1 minute read
Homoeopathic fight plan against the COVID-19
Homoeopathic Dr. Younis Kashali Presented by:
Pandemics/ Plagues:
I. Bubonic plague:
Bubonic plague is the best-known form and is so called because it is characterized by the appearance of buboes, or enlarged, inflamed lymph nodes, in the groin or armpit or on the neck. Bubonic plague is transmitted by the bite of any of numerous insects that are normally parasitic on rodents, and that seek new hosts when the original host dies. The most important of these insects is the rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis, which is parasitic on the brown rat.
II. Pneumonic plague:
Droplets sprayed from the lungs and mouth of infected persons most often transmit pneumonic plague, so called because the lung is the site of infection. The infection may spread from the lungs to other parts of the body, resulting in septicemic plague, which is infection of the blood.
III. Septicemic plague:
Septicemic plague may also be initiated by direct contact of contaminated hands, food, or objects with the mucous membranes of the nose or throat.