Our Austin Story Executive Summary

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Our Austin Story

Great Cities Tell Great Stories

Executive Summary An Interpretive Plan for Austin’s Historic Squares and Congress Avenue


ur Austin Story is a comprehensive interpretive strategy for several of Austin’s most historic public spaces. It focuses on the heritage of Austin’s four historic squares (Brush, Republic Wooldridge, and Hamilton) and Congress Avenue, all of which are central to Austin’s birth and evolution as a growing, thriving city. It documents the stories of the people and places who shaped these important civic spaces and offers an important framework for celebrating, expressing and growing with respect for Austin’s diverse heritage. Our Austin Story was commissioned by the Downtown Austin Alliance, in partnership with the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department. It was developed with contributions from a broad diversity of Austin citizens and stakeholders, many of whom shared their stories and perspectives on the past, present and future of these public spaces, and of Austin.

Republic Square

Our Austin Story helps Austin embrace the past in a way that brings meaning to the present and illumination to the future.

This report includes four major elements: 1. Introduction and project process 2. Interpretive content for Historic Squares (Brush, Republic, Wooldridge and Hamilton) 3. Interpretive content for Congress Avenue 4. Recommendations for Implementing Our Austin Story Our Austin Story - Executive Summary


Wooldridge Square

Brush Square • • • •

Austin’s New Deal Cattle, Cotton and Commerce Powerful Women The Cowboy’s Culture

Republic Square • Austin’s Birthplace and the Auction Oaks • Guadalupe Park and Austin’s Mexico • The Soul of the Square

Wooldridge Square • Keep Austin Weird • Soul of the City • Winds of Change

Hamilton Square

(report includes a brief history)

Congress Avenue

Historic Squares Austin’s historic squares date to the earliest days of our city. In his 1839 Plan of Austin, Edwin Waller reserved four city blocks as civic squares, three of which still remain – Brush, Republic and Wooldridge. Located in four different quadrants of downtown, each of these historic squares has a very distinct history that is influenced not only by what takes place in the square, but by what takes place in the surrounding area. This report offers a series of storylines for each of the squares that recounts the past while also moving into the present. These storylines can be modified to serve as the basis for interpretive signs and other interpretive content (digital or print) as well as to inform future events, programs, and planning within downtown. Below are the themes of each storyline; the report offers more depth on the content.


Our Austin Story Executive Summary

Edwin Waller platted Austin with Congress Avenue as the central axis of a 14 by 14 block grid system. In Waller’s plan, Congress Avenue was (and still is) the geographic and cultural center of Austin. Congress Avenue is central to Austin’s history and should be interpreted through the lens of the many connections that it conveys. This interpretive strategy introduces the concept of vibrant connections as a way to conceptualize the planning and interpretation of Congress Avenue, which is integrally tied to the many vibrant connections along the Avenue. The report further details the narratives and recommendations for each of the vibrant connections.

Congress Avenue Vibrant Connections • • • • • •

Riverside The River Walk Fifth Street Sixth Street Ninth Street Eleventh Street

The Contemporary Austin

Recommendations Eight primary strategies are recommended to help bring Our Austin Story to life. The strategies are further detailed in this report.

3. Develop digital interpretation enhancements such as web, smartphone applications and virtual reality tools.

1. Create a network of people, places and organizations that are critical to implementing Our Austin Story in a coordinated and cohesive manner.

Austin’s reputation as a creative and innovative community presents great opportunity for Our Austin Story to be a platform not only for storytelling - but for engaging, learning and creating our future together. Gathering a group of representatives from the Austin digital community to begin brainstorming ways of using these technologies to bring Our Austin Story to life is recommended as a next step.

There are many people, places and organizations already engaged in both interpretation and communication of the stories of Austin. While each has a specific purpose and audience, coordination and leveraging of resources would benefit all – and more importantly - create a more cohesive and compelling experience for Austinites. This report recommends that Our Austin Story be formally constituted within Downtown Austin Alliance, shared with other nonprofits, agencies, and/or initiatives that have alignment with downtown civic spaces.

2. Develop traditional interpretive enhancements such as panels, historic markers, brochures and maps for the historic squares and Congress Avenue. Traditional interpretive elements should be developed and installed within the public realm, to ensure that all Austinites have access to our city’s rich heritage. An important first step is to develop a consistent brand umbrella and style guide for interpretive elements.

Austin's reputation as a creative and innovative community presents great opportunity for Our Austin Story to be a platform not only for storytelling - but for engaging, learning and creating our future together.

Our Austin Story - Executive Summary


4. Develop and market regular programming and engagement activities in downtown’s public spaces that are grounded in Our Austin Story. The benefits of engaging the community in Our Austin Story’s narratives extend beyond communicating the stories – it is also a framework for ongoing learning and dialogue. Developing programs, events, and activities that are organized around these narratives is great way to engage the community in an ongoing way. Both regular (ongoing) and temporary (pop-up) types of programing are recommended.

5. Make the most of interpretive opportunities by introducing physical enhancements that will add to the interpretive potential of downtown. This report introduces a number of physical enhancements that can be considered as planning and design projects are contemplated. Examples include installing a series of interpretive panels along the Congress Avenue Bridge and a beacon at Fifth and Congress Streets that introduces visitors to the Fifth Street Mexican-American Heritage Corridor. In many cases, what is recommended is more than placing a sign in a public space – it is about creating a welcoming place for people to gather and learn, setting the tone for further exploration.

6. Design and develop a series of affinity trails that help locals and visitors explore different topics of interest. There are a number of themes that could be further developed and promoted within Our Austin Story. An example of a more established affinity trail is the Mexican-American Heritage Corridor which could benefit from a more developed design and promotional program. Other examples include affinity trails themed around music, wildlife, or art.

7. Develop non-regulatory heritage planning areas as a framework for identifying, preserving and enhancing the authentic narratives and stories identified in Our Austin Story.


Our Austin Story - Executive Summary

Scarbrough building

Heritage planning areas can help to inform planning, interpretation, design and development decisions at many different scales. This interpretive strategy is focused primarily on strategies for interpreting the three historic squares and Congress Avenue (the focus of this effort). Yet, as discussed in this report, these places and their histories are inherently connected to many other places in Austin. This report recommends the creation of nonregulatory heritage planning areas as a way of identifying, conceptualizing, and fostering these connections.

8. Create a comprehensive communications and community engagement strategy for sharing and promoting Our Austin Story. Each step in the implementation of Our Austin Story is an opportunity to communicate and engage the community. A consistent and coordinated communications and engagement approach will ensure that these opportunities are maximized, and that Our Austin Story is reaching a diversity of Austinites. Opportunities to consider include radio spots, television programs, newspaper columns, and school curricula.

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