Fashion Fete 2013 Sponsors Pkg

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n a F a s h io h it w g in Network



A Fashion and Networking Event International Fashion | Live Entertainment | Sampling & Giveaways | Live Drawing

!"#$#%&' ( )*%+,-%%./ $#,%#" !"#$#%&#'()* Wardell Duncan - Pres/CEO The Vision 3 Group Tiffani Knowles - Managing Editor NEWD Magazine

Dear Potential Sponsor, “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” -Coco Chanel Fashion Fete, a dynamic networking party with a fashion backdrop for urban professionals ages 21 - 45. Fashion Fete is offering the latest in social event marketing and the greatest form of consumer pull marketing for your product and service. At Fashion Fete, you – the sponsor - will be the star. You will receive a plethora of perks such as strategic product blog marketing, unique event presentation space, radio, online and television advertisement, viral promotional videos, a social media push, logo recognition on event paraphernalia and on-the-spot consumer test experiences of products/services, etc. “With the help of social and mobile marketing, prevalent! marketing trends over the past decade have evolved from primarily push strategies into pull based approaches. What does this mean?! Pull marketing is about encouraging your prospects to seek you out because you offer them something of value, something that aligns with their immediate wants and needs.” – At Fashion Fete, we will partner with you on introducing your product to our demographic of vibrant consumers using unique pull marketing strategies sure to galvanize the masses in attendance, converting them into loyal customers. Our event will be held at a high-traffic venue in New York City and attended by some of tristate’s top influencers and socialites like music industry execs, financiers, editors, models, photographers, make-up artists, hair stylists, designer/stylists, entrepreneurs, etc. The event includes the following features: ! Product Giveaways ! International fashion show ! Speed networking

! Live mannequin showcase ! On-Camera Interviews with attendees ! VIP Photo Shoot ! Swag Bags

! Dancing

! Live Drawing

! International cuisine

We invite you to take advantage of this coveted opportunity to integrate your business into this sensational 2013 summer event! Cordially, Tiffani Knowles Partnership Coordinator

EVENT DETAILS Date and Time: Monday, August 19, 2013 6 – 10 p.m.

Venue: M1-5 Lounge Tribeca Section of New York City

Sponsor Arrival: 4p.m.

Press Check-in: 5 p.m.

Summary of Event Components Host Models Promoting Your Product: At the start of the evening, two host models will be assigned to your brand. They will assist your team in distributing paraphernalia and giveaways and ensure that your team has all its needs met that evening. Mannequin Models Promoting Your Product: Depending on your product promotion, you will be assigned two mannequin models who will wear your product as part of a live statue showcase. Once the press arrives, your marketing representative will be whisked away for pre-event interviews with representatives from various television, radio, magazine and internet media outlets. Potential Consumers Experiencing Your Product: As audiences arrive prior to the main event, they will have the opportunity to take photos, ogle the live mannequins and sample your products/services during your live demonstrations. Main Event Showcasing Your Product: During the main event, the “fashion in motion” showcase, your fashions will be featured as the grand finale designs. Opening the showcase will be independent designers from the tri-state area, the Caribbean, Europe and Africa. This event will be interspersed with sponsor interviews, live local business spotlights and exciting on-the-spot audience interviews for all to see. Potential Consumers Winning Your Product: At the end of the night, a live drawing – which hosts have promoted all night and that our audience members have waited for with bated breath- will showcase items courtesy of our sponsors. Potential Consumers Sampling Your Product: Swag bags of your sample products, to which audiences have already been introduced, will be handed to our event goers as they leave. Expected results = A Highly Attached Customer


Millennial Generation - 21 -45

Expected Number:


Target Psychographics:

Young urban professional adults, beauty&fashion enthusiasts, socialites, business owners

Target Ethnicity Market:

60% Black |20%Latino | 15%White| 5% Other

Expected Industry attendees: Entrepreneurs, music industry execs, models, photographers, make-up artists, fashion designers, stylists, talent agents, promoters, fashion bloggers, local media in print, radio and television Celebrity Invites include: Kelli Daniels from HBO’s The Wire; Edwina Findley from HBO’s Treme; *Jeremiah Abiah from MTV’s Made;*Janette Bayardelle from Broadway’s The Color Purple; *Marie Ojambo, Miss Africa NYC; *Tiah Knox, Miss Full-Figure USA *Celebrity attended past Fashion Fete event.

