† Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015 : A New Coelacanth Fish Fossil Species from Lebanon

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† Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015 : A New Coelacanth Fish Fossil Species from Lebanon ‫ نوع جديد ألحفورة سمكة‬: 5102 ، ‫ماكروبوما ليبانوس خلف‬ ‫ال ُجمبيزة (سيالكانث) من لُبنان‬ By: Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher KhalafSakerfalke von Jaffa

The new Roundhead-Roundtail Lebanon Coelacanth fossil species † Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015 from Lebanon. http://www.ebay.com/itm/LEBANON-LEBANESEULTRA-RARE-COELACANTH-FISH-FOSSIL-LIBANON-LIBAN-/130975206209 & https://www.flickr.com/photos/50022881@N00/16252872258/

Abstract: A new fossil species of Coelacanth Fish from the Upper Cretaceous (Middle Cenomanian) of the genus Macropoma (Class Sarcopterygii, Subclass Crossopterygii, Order Coelacanthiformes, Suborder Latimerioidei, Family Latimeriidae) was found in the Limestone of Haqel (Hakel) and Hajula, Lebanon. The new fossil species is distinguished from the four different Macropoma species : † Macropoma lewesiensis Agassiz, 1835; † Macropoma mantelli Agassiz, 1843; † Macropoma speciosum Reuss, 0827 and † Macropoma willemoesii Vetter, 1881 by its slightly different skeletal, skull and fin features. It is morphologically a distinct species. The new species was named † Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 122 – February 2015



Sarcopterygii, Coelacanthiformes, Latirmeriidae, Macropoma libanus, Coelacanth, Lebanon Coelacanth, RoundheadRoundtail Lebanon Coelacanth, Fossil, New species, Upper Cretaceous, Middle Cenomanian, Haqel, Hakel, Hajula, Lebanon, Near East, Middle East.

The new Roundhead-Roundtail Lebanon Coelacanth fossil species † Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015 from Lebanon. http://www.ebay.com/itm/LEBANON-LEBANESEULTRA-RARE-COELACANTH-FISH-FOSSIL-LIBANON-LIBAN-/130975206209 & https://www.flickr.com/photos/50022881@N00/15837802323/

Introduction When I was writing some articles about the Coelacanth Fishes, I noticed that there were some Lebanese Coelacanth fish fossil specimens for sale on the internet and other specimens were in Museums or Private Collections. One coelacanth fish fossil specimen was for sale on eBay. It looked peculiar. It was from the Upper Cretaceous (Middle Cenomanian) Limestone in Haqel (Hakel) and Hajula, Lebanon. This specimen was examined and measured. The total length was 8.00 cm. The new fossil species is distinguished from the four different Macropoma species: † Macropoma lewesiensis Agassiz, 1835; † Macropoma mantelli Agassiz, 1843; † Macropoma speciosum Reuss, 1857 and † Macropoma willemoesii Vetter, 1881 by its slightly different skeletal, skull and fin features. It is morphologically a distinct species. The new species was named † Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015.

Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 122 – February 2015


Genus Macropoma Macropoma (meaning big apple or large fruit in Greek) is an extinct genus of coelacanth in the class Sarcopterygii. These fishes have apparently been extinct for over 70 million years and are most closely related to the modern coelacanth Latimeria (Wikipedia). Fossils of Macropoma have been found in both England and Czechoslovakia. The presently described fossil comes from Lebanon. Recorded fossils have bodies less than two feet in length. A modern coelacanth measures five or more, but in other respects the two genera are remarkably similar, and share the same body plan with a three-lobed tail and stalked fins (Wikipedia). Macropoma grew to a length of 22 inches (55 centimeters) and would have preyed upon smaller aquatic species (Wikipedia).

