Tasseled Blenny (Parablennius thysanius) in Fujairah Sea, Gulf of Oman

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Presence of the Tasseled Blenny (Parablennius thysanius D. S. Jordan & Seale, 1907) in the Fujairah Sea, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean ‫ خليج‬، ‫تواجد سمكة الدلينس (بليني) ذات الشراشيب في بحر الفجيرة‬ ‫الهندي‬ ِ ‫ ال ُمحيط‬، ‫ بحر العرب‬، ‫عُمان‬ By: Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Mohammad Ahmad Mostafa Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa & Ola Mostafa Esmail Mostafa Khalaf (Photography)

‫" فً بحر الفُجٌرة‬01 ‫سمكة الدلٌنس (بلٌنً) ذات الشراشٌب على كرة بحرٌة ُمرتبطة بحبل فً مولع السفٌنة الغارلة "إنشكٌب‬ 1..1..0100 ... ‫ عدسة غواصة البحار وال ُمحٌطات و ُمدربة الغواصٌن الكابتن عُال خلف‬... ‫ أمتار‬8 ‫على عُمك‬ The Tasseled Blenny (Parablennius thysanius), 8 meters deep at the ship wreck “Inchcape 10” site in Fujairah Sea … Photo by PADI Dive Instructor Ola Khalaf … 05.05.2017. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1907878222798887&set=a.1378764229043625.1073 741825.100007301827082&type=3&theater & http://uae-fish.webs.com/

Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 162 – June 2018


‫‪On Friday 05.05.2017, PADI Dive Instructor Ola Mostafa Khalaf managed to shoot‬‬ ‫‪magnificent photos of the Tasseled Blenny (Parablennius thysanius D. S. Jordan & Seale,‬‬ ‫‪1907) living on a sea ball connected to a rope, 8 meters deep at the ship wreck “Inchcape‬‬ ‫‪10” site in Fujairah Sea, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean.‬‬

‫عال ُمصطفى خلف من تصوٌر سمكة الدلٌنس (بلٌنً)‬ ‫بتوفٌك من هللا تعالى تمكنت ُمدربة الغواصٌن العالمٌة الكابتن ُ‬ ‫عمك‬ ‫ذات الشراشٌب والتً كانت تعٌش على كرة بحرٌة ُمرتبطة بحبل فً مولع السفٌنة الغارلة "إنشكٌب ‪ "01‬على ُ‬ ‫صور من تصوٌر غواصة األعماق‬ ‫‪ 8‬أمتار فً بحر الفُجٌرة ‪ ،‬خلٌج ُ‬ ‫عمان ‪ ،‬بحر العرب ‪ ،‬ال ُمحٌط الهندي ‪ ...‬ال ُ‬ ‫وال ُمحٌطات األستاذة الكابتن ُعال خلف ‪ ...‬والحم ُد هلل رب العالمٌن ‪.‬‬

‫سمكة الدلٌنس (بلٌنً) ذات الشراشٌب على كرة بحرٌة ُمرتبطة بحبل فً مولع السفٌنة الغارلة "إنشكٌب ‪ "01‬فً بحر الفُجٌرة‬ ‫على عُمك ‪ 8‬أمتار ‪ ...‬عدسة غواصة البحار وال ُمحٌطات و ُمدربة الغواصٌن الكابتن عُال خلف ‪. 1..1..0100 ...‬‬

‫‪The Tasseled Blenny (Parablennius thysanius), 8 meters deep at the ship wreck “Inchcape 10” site‬‬ ‫‪in Fujairah Sea. Photo by PADI Instructor Ola Khalaf. 05.05.2017. http://uae-fish.webs.com/‬‬