FASHION STATS Over 4 million people are employed in the fashion industry, including areas of design, manufacturing, distribution, marketing, retailing, advertising, communications, publishing and consulting. (University of Delaware) Each year, over $250 billion is spent on fashion (including accessories) in the United States and over $20 billion in revenue is generated annually. (University of Delaware) Manhattanites spend the most on apparel at $362 per month. (University of Delaware) By the time a 10-year-old girl is 50, she’ll have spent nearly 300,000 dollars on just her hair and face.” (Newsweek)

AFRICAN-AMERICAN CONSUMER STATS Blacks are more brand loyal than white consumers. Their buying power (which is projected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2015), demand increased advertising targeted to African Americans and media outlets directed toward the black consumer. (NewMediaMetrics) African Americans were more attached than whites to 73 percent!of the 350 brands looked at by the study. These brands included everything from Lexus and Google to Tide, Macy’s and Oreos. (NewMediaMetrics) Highly attached consumers both contribute 43.7 percent more revenue to a brand and are 43 percent more likely to talk about products and services to friends and family via social channels. African Americans top all other ethnic groups in the spending on automobiles, baby care products, groceries, health and beauty products, personal care products, apparel, electronics, movies and travel and entertainment. (New Media Metrics)

MILLENNIAL STATS • Millennial college students (without full-time jobs) spend $784 a month on discretionary expenses, especially food and entertainment (Mooslyvania Marketing Agency) +

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MARKETING AND PROMOTIONS A highly attached consumer will not become attached to your product through a mere television commercial or a magazine advert. They will become attached because we offer a far more organic process, one that is experiential in nature and engages all of their sensory receptors: visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactual. Our goal is to expose your product/service to our consumers’ sensory receptors through our professional marketing and promotional efforts. All will be executed by our Fashion Fete collaborating team comprising New Jersey-based event planner and promoter Wardell Duncan, New York-based public relations expert Gabriella Cudjoe Wilkes and New York-based online magazine and radio station manager Tiffani Knowles.

The methods are as follows: •

Press release distribution to over 200 local media

5000+ flyer distribution per event

Sponsor product reviews via hightraffic blogs

4-month social media campaign (FB, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube)

Radio ads on over 15 local and internet stations

Online ads on over 20 related websites

TV ads on 3 cable channels

Promotional Video content with sponsor mentions and/or interviews

Live broadcast of event to over 50,000 people

Ads in over 10 College and free local newspapers

Ads on over 10 college radio stations

Ad on official venue website

PAST PRESS COVERAGE !""#$%%&&&'()&*+,-,./()'01+%,##2%,3"/04)2%&)5%,3"/04)/*%66789%014:+(/*%;<=>%*)?,:4"',2# !""#$%%&&&'()&*+,-,./()'01+%&)5%#,-)/*%@7A>>>%#,-)2',2# !""#$%%&&&'()&*+,-,./()'01+%,##2%,3"/04)2%&)5%,3"/04)/*%6679>%014:+(/*%%*)?,:4"',2# !""#$%%3/-!"(1&+,-'(/(-'01+%)B)("2%?,2!/1(C?)")C(D0C97@9C()"&13E/(-C&/"!C,C?,2!/1(C5,0E*31# !""#$%%E,..4)*,..'":+543'01+%#12"%6@678<A77A%?,2!/1(C?)") !""#$%%#1*5,D'?+%2!1&%>7A=767=A%)%@>78@@<A77F,:"12",3"G@ !""#2$%%&&&'D1:":5)'01+%&,"0!FBG)HIJKLMN-"EO?),":3)G#40#


COST: $20,000

Au Couture advertiser may remain at the same cost for two consecutive years and has the first right of refusal at the end of each contract period. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Industry Brand Exclusivity as Corporate Sponsor Your Company Name Co-branded with Event Name Pre-event Internet Giveaway Promotion Product Reviews Post on High Traffic Blogs Radio Mention (50) :30 Radio Spot (100) Inclusion in :30 Second TV Ad (12X) Customer Product Test Experience (pre-event and at event) Internet Viral Promotional Videos (major social media outlets) Website Banner (3-month run) Sponsor Video Commercials Projected at Event Promotional Items in All Event Gift Bags Event Press Release Mention Stage Mentions at Event Brief Presentation at Event Presentation space at Event VIP Event Invites VIP Photo Shoot with sponsor name on step & repeat backdrop at Event Instant Social Media Postings of Sponsor Photos and Happenings VIP Press Coverage T-Shirts with sponsor logo worn by event staff and participants (min. 10 per event) Luxury Sponsor Giveaways at Event Post Event Videos of Sponsor on Social Media Post Event Photos of Sponsor on Social Media Post Event Survey Results about your Product

