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You may be charged a contribution fee to cover the cost of your transition care. Talk to your provider about what fees apply and how much you need to pay.
For transition care received in your own home, the maximum amount is currently $12.14 per day (March 2023 rates), which is 17.5 percent of the single Age Pension.
For care delivered in a ‘live-in’ setting, such as a residential aged care facility, the maximum amount you can be asked to pay is $58.98 per day, or 85 percent of the single Age Pension (20 March 2023 rates).
Access to transition care is offered on a needs basis and not on your ability to pay fees. Talk to your hospital social worker or discharge planner to find out more about how to access the transition care program.
Aged care homes offering transition care beds are listed in the residential aged care tables from page 133
Flexible restorative care
To help regain your independence if you have not been admitted to hospital, the Government has introduced a flexible care option.
You may benefit from the Short Term Restorative Care (STRC) program if you have been sick or had a fall and your mobility is temporarily impaired.
The program focuses on regaining wellbeing over a short period of time, with a maximum of eight weeks.
Federal Government created the program to reverse or slow functional decline in older people and help improve their health and wellbeing through the time-limited service.
The ultimate aim is to avoid you having to access ongoing in home care services or residential care.
Tailored to your needs
The program is designed around improving your capabilities at performing everyday tasks you may be having difficulties with.
A team of professionals would provide the service to help you adjust to the differences in your abilities.
This could involve activities and exercises that will benefit your mobility or could result in home modifications to make everyday tasks more manageable.
You will be able to choose the services you want to be provided so the assistance you receive will be tailored to your specific needs.
Services can be delivered at your home, in a nursing home or a combination of both.
Cost and access
You may need to pay a small fee, although you won’t have to pay an accommodation payment if you receive STRC in a nursing home setting. The maximum amount you’ll be asked to pay to access STRC for services in your own home is currently $11.71 per day, or $56.87 per day in a residential care setting (20 September 2022 rates).
The STRC program is not linked to any other Government funded home support and you will be able to access the program even if you’re already receiving support through the CHSP.
You will not be eligible to receive the STRC program if you are currently:
Receiving a Government funded Home Care Package
Have received transition care in the last six months
Live in residential aged care
You do need an assessment to access the program.
This assessment is done by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) and is only valid for six months. You can access the STRC program twice over a 12 month period.
Read more about ACAT on page 15 or call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 for more information about STRC.