Painting Exhibition & Charity Action

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Painting Exhibition & Charity Auction Saturday, 13 May 2017 VENUE Upper Room Hall, Annex Building 12th Floor, Wisma Nusantara Jakarta

PENGANTAR “Art might not just an art. Art is also chARiTy”. Istilah ini berarti bahwa seni itu tidak hanya memiliki arti keindahan dan memberikan kepuasan bagi pemiliknya semata, tetapi seni juga dapat memberi manfaat bagi orang lain. Sebagai salah satu balai lelang terbesar dan paling aktif di Jakarta yang berdiri sejak tahun 2003, MASTERPIECE memiliki tanggung jawab sosial (Corporate Social Responsibility) terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan sebagai kontribusi perusahaan terhadap peningkatan kepedulian sosial. Dalam rangka menyambut hari kasih sayang, Hari Kartini dan Hari Pendidikan Nasional USSY PIETERS CHOIR bekerjasama dengan MASTERPIECE mengadakan malam penggalangan dana melalui kegiatan pameran dan lelang lukisan bertajuk “Charity Night with Love”, dimana hasil dari penjualannya akan disumbangkan untuk Yayasan Sosial yang terlibat dalam acara ini. Kebahagiaan kami tidak akan lengkap apabila kita melupakan saudara-saudara kita yang masih memerlukan perhatian dan uluran kasih tangan kita sehingga turut merasakan kasih dan kebesaranNya. Untuk itu MASTERPIECE merasa bangga menjadi bagian dari kegiatan penggalangan dana ini dan sangat berharap khalayak umum dapat turut berpartisipasi memberikan sumbangsih nya dalam pameran dan lelang yang kami selenggarakan. Terima kasih banyak atas pehatian dan selamat menikmati karya-karya yang kami suguhkan. Salam seni, Ir. Benny O. Raharjo MASTERPIECE





(Bandung, 1959) Waterfall, 2016 Oil on canvas: 100 x 120 cm Signed, lower right: Royatna Signed and dated on the reverse RP 10.000.000



(Bandung, 1959) Panen Raya 1 Oil on canvas: 100 x 150 cm Signed, lower right: Royatna RP 8,000,000

Born in Bandung, 28 October, 1959. He graduated from STSRI/ASRI Yogyakarta. He has joined in several group exhibitions in Yogyakarta, Bandung and Jakarta since 1979. Formerly he paint in expressionism style but later on he turned his painting styles into decorative. His object of painting are the daily lives scene and landscape of paddy fields usually found in Indonesia, especially in West Java. His distinctive characteristics can be seen in the detail strokes of the grass or paddy texture. Some of his famous objects are paintings of cliff, shepherd, and harvest scenes. His works have been collected by art collectors from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, Germany and French.





(Indramayu, West Java, 1967) Jalan Bahagia, Heralding-Spring Pavilion Cina, 2016 Oil on canvas: 100 x 150 cm Signed and dated, lower left: Syayidin, 2016 Signed, titled and dated on the reverse RP 18.000.000



(Indramayu, West Java, 1967) Kelembutan Black Dragon Pool Liziang City Cina, 2016 Oil on canvas: 90 x 150 cm Signed and dated, lower right: Syayidin, 2016 Signed, titled and dated on the reverse RP 18.000.000

Born in Indramayu, West Java, 11 September 1967. He took his formal study at the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Yogyakarta majoring in Fine Arts (1987 – 1992) . Since 2007 he has actively participated in in several group exhibitions in Jakarta, Indramayu, Yogyakarta, Solo, Surabaya, and Demak. He held his solo exhibition “Retrospeksi” and “Peralihan Abad” in Indramayu, West Java (2000), “The Violin”, Tangerang (2005), “landscape on the Spot”, Jakarta (2008), “Sinkretrisasi: Implisit Warna Syayidin”, Jakarta (2013). Besides painting he also make some art performances such as : Painting demo “Impresi Warna”, Indramayu (2007), Collaboration work of painting and Kuda Lumping dancing “Semangat Kebersamaan”, Jakarta (2008), Collaboration work of painting and mask dancing in Indramayu (2009), and Model painting demo at the Faculty of Art and Design University of Tarumanegara, Jakarta (2010). His works have been collected by many art collectors in Jakarta as well as many other big cities in Indonesia and abroad. 4