‫سمكة الدلٌنس (بلٌنً) ذات الشراشٌب والتً ٌصل طولها ما بٌن ‪ 6 - .‬سنتٌمترات تعٌش عادة وحٌدة أو فً‬ ‫مجموعات صغٌرة فً ال ُجروف الصخرٌة فً ال ُمحٌطٌن الهادي والهندي ‪ .‬وتمضً معظم ولتها ُمخرجة رأسها من‬ ‫ال ُجحر ُمستخدمة الزعانف الصدرٌة كحامل ٌرفع جسمها ‪ ..‬وعندما ٌحٌن موعد التناسل بٌن أشهر مارس وماٌو‬ ‫تجذب األنثى الذكر إلى ُجحرها ‪ ،‬حٌث تضع بٌوضها وت ُلصمها بسمف أو ُجدران ال ُجحر ‪ ،‬وعندئذ ٌُخصبها الذكر‪،‬‬ ‫وٌُحافظ علٌها نظٌفة بواسطة تحرٌن ذٌله ؛ وعندما ٌتم فمس البٌض ت ُصبح ُجزءاً من البالنكتونات الحٌوانٌة البحرٌة‬ ‫ضفدعً وفمها الكبٌر ؛ وٌوجد على‬ ‫‪ ..‬تمتاز هذه السمكة بالجسم الممدود والرأس الكبٌر واألعٌن ذات الشكل ال ُ‬ ‫الرأس إمتداد لحمً كالشراشٌب ومنها جاءت تسمٌتها العامٌة ‪ ..‬وتمتد الزعنفة الظهرٌة الطوٌلة على طول ظهرها‬ ‫‪ ،‬وتكون الزعانف الحوضٌة لصٌرة وتمع أمام الزعانف الصدرٌة ‪ ،‬أما الذٌل فٌكون دائري ‪ ...‬الصور لسمكة‬ ‫عمك ‪ 8‬أمتار ‪.‬‬ ‫الدلٌنس (بلٌنً) ذات الشراشٌب فً مولع السفٌنة الغارلة "إنشكٌب ‪ "01‬فً بحر الفُجٌرة على ُ‬ ‫‪Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 162 – June 2018‬‬


Classification : Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) .. Perciformes (Perch-likes) .. Blenniidae (Combtooth blennies) .. Salariinae .. Parablennius thysanius (FishBase). The Tasseled Blenny (Parablennius thysanius D. S. Jordan & Seale, 1907) is a species of combtooth blenny found in the western Pacific and Indian Ocean. This species reaches a length of 6.2 centimeters (2.4 inch) (Wikipedia). Adults are found solitary or in small groups in sheltered turbid coastal reefs. Oviparous. Eggs are demersal and adhesive, and are attached to the substrate via a filamentous, adhesive pad or pedestal. Larvae are planktonic, often found in shallow, coastal waters (FishBase). It is a small fish, with elongated body, and relatively large eyes and mouth. Their dorsal fins are continuous and long; the pelvic fins typically have a single embedded spine and are short and slender, situated before the pectoral fins. The tail fin is rounded. The blunt head possess elaborate whisker-like structures called cirri. As generally benthic fish, it spends much of their time on or near the sea floor (Wikipedia). Dorsal spines (total): 12; Dorsal soft rays (total): 14-15; Anal spines: 2; Anal soft rays: 16 – 17 (FishBase).

‫" فً بحر الفُجٌرة‬10 ‫سمكة الدلٌنس (بلٌنً) ذات الشراشٌب على كرة بحرٌة ُمرتبطة بحبل فً مولع السفٌنة الغارلة "إنشكٌب‬ . 05.05.0100 ... ‫ عدسة غواصة البحار وال ُمحٌطات و ُمدربة الغواصٌن الكابتن عُال خلف‬... ‫ أمتار‬8 ‫على عُمك‬

The Tasseled Blenny (Parablennius thysanius), 8 meters deep at the ship wreck “Inchcape 10” site in Fujairah Sea. Photo by PADI Instructor Ola Khalaf. 05.05.2017. http://uae-fish.webs.com/

Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 162 – June 2018


‫" فً بحر الفُجٌرة‬10 ‫سمكة الدلٌنس (بلٌنً) ذات الشراشٌب على كرة بحرٌة ُمرتبطة بحبل فً مولع السفٌنة الغارلة "إنشكٌب‬ . 05.05.2017 ... ‫ عدسة غواصة البحار وال ُمحٌطات و ُمدربة الغواصٌن الكابتن عُال خلف‬... ‫ أمتار‬8 ‫على عُمك‬ The Tasseled Blenny (Parablennius thysanius), 8 meters deep at the ship wreck “Inchcape 10” site in Fujairah Sea. Photo by PADI Instructor Ola Khalaf. 05.05.2017. http://uae-fish.webs.com/

