Bosch Fuel Injection RQV - RQUV - EP - RSV Equipment.
6 Introduction
6 General
6 Why is a governor required with a diesel engine?
8 Speed Droop
8 Functions of the Governor
10 Torque Control
12 Types of Governor
13 Maximum-Speed Governors
13 Minimum-Maximum-Speed Governors
14 Variable-Speed Governors
14 Combination Governors
15 Mechanical Governors
15 Metering Units
16 Minimum-Maximum-Speed Governor RQ
20 Minimum-Maximum-Speed Governor RQU
20 Maximum-Speed Governors RQ and RQU
21 Variable-Speed Governor RQV
24 Variable-Speed Governor RQUV
25 Variable-Speed Governor ROy.. K
28 Combination Governors ROy and RQUV
28 Variable-Speed Governor EP/RSV
32 Variable-Speed Governor EPRSUV
33 Minimum-Maximum-Speed Governor EP RS
36 Control-Lever and Control-Rod Stops for
Mechanical Governors
36 Control-Lever Stops
36 Spring-Loaded Idle-Speed Stop
36 Reduced-Delivery Stop
37 Control-Rod Stops
37 Rigid Excess-Fuel Stop for Starting
37 Spring-Loaded Control-Rod Stop for RQ Governors
38 Automati