Presence of the Pikachu Nudibranch Sea Slug (Thecacera pacifica Bergh, 1883) in the Dibba Sea, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean
تواجد بُزاق البحر بيكاتشو عاري الخياشيم ( ّثكاسّرا باسيفيكا) في ال ُمحيط الهندي، بحر العرب، خليج عُمان، بحر دِبا By : Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Mohammad Ahmad Mostafa Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa & Ola Mostafa Esmail Mostafa Khalaf (Photography)
0.6..60.62 66 عدسة الغواصة الكابتن عُال خلف66 مترا61 بُزاق البحر بٌكاتشو عاري الخٌاشٌم من بحر دِبا على عُمك Pikachu Nudibranch Sea Slug (Thecacera pacifica), 19 meters deep, from the Reef Blocks site in Dibba Sea, Gulf of Oman, Photo by PADI Dive Instructor Ola Mostafa Khalaf. 26.06.2017 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1925639587689417&set=a.1408184479434933.1073 741829.100007301827082&type=3&theater & http://nudibranch.webs.com/nudibranch-uae-1 & http://nudibranch.webs.com/thecacera-pacifica
Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 163 – July 2018
On Monday 26.06.2017, PADI Dive Instructor Ola Mostafa Khalaf managed to shoot magnificent photos of the Pikachu Nudibranch Sea Slug (Thecacera pacifica Bergh, 1883), 19 meters deep, from the Reef Blocks site in Dibba Sea, East Coast of the United Arab Emirates, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean.
عال ُمصطفى خلف من تصوٌر بُزاق سبحانه تعالى تمكنت ُمدربة الغواصٌن العالمٌة الكابتن ُ بتوفٌك من هللا ُ عمك 61مترا فً بحر دِبا سرا باسٌفٌكا) فً مولع ال ُكتل الشعابٌة على ُ البحر بٌكاتشو عاري الخٌاشٌم ( ّثكا ّ عمان ،بحر العرب ،ال ُمحٌط الهندي 666 على الساحل الشرلً لدولة اإلمارات العربٌة ال ُمتحدة ،خلٌج ُ والحم ُد هلل رب العالمٌن 0.6..60.62 666
بُزاق البحر بٌكاتشو عاري الخٌاشٌم من بحر دِبا على عُمك 61مترا 66عدسة الغواصة الكابتن عُال خلف 66تم نشر هذه الصورة فً مجلة ناشٌونال جٌوغرافٌن العربٌة ،عدد أغسطس ، 0.62الصفحة 6 5.-58 Pikachu Nudibranch Sea Slug (Thecacera pacifica), 19 meters deep, from the Dibba Sea. Photo by PADI Dive Instructor Ola Mostafa Khalaf. This photo was published in National Geographic AlArabiya, August 2017, page 85-86. https://www.facebook.com/NatGeoAlArabiya/photos/a.142775492442887.41470.13892984282 7452/1397473193639771/?type=3&theater
ٌنتمً بُزاق البحر بٌكاتشو عاري الخٌاشٌم ذو اإلسم ال ِعلمً " ثّكاسّرا باسٌفٌكا " Thecacera pacificaإلى عائلة " بوالٌسّرٌدي " Polyceridaeوهً من عائالت الحٌوانات الرخوٌة البطنمدمٌة البحرٌة 6وٌصل طوله إلى 3سنتٌمترات ؛ وهو ٌمتاز بلون جسمه البُرتمالً الشبه شفاف مع وجود أشرطة لونٌة سوداء ؛ وتكون نهاٌات الحسٌة ذات لونٌن أسود وأزرق "كهربائً" ؛ وٌتواجد الحسٌة والخٌاشٌم سوداء اللون ،وحافة غمد المرون ِ المرون ِ Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 163 – July 2018
سمً بزاق ُ ولد6 وكذلن نهاٌات ال ُحلٌمات الجانبٌة بجانب الخٌاشٌم، اللون األزرق "الكهربائً" عند نهاٌة الذٌل 6 الرسوم ال ُمتحركة بوكٌمون ُ وهً من شخصٌات، البحر بٌكاتشو بهذا اإلسم لتشابه ِه بشخصٌة بٌكاتشو عمان ُ وهو ٌعٌش فً خلٌج6 وٌعٌش بُزاق البحر بٌكاشو فً المحٌطات الهندي واألطلسً وجنوب المحٌط الهادي 6 لُبالة السواحل الشرلٌة لدولة اإلمارات العربٌة المتحدة
0.6..60.62 66 عدسة الغواصة الكابتن عُال خلف66 مترا61 بُزاق البحر بٌكاتشو عاري الخٌاشٌم من بحر دِبا على عُمك Pikachu Nudibranch Sea Slug (Thecacera pacifica), 19 meters deep, from the Reef Blocks site in Dibba Sea, Gulf of Oman, Photo by PADI Dive Instructor Ola Mostafa Khalaf. 26.06.2017. http://nudibranch.webs.com/thecacera-pacifica
Order: NUDIBRANCHIA Suborder: DORIDINA Superfamily: ANADORIDOIDEA Family: Polyceridae Subfamily: Polycerinae (Rudman, 2002) Thecacera pacifica is a species of sea slug, a nudibranch, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Polyceridae. It is sometimes also nicknamed Pikachu Nudibranch due to its resemblance to the Pokémon character Pikachu (Wikipedia).
Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 163 – July 2018
0.6..60.62 66 عدسة الغواصة الكابتن عُال خلف66 مترا61 بُزاق البحر بٌكاتشو عاري الخٌاشٌم من بحر دِبا على عُمك Pikachu Nudibranch Sea Slug (Thecacera pacifica), 19 meters deep, from the Reef Blocks site in Dibba Sea, Gulf of Oman, Photo by PADI Dive Instructor Ola Mostafa Khalaf. 26.06.2017. http://nudibranch.webs.com/thecacera-pacifica
This species is known from the African coast of the Indian Ocean (Mozambique) to Indonesia and Vanuatu. It has also been reported from the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean (Wikipedia) This polycerid nudibranch is translucent orange in colour with black tips to the rhinophores and gills. The rhinophore sheaths are edged with black with a patch of blue at the widest part. This blue colour is also present at the tip of the tail and at the tip of the lateral papillae beside the gills, separated from the orange of the body by a black band. Some specimens have black linear marks on the body with blue centres (Wikipedia). Thecacera pacifica is characterized by its orange body, its extrabranchial processes, extrarhinophoral processes and the 'tail' are white tipped diffusing into blue then into a black band. The rhinophores are orange with a black apex, the gills have a black line along the outside (Köhler, 2017). Pretty similar is Thecacera sp. 01 which has black spots on the body and black tipped extrabranchial processes (Köhler, 2017). Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 163 – July 2018
0.6..60.62 66 عدسة الغواصة الكابتن عُال خلف66 مترا61 بُزاق البحر بٌكاتشو عاري الخٌاشٌم من بحر دِبا على عُمك Pikachu Nudibranch Sea Slug (Thecacera pacifica), 19 meters deep, from the Reef Blocks site in Dibba Sea, Gulf of Oman, Photo by PADI Dive Instructor Ola Mostafa Khalaf. 26.06.2017. http://nudibranch.webs.com/thecacera-pacifica
Maximum Size: 20-30 mm. Identification: This is a translucent-orange animal decorated with black bands shading into electric-blue and white (Pittman & Fiene). Natural History (Hawaii): On Maui in Hawaii, Thecacera pacifica is known from only a few animals found along the leeward coast at 8-18 m (25-60 ft). Some were crawling on sand, others on debris or Halimeda kanaloana. It has also been found in a moderately protected rocky habitat on the Kona coast of the Big Island at 3-6 m (10-20 ft) (Pittman & Fiene). Distribution: The Pikachu Nudibranch is known from the Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. It lives in the Gulf of Oman, off the Eastern Coast of the United Arab Emirates. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 163 – July 2018
0.6..60.62 66 عدسة الغواصة الكابتن عُال خلف66 مترا61 بُزاق البحر بٌكاتشو عاري الخٌاشٌم من بحر دِبا على عُمك Pikachu Nudibranch Sea Slug (Thecacera pacifica), 19 meters deep, from the Reef Blocks site in Dibba Sea, Gulf of Oman, Photo by PADI Dive Instructor Ola Mostafa Khalaf. 26.06.2017. http://nudibranch.webs.com/thecacera-pacifica
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World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). WoRMS taxon details. Thecacera pacifica (Bergh, 1884). http://marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=420618
تم نشر هذه66 عدسة الغواصة الكابتن عُال خلف66 مترا61 بُزاق البحر بٌكاتشو عاري الخٌاشٌم من بحر دِبا على عُمك 6 5.-58 الصفحة، 0.62 عدد أغسطس، الصورة فً مجلة ناشٌونال جٌوغرافٌن العربٌة Pikachu Nudibranch Sea Slug (Thecacera pacifica), 19 meters deep, from the Dibba Sea. Photo by PADI Dive Instructor Ola Mostafa Khalaf. This photo was published in National Geographic AlArabiya, August 2017, page 85-86. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1951781295075246&set=a.1414987132088001.1073 741830.100007301827082&type=3&theater & http://nudibranch.webs.com/thecacera-pacifica
Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 163 – July 2018