(Batang, C. Java, 1985) Study With Nature , 2016 Acrylic on canvas: 90 x 140 cm Signed & dated, lower right: Arif F. 2016 Signed, titled and dated on the reverse RP 10.000.000



(Batang, C. Java, 1985) Agraria Symphoni, 2016 Acrylic on canvas: 120 x 120 cm Signed and dated, lower right: Arif F.2016 Signed, titled and dated on the reverse RP 12.000.000

Born in Batang, Central Java, 2 January 1985. He was graduated from the Faculty of Fine Art and Design, Institute of Fine Art, Surakarta (2012) and continued his master degree of Fine Art at the same Institute until present. Since 2009, he has actively participated in several painting exhibitions such as; Festival Kesenian Indonesia, TIM Jakarta, Panting exhibitions in Galery Mojosongo, Surakarta, the exhibition Visual “3G” at Galery Semarang (2010), Visual Art Exhibition at Galery ISI Surakarta and Taman Budaya Central Java (2011), exhibition “Reejeck” at Gallery Seni Rupa Taman Budaya, Surakarta (2012), Exhibition “DECADE” at ISI Surakarta (2013), the painting exhibition “Guru Seni Berlari” at Galeri Nasional Jakarta (2014), “ART-Chipelago” exhibition at Galeri Nasional, Jakarta (2015). His works have been awarded as the best work at DIES NATALIE ISI Surakarta (2009 & 2010), best work of “Pra Peksimida ISI Surakarta (2009), finalist of the 60th years of Suara Merdeka newspaper (2010), 1st Winner of Mural competition in the Solo Anniversary (2015).





(Tasikmalaya, W. Java, 1975) Holiday in Mars, 2016 Acrylic on canvas: 150 x 200 cm Signed and dated, lower left: Yopi 16 Signed, titled and dated on the reverse RP 40.000.000

Born in Tasikmalaya, West Java, 8 November 1975. He took his formal study at the fine art school SMSR Yogyakarta. He had participated in several painting exhibitions in Indonesia among others in Indramayu, Yogyakarta and Jakarta and also exhibition outside the country such as in Singapore. His works mostly demonstrate a decorative style. His canvases are full with objects and rarely left empty. He exploits the line and form simultaneously using bright color and stereotype characters. His objects are not single, ornamented with the presence of trees, humans, animals, and others giving an expression of joy and cheerful scene.





(Rangkas Bitung, West java, 1916 - 2002) Pasar, 2000 Acrylic on canvas: 87 x 143 cm Signed and dated, lower right: Otto Djaya, 2000 RP 28.000.000



(Rangkas Bitung, West java, 1916 - 2002) Penjual Bunga, 2000 Acrylic on canvas: 90 x 140 cm Signed and dated, lower right: Otto Djaya, 2000 RP 28.000.000

Born in Rangkas Bitung, Banten, West Java on October 6, 1916. During the Japanese colonialism in Indonesia, he received his army training for officer in the “Pembela Tanah Air” (Defenders of the country) in Bogor. During the Physical revolution, as a Major in the Indonesian Army, he took part in the Armed Struggle for the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia. After the proclamation, Otto had an opportunity to study at the “Rijksacademie van Beeldende Kunsten” in Amsterdam and at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Amsterdam. He also had an opportunity of joining the study-tour of the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy and Swiss. Otto was a Vice Chairman of the Art Section of the Cultural Centre in Jakarta. He joined in the “Exposition le Grand Prix de Peinture en Monaco” in Monte Carlo and in Biennial Exhibition in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Besides his oneman exhibitions in Jakarta, Otto often took part in the joint exhibitions in Jakarta and Melbourne, Australia. CHARITY AUCTION



