You might definitely have done this - skipping a few hours of sleep for social media or binge-watching your favourite movies or web series. Aditi Jagtap Pune suggests that taking no sleep or lesser than six hours of sleep on a daily basis can be dangerously harmful to the health of your heart and can lead to many fatal heart diseases. These kinds of short-sleepers are at a higher risk of developing fatal coronary heart diseases (CHD) and also dying from a stroke compared to those getting enough sleep of at least eight hours. So, never forget to remember, that sleeping is the secret to a happy heart.
Humour and laughter is the perfect combination for the maintenance of your heart health. Many types of research have been made and proved that people of the same age group who had enough humour in their life are comparatively healthier than the other type. So, never hesitate to smile and include giggles in your life as these have a positive impact on your heart and overall health, Dr Ranjit
surgeon. Starting by making healthy changes in your diet and your lifestyle, you can do wonders for your heart and it will keep you and your heart happy. There is a lot that you can do to make your special organ feel more special.
"Everybody deserves a healthy life."