V i s i t u s o n l i n e a t w w w .T h e V i l l a g e r. c o m
March 14, 2019 Volume 4 • Number 6
The Paper of Record for East and West Villages, Little Italy, Lower East Side, Soho, Noho, and Chinatown
Inside ‘Out’
Inside an outsider artist’s world Page 39
Angels outta here Hold your Horse!
Bikers vacate E. 3rd St. clubhouse Page 6
Push to landmark White Horse interior Page 3
Photo by Bob Krasner
Richard Shaoul in his custom-designed game room, just one par t of The Treehouse.
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March 14, 2019
Schneps Media
Whoa! Call to landmark White Horse interior BY GABE HERMAN
here is a push to landmark the interior of the White Horse Tavern, after the iconic bar was recently sold to new ownership. Raising locals’ alarm, the new owners include notorious landlord Steve Croman. In a letter to Sarah Carroll, chairperson of the city’s Landmarks Preservation Commission, Andrew Berman, executive director of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation, strongly urged the commission to immediately consider landmarking the interior of the tavern at 567 Hudson St., at W. 11th St. The tavern dates back to 1880 and is famous as a gathering place for literary greats. In its earliest days, it served the local Irish immigrant and Irish-American community. “Its cultural significance cannot be overstated,” Berman wrote in the letter, “and the potential loss of the interior of this tavern from a recent change in ownership would be a devastating loss, not only to New York City, but to the country and the world.” The building housing the tavern is an early 19th-century wood-frame house, according to the letter. The pub’s interior includes tin ceilings, a large oak bar and dark wood walls that look mostly the same as they appeared in mid-20thcentury photos. Among the many legendary writers and poets who were regulars were Dylan Thomas, James Baldwin, Anais Nin, Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac. Jane Jacobs lived on the same block and wrote of the tavern’s positive neighborhood effects in her famous work “The Death and Life of Great American Cities.” “On a cold winter’s night, as you pass the White Horse, and the doors open, a solid wave of conversation and animation surges out and hits you; very warming,” she wrote. The building’s exterior is landmarked as part of the Greenwich Village Historic District, but the designation does not apply to the interior. “There are few more historic locations in New York than the White Horse Tavern, a legendary gathering spot for some of the great minds of the 20th century,” said Berman in a statement about the push to landmark the inside of the place. “One can still go to the White Horse and see more or less intact the place where these great writers and thinkers gathered, and that should never change. “With the building sold and the bar coming under new ownership and management,” Berman stressed, “it’s critical the Landmarks Preservation Commission ensure that treasured piece of New York and world history is protected, and won’t be going anywhere, regardless of who owns or runs it.”
Schneps Media
The exterior of the White Horse Tavern, at Hudson and W. 11th Sts., is landmarked as par t of the Greenwich Village Historic District.
The interior of the histor y-soaked White Horse Tavern has not been landmarked by the city’s Landmarks Preser vation Commission. There far fewer interior-landmarked spaces than ex terior landmarks in the cit y.
torious landlord Croman. Croman was released from jail just last June after serving eight months of a one-year sentence for mortgage and tax fraud. Meanwhile, Eytan Sugarman — who
The tavern and nearby apartment buildings have been sold for $14 million to a group of investors, according to the Commercial Observer. That group reportedly includes noTVG
runs several restaurants in the city, including the Hunt & Fish Club and a pizza place called Made In New York, which was accused of copying Prince Street Pizza — is set to run the White Horse Tavern. Sugarman’s partner in the Hunt & Fish Club, which is a Midtown steakhouse, is none other than Anthony Scaramucci, who briefly served as President Trump’s White House communications director. There were rumors that Scaramucci was involved in the White Horse deal, but he will have no involvement, one of the deal’s negotiators told the Commercial Observer. In addition, Scaramucci tweeted on March 7 that he is not involved with the White Horse in any way. A retail broker, who did the deal for the new owners and Sugarman, said of the White Horse to the Commercial Observer, “Eytan Sugarman will run it exactly as it’s been for the past 140 years.” The new lease for the bar is 15 years, according to the Commercial Observer, and sellers Eddie Brennan and James Munson said the deal is dependent on the tavern being kept in its current state. According to the New York Post, Brennan and Munson, the bar’s operators, bought the buildings in the 1950s and are now retiring. March 14, 2019
Police Blotter First Precinct
Plastic perp
Dubious delivery
A 54-year-old man withdrawing money at the Chase bank branch at 32 University Place at 12:40 a.m. on Tues., Feb. 26, was shoved by another man who tried to steal his debit card. The would-be thief reportedly approached the victim and asked, “How much you taking out? Enough for me?” before trying to shove him away from the machine. The perp was unsuccessful in taking the card, though, and reportedly fled south on University Place toward Washington Square Park. Cops found the alleged suspect shortly afterward on an Uptown train on the A/C/E line in the W. Fourth St. subway station and arrested him. Police did not release the man’s name but did say he was 45 and homeless.
Police arrested Justin Ponder, 34, on Fri., March 8, for allegedly carrying out a string of burglaries in Manhattan, including two separate ones at a Soho apartment building on Mercer St. During the Sat., Feb. 23, incident, the man is alleged to have broken into a 49-year-old woman’s apartment and removed items. He then reportedly returned Mon., March 4, shortly before 7 a.m. and gained access to the building by posing as a deliveryman. Police say surveillance footage caught him stealing a $1,000 bicycle and a $500 motorcycle jacket belonging to the same woman. When police arrested him, they recovered a number of burglary tools, narcotics and drug paraphernalia. It’s unclear how many other burglaries cops believe he committed and whether he impersonated a deliveryman at any of the other burglaries.
Wagon wallet theft
Quick ‘pickup’ A U.P.S. driver who was loading packages from his vehicle to a hand truck on the sidewalk in front of 69 Wooster St. told police a thief stole two packages while his back was turned around 9:30 a.m. on Mon., March 4. The driver, 47, said that he put three packages on the dolly and then went back to the truck to grab more. He said when he returned, two of the three packages were missing. The U.P.S. worker said he did not witness the package snatching. So, police currently have no details about the alleged parcel pilferer. The two packages were worth a total of $1,804 and collectively contained 14 rings and four sets of earrings.
Sixth Precinct Got another A third person has been arrested in connection with an attack on a 45-year-old driver at LaGuardia Place and Bleecker St. between 8:30 and 9 p.m. on Christmas. The victim, who is from Queens, said he got into a verbal argument with six males that escalated when one of them smashed his side-view mirror. The man said he was then dragged out of his car and struck
Courtesy N.Y.P.D.
First Precinct police with evidence related to a man who has been arrested in connection with a number of local burglaries.
Police said they arrested a man for stealing a 23-year-old woman’s credit card from the Off the Wagon bar. After swiping the card, he allegedly used it soon afterward at the McDonald’s at 136 W. Third St. on Sat., Dec. 29 between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. The victim said she left her purse under her coat on a seat and discovered before leaving the place that someone had removed her wallet from her purse. Timothy Frazier, 26, was arrested Thurs., Feb. 28.
Ninth Precinct Fight for phone A sur veillance-camera image of the alleged Soho burglar y suspect, who has been arrested. It’s unclear if the suspect, who posed as a deliver yman, was involved in more burglaries than police currently know about.
Police say this guy and two sidekicks tried to wrestle away a man’s cell phone on Third Ave. The muggers all wore face masks.
‘Bottle service’
multiple times. The victim reportedly tried calling 911 during the attack but said one of the perpetrators snatched his phone from him before fleeing the scene. The victim suffered a minor laceration to his left ear. Cops arrested two teens, ages 14 and 17, that same day. The third man, Corey Alexander, 18, was arrested Mon., Feb. 25. Police are still searching for a fourth person involved in the beating.
Police arrested Adam Pappos, 26, for allegedly smashing a champagne bottle over a 22-year-old man’s head at the Up & Down Club, at 244 W. 14th St., around 1:30 a.m. on Sun., March 3. The victim suffered a laceration to his forehead and declined medical treatment. Pappos was arrested at the scene. It’s unclear what caused the incident.
Police are asking the public’s help in locating three males in connection with an attempted robbery in the Ninth Precinct. Police said that on Wed., March 6, at 7:40 a.m., a man, 27, was walking near 55 Third Ave., at E. 11th St., when he was approached by three males who demanded his cell phone. A physical struggle ensued and the trio pushed the victim to the ground and began to punch him about the head and torso. The muggers were unable to steal his phone, though, and fled on foot in an unknown direction. The suspects are described as Hispanic, in their 20s or 30s, and all last seen wearing face masks and dark clothing.
Rico Burney
For more news & events happening now visit www.TheVillager.com 4
March 14, 2019
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@TasteofTribeca #tasteoftribeca
March 14, 2019
Hells Angels ride off from E. 3rd clubhouse BY MARY REINHOLZ
he Hells Angels have been vacating their notorious East Village clubhouse and residence in recent days, an exodus spurred by the apparent transfer of their six-story building to a buyer. The new owner, Nathan Blatter, president of the Whitestone Realty Company in Brooklyn, said he was not available for immediate comment. So where are the fearsome self-styled bad boys heading on their Harley hogs after 50 years at 77 E. Third St.? “We don’t know,” said a lean, longhaired member of the famed outlaw motorcycle club. As he moved packing material out through the clubhouse door over the weekend, he shielded his face from this reporter’s camera. Two motorcycles belonging to Angels were parked outside. Across the street was a bright orange pickup truck splashed with yellow flames and the words “Hell Bound” pierced with a pitchfork symbol on its tailgate. Last Thursday, The Villager rang the bell on the clubhouse door repeatedly after learning the Angels were leaving. Finally, a muscular biker of middle age came outside, his face nearly covered by a sock cap and huge sunglasses. “No pictures,” he said, declining a request to pose for a photograph. “But you can take photos of the clubhouse if you want.” Was he going to miss it? “Of course, I’m going to miss it,” the black-clad biker replied as he walked west toward Second Ave. The building has some distinctive touches. The ground floor’s red-brick facade bears the Angels “death’s head” insignias. There’s also plaque commemorating deceased club president “Big Vinnie” Girolamo, along with his motto, “When in doubt, knock ’em out.” The rotund biker died in 1979 before he could stand trial for allegedly throwing his girlfriend Mary Ann Campbell off the roof of the clubhouse to her death, reportedly because he believed she was an F.B.I. informant. The federal government tried for years to shut down the clubhouse under a 1984 law that allows seizure of properties used for drug trafficking. In 1985, it was one of 12 “H.A.” hangouts raided by F.B.I. agents across the country. The G-men arrested 15 New York City members and confiscated drugs like cocaine. The incident and the resulting convictions became part of an unsuccessful 1994 civil lawsuit by the government to take over the East Village clubhouse. All that, of course, was a long time ago. Several newcomers to the East Village seem to revere the Angels as heroes. Three teenage female students who live in a dormitory run by the New York City Conservatory for the Dramatic Arts, at 81 E. Third St., said they would miss the bikers’ presence on the block. “I won’t be able to tell my friends anymore that I live next door to the Hells Angels,” one said, plaintively. Nina Holton, 18, a Barnard student who was photographing Angels motorcycles on Saturday, said her mother lives on E. Third St. “She’s upset and sad that they are leaving,” Holton said. “She feels they added character to the neighborhood and now they’ll be replaced by some developer who’ll build condos.” Holton believes the Angels helped keep the neighborhood safe and provided a sense of community. “I’d pass the clubhouse late at night, and a couple of them would be outside and they’d nod,” she recalled.
March 14, 2019
Photos by Mary Reinholz
Where are the New York Hells Angels headed nex t? The tailgate of a pickup truck parked across from their longtime E. Third St. clubhouse this past weekend.
A Hells Angels New York Cit y Chapter member did not want his photo taken as he helped pack things up last weekend at the bikers’ longtime E. Third St. clubhouse.
A “moving truck” parked across the street from the Hells Angels clubhouse this past weekend.
