Freshwater Fishes in Palestine أسماك المياه العذبة في فلسطين By: Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Khalaf-von Jaffa The Origin of Palestinian Freshwater Fishes The Ichthyofauna of Palestine’s inland waters includes 32 indigenous fish species belonging to eight families and another 14-16 species introduced by man. Palestine is a meeting point between Africa and Asia and is close to southeastern Europe. As a result, its inland water bodies are populated by fish of diverse origins: Africa, Asia Minor (Anatolia, Iraq, greater Syria), the Arabian Peninsula (and possibly the African Horn) and from the sea (probably relicts from the Tethys Sea period). The inland water system in our area has changed greatly during the faunal history of the Middle East. Rivers altered their flow direction and water links between various systems were formed and once again severed. Fish species of different origins expanded their distribution areas or were driven out by new invaders. These events shaped the fish fauna in our country (Goren, 1975). Fish have penetrated Palestine via diverse routes. African species arrived in several waves – most via the Pelusiac (or Pelusian) branch of the Nile River and some possibly via the Mediterranean (Cichlidae). Fish from the Tigris-Euphrates river system reached Mediterranean aquatic networks, such as the Orontes, at a time when these systems were linked. From there they spread to the LitaniJordan river system when these were connected, which explains how fish from Asia Minor and the Levant penetrated into Palestine. Aquatic systems in the western Arabian Peninsula were once much more plentiful than today and were inter-connected during certain periods. These links reached as far as the southern Dead Sea and were used as a passage route by fish (Goren, 1975). In addition there are a number of freshwater fish of marine origin (species from Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 104 – August 2013
the families: Blenniidae, Mugilidae and Anguillidae). Some consider Salaria fluviatilis, a freshwater blenny species par excellence throughout the entire Mediterranean region, to be a relic from the Tethys Sea period (Goren, 1975).
The newly discovered Palestine Doctor Fish subspecies Garra rufa wadiqana Khalaf, 2013 at Ain Al Basa Spring, Wadi Qana Nature Reserve, Salfit Governorate, State of Palestine. Photo by: Ola Mostafa Khalaf. 08.07.2013. http://www.flickr.com/photos/50022881@N00/9500749723/
The damage to inland water body habitats Wetlands are considered extremely sensitive to development processes and are in danger of extinction throughout the world, particularly in arid or semiarid countries such as Palestine. Threats to these habitats result from a number of factors: 1. Increasing exploitation of water sources for human needs. 2. Drainage of wetlands for agriculture or urban development. 3. Accelerated exploitation of groundwater reservoirs that leads to the drying of surface water bodies. 4. Processes of fragmentation and barrier creation between neighboring water Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 104 – August 2013
bodies or water bodies that were previously linked by continuous flow. 5. Discharge of effluents and wastewater into stream and riverbeds. 6. Pisciculture in natural habitats and deliberate and accidental stocking of natural habitats with exotic fish species. The effect of these factors on the populations of aquatic organisms is also amplified, among other reasons, by the following habitat characteristics: a. the dimensions of most terrestrial water bodies are small, with corresponding small fish populations; b. many water bodies are regularly or temporarily isolated from neighboring water bodies; c. poisons and fertilizers are discharged into water bodies from agricultural and industrial areas and aquatic animals are affected instantly by pollution. This combination of sensitivity to detrimental factors and to other side effects of anthropogenic activity has probably brought wetlands throughout the world closer to extinction than any other habitat (Goren, 1975).
Al Auja or Yarkon Bleak (Acanthobrama telavivensis). Photo by: Dr. Menachem Goren. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/61249/0
Necessary conservation steps Conservation steps for freshwater fish can only be taken by preserving their habitats from pollution, drainage and structural modifications. Establishing survival (or breeding) nuclei for some of the threatened species should be considered in cases where there is a chance of habitat improvement in the future. In addition, as a result of objective problems in assessing the dangers to or the status of the fish population in a changing environment, a regular fish monitoring system should be established in the entire Palestinian aquatic system (Goren, 1975).
Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 104 – August 2013
Status of the class species in Palestine DD Data Defici ent
LC Least Conc ern
NT Near Threate ned
VU Vulner able
EN Endang ered
CR Criticall y Endang ered
RE Region ally Extinct
Exti nct
Tot al
Five fish species have become extinct from freshwater bodies during the 20th century (Goren, 1975).
List of the Freshwater Fishes in Palestine Order
Cypriniformes Cypriniformes Cypriniformes
Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae
Acanthobrama hulensis Acanthobrama lissneri Acanthobrama telavivensis
Acanthobrama terraesanctae Acipenser sturio
Anguilliformes Cyprinodontiformes Cyprinodontiformes
Anguillidae Cyprinodontidae Cyprinodontidae
Anguilla anguilla Aphanius dispar richardsoni Aphanius fasciatus
Aphanius mento
Cypriniformes Perciformes Atheriniformes
Cyprinidae Cichlidae Atherinidae
Aristichthys nobilis Astatotilapia flaviijosephi Atherina boyeri
Cypriniformes Cypriniformes Cypriniformes
Balitoridae Balitoridae Cyprinidae
Barbatula panthera Barbatula tigris Barbus longiceps
Cypriniformes Cypriniformes Cypriniformes
Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae
Capoeta damascina Carasobarbus canis Carassius auratus auratus
Cypriniformes Cypriniformes
Cyprinidae Cyprinidae
Carassius carassius Catla catla
Chelon labrosus
Clarias gariepinus
Ctenopharyngodon idella
Status native native native endemic native introduced native native native introduced native native native native native native native not established introduced not established native native introduced
Name Hula Bleak Lissner’s Bleak Al Auja or Yarkon Bleak Tiberias or Kinneret bleak Common Sturgeon European Eel Dead Sea Killifish Mediterranean Killifish Persian or Orient Killifish Bighead Carp Palestine Cichlid Big-Scale Sand Smelt Panther Loach Tiger Loach Long-Headed Barbel Damascus Barbel Jordan Himri Goldfish Crucian Carp Catla Thicklip Grey Mullet North African Catfish Grass Carp
Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 104 – August 2013
Cypriniformes Cyprinodontiformes Cypriniformes
Cyprinidae Poeciliidae Cyprinidae
Cyprinus carpio carpio Gambusia affinis Garra ghorensis
introduced introduced native
Cypriniformes Cypriniformes
Cyprinidae Cyprinidae
Garra rufa Garra rufa wadiqana
native native
Hemigrammocapoeta nana
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix
Ictiobus cyprinellus
Perciformes Perciformes Mugiliformes
Cichlidae Latidae Mugilidae
Labeotropheus fuelleborni Lates calcarifer Liza aurata
not established not established introduced introduced native
Mugiliformes Mugiliformes Perciformes Perciformes
Mugilidae Mugilidae Cichlidae Moronidae
Liza ramado Liza saliens Melanochromis auratus Morone saxatilis
Mugiliformes Cypriniformes Cypriniformes
Mugilidae Balitoridae Balitoridae
Mugil cephalus Nemacheilus angorae Nemacheilus insignis
Cypriniformes Cypriniformes Atheriniformes Salmoniformes Salmoniformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes
Balitoridae Balitoridae Atherinopsidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Cichlidae Cichlidae Cichlidae
Nemacheilus leontinae Nun galilaeus Odontesthes bonariensis Oncorhynchus kisutch Oncorhynchus mykiss Oreochromis aureus Oreochromis macrochir Oreochromis mossambicus
Cyprinodontiformes Cypriniformes
Poeciliidae Cyprinidae
Oreochromis niloticus niloticus Oreochromis niloticus vulcani Poecilia velifera Pseudophoxinus drusensis
Pseudophoxinus kervillei
Perciformes Perciformes
Cichlidae Cichlidae
introduced introduced
Pseudotropheus lombardoi Pseudotropheus tropheops tropheops Salaria fluviatilis
Salmo salar
Salmo trutta trutta
Perciformes Perciformes Cypriniformes
Sillaginidae Cichlidae Cyprinidae
Sarotherodon galilaeus galilaeus Sillago sihama Tilapia zillii Tinca tinca
not established not established native
Tristramella sacra
native native introduced not established native native misidentificatio n native native introduced introduced introduced native introduced not established questionable
Common Carp Mosquitofish Jordanian Log Sucker Doctor Fish Palestine or Wadi Qana Doctor Fish Tiberias or Jordanian Barbel Silver Carp Bigmouth Buffalo Blue Mbuna Barramundi Golden Grey Mullet Thinlip Mullet Leaping Mullet Golden Mbuna Striped Bass Flathead Mullet Angora Loach Palestine Loach Lebanese Loach Galilean Loach Pejerrey Coho Salmon Rainbow Trout Blue Tilapia Longfin Tilapia Mozambique Tilapia Nile Tilapia