References and Internet Websites FishBase. Parablennius thysanius (Jordan & Seale, 1907) Tasseled blenny. http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?ID=46422&AT=Tasseled+b lenny Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. (2013). "Parablennius thysanius" in FishBase. February 2013 version. Khalaf, Norman Ali Bassam (1980). Tabie’t Al-Talawon fi Al-Haywanat (The Colouration of Animals). Al-Biology Bulletin. Number 1. January 1980, Safar 1401. Biological Society, Kuwait University, State of Kuwait. pp. 4-5. (In Arabic). Khalaf, Norman (Translator) (1982). Al-Miah Al-Mulawatha Tohaded Al-Asmak Bi’ilinqiraad (Water Pollution threatens the Fish Fauna with Extinction). Al-Biology Bulletin. Number 18, Third Year, First Semester, Saturday 6.11.1982. Biological Society, Kuwait University, State of Kuwait. pp. 7. (Translation from German into Arabic). Khalaf, N.A.B. (1986). The Schooling of Sumatra Barbs (Barbus tetrazona tetrazona) and Minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus). Dissertation, Master of Science in Ecology, Departments Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 162 – June 2018


of Zoology and Botany, University of Durham, England. September 1986. pps. 59 + iv. Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam (1992). An Introduction to the Animal Life in Palestine. Gazelle. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Federal Republic of Germany. Number 30, Tenth Year, October 1992. pp. 1-7. (In Arabic). Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam (1994). An Introduction to the Animal Life in Palestine. Shqae’q Al-Nouma’n (Anemone coronaria). A Quarterly Magazine Issued by the Program EAI (Education for Awareness and for Involvement). Environmental Education / Children for Nature Protection. In Cooperation with Dept. of General and Higher Education. P.L.O., Palestine. Number 4. Huzairan (June) 1994. pp. 16-21. (In Arabic). Khalaf, Norman Ali Bassam (2001). The Extinct and Endangered Animals in Palestine. In: Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin Home Page. Extinct and Endangered Animals and Reintroduction. http://gazelle.8m.net/photo3.html Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2004). Gazelle: Das Palästinensische Biologische Bulletin. Eine Wissenschaftliche Reise in Palästina, Arabien und Europa zwischen 1983 – 2004. / Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. A Scientific Journey in Palestine, Arabia and Europe between 1983 – 2004. ISBN 3-00-014121-9. Erste Auflage / First Edition, Juli 2004: 452 Seiten / Pages. Zweite erweiterte Auflage (Second Extended Edition), August 2004: 460 Seiten / Pages. Norman Ali Khalaf, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany. http://dr-norman-ali-khalaf-books.webs.com/ Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali (2005). Aquatica Arabica. An Aquatic Scientific Journey in Palestine, Arabia and Europe between 1980 - 2005 / Aquatica Arabica. Eine Aquatische Wissenschaftliche Reise in Palästina, Arabien und Europa zwischen 1980 - 2005. ISBN 300-014835-3. Erste Auflage / First Edition, August 2005: 376 Seiten / Pages. Norman Ali Khalaf, Rilchingen-Hanweiler, Bundesrepublik Deutschland & Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://dr-norman-ali-khalaf-books.webs.com/aquaticaarabica.htm Khalaf, N.A.B. (2005). The Schooling of Sumatra Barbs (Barbus tetrazona tetrazona) and Minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus). [M.Sc. Dissertation in Ecology, Departments of Zoology and Botany, University of Durham, England. September 1986. pps. 59 + iv]. In: Aquatica Arabica. An Aquatic Scientific Journey in Palestine, Arabia and Europe between 1980 2005. Erste Auflage, August 2005. Norman Ali Khalaf, Rilchingen-Hanweiler, Bundesrepublik Deutschland & Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. pp. 28-93. Khalaf-von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam (Member of PALESTA) (2005). Palestinian Scientists and Technologists Abroad (PALESTA). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 47, Twenty-third Year, November 2005, Shawal 1426. pp. 11-12. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. (In Arabic). Khalaf, Norman Ali (2005, 2006, 2007). Chapter 3: Geography, Flora and Fauna. Pages 32-39. In: Palestine: A Guide. By Mariam Shahin, Photography by George Azar. CoAuthor: Norman Ali Khalaf. Northampton, Massachusetts: Interlink Publishing Group, 2005, 2006, 2007. xi + 471 pages. Appendices to page 500. http://ipsnewsite.mysite4now.com/journals.aspx?id=7323&jid=1&href=fulltext Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (Gründer) (seit Juni 2007). Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 162 – June 2018


