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Coronavirus puzzle, public views & comparison | Dr. Younis Kashali
Reality: What is COVID19 (New Coronavirus Disease 2019) Disaster...
2019 Old Valued Believe Carry out:
• Actually it is a sessional flu, but the hype is created.
• Aimed to Activation of the Depopulation Agenda.
• “New Normal” means “New Order”.
• World will reopen after implementing New Normal Means
“New World Order”.
• COVID19 is a game and they call it “SARS COV 2” means
influenza game, Part II.
• Do you remember H1N1 Scam? History is repeating again.
• It is a created fear/ threat of a biological world warfare & mind (control) program practice.
• It is a try to accomplishing the Big Government.
• That’s why they're locking Economy, Education & Religions.
New Normal Believe Cary out:
It is a world health emergency, because of a new deadly contagious pandemic, public will die, we are hopeless. So without doing anything except vaccine we are going to lockdown the world and trying to implement New Normal to save the lives. Note: Next world, will be not same as the previous world again…