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Pond Bacterial Balancer

EML295...PBB16 - 16oz

EML296...PBB32 - 32oz


EML297...PBBG1 - 1gal

Microbe-Lift Pond Bacterial Balancer helps to keep water clean and control build-up of sludge or bottom solids. It also helps to establish denitri cation- the biological conversion of nitrate to nitrogen gas- which bubbles harmlessly out of your pond, reducing the availability of soluble nitrogen which can stimulate unwanted growth in your pond.

CAPM Concentrated Aquatic Planting Media

EML086 (10-lb)

EML087 (20-lb)

Pre-Colonized With Beneficial Bacteria!

• All Inert Ingredients!

• No Fertilizer, Compost, Peat or Pesticides!

• 100% Natural Minerals!

• Kiln Fired!

Ideal when potting aquatic plants. Retains oxygen. Enormous surface area perfect to colonize bene cial nitrifying bacteria. Allows mixing any ratio of loam to planting media. Nontoxic to plants.Will not break down, oat or cloud pond water. Safe for all sh and aquatic life.

Bio-Blue Enzymes & Pond Colorant

EML017 (8-oz treats up to 4000-gal)

EML018 (16-oz treats up to 8000-gal)

EML019 (1-gal treats up to 64,000-gal)

EML220 (5-gal treats up to 320,000 gal)

Specially Formulated to Safely Color Lakes, Lagoons, Decorative Ponds, Fountain &Water Features a Beautiful Shade of Blue! A product that safely colors water while its enzymes assist the bene cial bacteria in your pond to create a healthy pond environment.Will not stain birds, sh, pond rocks or most concrete fountains once diluted. Safe for humans, plants and aquatic life. Mixes completely in hours.Treatment amount depends on desired shade of blue.

Bio-Black Enzymes&PondColorant


(8-oz treats up to 4000-gal)

EML100 (16-oz treats up to 8000-gal)

Specially Formulated to Safely Color Re ecting Ponds Black! A product that safely colors water. Will not stain birds, sh, pond rocks or most concrete fountains once diluted. Safe for humans, plants and aquatic life. Mixes completely in hours.Treatment amount depends on desired shade of black.

Bloom & Grow

EML192 (16-oz treats 4800-gal)

EML193 (32-oz treats 9600-gal)


(1-gal treats 38,000-gal)

EML290....32 oz

EML291....1 gal

A Chemical Algae Eliminator Formulated for Decorative Ponds & Fountains, Irrigation Ponds,Water Hazards & Retention Ponds registered algaecide

Highly concentrated (60% active ingredient) E.P.A.

Keeps pond water clean and algae free

Eliminates plugging of irrigation lines and pumps

Specially formulated for aquatic plants of all types to promote larger, brighter and faster blooms as well as healthier and stronger roots. Highly concentrated formula.Containsmicro-and macro-nutrients; contains vitamins and amino acids.

Flocculant Plus WaterClarier

EML159 (16-oz treats up to 2400-gal)

EML160 (32-oz treats up to 4800-gal)

EML161 (1-gal treats up to 19,000-gal)

A proprietary formulation (polymeric blend) used to coagulate suspended solids in the pond water. After use, particles in the water settle to the bottom of the pond and/or lter out through the lter system. Clears cloudy water. Safe for aquatic life and plants. Attracts

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