THERAPEE- a web-based bedwetting treatment/ By Dr. Jacob Sagie and Tal Sagie There are numerous considerations that must be kept in mind when treating any patient who suffers from enuresis. Some of these considerations include the patient's age, sex, and how often he or she wets the bed. For example, working with a fiveyear-old who consistently wets the bed each night and also struggles with dribbling during the day is much different than treating a twelve-year-old who wets the bed just once a week. Not all patients respond to bedwetting treatments in the same way. Rather, responses can be fast, slow, regressive, and unstable. Therefore, a therapist’s response to a patient's progress should be carefully considered in every case. Furthermore, the child's and parents' attitudes toward the therapy are important to take into consideration as well. And while treatment is going on, situations can arise that influence progress. This is precisely what makes THERAPEE so remarkable. In Dr. Sagie's bedwetting facilities, we have recognized and gathered information from situations we have confronted in more than 30,000 patients since 1984. Subsequently, we have had the ability to characterize each conceivable patient profile utilizing customized parameters. This has made it possible for us to create some definite and complex algorithms that we can use to give tailor-made and efficient treatment to enuresis patients. We also use what we call a “visual chart,� which allows parents to provide us with details about their child progress in the treatment. From there, out system carefully analyzes and computes the data to ultimately provide the right response. Next, the patient views a video clip of a bedwetting specialist addressing him or her and the parents while also giving feedback regarding progress and next steps. Basically, THERAPEE is a customizable and tailor-made treatment that is like a personal, face to face session with Dr. Sagie. In this sense, rather than purchasing a CD with treatment directives that are universal, you receive truly personalized treatment for enuresis from a trained and experienced professional. For more info please go to: