Your business and mobile marketing pdf

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Your Business and Mobile Marketing

If you are seriously trying to increase sales for your business, or needing to keep your existing clients, customers, or members updated at all times. Mobile marketing is a great solution for your local business (profit and non profit structures). It is very affordable and even more direct than any other form of advertising to date. You now have the ability to market your business on a local level just like major brands and big corporations. And you can target your customers down to each cell phone or smart device. Did you know that 97% of all text messages get read within the first hour of the recipient receiving it. And we know it to be a fact that most cell phone users have their phones with them all day, or very close to them most of the time. And there are three things we never leave home with, our keys, our wallet or purse, and our cell phones and mobile devices. So you have to think outside of the normal traditional marketing mind set for a minute. You can implement mobile marketing into your current newspaper ads, radio spots, business cards and flyers, etc. However take a little time out and just sit back and gather your thoughts for a minute, then meditate on the cost of traditional advertising compared to online and mobile marketing. Then ask yourself which one is most affordable and efficient ,and which one gives a greater return on your investment (ROI). By far the internet and mobile marketing are the top contenders. Consumers are purchasing five times more smart devices, than laptops and PCs. I know a lot a businesses owners think traditional marketing and advertising is the only way to get the consumers attention. And I am not saying do away with those traditional modes of marketing. I am saying implement and cross promote.

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Your Business and Mobile Marketing How much would it cost to start a mobile marketing campaign?

Depending on the local businesses marketing strategy it can cost thousand of dollars to start and maintain. However if you are small or just starting our, or wanting to try mobile marketing for the first time. In most cases a lot of mobile marketing vendors will give you the option of a free trial period with fully functional features. For a local business that wants to keep their customers updates 5 times a month can use a simple text message service for a low a $10 a month, inclusive of keyword and short code. Mobile websites can run as low as $7 a month that is user friendly. A good campaign can start off as low $25 a month. What types of businesses can benefit from local mobile marketing? Literally any type of business can benefit from local mobile marketing. For example; a Church can use a text message campaign to remind their members about upcoming events, Bible studies, send out bible quotes for the day, reminder to any group in the organization (for example; the choir, board, etc) in a matter of minutes, using text messages marketing. Any nonprofit organization can use mobile marketing to raise funds. This an effective way to target the young generation. Retail outlets can send out coupons, prize give a ways, collect polls, etc, using the latest SMS (text message) marketing technology, which is just one of the many mobile marketing tools available to small business owners. Salons and Barbershops can send out discounts on slow days or just a simple thank you to clients with a link to their mobile site, which can take the recipient inside your business via mobile device. Small businesses owners have to think big. And the best part is, mobile marketing is more affordable, and you have more control on what you want to broadcasted and who want to broadcast it to.

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Your Business and Mobile Marketing Why should my business use local mobile marketing? part one) Simple you love your work, however you are doing it to earn a living, so the answer to that question is, you need to use local online & mobile marketing to generate leads, and turn them into sales, increasing your profit share at least 15% to 30% ROI. And with local mobile marketing you can get your company listed on Googles top first page local ranking, in less than 24 hours. Generate leads using landing pages and mobile websites, use tools like Google and other resources to create that local BUZZ for your local business. Just think of all the people you know with mobile devices and how much time they spend on their mobile devices. Mobile Websites is a very interactive tool that any business can use to show case their products or services on mobile devices. With a good mobile website you can implement coupons, opt in pages, maps, click to call buttons, etc. It less flashy than a regular website, however it’s direct and straight to the point, giving the consumer many options to interact with your business. QR code is a two dimension barcode that can be scanned with any smart phone and most camera ready cell phones. This is a very unique tool you can use on almost many marketing material. Within a QR code you can embed all kinds of contact information that can direct the consumer back to a specific Ad or message. Most marketers use it to direct the consumer to a mobile website or landing page. SMS stands for short message service. SMS is also often referred to as texting, or text messaging. The service allows for short text messages to be sent from one cell phone to another cell phone or from the Web to a list of subscribers cell phone. Using a keyword and short code or online form.