Yahoo! Deutschland Group: Fauna Palaestina. http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/Fauna_Palaestina/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (Gründer) (seit September 2007). Yahoo! Deutschland Group: Fauna Arabica. http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/Fauna_Arabica/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2007). Haywanat Filistin ‫( حٌوانات فلسطٌن‬Fauna of Palestine). Wikipedia, Al-Mawsu'a Al-Hurra (The Free Encyclopedia). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 69, Twenty-fifth Year, September 2007 CE, Sha’ban 1428 AH. pp. 1-4. (in Arabic). http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D8%AD%D9%8A%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%A7 %D8%AA_%D9%81%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%B7%D9%8A%D9%86 Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2009). Flora and Fauna in Palestine. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 91, July 2009, Rajab 1430 AH. pp. 1-31. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://flora-fauna-palestine.webs.com/

‫" فً بحر الفُجٌرة‬10 ‫سمكة الدلٌنس (بلٌنً) ذات الشراشٌب على كرة بحرٌة ُمرتبطة بحبل فً مولع السفٌنة الغارلة "إنشكٌب‬ . 05.05.2017 ... ‫ عدسة غواصة البحار وال ُمحٌطات و ُمدربة الغواصٌن الكابتن عُال خلف‬... ‫ أمتار‬8 ‫على عُمك‬

The Tasseled Blenny (Parablennius thysanius), 8 meters deep at the ship wreck “Inchcape 10” site in Fujairah Sea. Photo by PADI Instructor Ola Khalaf. 05.05.2017. http://uae-fish.webs.com/

Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 162 – June 2018


Khalaf-von Jaffa, Dr. Norman Ali Bassam (2009). Fauna Palaestina – Part One. A Zoological Journey in Palestine, Arabia and Europe between 1983 – 2006 / Fauna Palaestina – Teil Eins. Eine Zoologische Reise in Palästina, Arabien und Europa zwischen 1983 – 2006. ISBN 978-9948-03-865-8. Erste Auflage/First Edition, September 2009: 412 Seiten/Pages. Self Publisher: Dr. Norman Ali Bassam Khalaf-von Jaffa, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates & Rilchingen-Hanweiler, Bundesrepublik Deutschland. http://dr-norman-ali-khalaf-books.webs.com/faunapalaestinapart1.htm Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Zoologist, Ecologist and Geologist : The Scientific References (1980-2009). http://dr-norman-ali-khalafreferences.webs.com/ Khalaf-von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2010). Fauna Emiratus - Part One. Zoological Studies in the United Arab Emirates between 2004 - 2009. / Fauna Emiratus – Teil Eins. Zoologische Studien in die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate zwischen 2004 - 2009. ISBN 978-9948-15-462-4. Erste Auflage/First Edition, November 2010: 350 Seiten / Pages. Self Publisher: Dr. Norman Ali Bassam Khalaf-von Jaffa, Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates & Rilchingen-Hanweiler, Bundesrepublik Deutschland. http://dr-norman-ali-khalaf-books.webs.com/faunaemiratuspart1.htm Khalaf-von Jaffa, Dr. Norman Ali Bassam (2012). Fauna Palaestina – Part Two. Zoological Studies in Palestine between 1983 – 2009 / Fauna Palaestina - Teil Zwei. Zoologische Studien in Palästina zwischen 1983 – 2009. ISBN 978-9948-16-667-2. 1. Auflage / First Edition : July 2012, Shaaban 1433 H. 208 Seiten / Pages (Arabic Part 120 Pages and the English Part 88 Pages). Publisher: Dar Al Jundi Publishing House, Jerusalem, Palestine. http://dr-norman-ali-khalafbooks.webs.com/faunapalaestinapart2.htm Khalaf-von Jaffa, Dr. Norman Ali Bassam (2013). Fauna Palaestina – Part Three. Zoological Studies in Palestine between 2005 – 2012 / Fauna Palaestina - Teil Drei. Zoologische Studien in Palästina zwischen 2005 – 2012. ISBN 978-9950-383-35-7. Erste Auflage / First Edition : July 2013, Shaaban 1434 H. 364 pages (English Part 350 Pages and the Arabic Part 14 Pages). Publisher: Dar Al Jundi Publishing House, Jerusalem, State of Palestine. http://dr-norman-ali-khalafbooks.webs.com/faunapalaestinapart3.htm Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2013). Garra rufa wadiqana Khalaf, 2013: A New Freshwater Doctor Fish Subspecies from Wadi Qana Nature Reserve, Salfit Governorate, State of Palestine. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 103, July 2013, Ramadan 1434 AH. pp. 125. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://palestinefishes.webs.com/palestine-doctor-fish Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2013). † Macropomoides palaestina Khalaf, 2013 : A New Coelacanth Fish Fossil Species from the Anthracothere Hill in Al-Naqab, Palestine. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 107, November 2013, Muharram 1435 AH. pp. 30-38. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 162 – June 2018