UNTUNG WAHONO (Yogyakarta, 1962) Naik Gajah, 2015

Oil on canvas: 100 x 150 cm Signed and dated, lower left: Untung W. 2015 RP 15.000.000


UNTUNG WAHONO (Yogyakarta, 1962) Borobudur, 2015

Oil on canvas: 140 x 200 cm Signed and dated, lower right: Untung W. 2015 RP 30.000.000

Born in Yogyakarta 1962. He inherits his art talent from his family. He actively participated in several painting exhibitions such as group show "Jakarta On The Spot" at Plaza Indonesia and Galeri Pasarseni in 2004. He received art award given by the President of Indonesia in 2002. He participated as the finalist of UOB painting of the year, 2012. The strength of his works showed in the designing composition of shapes and colors combines with the naive attitude of his figures. He rarely left his canvas empty. Children themes have become his source of inspiration and visual idea which he poured thoroughly in his canvas.





(Zaandam, the Netherlands, 1916 - Bali, 2016) Temple And The Rice Field, 2003 Acrylic on canvas: 50 x 50 cm Signed and dated, lower left: Arie Smit 03 Signed, titled and datd on the reverse This lot is accompanied with certificate of authenticity from artist RP 125.000.000

Born in Zaandam, the Netherlands, 1916. He was a student of the Academy of Arts in Rotterdam before working as lithographer for the Dutch Colonial Army in the Dutch Indies prior to the Second World War. He moved to Bali in 1956 to engage in full time painting and became an Indonesian Citizen, produced as well as taught painting at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). Many of his paintings depict the nature of his surrounding environment. He had several solo exhibitions in Bandung Institute of Technology, The Honolulu East West Center, and the Center of Strategic and International Studies in Jakarta. He received the “Dharma Kusuma� art awards from the local government of Bali.





(Surabaya, East Java 1963) Pawa Kejayaan Borobudur, 2016 Oil on canvas: 90 x 150 cm Signed, lower right: Wiyadi Signed, titled and dated on the reverse RP 18.000.000



(Surabaya, E. Java, 1963) Another Side of Besakih Temple, 2016 Oil on canvas: 80 x 140 cm Signed , titled and dated on the reverse RP 18,000,000

Born in Surabaya, East Java, 1963. He learnt painting from maestro Affandi in Bali (1981), under Hendra Gunawan in Ubud Bali (1982), and also painters Roedyat and Anton Huang (1983). He actively joined in several groups exhibitions in Art Bienale and several painting exhibitions in Bali (1984-2005), exhibition of Islamic Art at Grand Indonesia Jakarta (2008), exhibition of Islamic Art at Hotel Sultan Jakarta (2009), Eco painting exhibition at Grand Sahid Jakarta (2010 – 2012), exhibition of Islamic Art at Dewan Kesenian Indramayu (2013), exhibition of Islamic Art at Cirebon (2014) and Spiritual art exhibition at Cirebon (2015). 10




(Surabaya, 1968) Butterfly, 2016 Acrylic on canvas: 100 x 140 cm Signed and dated, lower right: Novandi, 2016 RP 12.000.000



(Surabaya, 1968) Bunga Matahari dan Kupu-kupu, 2016 Acrylic on canvas: 100 x 150 cm Signed and dated, lower right: Novandi, 2016 RP 12.000.000

Born in in Surabaya, East Java 1968. He took his formal study of Technical Architecture and studied painting under senior painter in Surabaya and Jakarta. actively participated in several painting exhibitions and painting competitions. Among others are solo exhibition in Hotel Millenium “SpirituART�, Jakarta (2008) and in Balai Budaya Jakarta (2014). He participated in group exhibitions such as: Dewan Kesenian Surabaya (1998), Jambore Seni Lukis - Taman Budaya Surabaya (1999), exhibition Pesona Melonia, Jakarta (2002), in Beleza Apartment and Atrium Senen Jakarta (2006), Galih Gallery, Hotel Millenium Jakarta (2007). CHARITY AUCTION