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Your Business and Mobile Marketing SEM is short for Search Engine Marketing which means you advertise on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo by purchasing keywords and bidding for your ad display and text spots. SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization which means you optimize your site’s information structure and improve your site’s credibility and performance (usually with a good amount of traffic) so that search engines will acknowledge your site with good quality and recognition. Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is a new standard in mobile messaging. Like SMS (Short Messaging Service), MMS is a way to send a message from one mobile to another. The difference is that MMS can include not just text, but also sound, images and video. It is also possible to send MMS messages from a mobile phone to an email address. Formats that can be embedded within MMS include: • • • •

Text (formatted with fonts, colors, etc) Images (JPEG, GIF format) Audio (MP3, MIDI) Video (MPEG)

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Your Business and Mobile Marketing

Why should my business use local mobile marketing? (part two) First thing first, if you are in the business of earning money for a living then it is relevant that you take part in this marketing revolution. Traditional marketing is good, however internet marketing is greater. According to marketing trends and statistics smart devices out sell desktops and laptops 4 to 1. What does this mean for the small local business? This means the small business owner can target their customers on their smart devices (iphones, ipads, androids, etc). When I say target I am speaking about having the ability to reach your local customer based on geo-targeting, paid per click advertising, local SEO and other marketing techniques and tactics. Now I know you are still wondering how this can help market your business. For example let’s speak about mobile marketing and how it can work for you. Text messages have become a part of our daily livihood. We send text messages to our love ones, friends, clients, and receive messages from our banks, doctors, retailers, etc. Text messaging marketing is a permission based where the potential customer or lead has to opt-in a term that means to sign up or join in. For example; a simple message service also known as SMS, has two methods of getting the lead or client to log in, the first is widget placed on your website or mobile website, this will allow the lead to place name and number in the sign up box (widget) and included in your database. The second method is using a short code and a keyword.

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Your Business and Mobile Marketing The short code is a 5 to 6 digit number that acts as a short code or short telephone number, this would be used instead of a full number with an area code, the keyword acts as an identifier that represents you, and example of a keyword can be pizza, and the short code can be 99999. One of the simplest and most effective ways to get a short message to your contact list or groups. A local business can either place their keywords and short codes on promotional materials and advertising. Point the clients to the websites, and or take the information down herself and enter it into the database. How would it work for my local business??? Let’s say you run a dental office, lets say you average 100 patients a month, and you are able to get 75% of those clients opt-in. Let say if you wanted to send out discount on dental services, or updates, or even appointment reminders or openings. This is a very efficient way to get the message out to patients or clients, and it is very affordable. A simple text message campaign can run as low as $15 a month, inclusive of a short code and keyword. Now just because you sign up and pay your monthly membership fees doesn’t means it is going to magically make things happens. There is a great deal of effort that has to be put in to making your campaign work. It will be your job to get the customers to opt-in. In addition text message marketing is one of the mobile marketing tools that will give your business the ability to reach your customers with a short message 24/7. Now you can send out updates, appointment reminders, coupons, inspirational quotes, amber alerts, group messages, etc.

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Your Business and Mobile Marketing

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OUR AUDIO DOWNLOADS This exclusive audio interview from Mic Dotcom take the small local business owner inside the realm of the internet and mobile marketing. Learn how to get your fare share of internet real estate, learn how to market your local business online and increase you revenue by 15% to 30%. Buy Now

This exclusive interview takes you inside GOOGLE and the many free marketing tools you can use today for your business. Mic Talk about getting over $10,000 in free advertising, free websites and much more. Learn how Mic Dotcom took his local business to the next level using these free tools. Buy Now

When it come to marketing your local business online this Pharaoh of marketing tells you like it is. He breaks down how he made a full time living from using free Craigslist advertising and how you can use it to start a business or use it for your existing local business. Learn how simple but effective online marketing can work for any business. Materialize your thoughts into cash. Just Like Magic. Download this Audio Coming Very Soon

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