“They were like eyes on the street.” Others on the block are clearly terrified of them. “They’re known for being menacing and they cultivate that image,” said a longtime block resident who asked only to be identified as a community activist. She claimed the Angels had “assaulted” a friend of hers and her boyfriend’s. “I try to stay as far away from them as possible,” she said. “It’s a myth that they make neighborhoods safe.” The woman noted that the Angels have become known recently for “ridiculous disputes over parking TVG
spaces and their stupid cones” used to reserve public spaces as their own. “One of them shot someone in the stomach over a parking cone,” she said. She was referring to nowdeceased Angel prospect Anthony Iovenitti, who was accused of shooting David Martinez, 25, in the earlymorning hours of December 2016. A rumble erupted after Martinez had gotten out of his Mercedez- Benz to move an orange cone blocking his car’s way. Assault and weapons possession charges were dismissed against Iovenitti after he died at 52 of an aneurysm during a motorcycle trip in 2017. Captain John L. O’Connell, commanding officer of the Ninth Precinct, said there were “no interactions” with the club since his arrival last year “except for one short fight.” In that instance, a 22-year-old deliveryman was allegedly sucker-punched in the face for parking in front of the clubhouse in late December 2018, according to the Daily News. O’Connell noted that his cops have taken away the Angels’ cones “because they’re not allowed to reserve spots on a public street.” Criminal defense lawyer Ron Kuby has represented members of the club for years. He dismissed claims by some in law enforcement that the Hells Angels are into rackets and operate like organized crime. “Think of it as a church,” he said of the group. “Members of clergy who violate the law don’t make the church a criminal enterprise.” The New York City Hells Angels are actually incorporated in New York State as the Church of the Angels, a nonprofit religious organization. That name was used when club members purchased the property in 1977, for a reported $1,900. The moniker was used again last year in a preliminary memorandum of contract to sell the property to 77 East Third LLC, a limited-liability company linked to the aforementioned Nathan Blatter, EV Grieve reported last month. A 2013 court dispute over a deceased Angel president, Sandy Alexander, who had held title to the deed, was settled last year, apparently leading to a sale. Kuby said he doesn’t know the buyer or the club’s current president “and I have no authorization to speak to the press with regard to the business sale.” He also couldn’t provide a “nose count” on the number of members in the club. He only said that most of them are just “looking to be left alone and to ride motorcycles with their colleagues.” Schneps Media
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ASK YOUR DOCTOR TO TEST YOUR CHILD FOR LEAD Lead in peeling paint poisons children. â&#x20AC;˘ Tell your landlord to ďŹ x peeling paint. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the law. â&#x20AC;˘ Wash ďŹ&#x201A;oors, windowsills, hands, and toys often.
Schneps Media
March 14, 2019
LeFrancois takes over Meatpacking BID BY GABE HERMAN
he Meatpacking District BID announced on March 5 the appointment of Jeffrey LeFrancois as its new executive director. LeFrancois was unanimously approved by the business improvement district’s board of directors. He has been with the organization since 2015, and was previously its director of operations and community affairs. He succeeds Lauren Danziger, the BID’s first executive director, who is now the chief marketing officer for another up-and-coming district, Industry City, in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Before joining the BID, LeFrancois was chief of staff to Councilmember Corey Johnson during the time before Johnson became speaker. Prior to that, he was deputy chief of staff for Assemblymember Richard Gottfried. LeFrancois takes over the Meatpacking BID as the district continues to see development and economic growth. Additions like the High Line elevated park and the new Whitney Museum of American Art are changing the face of the neighborhood. “I feel like it’s a moment of discovery,” LeFrancois said of the area’s continued transformation. He said he was excited to be taking the position at such a significant time for the Meatpacking District. “The neighborhood and the West Side are very near and dear to my heart,” he said. LeFrancois said he is looking forward to completion of the Ninth Ave. reconstruction project, which stretches from Gansevoort St. to W. 16th St. and is set to finish later this year. The project includes repavings, tree plantings and plaza reconstruction.
Jeffrey LeFrancois, photographed on the High Line, is high on the Meatpacking District. He was recently appointed the Meatpacking BID’s new executive director.
“That’s really exciting because it gives the neighborhood back to the community,” LeFrancois said. The completed Ninth Ave. project will feature 20,000 square feet of public space for people in the area and for the BID to use in various ways. The BID will continue its summer Sweat Session free fitness classes every Tuesday in Sapokanikan Park at 15th St. and Tenth Ave., from May to September. When asked about challenges, LeFrancois said every neighborhood these days is dealing with a shifting retail landscape, and that supporting companies that are there now or want to come in is a top priority. New openings this year will include a Dean & Deluca food market in the former Spice restaurant space, at 403
W. 13th St.; the second coming of Keith McNally’s trendy French restaurant Pastis, at 52 Gansevoort St., and an Hermes upscale clothing boutique, at 46-48 Gansevoort St. The changing face of the Meatpacking District also includes the ongoing redevelopment of several key sites in Hudson River Park: Pier 57, at W. 15th St., which will feature a public park, public space and Google offices; the construction of the new Pier 55, at W. 14th St., featuring a public park and performance spaces; and the creation of a park at Gansevoort Peninsula, which will add more acres of public space at the edge of the neighborhood and which LeFrancois called “a really awesome thing.” LeFrancois would like to see more ferry service to the West Side, an issue he has been outspoken about as a member of Community Board 4. The mayor’s recent announcement of expanded ferry service in the city included a station at Pier 79, near the Hudson Yards at W. 39th St. “We do think the service fell short for the needs of the West Side, so we intend to continue advocating for public ferry service, to places like Pier 57,” he said. He would like to see several ferry stops along the West Side, to connect it with the rest of the city’s ferry network. “Nothing happens overnight, and that’s O.K. because things tend to get better with age,” he said. “So while we didn’t get exactly what we were hoping for in that announcement, I think it is a positive step forward, that there is actually going to be service on the West Side. “Public transit is good for everybody,” he added. “It’s good for people who live here, people who work here, and for economic development across the board.”
Projects must house more homeless: Activists BY ALEJANDR A O’CONNELL-DOMENECH
he pews at the Church of the Village were filled last Thursday with advocates calling for more homeless housing in the city. Many of them were themselves homeless. The occasion was a town hall organized by House Our Future NY, an advocacy campaign formed by the Coalition for the Homeless and 63 other organizations. Attendees called on Mayor Bill de Blasio to increase the number of units for homeless New Yorkers in his Housing New York 2.0 plan from 15,000 to 30,000, with 24,000 of those apartments to come from new construction. In the view of the activists, although the city has made progress in terms of homeless services, de Blasio has repeatedly neglected the city’s neediest. “We want it mandated: We want it to say, ‘homeless people coming from shelters,’” said Nathylin Flowers Adesegun. Adesegun, 73, is an activist with VOCAL-NY who became homeless three years ago after being evicted from her rent-controlled Flatbush apartment. She made headlines last year when she confronted the mayor about his affordable housing plan during his daily workout at the Prospect Park YMCA. California has the most homeless people of any state, with 30 percent of the U.S. homeless population. But New York City has the most homeless people — 78,767 — of any U.S. city, according to a 2018 study from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The study found that the number of homeless
March 14, 2019
Photo by Alejandra O’Connell-Domenech
A homeless advocate at the forum at Church of the Village.
in the city increased by 2,394 people last year. The city also experienced the largest overall increase in homelessness between 2007 and 2018, 46 percent, in the country, the study found. “We are going to break this cycle,” Adesegun said. The advocate is confident new legislation by Bronx Councilmember Rafael Salamanca Jr. will help solve the city’s homelessness issue. The bill would apply to developers doing either new construction or renovation, for projects involving more TVG
than 15 units, and who are receiving some sort of government funding or incentives for the projects. The developers would have to set aside at least 15 units for homeless individuals for families. So far, 35 city councilmembers support Salamanca’s bill, which means even if de Blasio vetoes it, it could still become law. But it is unclear when a vote on the bill would occur, Salamanca told this paper. In the meantime, there is still more work to be done. Salamanca wants to ensure that supportive services for the homeless can be attached to the bill — so that, when homeless people get housing, they can stay in it. According to Salamanca, supportive services could include financial education and rehabilitative services for those suffering from substance abuse disorders. “Is it going to resolve homelessness? Absolutely not,” he said of the bill as it is now. “But it is going to make a dent in homelessness,” he assured. According to the councilmember, now that twothirds of the city councilmembers are onboard with his bill, the city’s Department of Homeless Services and Department of Housing Preservation and Development are open to speaking with him about finding a way to finance supportive services. Salamanca was scheduled to meet with H.P.D. on Wed., March 13. De Blasio’s current housing policy, Housing New York 2.0, calls for the creation and preservation of 300,000 affordable units, of which 5 percent, or 15,000, are to be set aside for the homeless. The mayor has said he is strongly against increasing the 5 percent set-aside. Schneps Media
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When you buy a product, the expectation is that it should perform in the way it was intended to but that is not always the case. When damage or injury is caused as the result of the use of a defective product, the law in New York recognizes that those who manufacture and/or distribute the defective product, as well as those who sell it, may be held responsible for damages for the injuries which result. Consider the case of the young teenager who while using a hair dryer in her home, sustained severe third degree burns to her hands when the product burst into ďŹ&#x201A;ames. Her parents had the foresight to consult our ofďŹ ce shortly thereafter. Upon consulting an expert who inspected the hair dryer, he advised that the productâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wiring and/or loose electrical connections allowed it to overheat and catch on ďŹ re. We sued the manufacturer, as well as the neighborhood store where the hair dryer had been purchased, claiming that this product was defective as it was improperly or poorly designed, that there was a mistake in its manufacture or assembly, and/or the manufacturer or distributor placed the product into the marketplace without adequate warnings. Based upon our expertâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s opinion, we were successful in achieving a favorable outcome for our client. If you ďŹ nd yourself in
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Schneps Media
a similar situation, the ďŹ rst thing to do is secure and safeguard the defective product. In situations where the injury occurs outside your home, for example, in the workplace, it is particularly important to be vigilant and contact an attorney promptly. A separate court proceeding may need to be commenced, as soon as possible, to compel preservation of the product and to direct the person, or entity, in possession or control of the product, to grant access so it can be inspected and tested before it is destroyed, altered or disposed of. If you believe that you or a loved one have been injured by any defective product, whether a piece of heavy machinery or a seemingly harmless household item, you should consult an attorney. A timely phone call could be very important to protect your rights.
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March 14, 2019
A victory vs. drugs in Wash. Sq. Park BY GABE HERMAN
he March 19, 1987, issue of The Villager showed how Greenwich Village history may indeed go in cycles, especially relating to drugs in Washington Square Park. Even as current residents say that drug selling and using in the park is as bad as itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been in years, a 1987 editorial in the newspaper lauded the â&#x20AC;&#x153;newâ&#x20AC;? park after a police crackdown on the drug scene. The editorial noted people of all walks of life enjoying the park on a Sunday.
the worse continued until some people said â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Enough!â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? Among those to thank for the campaign that caused the police crackdown were playground mothers, resident protesters, the Washington Square Association, N.Y.U. officials, the Parks Department and â&#x20AC;&#x153;many, many other officials and activists who spoke out, wrote letters and badgered officials,â&#x20AC;? the editorial said. Noting past racial incidents in the park, which were then followed by the drug infestation, the editorial said there had been many promises, and many attempts, to clean up the park over time. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Well, what we see now is no promise; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a reality.â&#x20AC;? A short counter-opinion, however, from William Gaines of First Ave., was also included in the paper. He wrote that a better situation in the park probably just meant that the drug problem had moved someplace else. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What you see banished from Washington Square Park right now isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t bad little boys who have gone home to be good ones,â&#x20AC;? Gaines wrote, â&#x20AC;&#x153;but people plying their nasty trade who are simply plying it someplace else.â&#x20AC;? Gainesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s words were perhaps an omi-
There were full playgrounds, working bathrooms, hot dogs for sale and good shows to enjoy at the fountain. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The atmosphere was good natured and free,â&#x20AC;? the piece said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We walked away feeling great.â&#x20AC;? The difference was said to be night and day, as the drug marketplace had reached troubling heights. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is easy to drift into acceptance of the status quo,â&#x20AC;? the editorial observed, adding, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one reason things got so bad in Washington Square Park and why the steady, incremental change for
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nous foreshadowing of the drug problem that has now returned to the park, according to local residents. He continued in his 1987 piece, â&#x20AC;&#x153;These criminal elements can wait far, far longer than the police for something they wantâ&#x20AC;Ś Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got time on their hands and it is also on their side.â&#x20AC;? Also in the 1987 issue was a Page One story about Village Councilmember Carol Greitzer accusing the city Department of Transportation of towing cars to meet quotas and produce revenue, instead of only for its stated promise in residential areas to clear traffic lanes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When you have over 500 tows a month in the area between 14th St. and Houston St., you just know that this is done not for purposes of traffic controlled or so-called clean air strategies,â&#x20AC;? Greitzer accused. Page One photos showed the first Megillah Reading and Purim Parade by the Lower West Side Jewish Community Council, held in Washington Square Park on March 15. One photo showed Cantor Irwin Gelman reading while Cantor Elliott Levine blew a shofar (ramâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s horn). The other photo showed a young child, Jesse Math, dressed up as a king.