NYOMAN BUDIARTA (Tabanan, Bali 1967) Doa Dalam Sunyi I, 2016

Acrylic on canvas: 140 x 140 cm Signed & dated, lower left: Budiarta, 2016 Signed, titled and dated on the reverse RP 18,000,000


NYOMAN BUDIARTA (Tabanan, Bali, 1959) Pelangi Pagi, 2016

Acrylic on canvas: 140 x 140 cm Signed & dated, lower left: Budiarta 2016 RP 18.000.000 Born in Tabanan, Bali, 29 June 1967. He was graduated from the Faculty of Technic University of Udayana, Bali majoring Architecture (1986 – 1991). He performed his solo exhibition entitled “Elephants” at Subak Villa Kuta Bali (2013). He has joined in several painting exhibitions among others in Group Exhibition at Dewangga Gallery, Monkey Forest Ubud Bali (2012), Group Exhibition at Villa Risi Lebak Kuta Bali (2012 and 2014), Group Exhibition at Arta’s Villa Jimbaran Bali (2015). His works have been in the collection of many galleries and art collectors. 12




(Banyumas, 1943) Bercermin, 1997 Oil on canvas: 40 x 40 cm Signed and dated, lower right: Sunaryo 97 RP 85,000,000 Born in Banyumas, Central Java, 1943. He studied at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) majoring in Sculpture (1969) and continued his study to Carrarra, Italy. During 1970s, his sculptures were very much influenced by tribal arts in Indonesia. Besides sculpture, he is also a master in painting using artistic touch. He inaugurated his museum, Selaras Sunaryo, in Bandung (1998). Sunaryo is an artist who mixes figurative themes with abstract backgrounds using very refined color palette and graceful lines that show great technical mastery. His works are dominated with lines and forms, mostly found in the use of white, brown, grey and black colors. Since 1978, his works have been granted numerous awards such as Honourable Mention in The Phillip Morris Group of Companies Asean Art Awards (1994,1995,1996), Honorable mention from Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Culture for enhancing Indonesian paintings creativity (1998). CHARITY AUCTION




(Cilacap, 1971) Tari Cendrawasih, 2016 Mixed media on canvas: 145 x 145 cm Signed and dated, lower right: Pardoli 16 Signed, titled and dated on the reverse RP 26,000,000



(Cilacap, 1971) Bergincu (Seri Siap Pentas), 2011 Oil on canvas: 100 x 100 cm Signed and dated, lower middle: Pardolli11 Signed, titled and dated on the reverse RP 12.000.000 Born in Cilacap, Central Java, July 4, 1971. He held his solo exhibition in Maestro Inn, Perth, Australia (1997), Harvey’s Gallery, Perth, Australia (1998), and City Hotel Melbourne, Australia (2003). He chose to be independent in expressing his feeling and thought while producing and creating his work. Pardoli is famous in producing painting using woman as his object. For him, women have uniqueness of beauty, ugliness, sincerity, passion as well as strong and weak character. Beside dancers, he also produced panting with object he personally observed such as monumental series of temple (Borobudur and prambanan) and mountainous landscapes and harvest series. His choices of works become his manifest towards his life and art.v 14



ADE RIYANTO (RERE) (Indramayu, 1972) Tarian Bahagia, 2016

Acrylic on canvas: 150 x 120 cm Signed & dated, lower right: Affin Riyanto16 Signed, titled and dated on the reverse RP 10.000.000



