Metal Plating for Dummies Max
Metal Plating is Expensive The smallest Motorcycle part $50 or More.
By the Time you get to the end of a Project you Have $100s if
not Thousands on the Process.
The answer is do it do-it-yourself not Difficult you could learn
the basic process in a few hours
Start small think Big metal plating made easy.
All the information you need to get going.
Make it your new hobby.
Make money from chrome working.
These Manuals cover.
Chrome plating
Coper Plating
Nickel Plating
Gold Plating
Silver Plating
Anodizing Techniques
color Anodizing
Preparation -
Safety -
The Tools needed
All in Plain English.
Chemical suppliers list and manufactures and importers
such as Caswell (eu) supply through the post some of there back catalogs are featured here.
Where can I buy acid? Where can I buy Chrome crystals
What power supplies do I need all Answered.
Supplied on a Self running Data DVD.
Simply pop in your dr