Turkana Tilapia
introduced native
Sail-fin Molly Jebel Druze or Golan Minnow Jordanian Minnow Kenyi Cichlid Golden Tropheops Freshwater Blenny Atlantic Salmon
native native not established native
Sea Trout Mango Tilapia Silver Sillago Redbelly Tilapia Tench Long Jaw Tristramella
Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 104 – August 2013
Tristramella simonis intermedia Tristramella simonis simonis
Xiphophorus hellerii
Hula Tristramella
Short Jaw Tristramella Green Swordtail
After Eli Agbayani (2007) and Prof. Dr. Norman Ali Khalaf-von Jaffa (2013).
Jordanian Log Sucker (Garra ghorensis). Photo by: Nashat A. Hamidan. http://www.israquarium.co.il/Fish/IsraelFish/
References and Internet Websites: Agbayani, Eli (2007). List of Freshwater Fishes for Israel. http://fish.mongabay.com/data/Israel.htm Aronov A. and Goren M. (2008(. Ecology of the Mottled Grouper (Mycteroperca rubra) in the Eastern Mediterranean. Electronic Journal of Ichthylogy. 2:1-13. Elron, E., A. Gasith & M. Goren (2005). Reproductive strategy of a small endemic cyprinid, Acanthobrama telavivensis, in a mediterranean-type stream. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 77:141–155. Elron, E., M. Goren, D. Milstein & A. Gasith (2004). Ammonia toxicity to juvenile Acanthobrama telavivensis (Cyprinidae), a critically endangered endemic fish in the coastal plain of Israel. Israel Jour. Zool. 50:321-331. Fishelson, L., O. Gon, R., M. Goren & Ben-David-Zaslow (2005). The oral cavity and bioluminescent organs of the cardinal fish species Siphamia permutata and S. cephalotes (Perciformes, Apogonidae). Marine Biology 147: Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 104 – August 2013
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Khalaf, Norman Ali Bassam (1982). Samak Al-Coelacanth (The Coelacanth Fish). Al-Biology Magazine. Number 2. February 1982. Biological Society, Kuwait University, State of Kuwait. pp. 14-15. (In Arabic). Khalaf, Norman (Translator) (1982). Al-Miah Al-Mulawatha Tohaded AlAsmak Bi’ilinqiraad (Water Pollution threatens the Fish Fauna with Extinction). Al-Biology Bulletin. Number 18, Third Year, First Semester, Saturday 6.11.1982. Biological Society, Kuwait University, State of Kuwait. pp. 7. (Translation from German into Arabic). Khalaf, Norman Ali (1983). Al-Samaka Al-‘Auljumiyah Al-Naqaqa fi AlKhaleej Al-Arabi [The Toad Fish (Batrachus grunniens) in the Arabian Gulf]. Bulletin of the Biological Studies Club, Kuwait University, State of Kuwait. First Year, Number 3, 23 November 1983. pp. 10-11. (In Arabic). Khalaf, Norman Ali (Translator) (1983). Al-Tasjeel Al-Hay Al-Awal li-Samaket Kozat Al-Snobar (Monocentris japonicus, Houttuyn) min Al-Bahr Al-Ahmar [The Pinecone Fish (Monocentris japonicus, Houttuyn), A First Live Record from the Red Sea] by: Chaim Kropach. Bulletin of the Biological Studies Club, Kuwait University, State of Kuwait. First Year, Number 4, 7.12.1983. pp. 6-8. (In Arabic). Khalaf, Norman Ali B. (1986). The Schooling of Fishes. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 9. Fourth Year. Ramadan 1406. May 1986. Department of Zoology, University of Durham, Durham, United Kingdom. pp. 1-13. Khalaf, Norman Ali B. (1986). The Fish Fauna in Van Mildert Pond, Durham City, North East England. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 9. Fourth Year. Ramadan 1406. May 1986. Department of Zoology, University of Durham, Durham, United Kingdom. pp. 14-20. Khalaf, N.A.B. (1986). The Schooling of Sumatra Barbs (Barbus tetrazona tetrazona) and Minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus). Dissertation, Master of Science in Ecology, Departments of Zoology and Botany, University of Durham, England. September 1986. pps. 59 + iv. Khalaf, Norman Ali B. (1987). The Coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) in the Science and Natural History Museum, State of Kuwait. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 15. Fifth Year. July 1987. RilchingenHanweiler, Germany. pp. 1-8. Khalaf, Norman Ali Bassam (1987). On a Collection of Devon Period Animal Fossils from the Saarland, in the Geologische Museum Saarberg in Saarbrücken, Germany. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Rilchingen-Hanweiler, Federal Republic of Germany. Number 15, Fifth Year, Thul Qi’dah 1407 AH, July 1987 AD. pp. 9-10. Khalaf, Norman Ali B. (1987). The Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) from the State of Kuwait, Arabian Gulf. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological
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Bulletin. Number 16. Fifth Year. Safar 1408 AH. September 1987 AD. Rilchingen-Hanweiler, Federal Republic of Germany. pp. 1-7. Khalaf, Norman Ali (1989). Qa’ema li-ba’d Asmak Al-Kuwait fi Al-Mathaf Al‘Ilmi Bi-Dawlat Al-Kuwait (A List of some Kuwaiti Fishes from the Science & Natural History Museum, State of Kuwait). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 19. Seventh Year. December 1989. Bonn 2-Bad Godesberg, Federal Republic of Germany. pp. 3. (In Arabic and English). Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam (1991). A Trip to Zoo Budapest, Hungary. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Federal Republic of Germany. Number 21, Ninth Year, January 1991. pp. 1-4. Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam (1991). The Gulf War and its effect on the Arabian Ecosystem (Part One). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Federal Republic of Germany. Number 23, Ninth Year, July 1991. pp. 1-12. Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam (1991). The Gulf War and its effect on the Arabian Ecosystem (Part Two). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Federal Republic of Germany. Number 24, Ninth Year, August 1991. pp. 1-10. Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam (1991). The Gulf War and its effect on the Arabian Ecosystem (Part Three). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Federal Republic of Germany. Number 25, Ninth Year, September 1991. pp. 1-7. Khalaf, Norman Ali Bassam (1992). Notes on the Biological Ecology of the Marshes in Southern Iraq. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. BonnBad Godesberg, Federal Republic of Germany. Number 29, Tenth Year, September 1992. pp. 1-9. (In Arabic). Khalaf, Norman Ali Bassam (1992). The United Nations Ecological Report confirms: The Regime of Saddam is destroying the Marshes (Al-Ahwar) Ecosystem. Sawt Al-Kuwait International Newspaper. Saturday 17 October 1992, 21 Rabi’e Al-Thani 1412. pp. 15. (In Arabic). Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam (1992). An Introduction to the Animal Life in Palestine. Gazelle. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. BonnBad Godesberg, Federal Republic of Germany. Number 30, Tenth Year, October 1992. pp. 1-7. (In Arabic). Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali B. (1993). Al-Mushkilatan Al-Ma’eyah wa AlBi’eyah fi Al-Dafah Al-Gharbiyah wa Qita’ Ghaza Al-Muhtalain (Ka-Juzu’ min Al-Sharq Al-Awsat) [The Water and the Ecological Problems in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip (As Part of the Middle East)]. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 31. Eleventh Year. December 1993. Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany. pp. 1- 29. (In Arabic). Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam (1994). An Introduction to the Animal
Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 104 – August 2013
Life in Palestine. Shqae’q Al-Nouma’n (Anemone coronaria). A Quarterly Magazine Issued by the Program EAI (Education for Awareness and for Involvement). Environmental Education / Children for Nature Protection. In Cooperation with Dept. of General and Higher Education. P.L.O., Palestine. Number 4. Huzairan (June) 1994. pp. 16-21. (In Arabic). Acquaintance Card: Majallet Al-Ghazzal (Gazelle Magazine): The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Bonn, Germany. Shqae’q Al-Nouma’n (Anemone coronaria). A Quarterly Magazine Issued by the Program EAI (Education for Awareness and for Involvement). Environmental Education / Children for Nature Protection. In Cooperation with Dept. of General and Higher Education. P.L.O., Palestine. Number 4. Huzairan (June) 1994. pp. 51-52. (In Arabic). Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali B.(1995). Alasmak fi Filistin (Die Fische von Palästina / The Fishes of Palestine). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 33. Thirteenth Year. December 1995. Bonn, Germany. pp.135. (In Arabic). Khalaf, Ali Bassam (1997). Amir Al-Bahar Al-Arabi (The Arabian Sea Prince) Shihab Al-Deen Ahmad Bin Majed. Magazin der Akademie. Nummer 1. Zu Elke’da 1417 H, Maerz 1997. Koenig Fahad Akademie – Bonn, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Deutschland. pp. 23-24. (in Arabic). Khalaf, Norman Ali Bassam (2001). The Extinct and Endangered Animals in Palestine. In: Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin Home Page. Extinct and Endangered Animals and Reintroduction. http://gazelle.8m.net/photo3.html Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (Gründer) (seit Juni 2001). Yahoo! Deutschland Group: Wale und Delphine. http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/Wale_und_Delphine/ Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2004). Gazelle: Das Palästinensische Biologische Bulletin. Eine Wissenschaftliche Reise in Palästina, Arabien und Europa zwischen 1983 – 2004. / Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. A Scientific Journey in Palestine, Arabia and Europe between 1983 – 2004. Erste Auflage / First Edition, Juli 2004: 452 Seiten / Pages. Zweite erweiterte Auflage (Second Extended Edition), August 2004: 460 Seiten / Pages. Norman Ali Khalaf, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany. http://dr-norman-ali-khalafbooks.webs.com/ Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). Der Komoren-Quastenflosser (Latimeria chalumnae) und der Manado-Quastenflosser (Latimeria menadoensis). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 38. Twenty Third Year. February 2005. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. pp. 1-8. http://quastenflosser.webs.com/ Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). The Story of Prophet Musa (Moses) and the Fish. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Sharjah, United Arab
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Emirates. Number 38, Twenty-third Year, February 2005. pp. 14-15. Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). Moses Perch (Lutjanus russelli, Bleeker 1849). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Number 38, Twenty-third Year, February 2005. pp. 15. Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). The Fish of Musa (Samak Musa). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Number 38, Twenty-third Year, February 2005. pp. 16. Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). Samak Al-Luchs (Al-Hamoor) or the Orange-Spotted Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) in Palestine (Mediterranean Sea) and the United Arab Emirates (Arabian Gulf). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Number 39, Twenty-third Year, March 2005. pp. 1-6. Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). Jaffa (Yaffa): The History of an Old Palestinian Arab City on the Mediterranean Sea. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Number 39, Twenty-third Year, March 2005. pp. 7-8. Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). The Andromeda Sea Monster of Jaffa. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Number 39, Twenty-third Year, March 2005. pp. 8. Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). The Jewfish (Epinephelus itajara) / Der Riesenzackenbarsch oder Judenfisch (Epinephelus itajara). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Number 39, Twenty-third Year, March 2005. pp. 9-12. Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). The Arabian Freshwater Fishes in the Arabia’s Wildlife Centre, Sharjah Desert Park, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 40, Twenty-third Year, April 2005. pp. 1-9. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://www.geocities.com/jaffacity/Arabian_Freshwater_Fish.html Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (Gründer) (seit Juni 2005). Der Quastenflosser: Coelacanth Latimeria Yahoo! Deutschland Group. http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/Quastenflosser/ Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). The Koran Angelfish (Pomacanthus semicirculatus, Cuvier, 1831). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 44. Twenty-third Year. August 2005. Jamada Alakhira 1426. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. pp. 1-8. http://koran-angelfish.webs.com/ Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). Aquatica Arabica. An Aquatic Scientific Journey in Palestine, Arabia and Europe between 1980 - 2005 / Aquatica Arabica. Eine Aquatische Wissenschaftliche Reise in Palästina, Arabien und Europa zwischen 1980 - 2005. Erste Auflage / First Edition, August 2005: 376 Seiten / Pages. Norman Ali Khalaf, Rilchingen-Hanweiler, Bundesrepublik Deutschland & Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://dr-norman-ali-khalaf-
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books.webs.com/aquaticaarabica.htm Khalaf, N.A.B. (2005). The Schooling of Sumatra Barbs (Barbus tetrazona tetrazona) and Minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus). [M.Sc. Dissertation in Ecology, Departments of Zoology and Botany, University of Durham, England. September 1986. pps. 59 + iv]. In: Aquatica Arabica. An Aquatic Scientific Journey in Palestine, Arabia and Europe between 1980 - 2005. Erste Auflage, August 2005. Norman Ali Khalaf, Rilchingen-Hanweiler, Bundesrepublik Deutschland & Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. pp. 28-93. Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). The Rafah Zoo in the Rafah Refugee Camp, Gaza Strip, Palestine : A Story of Destruction by the Israeli Occupation Army. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 46, Twenty-third Year, October 2005, Ramadan 1426. pp. 1-11. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. (In Arabic). Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam (2005). The Qalqilia Zoo and the Natural History Museum in the City of Qalqilia, West Bank, Occupied Palestine. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 47, Twenty-third Year, November 2005, Shawal 1426. pp. 1-10. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. (In Arabic). Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam (Member of PALESTA) (2005). Palestinian Scientists and Technologists Abroad (PALESTA). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 47, Twenty-third Year, November 2005, Shawal 1426. pp. 11-12. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. (In Arabic). Khalaf, Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2006). Eine Persönlichkeit aus Jaffa, Palästina / A Personality from Jaffa, Palestine: Bassam Ali Taher Khalaf (Abu Ali) (1938-2006). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 56, Twenty-fourth Year, August 2006. pp. 8-19. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://bassam-ali-taher-khalaf.webs.com/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2006). Ein Besuch im Neunkircher Zoo, Neunkirchen, Saarland, Deutschland / A Visit to Neunkirchen Zoo, Neunkirchen, Saarland, Germany. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 59, November 2006. pp. 1-25. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. (in Arabisch / Arabic). http://khalaf.homepage24.de/text_88839638_85658724_59480041_deutsch.ht ml Khalaf, Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2007). Zum 1. Todestag : Eine Persönlichkeit aus Jaffa, Palästina / The First Death Anniversary : A Personality from Jaffa, Palestine : Bassam Ali Taher Khalaf (Abu Ali) (19382006). Gazelle: Das Palaestinensische Biologische Bulletin. Nummer 62, Februar 2007, Muharram 1428 AH. Seite 11. Sharjah, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate. http://bassam-ali-taher-khalaf.webs.com/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (Gründer) (seit Juni
