Creative Writing Portfolio
2020 Spring Issue
Table of Contents
About The Author Creative Non-Fiction CNF Reflection Poetry Poetry Reflection Fiction Fiction Reflection
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Meet the Author
Daniel was born and raised in Sugar Land TX, a suburb of Houston and is currently a Sophomore at St. Edward's University currently majoring in Criminology. After obtaining his Bachelor's degree and possibly a Master's he hopes to go into Federal Law Enforcement and become an FBI special Agent. His passions include Baseball, Cars, and cheesy sitcoms like Seinfeld or Friends. Fairly new to writing Daniel's expectations were't very high. He started his writing in college partly because it was required but also because he started to enjoy it. Now finishing his Sophomore year he wonders what kinds of writing awaits him in the future.
Message from Daniel: Hi Everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read my Writing Portfolio that I worked on in my Creative Writing Class. Unfortunately I had to continue this process from my house due to Covid-19, but I was able to finish nonetheless. I hope this portfolio tells you a little more about myself and the craziness that makes up Daniel Perez. Thanks and enjoy :)
Creative Non-Fiction
Kiko's Kingdom Oh my God Ivonne what is that? No, you didn’t. Oh my God” mom complains on Thanksgiving morning. She’s already stressed about family coming in a few hours and making sure the food is ready, and in walks my sister with a puppy only a few weeks old. She decided to go and get him early in the morning with dad before mom found out. “It’s our new member of the family!” she’d explain in an optimistic tone. Little did we know that he was not a “member” of this family, but that we were soon to be part of his “kingdom.” Dogs are the most loving pets you could have. From wanting to be by your side 24/7, endless cuddles, playtime, kisses, and attention. Dogs are also the most obedient and loyal creatures. Obeying every command and being the friendliest in the room to a complete stranger, a dog is truly a “mans best friend.” Kiko; however, didn’t get the memo. Seven years have passed since that Thanksgiving morning and each day he grows into more and more of a tyrant. He roams the hallways at night making sure everyone has gone to bed by 11:30 pm. If you haven’t arrived home yet he sits waiting for your car to pull in the driveway and will walk you to your room when you walk in the house. He demands to be taken outside, not to do his business but to make sure the rest of homes on the cul-de-sac are in order. Sniffing every blade of grass, examining every front porch, and patrolling every driveway and sidewalk. Once everyone has passed bed check it’s time to sleep. Most dogs wait to be taken out to walk, Kiko demands to be walked. Pulling out his bright yellow leash, and matching yellow vest, he will drag it around the house until you take him outside. Sometimes he’s so noble as to walk himself outside and around, as long as of course, his fans follow him, calling his name and taking his picture. He parades down the sidewalk making sure the paparazzi gets his best angles with the right lighting. After his long walks and nap it is time to eat. He is very picky when it comes to his food. For the grown woman human must make the food and nobody else. If the man makes it, she must come fix it for him before he eats, because there’s something about a home cooked meal from your mother. He also cannot eat alone; he must have his loyal servants watch over him as he feasts. Sometimes mother is working, and she can’t be there to make the food, there is no problem come food time for the youngest one can drive.
7 As they head to the nearest food places, he sticks his head out of the magic moving box, feeling the wind blow through his floppy ears, and the bright warm sun touch his wet nose. Even when the human tries to raise the restrictive glass, Kiko prevails as he places his paw on the magic switch that liberates him. Once they arrive, he must look at the menu himself and decide. It’s always the same thing. Chicken nuggets, the only meal fit for a king. In the line he begins to grow impatient, for there is no wind flowing through his fur, and the chicken nuggets are taking forever. He begins to bark at the peasants preparing his 5-star meal, demanding that they bring his food that instant for he has a long journey home and it will be dark soon. They are very well trained peasants for after all his commands, the food is ready immediately, and he can now return on his journey home with his hair blowing in the wind, listening to the finest artist on the stereo, Shakira, and the smell of his chicken nuggets nearby. Once he arrives, he must be the first one out of the magic box on wheels. Leaping over into his human’s lap to exit the driver side, he reminds his human to bring in his food as he walks over to the door with his slow, sassy, butt shaking walk. After he enjoys his 5-star authentic American cuisine from Chick Fil A, it is time that he be left alone. He heads for his king sized thrown that he shares with the older peasants. Once again ignoring you as your services are no longer needed, he gazes out the window observing and waiting for everyone to return home, for bed check is about to begin again.
