Original Factory Komatsu PC3000-1 Hydraulic Mining Shovel Operation & Maintenance Manual is a Complete Informational Book. This Manual has easy-to-read text sections with top quality diagrams and instructions. Trust Komatsu PC3000-1 Hydraulic Mining Shovel Operation & Maintenance Manual will give you everything you need to do the job. Save time and money by doing it yourself, with the confidence only a Komatsu PC3000-1 Hydraulic Mining Shovel Operation & Maintenance Manual can provide.
Model and Serial Number:
Komatsu PC3000-1 Hydraulic Mining Shovel --- 6193
Operation & Maintenance Manual Covers:
Construction of the excavator
Safety instructions
Operators CAB, Controls
Operators CAB, Monitors
Operating instructions
Working instructions
Parking the excavator
Refilling system
Exchange of attachment and components
Transportation and lifting of the excavator
Retrieval procedure
Safety instructions
Fuel and lubricants
Filling capacities
Lubrication and maintenance