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March 14, 2019
Schneps Media
Celebrating Village political icon Keen Berger BY ED YUTKOWITZ
lected officials joined members of the Village Independent Democrats on Sat., March 2, to honor longtime District Leader Kathleen â&#x20AC;&#x153;Keenâ&#x20AC;? Berger on her retirement. The occasion was a breakfast kicking off the Democratic clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s petitioning effort on behalf of local candidates in the next election, including Ashlee Crawford and Robert Rosenthal for Civil Court judicial positions; Democratic County Committee members; and Jennifer Hoppe, Bergerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s likely successor as district leader. Tony Hoffmann, a former president of V.I.D., presented Berger with a gold clipboard to commemorate the many hours she spent tirelessly petitioning for Democratic candidates. Congressmember Jerry Nadler thanked Berger â&#x20AC;&#x153;for her service and dedication to progressive Democratic politics in the Village, and for always being there for me as a supporter.â&#x20AC;? Representative Carolyn Maloney presented Berger with an American flag that had flown over the Capitol in her honor, and noted that she had entered remarks praising Berger into the Congressional Record. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Keen Berger has devoted her life to educating young people and making her community a better place to live,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She has been a caring and compassionate leader who has made a
From left, Jennifer Hoppe, the Village Independent Democratsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; endorsed candidate for district leader, District Leader Keen Berger, former V.I.D. President Tony Hoffmann and Congressmember Carolyn Maloney at the March 2 breakfast honoring Berger. Maloney presented Berger, who will be stepping down as district leader, with an American flag that formerly flew over the Capitol in Washington, D.C.
her cherished family, friends and admirers,â&#x20AC;? and declared Sat., March 2, 2019, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Keen Berger Appreciation Dayâ&#x20AC;? in the 27th State Senate District. City Comptroller Scott Stringer pointed out that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Keen Berger exemplified progressive values as V.I.D. district leader. She is the gold standard of what it means to represent her community.â&#x20AC;? Berger declared her recent priorities in a Progress Report she wrote for The Villager last year: â&#x20AC;&#x153;One local [public education in our neighborhood], one city [Election Day process] and one national [immigration]. The election of Trump has made me add a fourth â&#x20AC;&#x201D; doing my part to mitigate that disaster.â&#x20AC;? It took 10 years of battle, but Berger
tremendous difference. We will miss her dedication and idealism when she retires as district leader.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Keen may be retiring from this position, but not from her dedication to progressive politics,â&#x20AC;? said Assemblymember Deborah Glick. â&#x20AC;&#x153;[Fourteen years ago], Keen won a contested election to become district leader because she was the best candidate. Keen brought people together and has tirelessly worked to ensure unity and focus on doing what is best for people.â&#x20AC;? State Senator Brad Hoylman presented Berger with an official proclamation that commended her â&#x20AC;&#x153;extraordinary service to her community, Judson Church, Community Board 2 and to
was instrumental in the creation of the first new public school to be built in the Village in years, Middle School 297, which opened last fall in a state-of-the art building at 75 Morton St. Under this administration, the immigration battle is unlikely to get easier. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wear a button that reads, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Bible says Sanctuary for Immigrants,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? she said in a Progress Report article in The Villager last year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As a supporter of the New Sanctuary Task Force at Judson Church, it is clear to me that â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;welcome the strangerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is central to my faith, and that baby Jesus would have died if his parents had not emigrated to Egypt.â&#x20AC;? Berger has lived in the Village more than 50 years, and has a storied political background. Her father, Harold Stassen, was a governor of Minnesota, ran in a number of Republican presidential primaries, and served in the Eisenhower administration. Her late husband, Martin Berger, was a Village district leader and served as president of V.I.D. Keen and Martinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s four daughters attended P.S. 3, on Hudson St. A psychology professor at CUNYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bronx Community College, Berger has authored numerous textbooks as Kathleen Stassen Berger. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Developing Personâ&#x20AC;? (with various subtitles) is in its 11th edition and used in all 50 states, 12 countries and in five languages. Her newest book, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Grandmothering: Building Strong Ties with Every Generation,â&#x20AC;? is due out at the end of this year.
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March 14, 2019
On a positive ‘Note’
he former bookstore space at the southeast corner of Eighth St. and Sixth Ave. has been vacant more than five years. For that whole time, TD Bank has held the lease. Barnes & Noble closed its store there at the end of 2012. Earlier, it had been a B. Dalton bookstore. Our understanding is TD Bank has a long-term, 20-year lease, or something like that, and that they are paying an astronomical rent — $200,000 a month, or so we are told by a local source who is up on such things. That rent sounds incredible, but that’s the word on the street. Meanwhile, for all these years, TD Bank could have done something with this key corner property. As William Kelley, the executive director of the Village Alliance Business Improvement District, has put it, that corner is “The Gateway to Eighth St.” Eighth St. was once the Village’s main shopping strip. Then it became a shoe-store street, then fell on hard times, filled with empty storefronts, and is now rebounding with upscale restaurants and nightspots. Corners are key. All you need to do is listen to the recording of Jane Jacobs at the yellow “periscope” on the other side of the intersection on Ruth Wittgenstein Triangle. Jacobs talks about how important street corners are – places where streams of pedestrians mix and merge, come into contact. This currently blighted corner reflects terribly on TD Bank — and also the landlord, who is happy to pocket the rent, of course, but should be pushing to reactivate that spot. But now the Blue Note jazz club apparently is looking to open up a live-music venue there. Its liquor-license application has been on the Community Board 2 S.L.A. Committee’s agenda for two months but keeps getting “laid over” for some reason. A music club there would be great, and would hark back to when Jimi Hendrix built Electric Lady Studio a few doors down and, before that, to when Barbra Streisand got her start singing on Eighth St. What would be even better is if the place offered open-mic nights, like some of our favorite recently closed venues, Cornelia St. Cafe and SideWalk. Admittedly, that might not be part of the so-called “business model.” But so far, the TD Bank business model has been a disaster!
A view of Tompkins Square on Jan. 1, 1936, shows gazebos. Today, there are chess tables — usually with sundr y characters — around the Congressmember Samuel Sullivan Cox statue, at lower right. St. Brigid’s Church still sported its spires. The 16-stor y Christodora House had been built eight years earlier as a settlement house. Now it’s condos. In the background, near Con Ed, are huge gas tanks in the former “Gas House District,” which were later removed.
THE HOT TOPIC STORY: “Moishe’s Bake Shop closes as owner sells building” SUMMARY: On March 5, after 40 years in the neighborhood, Moishe Perl closed his “king of kosher bakeries.” Perl sold the building, at 115 Second Ave., between E. Sixth and Seventh Sts., which he had owned since the 1970s. “Anyone who comes in here will still see a baker y the way it was 37 years ago,” Perl told The Villager’s Lesley Sussman in an inter view in 2008. “I think that’s why people appreciate us ver y much.” Perl said the space may be reopened as a coffee shop or baker y and that he might be involved in some way.
Publisher of The Villager, Villager Express, Chelsea Now, Downtown Express and Manhattan Express PRESIDENT & PUBLISHER CEO & CO-PUBLISHER EDITOR IN CHIEF REPORTER CONTRIBUTORS
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March 14, 2019
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Letters to the Editor
Senior housing takes priority over garden BY MELISSA A ASE AND ERIC WEINGARTNER
niversity Settlement unequivocally supports senior affordable housing and the Haven Green project on Elizabeth St. While the choice may be a difficult one, our community should welcome affordable housing. In this instance, the proposed development includes significant public and open space, making that choice a little easier. We recognize the new building would represent a loss to the volunteers who have worked in the last few years to animate that piece of city land as the Elizabeth St. Garden. But we encourage everyone, including the New York City Planning Commission and City Council, to make this choice based on the greater basic human need in all of our communities, for affordable housing. University Settlement opened our doors on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in 1886, a few blocks from this very site. We currently serve 40,000 New Yorkers of all walks of life at more than 30 locations in Manhattan and Brooklyn. We were founded on the belief that every person is an asset to the community’s well-being and quality of life. Our founding progressive mission is to work with neighbors to create a livable, healthy, equitable city, fundamentally assured through meeting the basic needs of all. The elder population is growing faster than other segments of the city’s residents, more than 26 percent in the last 10 years. Currently, more than 200,000 low-income seniors are on waiting lists for senior housing; five thousand waiting for an affordable, accessible home are in our local community. University Settlement’s housing protection program, Project Home, sees the crisis first-hand. More than 750 neighbors with housing crises come to us each year, and we have noted acute issues on Janet Freeman Way (Elizabeth St.’s co-name honors a fierce housing advocate we lost too soon). Through Project Home, we have directly assisted more than 105 households on Elizabeth St. and in Nolita near the proposed Haven Green site — and more than 60 percent were seniors. These cases included fighting for repairs because of terrible conditions; responding to fires and advocating for tenants to return to their homes; standing up to landlord harassment to buy tenants out for minuscule amounts; defending against spurious eviction suits; protecting from harassment through unending renovation; dealing with thorny lease renewal, arrears payment and succession issues, and more. Haven Green is a meaningful compromise put forward by partners committed to the greater good. It preserves 8,400 square feet of open, public space (with 6,700 of that green space, open to the sky) that can and should be cooperatively programmed and activated by neighbors around the site. (A standard basketball court is about 5,000 square feet.) There is also a large public park two blocks away from the site, with active neighbors and invested organizations like ours, who welcome more volunteers, ideas and investment. The incredible energy of the Elizabeth St. Garden supporters would be invaluable in welcoming — and volunteering with — new elder neighbors on Elizabeth St. One of our founders, Charles Stover, was known as the “Founder of Outdoor Playgrounds.” Stover launched the Outdoor Recreation League in 1898 and served as the city’s Parks commissioner. He and others also worked to establish the city’s first housing habitability codes. We don’t dispute the need for green. But a higher priority is safe, affordable housing, particularly for those with greater health vulnerabilities, those who have built this community before us. Aase and Weingartner are executive director and C.E.O., respectively, University Settlement
Schneps Media
The city recently pulled the building permits for this residential project on W. 66th St. because the plan included a 160-foottall “void” to boost the building’s height.