(Indramayu, West Java, 16 August 1972) Berebut Mainan, 2016 Acrylic on canvas: 100 x 120 cm Signed and dated, lower right: Ade Riyanto, 2016 Signed, titled and dated on the reverse RP 8.000.000 Born in Indramayu, West Java, 16 August 1972. He is a talented artist whose art was sharpened by his experiences working in the field of art industry. He made his house as his studio and exhibition place displaying his crative process. During his experiences in creative design have made him granted several awards such as 1st winner of the Sampoerna Hijau display product (2003), 4th winner of display product of Bimoli (2005), 1st winner of display product of Coca-cola (2005), 1st winner of Marlboro (2006) and 1 st winner of Djarum Black display product (2007). He was elected as the chairman of Art Council of Indramayu (2006 – 2009). He joined several painting group exhibitions such as”Indonesia Urban” by Art Council Indramayu (2010), Group Exhibition “Islamic Art” (2011), exhibition “Spirituart” in Cirebon (2015), Group exhibition at Hotel Trisula, Indramayu (2015) and exhibition at “Siti Hinggil Community, Tangerang (2016). CHARITY AUCTION



TEGUH OSTENRIK (Jakarta, 1950) Le Chaussons, 1995

Acrylic collage on canvas: 92 x 72 cm Signed & dated, lower left: Goeh Ost 95 Signed, titled and dated on the reverse RP 40,000,000

Internationally celebrated Painter and Sculptor, Teguh Ostenrik holds a Master Degree in Fine Arts Hochschule der Kuenste, West Berlin , Germany. He has had more than one hundred solo and group exhibitions in the USA , Europe (France, the Netherlands, Germany),Australia and throughout Asia . His art works and commissioned projects are collected by many private collectors, museums, international institutions and major corporations. To name a few are Willem de Kooning Studio – USA, St.Mary of the Angels Church – Singapore, Fukuoka Art Museum – Japan. Among many noteworthy recognitions, Ostenrik was awarded The Best Artist 2009 in Visual Arts Category by Tempo Magazine and the Top Ten Philip Morris Art Award in 1997. Most of Ostenrik’s works were created based on his respect to environment. He used lots of recycle material and mother earth colors. He believes that having himself raised in Indonesian culture, graduated from Hochschulle der Künste West Berlin, Germany and later resided in Europa for 16 years , has created a two sided insights in his works. The Indonesian and European culture has merged in him and subconsciously shaped his artistic statement. Recently , he initiated ARTificial Reef Park Project which was launched in Lombok, Indonesia, a project to restore the nature through art. Using biorocks technology, Ostenrik provides his underwater sculptures as media for the coral to grow and providing a better marine ecosystem. Ostenrik’s 24 years work of art has been documented in Transcending Time,a full coloured 250 pages book, wrote by Art Historian Barbara Asboth. He was a guest lecturer in the Beijing Central Academy of Art in 2006. For three consecutive years (2006-2008) Teguh is a jury member of China Asean Youth Art Creativity Contest in Nanning – China, a drawing competition with 3000 participants. In 2013, he represented Indonesia to commemorate 10th Anniversary of China-Asean Expo. In 2007, he was honoured to be the Artist in Residence in Penang , Malaysia for the ABN-AMRO and Wawasan Open University. 16




(Garut, West Java, 1929 – Jakarta, 2004) Gadis Bali, 1991 Oil on canvas: 73 x 53 cm Signed and dated, lower left: L. Wasim 91 RP 40.000.000 Born in Bandung, West Java 1929. He learned painting with Kok Tekkang at Tiong Hoa Hwee Koan. After, he learnt painting from Sudjana Kerton and Mochtar Apin. He graduated from China Institute of Fine Art in 1956and then assigned to teach at Xian An Institute until 1959. He participated in a joint exhibition in Bandung and many other exhibitions since then. He was appointed as a Presidential Palace painter in 1961 and awarded the gold medal Golden Centaur from International Parliament, USA. His solo exhibition was held in 2003. CHARITY AUCTION