The new Roundhead-Roundtail Lebanon Coelacanth fossil species † Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015 from Lebanon. http://www.ebay.com/itm/LEBANON-LEBANESEULTRA-RARE-COELACANTH-FISH-FOSSIL-LIBANON-LIBAN-/130975206209 & https://www.flickr.com/photos/50022881@N00/16271983607/

Measurements of the Roundhead-Roundtail Lebanon Coelacanth Fossil Holotype Total length: 8.00 cm; Head from mouth tip to gill cover: 1.75 cm; Tail length: 2.58 cm; Head width at the gill cover: 2.16 cm; Body width in the middle (dorsal-ventral): 2.33 cm, tail base width: 1.66 cm; Anterior dorsal fin: 1.75 cm; Posterior dorsal fin: 1.50 cm; Pectoral fin: 1.66 cm; Tail rays: 2.58 cm. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 122 – February 2015


Etymology / Derivation of the Scientific Name The genus name Macropoma in Greek means “big apple” or “large fruit” which refers to the big sized head and tail of the Genus Macropoma. The species name libanus refers to “Lebanon” in Greek where the new species was discovered.

The new Roundhead-Roundtail Lebanon Coelacanth fossil species † Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015 from Lebanon. http://www.ebay.com/itm/LEBANON-LEBANESEULTRA-RARE-COELACANTH-FISH-FOSSIL-LIBANON-LIBAN-/130975206209 & https://www.flickr.com/photos/50022881@N00/16438615676/

Conclusion: After studying the Macropoma fish fossil specimen from Haqel (Hakel) and Hajula, Lebanon and comparing with the four different Macropoma species : † Macropoma lewesiensis Agassiz, 1835; † Macropoma mantelli Agassiz, 1843; † Macropoma speciosum Reuss, 0827 and † Macropoma willemoesii Vetter, 1881 and referring to many zoological references, and searching the Internet, I came finally to a conclusion that we are in front of a new Coelacanth fossil species. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 122 – February 2015


I gave it the scientific name † Macropoma libanus, new fossil species. The species name “libanus” is for Lebanon, from where the fossil specimen was found. † Macropoma libanus, new fossil species: Scientific Binomial name: † Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015. Authority: Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Khalaf-von Jaffa. Common Name: Roundhead-Roundtail Lebanon Coelacanth

Lebanon Coelacanth,

Holotype Fossil: ML-1, eBay specimen. Origin: Haqel (Hakel) and Hajula, Lebanon.

The new Roundhead-Roundtail Lebanon Coelacanth fossil species † Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015 from Lebanon. http://www.ebay.com/itm/LEBANON-LEBANESEULTRA-RARE-COELACANTH-FISH-FOSSIL-LIBANON-LIBAN-/130975206209 & https://www.flickr.com/photos/50022881@N00/16462919021/ Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 122 – February 2015


The new Roundhead-Roundtail Lebanon Coelacanth fossil species † Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015 from Lebanon. http://www.ebay.com/itm/LEBANON-LEBANESEULTRA-RARE-COELACANTH-FISH-FOSSIL-LIBANON-LIBAN-/130975206209 & https://www.flickr.com/photos/50022881@N00/16278810607/

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The new Roundhead-Roundtail Lebanon Coelacanth fossil species † Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015 from Lebanon. http://www.ebay.com/itm/LEBANON-LEBANESEULTRA-RARE-COELACANTH-FISH-FOSSIL-LIBANON-LIBAN-/130975206209 & https://www.flickr.com/photos/50022881@N00/16462983431/ FishBase References for Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, N.A.B.A.T., 2009. http://www.fishbase.org/References/ReferencesListTitles.php?Author=KhalafSakerfalke%20von%20Jaffa,%20N.A.B.A.T.&Year=2009&FishBase=Yes Focus Magazine (April 2003). Focus Magazine‟s Coelacanth Confessions. Harun Yahya. http://www.harunyahya.com/en/NetCevap/147866/Focus-MagazinesCoelacanth-Confessions Forey, P. L. (1988). Golden Jubilee for the Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. Nature, 336: 727-732. Forey, Peter L. (1997/1998). History of the Coelacanth Fishes. London: Champan & Hall and the Natural History Museum. pp. 440. Gaudant, J. (1975). Intérêt paléoécologique de la découverte de Gobius aries (AG.) (Poisson téléostéen, Gobioidei) dans l‟Oligocène des bassins de Marseille et de Saint-Pierre-lès-Martigues (Bouches-du-Rhône). Geol Mediterran 2: 111–114. Gayet 1983. Name - Lates maliensis Gayet 1983. http://www.organismnames.com/namedetails.htm?lsid=689373 Gayet, M. and F.J. Meunier (2000). Rectification of the nomenclature of the genus name Ellisella Gayet & Meunier, 1991 (Teleostei, Ostariophysi, Gymnotiformes) in Humboldtichthys nom. nov. Cybium 24(1):104. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 122 – February 2015


