Dr.EricBergBriefBio& CurrentRole
Dr. Eric Berg, DC, The Knowledge Doc, founded the Berg Institute of Health & Wellness in 1997 in Seminole, Florida where henowservesastheInstitute’sCEO.TheInstitute’spurposeis to help people understand their health, their body’s needs, and how to overcome nutritional deficiencies.
Dr. Berg enables people to take ownership of their ownhealthandwellbeinginordertoachieve theiridealweightlossgoalsempoweredbyaketodietandintermittentfasting.
After graduating from chiropractic school in 1988, Dr. Berg embarked on many years of scientific researchinnutrition.Hispassionwasfueledbyadesiretounderstandhisownpersonal healthstruggleswithfood.
Dr Eric now teaches people about a wide spectrum of health-related topics. He specializes in dissecting complex health problems ofallkinds,relatingsymptomstorealcauses,anddesigning strategies for healing through nutrition. His signature healthy ketodiet and intermittent fasting—a long-term eating plan—is now widely seen as a transforming factor in creating extraordinarylevelsofwellness.
The dramatic transformation Dr Eric Berg achieved in his own health based onnewinsightshe gained through deeper research into the science of nutrition, eventually prompted him to shift from full-time chiropractic work to teaching his methods to other medical professionals, includingservingforatimeasanassociateprofessoratHowardUniversity.
His book published in2006, The 7 Principles of Fat Burning,wasupdatedin2019basedonnew research as The Healthy Keto Plan, now an Amazon bestseller. He also started a YouTube channel in 2008 and continues to share his perspectives on healthy ways of eating and myriad other health topics, tallying more than 6,000 videos, 18 million subscribers, and 100 million views per month. He also created a course that explores keto and intermittent fasting to train KetoCoachesworldwide.
Dr. Eric engaged in private practice as a chiropractor in San Diego, CA, Shreveport, LA, and Alexandria, VA, and since 1997 has servedasCEOattheBergInstituteofHealth&Wellnessin Seminole,FL.
Academic History
Dr. Eric BergearnedhisDoctorofChiropracticdegreein1988atPalmerCollegeofChiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, following pre-med studies at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside from 1983to1985,andArmyReserveserviceduringwhichhewastrainedinX-raytechnology
Additional advanced and specialty academic training included the National-Lincoln School of Postgraduate Education; Southern California College of Chiropractic; International Scoliosis Research Center; Risk Management, Louisiana Union of Chiropractic; and Motor Vehicle CollisionInjuries,LUCP
Professional Skills and Experience
Dr. Berg passed theNationalBoardofChiropracticExamination,partsI,II,andIII,achievedthe Certificate of Proficiency in Chiropractic X-ray, became a board-certified chiropractorin Virginia, California, and Louisiana, was certified in Microscopy, live blood cell analysis, andin diagnosticinterpretationofneuro-selectivecurrentperceptionthreshold.
Philanthropic Interests
Throughout his manyyearsinthepubliceyeasarecognizedauthorityinthescienceofnutrition, Dr. Eric has contributed substantial personalresources--intime,money,andwide-rangingpublic outreach--to philanthropic organizations that share his passion for wellness and healing. Along
with his wife, Karen, the Bergs contribute generously to the public, both nationally and internationally,througheducationaboutdietingandfitness.
During his 30yearsofchiropracticpracticeinAlexandria,Virginia,Dr.EricBergcaredformore than 40,000 people. He also provided in-house and external seminars for government agencies such as the Library of Congress, Federal Communication Commission, National Institute of Science,FBI,andothers.
Between 2017 and 2019 (when the pandemic paused such large public gatherings) Dr. Berg hosted annual Keto Health Summits, most recently in Washington, DC. Annual attendance
rapidlygrewto1,000physicians,dietcoaches,healthcarepractitioners,andahostofketo-dieters sharing remarkable experiencesofwellnessanddramaticweightloss.Thegatheringsspotlighted manynationallyacclaimedspeakers,specialistsinketodietingandmetabolichealth.
In addition to Dr Berg’s books, his work has been featured in many popular magazines and various TV and radio programs, including Channel 9 CBS Nightly News, Channel 8News,and more.
Dr. Berg has trained more than 2,500 health professionalsin his methods, techniques, and scientific findings.He is a pivotal voice in raising awareness of the role ketogenic eating plans andintermittentfastingcanplayinpromotinghealthandwellness.
Personal Interests and Hobbies
Dr. Eric Berg’s passion for health also inspires his life beyond the Berg Institute, especially in hobbies and personal interests. In his own words, “I am constantly searching for underlying reasons why people get diseases—it's become a hobby.” That passion grew from his personal experienceovercomingtheeffectsofoverworkandovereatinglike“themeatandpotatoeskid.”
By the age of 32 his new understanding of nutrition finally revived his energy and hisabilityto keepupwithhiswifeKaren’sbusylifeandtheirthreeactivechildren.
Free time is now one of Eric’s rarest but most treasured assets. He finds both inspiration and relaxation in playing his hand-crafted guitar andinworkingwithKarentoturnoutnew,enticing health-infusedkitchencreations.
Dr Berg now lives on a scenic farm where he is intensely studying itssoil,conductingresearch on growing nutrient-dense food and nutrient-dense animals. Everything in the kitchen, Karen agrees,startedintheearth.