CNF Reflection This piece is honestly one of my favorite pieces I've written. I've had Kiko for almost 8 years now and everyday its something with this dog. Talking about my daily life with him is something very unique as the reader can clearly see in this piece. Anyone who knows kiko knows that he acts nothing like a normal dog. The problem is that not many know Kiko and when they see a picture of him they assume the opposite. His cuteness tells a whole different story of who he is. Writing this piece gives me the opportunity to correct that. When I wrote this piece my goal was never to tell what type of breed he was not to give away too many details. I wanted the audience to imagine a different type of dog, so when they turned to the next page they were surprised. My professor gave the idea of writing from someone else's point of view, and I thought what better than to write from his place. After all everyone has wondered what their pet thinks one time or another what better time to tap into that narration. My classmates loved the piece, they loved the use of language, the way things were described without using the official names. My family loved the piece because it was our "struggle" of living with Kiko put into a fun story about a leader and his peasants. Writing this piece really helped me as a writer. It showed me that writing is definitely an art. There is no such thing as a "wrong" piece like there is a wrong answer in Math. In the end of the day I can write what I want to write, about whoever I want to write about, and make whatever story I please. It helped me realize that it's okay to not know what to write about, where to go next with a story or how to end it. When People read Kiko's Kingdom I want them to be caught off guard by Kiko. I want them to laugh about his thought process, his tyrant/dictatorship. I want them to understand what makes Kiko different from every other small adorable white fluffy dog. To understand that Kiko is no ordinary dog and I think this piece is able to do just that. While at first I thought this piece needed more I think it has the perfect length. I felt that Kiko was just too unique that he needed more to be told about him. He needs one more paragraph, I kept telling myself, but eventually I decided against it. I don't think Kiko needs another paragraph, for starters he already has his own kingdom, but secondly I think that second paragraph would start to take away from the rest of the piece, less story telling and more rambling. All in all, I'm really proud at how this piece turned out. I'm proud of the different drafts i made from start to finish, all the stories i chose to include and omit. This piece got me excited to see what I could write next. It started something in me that made me think maybe I can write, that maybe writing can be joyful and not just something I needed to do for work or school.
9 Poetry
Mission Impossible I leave the TV and lights on. Perfect volume Not too loud, not suspiciously quiet either. Take the spare key because it rattles less Pull out the driveway with the lights off Driving quickly in my pajamas, I make my way to my destination Finally arrived so far so good Pull up to the window Secure the bag And I’m out Mute the car radio Cut the lights as I pull back in Manually lock the car so it doesn’t beep Open the door quietly But quickly so it doesn’t creek Mission accomplished One Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit and one Large Shake acquired at 2:30 am.
Poetry Reflection Writing this piece was actually sort of challenging for me. In the past I never liked poetry, never cared to read it, write it, learn about it. So I thought to myself "just great, poetry." I figured its poetry though, so I could write whatever. I based this on the many nights I would get hungry passed midnight and just like most teenagers in the State of Texas Whataburger is one of the only suitable options at the time. But just like every hispanic child knows, "no way are mom and dad gonna let me leave at this hour" but that was a risk I was willing to take. IÂ chose to write about this because at the time it felt like a story or situation that many people could understand. One where you feel in the moment that you're on this special mission where it could all be over if you get caught but looking back it was harmless. I wanted to keep the poem short in simple for multiple reasons. The short lines represent my quick thought process, Step by step, as simple as possible get in and get out. I didn't want people to understand exactly what I was doing to keep the secretive "mission" approach as stated in the title Mission Impossible. The feedback I received from my classmates was super helpful when finishing this project. They liked the shortness of the poem and felt that it did a good job with the imagery. They all related to the poem in some way, many of them having gone through similar "mission impossibles" themselves. Another aspect I was going for in this piece was to give the reader an Idea of the type of person I am. Some people may assume by the title that I'm heading out to be with friends or sneaking out to a party. Others might assume that I was getting some shady stuff with "secure the bag" but at the end you realize that my well thought out plan, super sneaky mission was just a breakfast sandwich. I believe that when the reader reads this they will understand that I am a rather simple guy who lives a very low key lifestyle. This piece honestly changed my outlook on Poetry, The feedback I received from my peers and professors help boost my confidence in my writing abilities. I never really took myself for a writer but writing this helped me discover a new side of me that i never considered to be there. The confidence i gained from writing this piece is somethign that I will definietely take with me into my future pieces and any writing I do.
Matt Tall & Lanky, Around 6’5 with long brown hair and a protruding nose like a bird's beak. Always sporting a leather jacket and fedora regardless of the weather. He strolls around campus with his earbuds in singing along with the weirdest music selection. Ranging from Devil Swing Orchestra and musical soundtracks to parodies of pop songs. He usually hums along with the tune mumbling a few lyrics here and there. His green Star Wars backpack designed to look like Boba Fett looks suspiciously empty. It makes me question so many things about him: "Why the long hair?" "Does he genuinely like the hair?" "Is it part of a rebel or college phase?" "Does it ever bother him?" "What's with the jacket and fedora? I mean it's 90 degrees outside. Maybe it's all a part of his “look” or is it something more?" More than a look, some form of security under that hat, or a sense of stability during the crazy years that is college. Whatever it is, whatever he wants to do, it’s definitely got me wondering. Nah, its gotta be more simple than that. Or is it? What if he thinks hes some sort of fashion Icon, like an Instagram influencer but in real life. That has to be it. Hes trying to bring Fedoras back in style. He doesn't speak much because he doesn't want people to get distracted from his Fresh 'Fit. That's definitely it. The whole thing. It really is just a look. He struts around campus like a Fashion Icon Mafia Boss. with his Fedora tipped down just so you see his iconic nose and chiseled jawline. Just to make you look down and notice the Jacket. I then focus again on the Milk Chocolate leather jacket and the Boba Fet backpack. That's when it all makes sense. Hes an aspiring Fashion Designer, this whole outfit must be apart of his College student look. The backpack to carry all the essentials, the jacket for all the cold classrooms. Fedora to show you mean business. I wonder if anyone else has figured it out yet. They probably think hes some strange man walking around but in reality we are living with a real genius, the next Giannini Versace walks amongst us
Fiction Reflection
The idea behind this piece came from a question my professor asked one day. "Who is the weirdest/ most interesting person we've either seen or know" and instantly I thought about my roommate freshman year. They say you'll never forget your first roommate and I for sure won't. There was something about him that was off. He was never rude, a very nice guy actually, just really weird. And not a single day passed for an entire year that he got less weird.
In order to understand just who this guy was, I started off with his physical appearance. He stands out of the crowd, quite literally given how tall he is. But his height isn't enough, there are a lot of tall people and he isn't just any other tall person, he's Matt. I continued with every other distinctive feature I could think of. His abnormally large nose, his lanky slender-man like body. Of course I had to include his signature look, which I don't think I have ever seen him without the Fedora or Jacket.
In order to understand just who this guy was, I started off with his physical appearance. He stands out of the crowd, quite literally given how tall he is. But his height isn't enough, there are a lot of tall people and he isn't just any other tall person, he's Matt. I continued with every other distinctive feature I could think of. His abnormally large nose, his lanky slender-man like body. Of course I had to include his signature look, which I don't think I have ever seen him without the Fedora or Jacket.
In real life hes a shy individual who keeps to himself and wears similar clothes everyday. So in this piece i remembered what i learned in my past writing, I can do whatever i want. So I made him the most opposite thing of himself in real life. A last minute addition but a defining one. I think the audience would not only find it amusing that I compared him with he great Giannini Versace, but it will also help them understand the craziness that is my mind. While this piece does lean on the shorter side, I don't think it takes away from the quality of it. Maybe one day Ill turn Matt into more than just a short story piece and make him into a real character. After all an aspiring fashion designer in college has a lot of potential, but for now I think I did a pretty good job with the interesting base material I had to work with. Overall I'm proud of this piece and what I was able to make from just one question.
Fin. Thank you!
Bonus Piece! Spaghetti Cake Spaghetti Cake A cake made from spaghetti. Layers of meat sauce, bits of ground meat and delicious perfectly cooked pasta. Olive Garden could never. I begin to devour this tomatoey, meaty, messy, monstrosity that sits on my table. One slice after another after another. Each slice all the cheesier, all the better. I think to myself "why is this spaghetti-cake thing so good" Best meal hands down, carbs, proteins, some dairy, if you're into that. In comes my roommate. "Oh, lasagna, is it good can I have some" the world stops, and I think to myself "...lasagna, that's what it's called"