the slow capital-improvements process. Thus, many miles of safe bike lanes were installed and pedestrians had fewer vehicular lanes to cross. Union Square and Broadway north to Madison Square were transformed into pedestrian oases. In planning for the nowscuttled L-train shutdown, changes have already been made to 14th, 13th and 12th Sts., including buffered bike lanes along 12th and 13th Sts., as well as terra-cotta paint and pavement markings for bus lanes and curbside access along 14th St. Meanwhile, eastbound bus stops on 14th St. have been eliminated at Fifth Ave. and Union Square. There must be bus stops at every avenue, 900 feet apart. Introducing a third bus line that refuses to pick up or discharge passengers at arbitrarily selected avenues is an unnecessary penalty on riders. The new 14th St. can become an attractive pedestrian promenade with landscaping and street furniture, an equal to Boston’s Commonwealth Ave. Hopefully, Commissioner Polly Trottenberg will continue Sadik-Khan’s inspired work with imaginative, pedestrianfriendly street design. Barry Benepe
Give streets a chance To The Editor: Seeking to end the war in Vietnam, peace activists sang “Give Peace a Chance.” Now Vietnam has become a friendly nation. Today, seeking to end the war on pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders, we urbanists are singing, “Give Streets a Chance.” In the early 1960s, the first neckdowns or “bump-outs” were installed in the West Side Urban Area. During the Koch years, extensive areas of streets along Seventh Ave. South were converted to sidewalks by thenDepartment of Transportation Commissioner Ross Sandler and his deputy David Gurin. Walkable Z-blocks replaced driveable asphalt, increasing pedestrian safety. Decades later, D.O.T. Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan took this concept and expanded it throughout the city at a quicker pace, using lighter and cheaper materials to bypass TVG
Can’t a-Void the issue To The Editor: Re “City’s take on ‘voids’ rings hollow” (thevillager.com, news article, March 7): Two different proposals are out there to fi x the situation of “voids and mechanical loopholes”: a weak one from the Department of City Planning and a stronger one from Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal. City Planning proposes to “limit” mechanical spaces to a single 25-foot-high floor (or story) for every six stories or 75 feet of living space. The Rosenthal plan uses a modification of the state Multiple Dwelling Law to set a limit of 12 feet for mechanical floors and a limit of other “no-counts” to 5 percent of the allocated floor-area ratio, or F.A.R. Rosenthal’s plan could be improved if she included
voids in the 12-foot-height limit. But she’s off to a good start. Lynn Ellsworth Ellsworth is founder, HumanScale NYC
Big bite of the Apple To The Editor: Re “Johnson rolls out city transit takeover plan” (news article, March 7): City Council Speaker and 2021 mayoral candidate Corey Johnson is correct: City Hall can actually regain control of both New York City’s subway and bus systems and create his proposed “Big Apple Transit.” Buried within the 1953 master agreement between the city and the New York City Transit Authority is an escape clause. New York City has the legal right to take back control of the subway and bus systems. City Hall would have to negotiate with both the governor and state Legislature over how much of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s $40 billion long-term debt and billions more in employee pension, health insurance, benefits and liabilities it would get. The city would inherit union contracts and work-rule agreements. You also have to develop a plan for turning over management of billions in hundreds of ongoing projects. Don’t forget current purchases for thousands of new subway cars and buses. N.Y.C.T.A. Bus and Subway is the nation’s largest transit operator, with a fleet of 6,400 subways and 4,400 buses. M.T.A. Bus, with 1,300 buses, is one of the nation’s top 10 bus operators. It’s equal to managing a Fortune 500 corporation. Larry Penner E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words, to news@ thevillager.com or fax to 212229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 1 MetroTech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Anonymous letters will not be published. March 14, 2019
Patricia Winters-Liotta, 60, saint with scissors BY GABE HERMAN
atricia Winters-Liotta, the owner of Anonymous Hair Salon in Greenwich Village for more than 30 years, died Feb. 21. She was 60. Winters-Liotta, known as Pat to those who knew her, founded Anonymous Hair Salon at 105 Sullivan St., between Prince and Spring Sts., in 1986. Beyond a place for haircuts, the salon was also a community hangout, according to her son Vincent Alfano. Vincent has taken over ownership of the shop. He said a variety of different music was always playing there, whether it was jazz on Tuesday or funk on Wednesday. Locals would come by just to hang out and sit on chairs set up outside. “Because she knew everyone in the neighborhood, she’d always have people sitting outside the store,” recalled Peter DeLuca, who knew Pat for 25 years and got his hair cut at the salon. DeLuca is also the owner of the Greenwich Village Funeral Home, where visitation services were held for Winters-Liotta on March 2. Pat would go to the homes of older people in the neighborhood to cut their hair when they could no longer make it to the salon, DeLuca said. And she would never charge extra for it. “This wasn’t a rare occasion,” DeLuca said. “She did it all the time. And she didn’t do it because it was part of her business model. She did it because she built relationships with people in the neighborhood.” He said a woman living across the street had a stroke and Pat would go to her home to cut her hair. “She cared about people,” he said. “She would go out of her way just as a genuinely kind person to help the seniors out,” Deluca said. “You just don’t find that nowadays.” Her son Vincent said she also cut old folks’ hair at nearby St. Anthony’s Church, at 151 Thompson St. She would spend Saturday mornings there and bring people food. “She was never selfish, not with anything,” he said. In 2001, Winters-Liotta also took over the Hair Box barbershop at 203 Spring St., which at the time was called Frank’s. The location was a barbershop for more than 100 years. But it closed in 2014 due to city construction that blocked the entrance for an extended period
March 14, 2019
Patricia Winters-Liotta with a message she chalked in front of her hair salon on Sullivan St. The words summed up her spirit, which she expressed throughout the community in her kind deeds.
The chairs in front of the Anonymous Hair Salon are a welcoming hangout for locals, creating a space for community.
of time, according to Vincent. Patricia Winters-Liotta was born May 4, 1958. She grew up in Queens, in Ozone Park and Howard Beach. Later on, she lived in Rockaway with her son until moving to Atlantic Beach in Hempstead around 2007, where she lived the rest of her life with her husband, Andrew Liotta. Pat was diagnosed this past July with bladder cancer, Vincent said. She had not felt well for some time before that and doctors said she was likely sick for more than a year before the diagnosis. During an operation around Thanksgiving, it was discovered that the cancer had spread. Vincent said he and his stepfather Andrew brought Pat home the day before Valentine’s Day this year, after they received word that she had little time left. Vincent said she had been weak and ate little in previous months, but when Pat arrived home, she got a burst of energy. She was up and about, eating more, and yelling cooking instructions to her mother in the kitchen. She made it to Vincent’s birthday on Feb. 18. She wanted to make it to her 15th anniversary with Andrew on Feb. 22, but she died the day before. Vincent said his mother was always bringing people together, wanting to introduce people in the community to each other. He recalled coming home sometimes from work and seeing his friends doing yoga with her in the living room. “If she liked you, every word would melt your heart and put a smile on your face,” Vincent said. “If she had a quarrel with you or didn’t like you, she could speak razor blades.” “I cried when she passed away,” DeLuca said. “She was just a wonderful human being. Really a person you don’t forget after you meet them. Very at ease with herself, very kind and funny. I’m going to miss her.” Patricia Winters-Liotta is survived by her son Vincent; husband Andrew; sister Linda Conatser; mother Frances Jean Winters; and niece Noelle Winters-Herzog. Reflecting on his mother, Vincent said, “If you took an independent businesswoman from Queens, then you mixed that with a crazy Sicilian from Italy, and mixed it with a flower child from the ’60s, that was her.” Schneps Media
Explore diverse dining experiences at more than 150 restaurants with special offers in Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx SPONSORS PRINT Q DIGITAL Q EVENTS Q BROADCASTING
March 14, 2019
Dine the Boroughs 2019
Enjoy global flavors for great prices at Dine the Boroughs Sink your teeth into a world of flavor in the communities where you live during this month’s “Dine the Boroughs” campaign! Schneps Media — the parent company of more than 70 publications across New York City, Long Island and Westchester County — is launching this amazing, twoweek dining experience offering foodies the opportunity to enjoy great meals from some of the city’s best restaurants. Originally started in 2003 as Queens Restaurant Week, the Dine the Boroughs program offers residents of Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens a chance to enjoy meals at participating eateries for very affordable prices.
March 14, 2019
To kick off the promotion, Schneps Media held tasting events in each of the three boroughs on Monday and Tuesday, March 11 & 12. Guests enjoyed samples from participating restaurants as well as live music and entertainment. Dine the Boroughs celebrates the incredible global cuisine offered across the boroughs, and supports the many small business owners who have worked hard over the years to perfect their craft, win over customers and contribute to their community. “This is really an opportunity to promote the diverse food offerings found in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx,” said Joshua Schneps, the chief executive offiTVG
cer of Schneps Media. “We want to drive traffic to each of the boroughs because, as we all know, great food is a destination.” More than 200 restaurants in the three boroughs are participating in this exciting promotion, which begins on Monday, March 18, and runs through Friday, March 29. Diners can visit the participating eatery of their choice and enjoy a prix fixe, three-course dinner for $28 per person. “It’s completely free for restaurants to participate,” Schneps said. “They have to offer a prix fixe menu, at least for dinner, during the period of time that we’ll be holding Dine the Boroughs, and they have to be based in Brooklyn, Queens or
the Bronx. We're very fortunate to hav such a large reach in those three area through our different newspapers, web sites, newsletters and social channel that we can really promote these restau rants.” Dine the Boroughs is presented i partnership with the Whitmore Group Other sponsors are Restaurant Depo Broadway Stages, Flaming Grill Modern Buffet, World's Fare, Seafoo City, OpenTable, and Queens Econom Development Corporation. For more information about the partic ipating restaurants and sponsors, and detailed list of the participating eaterie visit dinetheboroughs.com. Schneps Media
Dine the Boroughs 2019 Queens 7 Stars Restaurant American 132-09 14th Ave College Point 718-747-6898 7starcoffeeshopandrestaurant.com Adriaen Block American 19-33 Ditmars Blvd Astoria 918-606-1391 adriaenblocknyc.com Aegea West Restaurant Greek 242-05 Northern Blvd Little Neck 718-423-4429 aegeagyros.com Akiyama Japanese 132-16 14th Ave College Point 718-747-0618 akiyamasushiny.com Anemos Estiatorio Greek 41-15 34th Ave Astoria 718-255-6111 anemosny.com Aperitif Bistro Bayside French Bistro 213-41 39th Ave Bayside 718-215-6470 aperitifbayside.com Atlantic Diner American/International 111-16 Atlantic Ave South Richmond Hill 718-849-6673 atlanticdinerny.com Bachue Colombian 86-02 37th Ave Flushing 718-779-7595 bachueny.com