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2007). Yahoo! Deutschland Group: Fauna Palaestina. http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/Fauna_Palaestina/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (Gründer) (seit August 2007). Haie – Sharks Yahoo! Deutschland Group. http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/Haie_Sharks/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (Gründer) (seit September 2007). Yahoo! Deutschland Group: Fauna Arabica. http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/Fauna_Arabica/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2007). Haywanat Filistin (Fauna of Palestine). Wikipedia, Al-Mawsu'a Al-Hurra (The Free Encyclopedia). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 69, Twenty-fifth Year, September 2007 CE, Sha’ban 1428 AH. pp. 1-4. (in Arabic). http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D8%AD%D9%8A%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%86 %D8%A7%D8%AA_%D9%81%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%B7%D9%8A%D9%86 Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2007). A Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus, Smith 1828) caught off the Kuwaiti Coast: The Second Record from the State of Kuwait, Arabian / Persian Gulf. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 71, November 2007. pp. 1-20. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. (Abstracts in English and Arabic). http://whaleshark.webs.com/whalesharkinkuwait.htm Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2007). Rhiniodon typus Smith, 1828 or Rhincodon typus Smith, 1829: The Story of a Scientific Name. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 71, November 2007. pp. 21. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://whaleshark.webs.com/rhiniodontypus.htm Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2007). Whale Sharks in Palestinian Waters: A Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus, Smith 1828) rescued near the Tantura Beach, Carmel Coast, North Palestine: The First Record from the Palestinian Mediterranean Coast. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 71, November 2007. pp. 22-23. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. (Abstracts in English and Arabic). http://whaleshark.webs.com/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2007). Whale Sharks in Palestinian Waters: Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus, Smith 1828) near Um Al-Rashrash (Eilat) Beach, Gulf of Aqaba, South Palestine: First Records from the Palestinian Red Sea Coast. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 71, November 2007. pp. 23-26. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. (Abstract in English and Arabic). http://whale-shark.webs.com/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2007). An Ocean Sunfish or Common Mola (Mola mola, Linnaeus 1758) caught off the coast of Gaza: The First Record from Palestine, East Mediterranean Sea.
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Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 72, December 2007, pp. 116. (Abstracts in English and Arabic). http://www.geocities.com/jaffacity/Gaza_Ocean_Sunfish.html Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2008). Cetacea Palaestina: The Whales and Dolphins in Palestinian Waters. Cetacean Species Guide for Palestine. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 83, November 2008, Thu Al-Qi’ada 1429 AH. pp. 1-14. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://cetacea-palaestina.webs.com/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2009). A Longcomb Sawfish (Pristis zijsron Bleeker, 1851) caught off the coast of Dibba, United Arab Emirates, Gulf of Oman. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 88, April 2009, Rabi’e Al Thani 1430 AH. pp. 1-14. http://dibba-sawfish.webs.com/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr.Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2009). Garra barreimiae wurayahi Khalaf, 2009 : A New Blind Cave Fish Subspecies from Wadi Al Wurayah Pools, Emirate of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 90, June 2009, Jumada Al-Akhera 1430 AH. pp. 1-15. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://emirati-blind-cave-fish.webs.com/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2009). Flora and Fauna in Palestine. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 91, July 2009, Rajab 1430 AH. pp. 1-31. