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Assistive technology
Install grab bars and hand rails to help you get down the stairs safely or step in and out of the shower or bathtub without injuring yourself. Repair or remove tripping hazards such as loose carpet, slippery throw rugs or floorboards that stick up. Replace those items and use non-slip mats for more effective fall prevention.
Inadequate lighting can also contribute to falls or injury so install brighter light bulbs where needed and make sure stairways and narrow hallways are properly lit. Make sure you have easy access to bedside lamps and consider using motion sensor lights to create better guidance for moving around your house at night.
Even with grab rails, stairs can present a significant falling hazard. Non-slip strips can help make stairs safer to go up and down or consider having a stair lift installed for easier access to the second level.
Personal alarms that can detect falls, call for help in an emergency or have a GPS tracker can be used to help you feel safe and secure in your own home or when you’re out in the community.

Create a safer home
If you’re a Queensland resident, aged over 60, or have a disability, and you’re unable to do or pay for any home modifications to give you easier access to your home or to increase safety, then the Home Assist Secure service may be able to help you.
Home Assist Secure provides free information, referrals and subsidised assistance related to minor home maintenance, modification, repairs, falls prevention and home security.
If you are eligible you may be able to receive some financial support to assist with labour cost of home modifications or maintenance needed to help you live safely and secure in your own home.
The service can also assist with employing trades people to undertake the repairs or modifications needed.
To be eligible for the subsidy you must have a Pensioner Concession Card, be unable to carry out the required work yourself and don’t have access to other types of assistance such as the Commonwealth Home Support Programme, Department of Veterans’ Affairs or support from family or friends.
Home Assist Secure is a service funded by the Queensland Government Department of Housing and Public Works.
For more information visit hpw.qld.gov.au or call 13 74 68.
Mobility aids can assist you
There are several different types of mobility aids available which can help you maintain independence and safety, assist in walking and moving about, helping you with personal care, making it easier for you to remain socially active, and maintain your quality of life.
New products and technology are continually introduced to the market.