Bourbon Street Cajun Southern 40-12 Bell Blvd Bayside 718-224-2200 bourbonstreetny.com Buddy's Kosher Delicatessen Kosher Deli 215-01 73rd Ave Oakland Gardens 718-631-2110 buddyskosherdeli.com Cherry Valley American 12-29 150th St Whitestone 718-767-1937 cherryvalleydeli.net Chiquita's Restaurant Spanish & American 60-59 Myrtle Ave Ridgewood 718-386-0500 Connolly's Corner Traditional/American 71-15 Grand Ave Maspeth 718-565-7383 connollyscorner.com Corato Pizza II Italian 60-91 Myrtle Ave Ridgewood 718-381-5656 coratopizzaridgewood.com Cozy Diner American 14-09 150th St # 3 Whitestone 718-767-4949 cozy-diner.com CP Grill Greek 131-02 14th Ave College Point 917-285-2719 cpgrill.net
El Chivito D'Oro Uruguayan 84-02 37th Ave Jackson Heights 718-424-0600
Granpa-Eats American 132-07 14th Ave College Point 929-200-7046 gourmetfit.net
El Gauchito Argentinean 158-15 Horace Harding Expy Flushing 718-661-4262 elgauchitonyc.com
Guantanamera Cuban 110-80 Queens Blvd Forest Hills 718-575-5755 guantanamerany.com
El Gauchito Argentinean 94-60 Corona Ave Elmhurst 718-271-1917 elgauchitonyc.com
Health Kitchen Healthy Food 10-17 154th St Whitestone 718-709-9010 healthkitchenfoods.com
Elements Lounge American 104-04 Ditmars Blvd East Elmhurst 718-457-6300 laguardiaplazahotel.com Fajitas Sunrise Mexican 59-24 Myrtle Ave Ridgewood 718-418-0967
IL Nocello Ristorante Italian 14-27 150 St Whitestone 718-767-9890 Jackson's Eatery Bar American 10-37 Jackson Ave Long Island City 347-649-1721 jacksonslic.com
Kebob House Turkish 255-05 Northern Blvd Little Neck 718-225-5318 La Baraka French 25509 Northern Blvd Flushing 718-428-1461 La Choza Del Gordo Colombian 41-05 Northern Blvd Long Island City 718-707-0370 La Elegancia Colombian/Uruguayan 88-26 37th Ave Jackson Heights 718-440-9371 La Fusta Argentinean 80-32 Baxter Ave Queens 718-429-8222 lafustarestaurant.com
Bagel Time American 15051 14th Ave Flushing 718-746-0686 bageltimeny.com
Cristina's Deli & Grill American 12-37 150th St Whitestone 718-357-6055 cristinasdeli.com
Freddy's Pizzeria Italian 12-66 150th St Whitestone 718-767-4502
Jägerhaus German 15-16 149th St Flushing 718-767-3486 jagerhausnyc.com
La Gran Uruguaya Argentinean/Uruguayan 85-02 37th Ave Jackson Heights 718-505-0400
Benateri's Italian 129-21 14th Ave College Point 718-445-9240 benateriscaters.com
Donovan's of Bayside Irish/Pub 214-16 41st Ave Bayside 718-423-5353 donovansofbayside.com
Georgia Diner American 86-55 Queens Blvd Elmhurst 718-651-9000 georgiadiner.com
Joe & John Pizzeria Italian 59-10 Myrtle Ave Ridgewood 718-497-0078 joejohnspizzeriamenu.com
La Gran Uruguaya Bakery Uruguayan 85-06 37th Ave Jackson Heights 718-505-0404
Schneps Media
March 14, 2019
Dine the Boroughs 2019 Piccolo Sogno Italian 195-14 47th Ave Flushing 718-224-1717 www.piccolosongnony.com Pita Mediterranean Gyro and Grill Turkish/Mediterranean 66-39 Fresh Pond Rd Ridgewood 888-990-7482 www.pitagyro.com
La Nueva Bakery Uruguayan/Argentinean 86-10 37th Ave Jackson Heights 718-507-4785 lanuevabakery.com
Monahan & Fitzgerald Irish/American 214-17 41st Ave Flushing 718-279-4450 monahanfitzgerald.com
Ridgewood Ale House Traditional/American 57-38 Myrtle Ave Ridgewood 718-456-4495 ridgewoodalehouse.com
Sergimmo Salumeria Whitestone Italian 150-39 14th Ave Whitestone 718-939-4357 sergimmo.com Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel American 135-20 39th Ave Flushing 718-670-7400 Tacos Mexico Mexican 102-03 Northern Blvd Corona 718-749-0343 tacosmexico.com Tacos Mexico Mexican 41-10 102nd St Corona 718-505-0332 tacosmexico.com
La Vigna Italian 100-11 Metropolitan Ave Forest Hills 718-268-4264 lavignany.com
Mr. Pollo Colombian 12-27A 150th St Whitestone 718-357-4444 mrpollo1.com
Romeo's Pizzeria Italian 103-20 Liberty Ave Ozone Park 718-835-9626 romeospizzany.com
Liola Rest Italian 15-01 149th St Whitestone 718-767-1110 liolanyc.com
Naked Crab Seafood 39-16 College Point Blvd Flushing 718-886-8777 nakedcrabny.com
Saffron Spanish/Mediterranean 161-50 Cross Bay Blvd Howard Beach 347-392-4152 saffrontapasny.com
Taqueria Kermes Mexican 66-36 Fresh Pond Rd Flushing 347-463-9263 taqueriakermesridgewood. com
Off The Hook Seafood 28-08 34th St Astoria 718-721-2112 offthehookastoria.com
Sangria Tapas & Wine Spanish 29-02 Francis Lewis Blvd Flushing 718-358-2727 sangrialatinrestaurant.com
Tasty Grill Greek 14-22 150th St Whitestone 718-767-7200 tastygrillny.com
Madera Cuban Grill Cuban 47-29 Vernon Blvd Long Island City 718-606-1236 maderacubangrill.com Marbella Spanish 220-33 Northern Blvd Bayside 718-423-0100 marbella-restaurant.com
Papazzio Restaurant & Caterer Italian 39-38 Bell Blvd Bayside 718-229-1962 www.papazzio.com
Matiz Latin Cuisine Colombian 110-72 Queens Blvd Forest Hills 718-880-1213 matizlatincuisineny.com
Piatto Italian 1-50 50th Ave Long Island City 718-361-2751 www.piattolic.com
March 14, 2019
The Buffet Pan-Asian 20-07 127th St, 4th fl. College Point 718-886-3722 thebuffet-ny.com The Clinton Italian 9-17 Clintonville St Whitestone 718-746-4800 clintonrestaurant.com The Super Room Seafood/ American 38-17 Bell Blvd Bayside 718-873-2999 Toskana Pizzeria Restaurant Italian 248-25 Northern Blvd Little Neck 718-225-2887 toskanapizzeriamenu.com Trattoria Cerbone Italian 71-24 Fresh Pond Rd Ridgewood 718-386-4400 trattoriacerbonemenu.com Tropical Revival Southeast Restaurant 12-40 Clintonville St Flushing 347-502-1802
One Station Plaza American-Continental 213-10 41st Ave Bayside 718-224-0060 ospbayside.com
Maria's Mediterranean Greek 38-11 Bell Blvd Bayside 718-279-1606 mariasonbell.com
Thai Rock Thai 375 Beach 92nd St Far Rockaway 718-945-5111 thairock.us
Schneps Media
Dine the Boroughs 2019 Tuscan Hills Italian 110-60 Queens Blvd Forest Hills 718-487-4500 tuscanhillsnyc.com
Buckley's American 2926 Avenue S Brooklyn 718-998-4222 buckleyscaterers.com
Mussels & More Seafood 8001 5th Ave Brooklyn 718-680-3390 musselsnmore.com
Villagio Italian 15007 14th Rd Whitestone 718-747-1111
Caffe Buon Gusto Italian 151 Montague Street Brooklyn 718-624-3838 cafebuongusto.net
New Apollo Diner Greek/American 155 Livingston St Brooklyn 718-858-5600 newapollodiner.com
Cappuccino Cafe American 7721 3rd Ave Brooklyn 718-238-8700 cappcafe.com
New Corner Italian, Seafood & Chops 7201 8th Ave Brooklyn 718-833-0800 newcornerrestaurant.com
Whitepoint Pizza Italian 132-13 14th Ave College point 718-746-5555 whitepointpizzarestaurant. com Zenon Taverna Greek 34-10 31st Ave Astoria 718-956-0133 zenontaverna.com
Brooklyn Anatolian Gyro Turkish 2623 E. 16th St. Brooklyn 718-769-4754 mygyro.com Annabelle's Pastaria Italian 717 86th St Brooklyn 718-836-9444 Annabellespastaria.com Battista Italian 4602 Avenue N Brooklyn 718-758-5500 Beets and Carrots New American 9905 3rd Ave Brooklyn 718-333-5011 beetsandcarrots.com
Chadwicks American 8822 3rd Ave Brooklyn 718-833-9855 chadwicksbrooklyn.com Circles Cafe American Eclectic 6931 3rd Ave Brooklyn 718-748-4611 circlescafe.com Colombia in Park Slope Colombian 376 5th Ave Brooklyn 718-369-2020 colombiany.com Da Ciro Italian 458 Myrtle Ave Brooklyn 929-295-9542 daciro.com Dariush Restaurant Persian 132 Montague St Brooklyn 718-596-1800
Blu Turkish Restaurant Turkish 1811 Emmons Ave Brooklyn 718-513-6585 bluturkish.com
Duet Bakery & Restaurant New American/Fusion 6181 Strickland Ave Brooklyn 718-676-6219 duetny.com
BridgeView Diner Continental 9011 3rd Ave Brooklyn 718-680-9818 Bridgeviewbrooklyn.com
Fig and Olive Tree Mediterranean 7021 3rd Ave Brooklyn 718-680-1110 figandolivetree.com
Schneps Media
Flaming Grill Chinese 3839 Nostrand Ave Brooklyn 718-648-6888 flaminggrillmodernbuffet. com Gourmet Fit Kitchen Brazilian 6819 3rd Ave Brooklyn 347-662-6821 gourmetfit.net Greenhouse Cafe American 7717 3rd Ave Brooklyn 718-833-8200 greenhousecafe.com Hunter's Steak & Ale House Steakhouse 9404 4th Ave Brooklyn 718-238-8899 hunterssteakhouse.com IL Fornetto Ristorante and Catering Italian/Seafood 2902 Emmons Ave Brooklyn 718-332-8494 ilFornettoRestaurant.com Jordan's Lobster Dock Seafood 3165 Harkness Ave Brooklyn 718-934-6300 jordanlobsterbrooklyn.com Kellogg's Diner American 518 Metropolitan Ave Brooklyn 718-782-4502 TVG
Kouros Bay Diner American 3861 Nostrand Ave Brooklyn 718-743-5777 kourosbaydiner.com Lobo Loco Mexican 8530 3rd Ave Brooklyn 718-921-1234 lobolocony.com Lombardo's of Bay Ridge Italian 279 71st St Brooklyn 718-238-7100 lombardosofbayridge.com LOOK by Plant Love House Authentic Thai 622 Washington Ave Brooklyn 718-622-0026 plantlovehouse.wix.com Macini's Wood Fired Pizza Italian 8504 5th Ave Brooklyn 718-333-5209 maciniswoodfiredpizza.com
Next Door Restaurant Italian 2005 Emmons Ave Brooklyn 718-942-5870 nextdoorbrooklyn.com Nick's Lobster House Seafood 2777 Flatbush Ave Brooklyn 718-253-7117 nickslobsterhouse.com Parkview Diner American 2939 Cropsey Ave Brooklyn 718-333-9400 Perry's Diner American 3482 Nostrand Ave Brooklyn 718-934-9800 Pizza D'Amore Italian 2147 Mill Ave Brooklyn 718-531-2333 pizzadamorenyc.com
Mondayoff by Plant Love House Thai 752 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn 718-941-2022 plantlovehouse.wixsite.com
Salvi Italian 4220 Quentin Rd Brooklyn 718-252-3030 salvirestaurant.com
Monte's Italian 451 Carroll St Brooklyn 718-852-7800 montesnyc.com
Santa Fe Veracruzano Mexican 62 7th Ave Brooklyn 347-799-1178 santafeveracruzano.com March 14, 2019
Dine the Boroughs 2019 George's Family Restaurant Greek/ American 3000 Buhre Ave Bronx 718-918-9807 Havana Latin Carib Cuban 3151 E Tremont Ave Bronx 718-518-1800 bronxhavanacafe.com Schnitzel Haus German 7319 5th Ave Brooklyn 718-836-5600 schnitzelhausny.com
Yasiou Greek 2003 Emmons Ave Brooklyn 718-332-6064 yiasouonthebay.com
Sofia Restaurant Northern Italian 8406 3rd Ave Brooklyn 718-680-4242
Zio Toto Italian 8407 3rd Ave Brooklyn 718-238-8042 ziotoristorante.com
Soup N Burger American 1825 Emmons Ave Brooklyn 718-513-6939 soupnburger.com South Brooklyn Foundry New American 6909 3rd Ave Brooklyn 718-333-5287 T Fusion Steakhouse 3223 Quentin Rd Brooklyn 718-627-8325 tfusionsteakhouse.com The Pearl Room Seafood / Italian 8518 3rd Ave Brooklyn 718-833-6666 pearlroombklyn.com Tommaso Northern Italian 1464 86th St Brooklyn 718-236-9883 tommasoinbrooklyn.com Tuscany Grill Italian 8620 3rd Ave Brooklyn 718-921-5633 tuscanygrillbrooklyn.com
March 14, 2019
Honey Thai Thai 3036 Westchester Ave Bronx 347-657-1750 honeysthai.com Icehouse Café Italian/Seafood/Burgers 140 Reynolds Ave Bronx 718-863-5580 icehousecafebronx.com
Legendary Bar & Grill American 3513 E Tremont Ave Bronx 718-822-0100
Parq Latin, Burgers and Wings 4001 East Tremont Ave Bronx 718-684-6053
Made in Puerto Rico Caribbean 3363 East Tremont Ave Bronx 718-684-1309 madeinpuertoricony.com
Quality Grill & Gyro Greek American, Burgers and Chops 1805 Edison Ave Bronx 718-792-5534 www.qualitygrillandgyro. com
Miles Cafe Wraps, Sandwiches, Desserts, Coffee 4039 East Tremont Ave Bronx 718-824-2719 Muscle Maker Grill Healthy - Wraps, Salads, Smoothies, Shakes 4041 E. Tremont Ave Bronx 718-822-6992 musclemakergrill.com Mutz Italian 815 Hutchinson River Pkwy Bronx 917-708-9006 themutz.com
Cabo Latin/Caribbean 3764 East Tremont Ave Bronx 718-863-0099 cabobx.com
Jimmy Ryan's Bar & Grill 3005 Middletown Rd Bronx 718-597-4935 jimmyryans.net
Casa Restaurant Latin/Caribbean 3607 East Tremont Ave Bronx 718-792-2272 casarestaurantnyc.com
Jimmy's Grand Café Bar & Grill 1001 Castle Hill Ave Bronx 718-319-1200 jimmysgrandcafe.com
P.J. Brady's American - Wings, Chops, Steak and Pizza 3201 Phillip Ave Bronx 718-931-3250 www.pjbradystogo.com
Kingsbridge Social Club Italian 3625 Kingsbridge Ave Bronx 347-346-5180 kingsbridgesocialclub.com
Paddy's On The Bay Irish and American 50 Pennyfield Ave Bronx 718-430-6651 www.paddysonthebay.com
Crosstown Diner American/Greek/Seafood 2880 Bruckner Blvd Bronx 718-597-3450 crosstowndiner.com DaFranco and Tony Italian 2815 Middletown Road Bronx 718-684-2815 Dafrancoandtony.com
Seafood City Seafood 459 City Island Ave Bronx 718-885-3600 seafoodcityci.com Shamrock Inn Irish and American 1729 Crosby Ave Bronx 718-822-8889 Tosca Marquee Rooftop Garden Bar Italian 4034 East Tremont Ave Bronx 718-792-2233 toscamarquee.com Traversias Latin 3834 E Tremont Ave Bronx 718-828-3834 Wicked Wolf American, German, Irish, Steaks, Chops, Salads, Seafood 4029 East Tremont Ave Bronx 718-829-4400 wickedwolfbronx.com
Empanology Puerto Rican 2407 3rd Ave Bronx 718-215-1107 empanology.com Franks Pizza & Restaurant Italian 4106 East Tremont Ave Bronx 718-824-8070 TVG
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March 14, 2019
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March 14, 2019
Schneps Media
NEVER FORGET: Students placed flowers for each victim of the fire during the 2018 event memorializing the tragic Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, which killed 146 factory workers back Remember the Triangle File Coalition in 1911.