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://flora-fauna-palestine.webs.com/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2009). Oreochromis mossambicus bassamkhalafi Khalaf, 2009 : A New Mozambique Tilapia Subspecies from Wadi Al Wurayah Pools, Emirate of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 92, August 2009, Sha’ban 1430 AH. pp. 1-25. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://emirati-tilapia.webs.com/ Khalaf-von Jaffa, Dr. Norman Ali Bassam (2009). Fauna Palaestina – Part One. A Zoological Journey in Palestine, Arabia and Europe between 1983 – 2006 / Fauna Palaestina – Teil Eins. Eine Zoologische Reise in Palästina, Arabien und Europa zwischen 1983 – 2006. ISBN 978-9948-03-865-8. Erste Auflage/First Edition, September 2009: 412 Seiten/Pages. Self Publisher: Dr. Norman Ali Bassam Khalaf-von Jaffa, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates & RilchingenHanweiler, Bundesrepublik Deutschland. http://dr-norman-ali-khalafbooks.webs.com/faunapalaestinapart1.htm Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2009). Bowmouth Guitarfish (Rhina ancylostoma Bloch & Schneider, 1801) at Sharjah Aquarium, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Twenty-seventh Year, Number 93, September 2009,
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Ramadan 1430 AH. pp. 1-18. http://bowmouth-guitarfishemirates.webs.com/bowmouthguitarfishuae.htm Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2009). Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus, Smith 1828) Records from the United Arab Emirates between 1989 - 2009. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Twenty-seventh Year, Number 94, October 2009, Shawal 1430 AH. pp. 1-28. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://whale-shark.webs.com/whalesharkinemirates.htm Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Zoologist, Ecologist and Geologist : The Scientific References (1980-2009). http://drnorman-ali-khalaf-references.webs.com/ Khalaf-von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2010). Fauna Emiratus - Part One. Zoological Studies in the United Arab Emirates between 2004 2009. / Fauna Emiratus – Teil Eins. Zoologische Studien in die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate zwischen 2004 - 2009. ISBN 978-9948-15-462-4. Erste Auflage/First Edition, November 2010: 350 Seiten / Pages. Self Publisher: Dr. Norman Ali Bassam Khalaf-von Jaffa, Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates & Rilchingen-Hanweiler, Bundesrepublik Deutschland. http://dr-norman-ali-khalaf-books.webs.com/faunaemiratuspart1.htm Khalaf-von Jaffa, Dr. Norman Ali Bassam (2012). Fauna Palaestina – Part Two. Zoological Studies in Palestine between 1983 – 2009 / Fauna Palaestina - Teil Zwei. Zoologische Studien in Palästina zwischen 1983 – 2009. ISBN 978-994816-667-2. 1. Auflage / First Edition : July 2012, Shaaban 1433 H. 208 Seiten / Pages (Arabic Part 120 Pages and the English Part 88 Pages). Publisher: Dar Al Jundi Publishing House, Jerusalem, Palestine. http://dr-norman-ali-khalafbooks.webs.com/faunapalaestinapart2.htm Khalaf-von Jaffa, Dr. Norman Ali Bassam (2013). Fauna Palaestina – Part Three. Zoological Studies in Palestine between 2005 – 2012 / Fauna Palaestina Teil Drei. Zoologische Studien in Palästina zwischen 2005 – 2012. ISBN 9789950-383-35-7. Erste Auflage / First Edition : July 2013, Shaaban 1434 H. 364 pages (English Part 350 Pages and the Arabic Part 14 Pages). Publisher: Dar Al Jundi Publishing House, Jerusalem, State of Palestine. http://dr-norman-alikhalaf-books.webs.com/faunapalaestinapart3.htm Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2013). Garra rufa wadiqana Khalaf, 2013: A New Freshwater Doctor Fish Subspecies from Wadi Qana Nature Reserve, Salfit Governorate, State of Palestine. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 103, July 2013, Ramadan 1434 AH. pp. 1-25. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://palestine-fishes.webs.com/palestine-doctor-fish Khalaf-von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam (2013). Taxon Profile: Subspecies Garra rufa wadiqana Khalaf, 2013. BioLib.cz. Biological Library.
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Lissner’s Bleak (Acanthobrama lissneri). Photo by: Y. Oksman. http://www.israquarium.co.il/Fish/IsraelFish/
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