Oil on canvas: 70 x 70 cm Signed, upper right: Jeihan Signed and titled on the reverse RP 40.000.000 Born in Solo, 1938. He studied at the Himpunan Budaya Surakarta (HBS – Surakarta Cultural Society) (1953 – 1955) and at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) (1960 – 1966). In 1978, He established Studio Seni Rupa Bandung (Bandung Fine Arts Studio) together with Dr. Sudjoko. He has participated in several exhibitions. He held his solo exhibitions at Bandung (1998), Galerie Darga & Lansberg, Paris France (1999), Darga Gallery, Bali (2000), the Jakarta Hilton International Hotel, Jakarta and Nadi Gallery, Jakarta (2002). He combines Eastern mysticism with Western analytical sense that made his portraits paintings are very distinctive and well known in Indonesia as well as abroad. 18




(Padang, 1980) Rekontruksi Spiritualitas, 2016 Acrylic on canvas: 135 x 135 cm Signed and dated, lower right: Antoni.Pdg.2016 Signed, titled and dated on the reverse

Antoni Eka Putra was born 1980. He graduated from FSR ISI Yogyakarta 1999. He has actively participated several group exhibitions among others “Refleksi Zaman” in Yogyakarta (1998), “Kelompok Sakato III” in Yogyakarta, “Pratisara Affandi” in ISI Yogyakarta, “Kelompok Blobor 98” in ISI Yogyakarta (2000), “Kelompok Sudut” etc. He was awarded as the best sketch in FSR ISI Yogyakarta (1998).

RP 27.000.000




ZULFIAN HARIYADI (Magetan, East Java, 1982) Gemerlap Kotaku, 1, 2013

Acrylic on canvas: 70 x 70 cm Signed, titled and dated on the reverse RP 10.000.000 Born in Magetan, East Java, 2 July 1982. He was graduated from the Institute of Fine Art (ISI) Surakarta in 2002. In the last 5 years, he has been actively participated in several painting exhibitions in Jakarta, Surakarta, such as in “Imaji Batik” at Bentara Budaya Solo (2013) and “Colour of Life” in KOI Gallery, Kemang, Jakarta (2016). His work has been nominated as the 10 best mural competitions in Yogyakarta (2004). He was nominated as the 1st finalist of UOB painting of the Year Competition, Jakarta (2011) and the best Non-figurative works at the Ciputat International Painting Festival, Tangerang (2015).



(Jakarta, 1955) Bunda Maria dan Yesus, 2014 Acrylic on canvas: 112 x 80 cm Signed and dated, lower left: Rinaldi, 2014 RP 27.000.000

Rinaldi was born in Jakarta on 30 November 1955. He was an autodidact artist that learned painting since 1970. He has actively joined in several exhibitions such as group exhibition at Depdikbud Jakarta 1991 and Balai Budaya Jakarta 1993. He specialized in producing portrait paintings of famous figures as well as pictures of ordinary people. 20




(Indramayu, 1972) Sepasang Nelayan, 2016 Acrylic on canvas: 110 x 130 cm Signed and dated, lower left: Dirot, 2016 RP 20.000.000 Born in Indramayu, West Java, 21 February 1972. He was raised in the family of fisherman in northern sea of Java (pantura). His painting career starts when he travelled to Bali in 1992. In Bali, he learnt painting under maestro painter Affandi and Sudarso. During he stay in Bali he managed to sell his works to art collectors and galleries which then made him decide to fully concentrate his passion in painting. In 1996, Dirot decide to paint using his own distinctive characteristics. About 3 years he did some experiment works until he finally found his own style. His works portrays the daily life of Indonesian people in his own perceptions, and his technique is quite different from other painters. Since 1994 until present his works have been displayed in several painting exhibition in Bali, Jakarta as well as International event such as in Singapore and USA. He had performed his solo exhibition in Galeri Nasional Jakarta (2008). He was the only painter that exhibited his arts in the World Ocean Conference organized by UNO in Manado 2009. Until present his works have been collected by many art collectors in Indonesia as well as abroad. CHARITY AUCTION


Supported by:

Fine Art Auction MASTERPIECE Building Tanah Abang IV No. 23 - 25 Jakarta Pusat - Indonesia Tel: (62-21) 351 0808 (Hunting) Fax: (62-21) 351 0707



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