SPONSORSHIP LEVEL LUXURY LINE PACKAGE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

COST: $10,000

Radio Mention (30) :30 Radio Spot (75) Inclusion in :30 Second TV Ad (12X) Customer Product Test Experience (pre-event and at event) Internet Viral Promotional Videos (major social media outlets) Website Banner (3-month run) Sponsor Video Commercials Projected at Event Promotional Items in All Event Gift Bags Event Press Release Mention Stage Mention at Event Brief Presentation at Event 8x10 presentation space at Event VIP Event Invites Sponsor name on step & repeat backdrop at Event VIP Press Coverage T-Shirts with sponsor logo worn by event staff and participants (min. 10 per event) Inclusion in Prize Giveaways/Live Auctions Post Event Videos of Sponsor on Social Media Post Event Photos of Sponsor on Social Media Post Event Survey Results about your Product

SPONSORSHIP LEVELS DRESSY CHIC PACKAGE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Radio Mention (30) :30 Radio Spot (20) Inclusion in :30 Second TV Ad (12X) Customer Product Test Experience (pre-event and at event) Internet Viral Promotional Videos (major social media outlets) Website Banner (3-month run) Promotional Items in All Event Gift Bags Event Press Release Mention Stage Mention at Event 8x10 presentation space at Event Inclusion in Prize Giveaways/Live Auction at Event Sponsor name on step & repeat backdrop at Event Post Event Videos of Sponsor on Social Media Post Event Photos of Sponsor on Social Media Post Event Survey Results about your Product

SMART ‘N’ CASUAL PACKAGE • • • • • • • • • • •

COST: $5,000

Radio Mention (10X) Internet Viral Promotional Videos (major social media outlets) Website Banner (3 month run) Promotional Items in Event Gift Bags Event Press Release Mention Stage Mention at Event Sponsor name on step & repeat backdrop at Event Inclusion in Prize Giveaways/Live Auction at Event Post Event Videos of Sponsor on Social Media Post Event Photos of Sponsor on Social Media Post Event Survey Results about your Product

COST: $2,500

VENDOR LEVEL Corporate Vendor: $2,000.00

1 Opening

1. Internet Viral Promotional Videos (major social media outlets) 2. :30 Radio Spot (10) 3. Press Coverage 4. Full Page Ad In Print And Online Directory 5. Table In A VIP Spot 6. Promotional Items in All Event Gift Bags

Mid-Size Business: $1,500.00

1. :30 Radio Spot (5) 2. Press Coverage 3. Half Page Ad In Print and Online Directory 4. Table In A Prime Spot 5. Promotional Items in All Event Gift Bags

2 Openings

SPONSORSHIP LEVEL Small Business: $1,000.00

3 Openings

1. :30 Radio Spot (3) 2. Quarter Page Ad In Print and Online Directory 3. Vending Table 4. Promotional Items in All Event Gift Bags

New Business: $500.00

2 Opening

1. Quarter Page Ad In Print and Online Directory 2. Vending Table 3. Promotional Items in All Event Gift Bags

Swag Bags Bonus: $250.00

1. Listing Online directory 2. Vending Table 3. Promotional Items in All Event Gift Bags

3 openings


Swag Bags: $200.00

10 openings

1. Listing Online directory 2. Promotional Items in All Event Gift Bags

Swag Bags: $100

1. Promotional Items in All Event Gift Bags

18 openings


COST: $1,000

Radio Mention (3X) Event Press Release Mention Promotional Items in Event Gift Bags Stage Mention at Event Inclusion in Giveaways/Live Auction Post Event Videos of Sponsor on Social Media Post Event Photos of Sponsor on Social Media Post Event Survey Results about your Product

SPONSORSHIP CONTACT Tiffani Knowles 305-799-3685

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