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Retirement living Finding the right village
When deciding on a retirement village, be clear about what you want, what you are prepared to compromise on and what you definitely don’t want.
To help you with the decision making process, here are some points to consider:
Finances: Know your budget, what you can afford and what other ongoing costs are required. Always seek expert legal and financial advice. Ask questions and ensure you fully understand all the financial and legal implications of living in a retirement village before you sign anything or hand any money over.
Lifestyle: Think carefully about how you spend your time now and how you want to spend your time in the future. Many villages now offer special interest facilities such as golf and tennis courts, and more are now accepting pets.
Support: One of the attractions of a retirement village is the peace of mind of 24-hour help and assistance. Many villages now offer additional home support services. This is ideal if you need additional help with personal care, meals, laundry and domestic assistance. Location: When looking at locations, you may want to consider whether you want to be closer to family or stay in or near the community you’re already in. You may have always dreamed of living by the sea or in the country, while proximity to shops may also be important to you.
Amenities: Villages now offer a massive range of amenities including libraries, restaurants, community rooms and barbeque areas. Ultimately you will be paying for these amenities through your weekly or monthly payments, so think about whether the amenities offered in the village you’re considering are important to your needs. Other accommodation: Your or your partner’s needs may change in the future, which could mean you need additional supports. Many developments are now offering serviced apartments and residential aged care at the same location, which means that even though your needs might change, you can still live in the same community.
Choosing a village
When you have found a village that appeals to you and you feel would suit your particular needs, don’t rush into making a commitment.
Instead visit the village often, get to know the management and staff as well as the residents’ committee and seek answers to all your questions. Also, request a copy of the village rules before signing a contract. These are generally appropriate rules to enable residents and guests to enjoy all aspects of the village. You want to make sure you understand the rules so you can decide whether it’s the right place for you.
Go to page 159 for a list of retirement villages in Queensland.