Remembering a fire that changed the city Locals, unions mourn the lives lost in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory blaze BY MAYA HARRISON They’re remembering these victims more than a century after their deaths changed history. Families and members of the Workers United/ SEIU will gather on March 25 at Washington Place and Schneps Media
Greene Street — the site of the former Asch Building, whose top three floors were once occupied by the Triangle Shirtwaist Company — for the 108th anniversary of the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fi re, one of the deadliest industrial disasters in
U.S. history. On March 25, 1911, a fi re killed 146 factory workers in the building, which lacked a sprinkler system and had several doors sealed shut to prevent theft, according to the New York Daily News. Family members will read TVG
the names of perished workers — nearly all immigrant girls aged 13 to 23 — commemorating their lives by placing flowers at the sight of the tragedy while a bell tolls. During the memorial event, a fi re-truck ladder will be raised to the sixth floor
of the building, the highest point the ladder could reach in 1911, though the fi re engulfed the eighth, ninth, and 10th floors. More than 40 of the trapped workers burned inside the factory, while others Continued on page 28
March 14, 2019
Why small union construction firms matter L ike anything else in our city, Brooklyn’s construction industry is always changing. This has been particularly noticeable on private sector projects across the outer boroughs, where many developers and construction managers are feeling greater pressure with regard to project costs. These market pressures in Brooklyn can create the temptation for builders to cut corners by working with a less experienced team — but the reality is that saving money in this manner over the shortterm can actually result in more problems, greater risk, and even higher costs. These issues are not discussed often enough because elected officials and policymakers typically focus more on broader topics around real-estate development and neighborhood growth. However, the operational choices made by developers and con-
OPINION Matt Caruso struction managers have serious impacts on the local workforce and on the quality of new building stock not only in Brooklyn but across the city. As the outer boroughs continue to see a surge in development, these new construction challenges facing Brooklyn
are an important reminder of why small union subcontractors have become an even more important part of the industry. Brooklynites know that whoever is running the construction site near their home on a daily basis has an important role to play in ensuring the safety of the public and passersby, as well as the workers on that site. This is one of the primary reasons that my union construction team at Exterior Wall and Building Consultants has made significant strides to expand our business operations in Brooklyn over the past year. It is also one of the reasons why we were successful in taking that step. When I speak with those who follow new development in Brooklyn, I have actually received some questions about how a small union subcontractor has been able to make inroads in the borough at a time when some builders
have felt such intense market pressure regarding their costs. Exterior Wall and Building Consultants focuses on taking the wholistic approach of a general contractor even as we provide subcontracting services for many of our larger counterparts across the industry. It’s vital to remember that being a smaller contractor shouldn’t just be about delivering workers to a site with their gear and calling it a day. To that end, our team plays a direct role in installing and maintaining onsite protection, to keep job sites and workers safe, and to also protect the general public and adjacent properties. By effectively taking these opportunities to interface more directly with the broader teams on larger projects, our union team can have a bigger impact on instilling a culture of safety and creating a posi-
tive atmosphere all across the site. What developers and construction managers in Brooklyn and across the city fi nd is that this approach has real positive impacts on quality of work and managing costs and risk. And our team believes that trend must continue in the outer boroughs, even as it means going against the grain of those who think there’s nothing wrong with cutting corners. Brooklyn’s construction industry may be changing, but what hasn’t changed is the need for the borough’s worksites to be safe and wellmanaged to ensure the best for both workers and the public. We look forward to seeing more of this in 2019. Matt Caruso is president of Exterior Wall and Building Consultants, a union construction firm that is active on projects across Brooklyn and Manhattan.
Monday, March 25, 12PM-1PM: Join Workers United/SEIU (ILGWU) for the commemoration of the 108th anniversary of the 1911 Triangle Factory Fire, one of the pivotal events in US history and a turning point in labor’s struggle to achieve fair wages, dignity at work and safe working conditions. 26
March 14, 2019
Schneps Media
Save New York Jobs. Buy American.
Schneps Media
March 14, 2019
Strong women help to build New York Organization trains ladies for success
omen have been an intregal part of the trade workforce and its unions for decades. One New York organization has been helping put more women into these roles to ensure success for women, then industry, and the city. Nontraditional Employment for Women has been a groundbreaking model that works for women and for New York City. Its free training programs give women the skills and knowledge they need to begin careers as union tradeswomen. Founded in 1978, the company recruits, trains, and places women in careers in the skilled-construction, utility, and maintenance trades, helping them achieve economic
FIRE Continued from page 25 fell and died trying to escape through the elevator shaft, or desperately jumping out of the windows, according to a information from the History Channel. The horrific fi re was a pivotal moment in U.S. history that caused revolutionary reform for the protection of workers’ rights. The event helped lead to the birth of the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union in the city. And ten years after the fi re, more than 36 labor-protection laws were passed, including fi re-regulation laws, and laws limiting the number of hours women and children could spend toiling. The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission on Jan. 22 approved “Reframing the Sky,” a me-
March 14, 2019
independence and a secure future. At the same time, it provides a pipeline of qualified workers to the industries that build, move, power, green and maintain New York. Nontraditional Employment for Women and Local 79 have long been partners in their shared labor movement goals. They work together to ensure the life-changing career of a union laborer is accessible to women, that tradeswomen advance into leadership within the labor movement, and that communities across New York know the power, not just of a union career, but all importance of women holding that power. Several graduates of the group are in nearly every Local 79 apprentice class. Annually, it proudly places nearly
morial dedicated to the victims of the fi re. Advocacy group Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition is currently raising funds for the memorial, and intends on displaying it outside the former Triangle building, which is now part of New York University’s campus, with plans to fi nish the memorial in spring of 2019, according to the group’s website. “There are few memorials to women, to workers, or to immigrants. Remembering these workers and honoring their legacies is long overdue,” wrote members of the Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition. Offi cial commemoration of the 108th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (Washington Place and Greene Street, rememberthetrianglefire.org) on March 25, from 12 to 1 pm.
20 women in the rigorous and rewarding program. Beyond direct career opportunities, Nontraditional Employment for Women and Local 79 work together on local campaigns that benefit working people, especially women. The two continue to build on this partnership, especially as they prepare to help the laborers meet their new goal of recruiting 15 percent of each apprentice class from Nontraditional Employment for Women. In the last decade alone, Nontraditional Employment for Women has placed women in more than 2,700 construction careers and more than 1,000 women in additional industry-related positions. The organization is committed to changing the lives of women by
Nontraditional Employment for Women helps put more women into union trade positions through training and placement. providing them opportunities to move out of poverty and into
prosperity through careers in the trades.
HONORING THOSE LOST: An attendee of last year’s memorial event placed a flower for a victim. Remember the Triangle File Coalition
Schneps Media
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Visit DineTheBoroughs.com for a complete list of participating restaurants For more information call (718) 224-5863 Ext. 228 S P O N S O R E D B Y:
Schneps Media
March 14, 2019
Van Leeuwen doin’ it with fresh, funky flavors BY GABE HERMAN
ower Manhattan’s classic bakeries continue to disappear, the latest victim being Moishe’s Bake Shop in the East Village. But at least the artisanal ice cream industry, for one, seems to be thriving. Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream has several locations in and around the Village. A recent addition is at 61 W. Houston St., between Greene and Wooster Sts., just a block from Morgenstern’s Finest Ice Cream, at 88 W. Houston St. There seems to be a great demand for such high-quality, custom ice creams in the area, as these businesses seem to be thriving even through the winter months. Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream started out of a truck, serving scoops beginning in 2008. All of the ice cream is made from scratch in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. “We set out to revive the classic American ice cream truck and the art of traditional ice cream making using ingredients perfected by nature, not science,” its Web site says. Its traditional ice cream is made with
Van Leeuwen cookie sandwiches.
fresh milk and cream, cane sugar and egg yolks. Its vegan ice cream includes homemade cashew milk, coconut milk, extra virgin coconut oil, cane sugar, cocoa butter and carob bean. Vegan flavors include Cherry Heartbeet, with elderflower and orange blossom-infused angel food cake pieces; and Chocolate Citrus Cake, which is
gluten-free and has citrus jam sandwiched between housemade sponge cake pieces. Non-vegan flavors include Chai Sticky Toffee Pudding, with chai-infused date cake and chai toffee swirls; and Mocha Cookie Crumble, with sugar cookies and fudge swirls. A small scoop in a cup or cone goes for $4.50, while a
large is $6.50 and a pint is $8.50. There is also a cookie sandwich, in which a scoop of any flavor is sandwiched between housemade vegan chocolate chip cookies, for $8.50. The menu also offers sundaes, a banana split, a root beer float and espresso drinks. Van Leeuwen is quite popular with online reviewers, with the 61 Houston St. location, which opened mid-2018, having five stars on Yelp. “The ice cream here is legit!” one woman wrote. “Old school and delicious real cream. The vegan flavors were especially good. I loved the coconut flavor in the vegan ice cream.” “How good is this place?” another poster wrote. “Their chocolate shakes cost over $8 each. During a four-day trip to New York City, I had 3 of their chocolate shakes. That’s $24 on shakes. This place is THAT good.” The shop is tiny and has no seats, just a counter by the window at which to stand. Other nearby Van Leeuwen locations include 152 W. 10th St. in the West Village; 48 E. Seventh St. in the East Village; and 172 Ludlow St. on the Lower East Side. More information can be found at vanleeuwenicecream.com/.
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March 14, 2019
Schneps Media
Moishe’s Bake Shop recently closed after a long run on Second Ave. in the East Village.