http://quastenflosser.webs.com/macropomoidespalaestina.htm Khalaf-von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Norman Ali Bassam (2014). Fauna Palaestina – Part Four. Zoological Studies in Palestine between 1983 – 2014 / Fauna Palaestina - Teil Vier. Zoologische Studien in Palästina zwischen 1983 – 2014. ISBN 978-9950-383-77-7. Erste Auflage / First Edition : July 2014, Ramadan 1435 H. 456 Pages (English Part 378 Pages and the Arabic Part 78 Pages). Publisher: Dar Al Jundi Publishing House, Al-Quds (Jerusalem), State of Palestine. http://fauna-palaestina-part1.webs.com/faunapalaestina4.htm Khalaf-von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Norman Ali Bassam (2014). † Macropomoides palaestina Khalaf, 2013 : A New Coelacanth Fish Fossil Species from the Anthracothere Hill in Al-Naqab, Palestine. In: Fauna Palaestina – Part Four. Zoological Studies in Palestine between 1983 – 2014 / Fauna Palaestina - Teil Vier. Zoologische Studien in Palästina zwischen 1983 – 2014. ISBN 978-9950-383-77-7. Erste Auflage / First Edition : July 2014, Ramadan 1435 H. pp. 126 - 138. Publisher: Dar Al Jundi Publishing House, Al-Quds (Jerusalem), State of Palestine. Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2015). Plants and Animals unique to Palestine. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 125, May 2015. pp. 1-18. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://flora-fauna-palestine-2.webs.com/ Khalaf-von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Norman Ali Bassam (2015). Fauna Palaestina – Part Five. Zoological Studies in Palestine between 1983 – 2016 / Fauna Palaestina - Teil Fünf. Zoologische Studien in Palästina zwischen 1983 – 2016. ISBN 978-9950-383-92-0. Erste Auflage / First Edition : July 2015, Ramadan 1436 H. 448 pp. (English Part 304 Pages and the Arabic Part 144 Pages). Publisher: Dar Al Jundi Publishing House, Al-Quds (Jerusalem), State of Palestine. http://fauna-palaestina-books.webs.com/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2016). Haywanat Falastin (Fauna of Palestine) ‫ حٌوانات فلسطٌن‬. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 144, December 2016, pp. 1-18. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (In Arabic). http://animals-of-palestine-2.webs.com/fauna-ofpalestine-arabic Khalaf, Norman Ali (29.03.2017). Nudibranch Dermatobranchus semistriatus. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10155064934059831&type=1&l=0c20d27 dc7 Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Mohammad Ahmad Mostafa & Ola Mostafa Esmail Mostafa Khalaf (2017). Diaphorodoris olakhalafi Khalaf, 2017 : A New Dorid Nudibranch Sea Slug Species from the Sea of Khorfakkan, Gulf of Oman, Arab Sea, Indian Ocean. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 149, May 2017, pp. 31-47. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://marine-life-uae.webs.com/diaphorodoris-olakhalafi & https://issuu.com/dr-normanalibassamkhalaf/docs/nudibranch_ola_khalaf & https://newsstand.joomag.com/en/gazelle-the-palestinian-biological-bulletin-issn0178-6288-number-149-may-2017-pp-3147/0798719001494476364 Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 162 – June 2018