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The new Roundhead-Roundtail Lebanon Coelacanth fossil species † Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015 from Lebanon. http://www.ebay.com/itm/LEBANON-LEBANESEULTRA-RARE-COELACANTH-FISH-FOSSIL-LIBANON-LIBAN-/130975206209 & https://www.flickr.com/photos/50022881@N00/15844655783/ Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 122 – February 2015


Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 122 – February 2015


Illustration from the previous page: Comparison of extant and selected extinct actinistians, commonly known as coelacanths. A phylogeny of Actinistia; schematic sketches of body outlines and approximate body length (given in metre) illustrate the morphological diversity of extinct coelacanths: some had a short, round body (Hadronector), some had a long, slender body (Rebellatrix), some were eel-like (Holopterygius) whereas others resembled trout (Rhabdoderma), or even piranha (Allenypterus). Note that the body shape of Latimeria chalumnae differs significantly from that of its closest relative, Macropoma lewesiensis. http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2013/04/20/coelacanths-are-unexceptionalproducts-of-evolution/ Khalaf, Norman Ali Bassam (Zoology, Second Year) (1982). Samak Al-Coelacanth (The Coelacanth Fish). Al-Biology Magazine. Number 2, February 1982, Biological Society, Kuwait University, State of Kuwait. pp.14-15. (In Arabic). http://issuu.com/drnormanalibassamkhalaf/docs/coelacanth_fish_al_biology_magazine Khalaf, Norman Ali Bassam (1987). The Coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) in the Science and Natural History Museum, State of Kuwait. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 15. Fifth Year, July 1987, Thul Qi‟dah 1407 AH. Rilchingen-Hanweiler, Federal Republic of Germany. pp. 1-8. http://quastenflosser.webs.com/coelacanthkuwait.htm Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam (2005). Der Komoren-Quastenflosser (Latimeria chalumnae) und der Manado-Quastenflosser (Latimeria menadoensis). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 38, Twenty Third Year. February 2005. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. pp. 1-8. http://quastenflosser.webs.com/ Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (Gründer) (seit Juni 2005). Der Quastenflosser: Coelacanth Latimeria Yahoo! Deutschland Group. http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/Quastenflosser/ Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). Aquatica Arabica. An Aquatic Scientific Journey in Palestine, Arabia and Europe between 1980 - 2005 / Aquatica Arabica. Eine Aquatische Wissenschaftliche Reise in Palästina, Arabien und Europa zwischen 1980 - 2005. ISBN 3-00-014835-3. Erste Auflage / First Edition, August 2005: 376 Seiten / Pages. Self-Publisher: Norman Ali Khalaf, RilchingenHanweiler, Bundesrepublik Deutschland & Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://dr-norman-ali-khalaf-books.webs.com/aquaticaarabica.htm Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). The Coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) in the Science and Natural History Museum, State of Kuwait. In : Aquatica Arabica. An Aquatic Scientific Journey in Palestine, Arabia and Europe between 1980 - 2005 / Aquatica Arabica. Eine Aquatische Wissenschaftliche Reise in Palästina, Arabien und Europa zwischen 1980 - 2005. ISBN 3-00-014835-3. Erste Auflage / First Edition, August 2005, pp. 110-117. Self-Publisher: Norman Ali Khalaf, Rilchingen-Hanweiler, Bundesrepublik Deutschland & Sharjah, United Arab Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 122 – February 2015


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Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 122 – February 2015

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