Book of Experts Best of the Best
DuPage County Premier Edition
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Welcome, You have just received a free professional service and product guide handpicked from the best of the best in your local area. This guide is exclusive - personally handed to you by a professional that you trust, who in turn trusts and values the company they are recommending to you. The companies showcased here have been recognized by Chicago-area professionals to be among the best in thier respective fields. I believe that your experiences with these companies will prove to be outstanding. This year, I am thrilled to recommend these companies and their offers to you.
Authorized Signature
All offers contained in this book expire on April 30, 2012. free estimate (630)369-6829 basements • kitchens • bathrooms • additions
of your Basement with this ad. $600 value
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to match front cover
Book of Experts 2011-2012 Published by Paul Gregory Media