‫" فً بحر الفُجٌرة‬10 ‫سمكة الدلٌنس (بلٌنً) ذات الشراشٌب على كرة بحرٌة ُمرتبطة بحبل فً مولع السفٌنة الغارلة "إنشكٌب‬ . 05.05.2017 ... ‫ عدسة غواصة البحار وال ُمحٌطات و ُمدربة الغواصٌن الكابتن عُال خلف‬... ‫ أمتار‬8 ‫على عُمك‬ The Tasseled Blenny (Parablennius thysanius), 8 meters deep at the ship wreck “Inchcape 10” site in Fujairah Sea. Photo by PADI Instructor Ola Khalaf. 05.05.2017. http://uae-fish.webs.com/

Khalaf-von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Norman Ali Bassam (May 2017). Taxon Profile: Species Khorfakkan White Dorid Nudibranch Diaphorodoris olakhalafi Khalaf, 2017. BioLib.cz. Biological Library Classification. http://www.biolib.cz/en/taxon/id1222805/ Khalaf-von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Norman Ali Bassam (May 2017). Ola Khalaf’s Nudibranch (Diaphorodoris olakhalafi Khalaf, 2017). EOL: Encyclopedia of Life. http://eol.org/collections/131000 Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Mohammad Ahmad Mostafa & Ola Mostafa Esmail Mostafa Khalaf (2017). Presence of the Yellowish-Orange Spotted Chromodorid Nudibranch (Risbecia pulchella [Hypselodoris pulchella] Rüppell & Leuckart, 1830) in the Sea of Fujairah, Gulf of Oman, Arab Sea, Indian Ocean. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 154, October 2017, pp. 1-19. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://marinelife-uae.webs.com/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Mohammad Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 162 – June 2018


Ahmad Mostafa & Ola Mostafa Esmail Mostafa Khalaf (2017). The Semi-Striated Arminid Nudibranch (Dermatobranchus semistriatus Baba, 1949) : First Record from the Sea of Fujairah, Gulf of Oman. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 155, November 2017, pp. 1-15. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://marine-life-uae.webs.com/dermatobranchus-semistriatus Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Mohammad Ahmad Mostafa & Ola Mostafa Esmail Mostafa Khalaf (2017). Presence of the Sexy Anemone Shrimp (Thor amboinensis de Man, 1888) in the Sea of Kalba, Gulf of Oman, Arab Sea, Indian Ocean. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 156, December 2017, pp. 1-17. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://marine-life-uae.webs.com/sexy-shrimp Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Mohammad Ahmad Mostafa & Ola Mostafa Esmail Mostafa Khalaf (2018). Presence of the Banded Coral Shrimp (Stenopus hispidus Olivier, 1811) around the Snoopy Island, Emirate of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, Gulf of Oman, Arab Sea. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 157, January 2018, pp. 1-13. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://marine-life-uae-2.webs.com/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Mohammad Ahmad Mostafa & Ola Mostafa Esmail Mostafa Khalaf (2018). Presence of the White Dilapidated Dorid Nudibranch (Goniobranchus obsoletus Rüppell & Leuckart, 1831) in Fujairah Sea, Gulf of Oman, Arab Sea, Indian Ocean. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 158, February 2018, pp. 1-13. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. http://nudibranch.webs.com/ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Mohammad Ahmad Mostafa & Ola Mostafa Esmail Mostafa Khalaf (Photography) (2018). Ola Khalaf’s Nudibranch Sea Slug (Diaphorodoris olakhalafi Khalaf, 2017). ‫بُزاق بحر عُال خلف عاري‬ )2017 ، ‫ الخياشيم ( ديافورودوريس عُال خلفي خلف‬. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 159, March 2018, pp. 1-22. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. (In Arabic & English). http://nudibranch.webs.com/diaphorodorisolakhalafi Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Mohammad Ahmad Mostafa & Ola Mostafa Esmail Mostafa Khalaf (Photography) (2018). Nudibranch and Sea Slug Species of the United Arab Emirates – Part 1. ‫أنواع بُزاق البحر‬ 1 ‫ وعارٌات الخٌاشٌم من دولة اإلمارات العربٌة ال ُمتحدة – ال ُجزء‬. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 160, April 2018, pp. 1-38. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. (In Arabic & English). http://nudibranch.webs.com/nudibranchuae-1 Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Mohammad Ahmad Mostafa & Ola Mostafa Esmail Mostafa Khalaf (Photography) (2018). Kuroda’s Sea Hare Sea Slug (Aplysia kurodai Baba, 1937) : First Record from the Sea of Bidyah, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean. ، ‫التسجٌل األول لبُزاق أرنب لواع البحر كورودا من بحر البِدٌة‬ ‫ خلٌج عُمان‬. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 161, May 2018, pp. 1-11. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. (In Arabic & English). Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 162 – June 2018