How the kichel crumbles: Bye, Moishe’s BY GABE HERMAN
ast Village icon Moishe’s Bake Shop closed this week after more than 40 years in the neighborhood. The “king of kosher bakeries,” as The Villager dubbed it in a 2008 article, closed for good on Tues., March 5. The building at 115 Second Ave., between E. Sixth and E. Seventh Sts., was just sold, owner Moishe Perl told local photographers James and Karla Murray, which they posted on Instagram. Perl owned the building since the 1970s. “We loved this kosher bakery, as everything was baked on the premises fresh every day,” the Murrays wrote in the post. “They were known for their challah bread, rye bread, hamantaschen, rugelach, babka and sugar kichel.” The location may be opened again as a coffee shop and bakery, according to some reports, with Perl telling Patch he will cede management but possibly still be involved in some way. Moishe’s did all baking on premises and was the last of the authentic kosher bakeries in Lower Manhattan. It hearkened back to a time when the neighborhood was mostly Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian. The bakery’s origins went back farther than the
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Pastries at Moishe’s, including perennial favorite, hamantaschen.
shop itself, with Moishe Perl’s father getting into the baking business on Suffolk St. after coming to the U.S. in 1947 after surviving a Nazi concentration camp. Moishe Perl opened his bakery at 115 Second Ave. in 1972. Before then the location had been a TVG
bakery for more than 80 years, Perl told The Villager in 2008. The owner died and the family asked Perl, who had been running a small bakery at Houston and Orchards Sts. since 1969, if he wanted to take over. “It was a slum neighborhood,” Perl told The Villager. “The homeless were sleeping on the street and the Second Ave. subway was [still] under construction. “From Eighth Street down to Houston there was maybe three stores open. Everything was closed down. You were able to get any sized store for $75 a month — landlords were begging you.” Perl said that business remained good even as the area upscaled with trendy shops and an increasing New York University presence. “Everyone comes in here: Christians, Jews — you name it,” Perl told The Villager. “And I haven’t changed one thing from the way I’ve baked over the years. Everything is strictly kosher and I only use ingredients that I would eat at home. It’s all baked from a European tradition and all the merchandise is nondairy, except for the cheese Danish. “Anyone who comes in here will still see a bakery the way it was 37 years ago,” he said back then. “When it’s gone it’s gone. I think that’s why people appreciate us very much.” March 14, 2019
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March 14, 2019
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SAVE THE DATE 05.16.19 Schneps Media
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Sirico's Caterers 6-9PM For tickets, visit www.schnepscommunicationsevents.com For sponsorship or exhibitor opportunities please call Lori - 718-260-8341 or email: Lpedone@schnepsmedia.com
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March 14, 2019
Bond channels Collins, and her writers BY BOB KR ASNER
abaret — a form of entertainment that sometimes seems to be mired in the past — is alive, well and pointed straight into the future in the form of trans-genre entertainer Justin Vivian Bond. The artist’s voice is a unique instrument of beauty and honesty that captivates from the opening notes, taking the audience on an emotional ride through moments of transcendent beauty and witty repartee. In a night dedicated to Judy Collins — a great influence on Bond — tunes from folk singers Tom Paxton (“Leaving London”) and Richard Farina (“Reno, Nevada”) mixed with swinging surprises by Stephen Sondheim (“The Girls of Summer”) and Duke Ellington and Carl Sigman (“All Too
Soon”). Randy Newman and Jacques Brel were also represented, among others. Titled “Under The Influence,” the show is presented as part of the Joe’s Pub Vanguard Award & Residency, which goes this year to singer-songwriter Collins. Mx. Bond, a fan of Collins since they were young, has found a different way to pay tribute to the legendary entertainer. (Bond uses the gender-neutral title “Mx.” and selfdefines as “they.”) “I used to see who wrote the songs that Judy Collins was singing. Then I’d go to the library and take out albums by them,” explained Bond from the stage. Through Collins’s guidance, V — as Bond is also known — discovered the songwriters whose works made up the night’s set list, but not necessarily songs that Collins had sung.
Justin Vivian Bond per forming at Joe’s Pub on March 5.
V tends to joke around between songs, but is never less than 100 percent serious when it comes to the song. The occasional murder ballad gave way to explanations of broken nails, missing show panties and words of wisdom based on the singer’s personal experience. “I was lying in bed with my cats,” V recounted. “And I said to myself, I should get up and see what the world has to offer. But then, I thought, well, right now the world is offering me a bed.” Bond’s performance reached a high
During a moment of repar tee, Viv explained the missing fingernail. (It wasn’t about giving someone the finger.)
March 14, 2019
point with Leonard Cohen’s “First We Take Manhattan.” Finding the drama and humor in the song, and with the perfect accompaniment of their trio — Matt Ray on piano, Nath Ann Carrera on guitar and Claudia Chopek on violin — V elicited high praise from a notable member of the audience. “That was phenomenal!” yelled Judy Collins. “Under The Influence” continues from March 13 to 17 at Joe’s Pub, 425 Lafayette St. For more information, visit joespub.publictheater.org . Schneps Media
Helping ‘STEM’ tide of overlooked pioneers nearest Link station. Portraits of Jane Cooke Wright, Marie Maynard Daly, Mabel Keaton Staupers, Sinah Estelle Kelley and Susan McKinney Steward will be displayed on the public Wi-Fi and charging stations’ 55-inch screens until the end of March. The portraits were drawn by 20 different students from three Manhattan schools — M.S. 224 Manhattan East School for Arts Academics, Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School and P.S. 96 (Joseph Lanzetta School) — and one Queens school, Renaissance Charter School. There are 20 portraits altogether, with each student having picked one of the five women to draw. The students that designed the portraits used a digital design and learning program at Global Kids, a nonprofit that offers in-school and out-of-school classes for children in New York and Washington, D.C. Wright, a cancer researcher and surgeon, was influential in the develop-
n honor of Women’s History Month, portraits of five women of color who were pioneers in what today is known as “STEM” will be displayed around town on the city’s free Wi-Fi kiosks. Women have made important contributions to STEM — science, technology, engineering and math — but haven’t gotten their due. “Women are too often overlooked or completely left out of the history of science and technology,” said Ruth Fasoldt, LinkNYC’s director of external affairs. The City Council met on Feb. 25 to talk about the lack of statues in the city honoring women. Out of the city’s 150 existing statues, only five are of females. But now all that New Yorkers have to do to learn a bit more about some of the city’s underappreciated influential women is look to the
Mabel Keaton Staupers, by Schayna.
ment of chemotherapy. Daly was the first black American women to earn a Ph.D. in chemistry. Staupers fought for the inclusion of black nurses in the Army and Navy during World War II. Kelley worked to on the mass production of penicillin and Steward was the third black American woman to earn a medical degree. According to LinkNYC, the artistic series is not only meant to honor great women but also to inspire future generations. And it did, according to Matthew Wallace, digital learning and leadership trainer at Global Kids. “A lot of the kids expressed interest in learning learning more about these women,” Wallace said. The kids were also curious to fi nd out about other women that their history classes had neglected to teach them about, he said. According to Wallace, he and the students will work to remedy this with a new program that will create Wikipedia pages for more underappreciated influential women of color.
LMCC gives out $1.5 million to local artists BY GABE HERMAN
he Lower Manhattan Cultural Council announced on Feb. 28 it was giving more than $1.5 million in grants and residencies to nearly 300 Manhattan artists and arts groups. LMCC is granting more money than it has ever before — doubling the amount it granted to artists in 2017. The funds are being distributed through four programs: Creative Engagement, for artists and groups; Creative Learning, for arts education and programming for people of all ages; UMEZ Arts Engagement, for arts projects specifically in Upper Manhattan; and SU-CASA, for bringing artists and their work to senior centers. Lili Chopra, LMCC’s executive director of artist programs, noted that artists’ money-raising skills aren’t always on par with their creativity. “Individual artists are at the core of Manhattan’s cultural life, igniting a web of creativity throughout the city, and yet often lag behind organizations in building
MICHIYAYA Dance Company is among LMCC’s grant recipients for this year in the “Creative Engagement”
resources for their projects,” she said. LMCC’s backers include the state’s Council on the Arts, the city’s Department for the Aging, and the city’s Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the
City Council. Tom Finkelpearl, the Cultural Affairs commissioner, said the grants would have a tangible impact on the cultural landscape. “We are proud to support such a diverse group of over 200 grantees as part of a record-high city investment in culture across the five boroughs,” he said, “and we are eager to see the collective impact on New York’s vibrant cultural life in Manhattan and beyond.” Among the grant winners are Blackberry Productions, for its documentary theater work “My Harlem Tis of Thee,” which tells stories related to gentrification; the Two Bridges Neighborhood Council’s Young Composer’s Program for youth to learn to write music; Los Pleneros de la 21, for a project that features a year-long lineup of Puerto Rican music and culture performances; and OPEN DOORS Reality Poets, for a play called Real Cuts Barbershop that addresses issues around street violence. More information about the grants program can be found at lmcc.net.
212 - 254 - 1109 | www.theaterforthenewcity.net | 155 First Ave. NY, NY 10003
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Written by Matthew Fitzgerald
Written by Donald E. Lacy Jr.
Directed by Tony White
Directed by Sean San Jose
Thur - Sat 8PM, Sun 3PM March 07 - March 10
Fri - Sat 8PM, Sun 3PM March 07 - March 17
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March 14, 2019
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March 14, 2019
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Manhattan Happenings BY RICO BURNEY & ROSE ADAMS
ST. PATRICK’S DAY The 258th Annual Parade will kick off a day early on Sat., March 16, at 11 a.m. and march its way up Fifth Ave. from 44th St. to 79th St. The crowdaverse can also catch the parade on television on Cozi TV, over-the-air channel 4.2 or online at NBCNewYork.com.
ARTS “Prismatica”: This interactive art trail of 25 7-foot-tall illuminated prisms, which look like kaleidoscopes, will shine in three privately owned public spaces (POPS) in Lower Manhattan. Explore their light after sunset at 75 Wall St., 77 Water St. or 32 Old Slip from March 15 through April 21. Free. Spring Fittings: The Hat Shop NYC will reveal a sneak peek of the boutique milliner’s spring line. The milliner, Katherine Carey, and the shop’s staff will be available to discuss sizing and appropriate hats for this coming summer. Thurs., March 21, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at The Hat Shop NYC, 120 Thompson St. Free.
“Prismatica” in Lower Manhattan looks readymade for nighttime selfies.
COMMUNITY Fire Jumping Spring Festival will take place on Tues., March 19, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Fireman’s Memorial Garden, at 358 E. Eighth St., between Avenues C and D, to commemorate the Persian New Year. Jumping over a fire is an ancient ritual traditionally used to ring in the new year. This will be the 10th year East Villagers have used the ceremony to welcome spring. Live music will be provided by the Rude Mechanical Orchestra. Snacks will be served. Flame hurdlers should dress accordingly to avoid clothes catching on fire. Families are welcome but are cautioned to keep a close eye on children. Free. The Vessel Opening: Whether you view it as a sculpture, an observation deck, one developer’s $200 million vanity project or a potential replacement for the Stairmaster at the gym, the 16-story, 2,500-step structure known as the Vessel is certainly the most eyecatching aspect of the new Hudson Yards development. Whether it will be embraced by New Yorkers and tourists or become the butt of jokes for years to come, remains to be seen. (And, yes, there is an elevator if you don’t want to walk it.) The public will get to decide this week when it opens on Fri., March 15. Visitors need to reserve a timed ticket online in order gain admission. Reservations can be made at https:// www.hudsonyardsnewyork.com/discover/vessel. Free. Schneps Media
He will be discussing his new book, “No One at the Wheel: Driverless Cars and the Road of the Future,” and what the future of driverless cars will mean for cities if politicians don’t address their potential negative implications in a timely fashion. He will be in conversation with Iris Weinshall, current C.E.O. of the New York Public Library and former D.O.T. Commissioner under Mayors Giuliani and Bloomberg. Doors open at 6 p.m. RSVP at https:// www.showclix.com/event/atthewheel/ tag/nyplwebsite. Free.
The Vessel at Hudson Yards will soon be filing up with folks, who can enjoy its views from different heights by climbing the stairs to its various landings.
Our Brain on A.I.: An engineer, a professor of computer science, an award-winning international artist and a neuroscientist answer New York City teens’ questions about the social implications of artificial intelligence. Thurs., March 21, from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at The Cooper Union’s Great Hall, 7 E. Seventh Street. Free.
KIDS Out of the Blue!: The Unpredicted Plays: The 59th Street Project presents 10 plays written by children and performed by adult actors. Fri., March 22, at 7:30 p.m., Sat., March 23, at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., and Sun., March 24, at 3 p.m. at Five Angels Theater, 789 10th Ave. Admission free, but reservations recommended. To make a reservation, visit www.52project.org
WORKSHOPS Trans Women’s Histories Listen & Edit-A-Thon: People of all genders are invited to the Tompkins Square Library basement on Wed., March 20, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. to hear and read stories from the N.Y.C. Trans Oral History Project. The project preserves the voices and stories of individuals in the city’s transgender and gendernonconforming communities online at the New York Public Library. Attend-
TALKS No One at the Wheel: Samuel Schwartz, a.k.a. “Gridlock Sam,” writer, former New York City Department of Transportation official and the guy who coined the term “gridlock,” will be speaking at the Mid-Manhattan Library on Mon., March 18, at 6:30 p.m. TVG
ees will also learn how to share these stories on WomensActivism.NYC, an online archive working to preserve the stories of women today and throughout history who have worked to affect social change around the world. Refreshments will be served. To learn more about either project or register for the event visit https://www.eventbrite. com/e/trans-womens-histories-listenedit-a-thon-tickets-55999275340. Free.
COMMUNITY BOARD Community Board 2 meets at 6:30 p.m. Thurs., March 21, at St. Anthony of Padua Church, 151-155 Sullivan St., lower hall. Community Board 8 meets at 6:30 p.m. Wed., March 20, at New York Blood Center, 310 E. 67th St., auditorium.
