Giant Radio - TV - Anplifier Valves Vol 1.
This Instant Digital Download has Been created for the benefit of Valve understanding and Research.
It contains Valve Data on 100s of makes of Valves such as Mullard Mazda Ferrranti GEC - Mullard - Mazda -
Burl - phillips - Rca Victor - HP - AVO - Ferranti - Brimar - Cossor - Ericsson -
Du Mont - Tungsram -
Also many misc
Makes with associated information. Images and related Text in Text and Microsoft word format. May be of particular interest to Valve amp builders Audio and Power.
Radio restorers and radio hams
There are 100s of files in this download see a selection below
Files include
Feranti Valve data 1956
Mazda Valve data 1965
Mullard Valve Data 1958
Traxon Bros. Valve info Mullard - Cossor - Philips - Radiotron - Osram
Militry Valve Data
Valve HTML Links
Valve Base info
Valve images
Valve info on
Taylor Tube Data book
USA Military Valve Data Manual
British Valve Da