http://marine-life-uae-2.webs.com/aplysia-kurodai Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Mohammad Ahmad Mostafa & Ola Mostafa Esmail Mostafa Khalaf (Photography) (2018). Presence of the Tasseled Blenny (Parablennius thysanius D. S. Jordan & Seale, 1907) in the Fujairah Sea, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean. ‫تواجد سمكة الدلٌنس (بلٌنً) ذات الشراشٌب فً بحر‬ ‫ ال ُمحٌط ال ِهندي‬، ‫ بحر العرب‬، ‫ خلٌج عُمان‬، ‫ الفجٌرة‬. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. ISSN 0178 – 6288. Number 162, June 2018, pp. 1-13. Dubai and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. (In Arabic & English). http://uae-fish.webs.com/ Khalaf, Ola (31.12.2016). Nudibranch Risbecia pulchella Photo. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1834215446831832&set=pb.100007301827 082.-2207520000.1488819431.&type=3&theater Khalaf, Ola (28.03.2017). Nudibranch Dermatobranchus semistriatus. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1878358892417487&set=a.13787642290436 25.1073741825.100007301827082&type=3&theater Khalaf, Ola (02.04.2017). Sexy Shrimp (Thor amboinensis). Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1880941872159189&set=a.14081844794349 33.1073741829.100007301827082&type=3&theater Khalaf, Ola (09.05.2017). Kuroda’s Sea Hare (Aplysia kurodai). Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1899929073593802&set=a.14081844794349 33.1073741829.100007301827082&type=3&theater Khalaf, Ola (16.05.2017). Banded Coral Shrimp (Stenopus Hispidus). Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1903627009890675&set=a.14081844794349 33.1073741829.100007301827082&type=3&theater Khalaf, Ola (21 May 2017). Nudibranch Goniobranchus obsoletus. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1906079649645411&set=a.14149871320880 01.1073741830.100007301827082&type=3&theater Khalaf, Ola (25.05.2017). Tasseled Blenny (Parablennius thysanius). Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1907878222798887&set=a.13787642290436 25.1073741825.100007301827082&type=3&theater Khalaf, Ola Mostafa (July 2017). Marine Life UAE 1. Little Black Book. ZNO Photo Books, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA. 24 pp. http://www.zno.com/prodassets/app/littlebook/index.html?initGuid=e368MRlQeps%3D&timestamp=150073540 9300&isPreview=true & http://share.asovx.com/prodassets/app/littlebook/index.html?initGuid=e368MRlQeps%3D&timestamp=150073540 9300&isPreview=true Khalaf, Ola (August 2017). Tasseled Blenny (Parablennius thysanius). National Geographic Al Arabiya (August 2017). Pages 86-87. https://www.facebook.com/NatGeoAlArabiya/photos/pcb.1380585798661844/138057 9111995846/?type=3&theater Khalaf, Ola & Gary Copp (10.08.2017). Photo Identification of Kuroda’s Sea Hare (Aplysia kurodai). Facebook. Nudibranch Central. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1947337368852972&set=gm.191437941882 0793&type=3&theater Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 162 – June 2018


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‫ عدد‬، ‫ تم نشر هذه الصورة فً مجلة ناشٌونال جٌوغرافٌن العربٌة‬... ‫سمكة الدلٌنس (بلٌنً) ذات الشراشٌب من بحر الفجٌرة‬ . ‫ عدسة أستاذة التصوٌر الفوتوغرافً اإلحترافً وتحت الماء عُال ُمصطفى خلف‬. 62-68 ‫ على الصفحتٌن‬، 7102 ‫أغسطس‬

The Tasseled Blenny (Parablennius thysanius). National Geographic Al Arabiya (August 2017, pages 86-87). Photo by Photographer & Underwater Photography Instructor Ola Khalaf. https://www.facebook.com/NatGeoAlArabiya/photos/pcb.1380585798661844/1380579111995 846/?type=3&theater & http://uae-fish.webs.com/

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Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 162 – June 2018

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