COMMUNITY COUNCIL Ninth Precinct Community Council meets 7 p.m. Tues., March 19, at 321 E. Fifth St. 13th Precinct Community Council meets 6:30 p.m. on Tues., March 19, at 230 E. 21st St. Midtown North Precinct Community Council meets 7 p.m. Tues., March 19, at 306 W. 54th St. Midtown South Precinct Community Council meets 7 p.m. Thurs., March 21, at 481 Eighth Ave. March 14, 2019
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SHERATON LAGUARDIA EAST HOTEL 135-20 39th Avenue, Flushing NY 11354 (718) 670-7408 sales@sheratonlaguardia.com sheratonlaguardiaeast.com SIRICO’S CATERERS 8015-23 13th Avenue, Brooklyn (718) 331-2900, www.siricoscaterers.net SOTTO 13 5140 West 13th Street, New York, NY (212) 647-1001, sotto13.com TERRACE ON THE PARK 52-11 111 Street, Flushing, NY 11368 (718) 592-5000 www.terraceonthepark.com THALASSA 179 Franklin Street TriBeCa, New York City (212) 941-7661, www.thalassanyc.com THE VANDERBILT AT SOUTH BEACH 300 Father Capodanno Boulevard Staten Island, NY, (718) 447-0800 www.vanderbiltsouthbeach.com
EXPRESS ENTERTAINMENT Professional DJ’s & MC’s (917) 808-7573, curtis03291962@gmail.com HARRY’S HABANA HUT 214-09 41st Ave., Bayside, NY 11361 (718) 423-5049, www.harryshabanahut.com ND CIGARS INC. AKA LA CASA GRANDE CIGARS 2344 Arthur Avenue, Bronx, NY, 10458 (718) 364-4657, lcgcigars.com
UNFORGETTABLE EVENTS 2049 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn (718) 377-4535
FLORAL FANTASY 3031 Quentin Road, Brooklyn, (718) 998-7060 or (800) 566–8380 www.floralfantasyny.com HENRY’S FLORIST 8103 Fifth Avenue in Brooklyn (800) 543-6797 or (718) 238–3838 www.henrysfloristweddingevents.com MARINE FLORIST AND DECORATORS 1995 Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn (800) 447-6730 or (718) 338-3600 www.marineflorists.com
BOBBY’S JEWELERS 514-81 St., Brooklyn, NY 11209 (718) 745-1725 BUONO JEWELERS 1250 Hylan Blvd., #6a, Staten Island, NY 10305 (718) 448-4900, www.buonojewelers.com
MILA LIMOUSINE CORPORATION (718) 232-8973, www.milalimo.com M&V LIMOUSINES LTD. 1-800-498-5788 1117 Jericho Tpke, Commack, NY (631) 543-0908 151 Denton Ave., New Hyde Park, NY (516) 921-6845 535 8th Ave., 3rd Flr., NY, NY (646) 757-9101 www.mvlimo.com ROMANTIQUE/DOUBLE DIAMOND LIMOUSINES 1421-86 Street, Brooklyn, NY, (718) 232-7273 2041-Hylan Boulevard, Staten Island (718) 351-7273, www.rddlimos.com
SOPHISTICATED LIMOUSINES Servicing the Tri- State Area, (718) 816-9475 www.sophisticatedlimousines.com
FANTASY PHOTOGRAPHY 3031 Quentin Rd., Brooklyn NY (718) 998-0949 www.fantasyphotographyandvideo.com NY PHOTO VIDEO GROUP 1040 Hempstead Tpke Franklin Sq., NY 11010 11 Michael Avenue Farmingdale, NY 11735 Office: 516-352-3188 Joe Cell: 516-445-8054 Peter Cell: 516-343-6662 www.nyphotovideogroup.com info@nyphotovideogroup.com ONE FINE DAY PHOTOGRAPHERS 459 Pacific St., Massapequa Park (516) 690–1320 www.onefinedayphotographers.com ZAKAS PHOTOGRAPHY info@zakasphotography.com www.zakasphotography.com
DREAM HOUSE REALTY 7505 15th Avenue Brookyn, NY 11228 (718) 837–2121, carolynctrp@aol.com Carolyn Trippe, Lic. RE Broker
PILO ARTS SALON 8412 3 Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 (718) 748–7411, www.piloarts.com
COSMETIC & LASER CENTER OF BAY RIDGE 9921 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 (718) 833-2793 or (718) 833-7616 www.BayRidgeDerm.com DENTAL PLACE Manhattan office: 17 Ave. D, NY, NY 1009 (212) 647-1588 Brooklyn Office: 7420 6 Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11209 (718) 759-9669 www.drmehtadental.com ELITE WEIGHT LOSS 1316 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY 11229 (917) 444-3043, EliteWeightLossNY.com KHROM DERMATOLOGY & AESTHETICS 2797 Ocean Pkwy, 1st fl., Brooklyn, NY 11235 (718) 866-3616 www.josephlichterdds.com JOSEPH LICHTER, D.D.S. 1420 Avenue P in Brooklyn (718) 339-7878, www.khromMD.com OMNI DENTAL CARE 313 Kings Highway in Brooklyn (718) 376-8656, www.omnidentalcare.com
JOLYN TRAVEL 7315 13th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11228 (718) 232-3139, (917) 797-7341 jolyntravel@aol.com
TRI-STATE INSURANCE BROKERAGE 609 E 188th Street Bronx, NY 10458 (718) 618-7666
BRIDAL AFFAIR (718) 317–9701, www.bridalaffair.com
March 14, 2019
Schneps Media
The outsider artist at home: A look inside BY BOB KR ASNER
ichard Shaoul lives in a tree house, in Downtown Manhattan. Figuratively speaking, that is, as his abode is tucked away in a commercial building on Broadway, owned by his parents. His neighbors are mostly garment manufacturers during the day and nonexistent at night. The space was previously the home of his exgirlfriend and an art gallery before that. Shaoul took over the space after living in a 4-foot-square cube above a bathroom, a situation that ended as the result of an unfortunate fire. That story, which involves a piano teacher, an antiques dealer, a physical altercation a long time ago, a man who jogged from LA to New York and a candle, will have to be told another time. As a result of the fire, Shaoul came close to being kicked out of the building, which is located south of Union Square. “My parents were very kind,” he said. “They let me have this space.” He then began a four-year process of literally carving out his place in the world. Though he has no formal training in any type of art or craft, he created the ornate cabinet doors, railings, doorframes and baseboards that decorate most of the apartment and inspired its name — The Treehouse. “All the wood was salvaged,” he said. “The beams were thrown out by a nearby post office and there was a lot of dumpster diving.” Shaoul paid his expenses by delivering art, working at his father’s antiques store and occasional construction work. When he needed a break, he would head Upstate to his uncle’s converted barn and immerse himself in mapmaking. Not maps of any known places, though. Shaoul’s maps are of very detailed utopian worlds that exist in alternate universes and alien galaxies. Although he is descended from the well-known painter Albert Nemethy — his grandfather — Shaoul never studied how to make art. He just did it, making him a classic “outsider” artist. Wooden beams in the ceiling were salvaged from a nearby post office. Planks were scavenged from dumpsters. The paintings in the gallery are by Hilary Mance. Shaoul can be seen at work at upper right. Schneps Media
Photos by Bob Krasner
Richard Shaoul in his game room in The Treehouse.
Richard Shaoul at work on his maps.
Kitchen cabinets in Richard Shaoul’s Treehouse. Each cabinet took about two weeks to car ve by hand. TVG
His beautifully drawn worlds reflect both his disappointment in the real world and his optimism that other options exist. “I don’t want to believe in the world that we are living in,” he explained. “Having this apartment, through the great generosity of my father, has made it possible for me to focus on alternative worlds.” Places with names like “Pirhan” and “Voirs” are painstakingly detailed on sheet after sheet, taking about two years per map to complete. “These places are real,” Shaoul asserted. “I’ve seen them.” Many men have a place of refuge in their home — frequently, a “man cave.” Richard Shaoul has a spaceship. Assembled from outdated tech hardware originally salvaged from ships, submarines and elsewhere, the decor came from a movie set that he assembled years ago. “When the movie was over, no one wanted any of it, so I brought it home,” he said. None of those gadgets actually work, though, except for the TV screen, which is hooked up for DVD and Nintendo. “It’s my way of associating with the universe,” he explained. His way of associating with the world down here is to open his space to friends, who have put on concerts, hosted psychic readings and art shows there. Hilary Mance, who uses the space as her studio to create beautiful abstract paintings, loves working there. “The experience of being in and painting at The Treehouse takes you off the planet, into pages of childhood storybooks where time doesn’t exist,” she said. Mance recently hosted a twonight event there to showcase her new work, with her son Luca Soul Rosenfeld and friends supplying the music. Rosenfeld frequently plays and organizes events there. “When I go through the door, I am transported out of New York City into a world of infinite possibility,” Rosenfeld said. While others are out running through what the New York City night has to offer, Richard Shaoul stays up working on his maps — in his Treehouse. “I’m not really participating in the modern world,” he said. “I don’t know how to.” To be put on the mailing list for upcoming Treehouse events, email Lucasoul211@gmail.com . March 14, 2019
March 14, 2019
Schneps Media
Schneps Media Covering Manhattan in more ways than one
March 14, 2019
Real Estate
For Sale by Owner: Does it work in Manhattan? BY MARTHA WILKIE
or Sale by Owner (FSBO for short) is a rarity in Manhattan when it comes to homes. In the outer boroughs, it’s more common. Although with Queens and Brooklyn being such hot markets now, it’s changing. Manhattan buyers might look for an apartment without a real estate broker, but few will brave selling a place that way. In the pre-Internet days, buyers and sellers used newspaper classified ads, and realtors had their own sources. Today, almost everything is available online, so you’d think it’d be easy to sell your own apartment. But it’s not. If you’re selling, you could place an ad in The New York Times or on Craigslist, but if you’re not in the realtors’ listing service, you won’t get much exposure. One hurdle for buyers in co-ops is preparing the board package. As anyone who has done this knows, you must present a cubic ton of paperwork, undergo great scrutiny, endure an awkward interview, and then promise your firstborn. My husband and I sold an apartment ourselves, but it was difficult and we were lucky enough to find a buyer who already owned in the building. My husband had been president of our co-op board for more than a decade, so he knew the ropes. Rema Mixon Parachini is an agent with Stribling. Surprisingly, she’s open to work as a buyer’s agent on an FSBO. “I’d absolutely work with a buyer on a For Sale by Owner,” she said. “To help a buyer find a home is a pleasure and exciting and always a learning experience.” But, she’s realistic. “Pricing is everything in Manhattan real estate,” she said. “If not priced correctly, the apartment will not move. Sellers need a broker’s expertise to analyze active and recent closed comparables and recommend a competitive price. “The intangibles of ambience, location, building, light, view, floor and floor plan all contribute to the sale,” Parachini added. “The scope of a real estate’s firm ability to market and advertise on a multitude of platforms locally, nationally and through international partnerships is a valuable benefit to a seller.” Here are four apartments for sale this week — two FSBOs and two from agencies:
March 14, 2019
This Kips Bay rooftop deck and its sweeping view come with a one-bedroom apar tment currently on the market.
24 Fifth Avenue at Ninth St., an FSBO offers a one-bedroom, one-bath apartment on the sixth floor in a landmarked building. $850,000. (https://streeteasy. c om / bu i ld i ng /24 -5 - ave nue new_york/632) An FSBO at 120 E. 90th St. features a studio (could be converted to a one-bedroom) near Central Park. Sunny, with a newly renovated bathroom, in a doorman building. $640,000. (https://streeteasy.com/building/trafalgar-house/7h) Just steps from Washington Square Park, this apar tment at 24 Fifth Ave. is For Sale by Owner.
The kitchen in this Sutton House unit, with its lime-green cabinets and cupboards, has a peppy feeling. TVG
In Kips Bay, a one-bedroom, one-bath in a full-service doorman building has a gorgeous roof deck with wonderful views. It features sleek bamboo floors and four closets. $699,000. (https://www.stribling.com/ properties/20736489) At Sutton House, at 415 E. 52nd St., a two-bedroom in a doorman building is on the market. Features include clever builtins with two drop-down beds, and a lovely kitchen with marble counters. $549,000. (https://streeteasy.com/building/the-sutton-house/1eb) Schneps Media
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