.tradebit.comtos,Full service information.
Esential for service
The manual is in PDF Fornat easy to use easy to print.
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I also have the 5.1 ltr Sea loard marine engine listed on trade bit.
also Manuals for BMC FHK - WFK
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