Political cricketism: overambitious India so ultra fanatic about joint cricketism!

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Political cricketism: overambitious India so ultra fanatic about joint cricketism! -Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal __________

India suffers from difficult and costly complexes as it has many issues to deal with - like Kashmir, Muslims, Islam, Pakistan, Babri Mosque, Ghar wapsi, etc are just a few of them. In order to divert the public attention from problems Indian nation is facing and hide the issues India is rustling with, Indian regime promotes fake sports and entertainments like IPL cricket- by pampering joint cricket exercises along with other greedy crickets from other nations Cricket as an entertainment is very flexible to suit the needs of the batboys. Starting from the toss, pitch making, bowling, fielding and other rules promote only the batboys. As a favorite state gambling, cricket offers big cash to many take holders, including batboys bowlers, mafia, match fixing mediators. . India's grand strength is its fake joint cricketism with fellow fake cricket teams like Sri Lanka, others, seeking 100s and 50s by mutual fixing by the broads, Captains, even IPL bosses, mafia. Everybody is a stake holder in sustaining cricket for huge cash of all sorts’ third world countries of Asia. In fact, India is the leader of joint cricketism and it control rains that could be pushed down in case India is losing the match at any of the game. It cannot lose the matches for two related reasons. One, huge money is at the bet industry and many big Indians all over the world would lose their fakely made money. In fact if Indian batboys like kolhi et al don't get 100 then also poor Indians who bet on them would lose money. Two, India occupies neighboring Jammu Kashmir on the strength of its winning matches- irrespective of how- and if India loses continuously it would have to vacate Kashmir and all Indian state terror forces killing innocent owners of Kashmir will have return to India for jobs. Pakistan would

take up the matter very seriously and India would be forced to walk out of Jammu Kashmir earlier than it would do otherwise. Cricket is just an entertainment, a gambling, a vehicle for black money proliferation and money laundering. In its strenuous efforts to promote Indian prestige, by hook or crook, India has finally managed to bring the international cricket to its own regional level. BCCI dictates its terms to regional teams in India as to would be given 100s and which batboys should be promoted for national team etc. Now BCCI has been able to dictate its IPL terms to all teams and individual players from abroad to play in India where foreign teams must play Indian schemes according to Indian wishes and requirements at a given point of time, like on the eve of Presidential distribution of national awards so that favorites of media lords and mafia get big awards. Already BCCI and corporate lords have recommended a big award to Doni so that he cold retie happily enjoy his billions. Kolhi also badly wants a fine bharatratna. MPs and ministers and even PM and president must be watching the matches with folded hands in favor of Indian batboys. After all, cricketers help the promotion of black money and money laundering internationally. After shining with 600 score Indians just finished them not giving even one 50 to anyone, including SL captain Chandimal who had hoped for a good 100 from India as a return favor. (India has offered a quick 50 to Chandimal in order to make Sri Lankans happy and India is giving quick runs might like to bat again for some more 100s from a pathetically behaving SL. But the match for all practical purposes is already over and India has won. Poor Lankans- are they so fools or there is a reason for that submission? In fact, Indians enjoy that strategy of getting big scores and rerunning nothing back to the guests. That is Indian way of doing things. Why only Sri Lanka, in fact any foreign player of Indian IPL willingly promote India in India. India seeking name by all means wants only that and only that way. Who is more cunning and cleverer- India or Sri Lanka?

India promotes political cricketism as it links cricket wins with a political message as well. In order to project India a strong, formidable nation, other cricket teams invited to India to play many cricket matches in all formats that would give a lot of empty runs to the same batboys , are asked to just please promote Indian batboys, by throwing balls as freely as a people pass urine carefree in open space. After a disastrous first match which went the Lanka way but Lankans, under IPL pressure, gave a quick and “fabulous” 100 to koli to draw the match in the second innings, it looks India BCCI has asked Sri Lankan team to “behave” and offer good scores to top players like Koli by throwing the ball straight to the bat so that Koli could choose his shot for 4 or 6 or 2 or one run. No ball was wasted. Lankans should target the stumps for wickets and let the batboys shine and throw away he bat when necessary or when they get signal form the dressing room to throw the bat. But Indian bowlers would het the batboys for wickets. Why India god Sachin tendulkar cannot be good coach?

The foreign players and commentators are extra paid to promote Indian cause and Indian team and individual player so that corporate mafia that sponsor cricket tournaments would force Indian regime to offer these cricketer fakes national awards in preference to genuine Indians who as social workers, public and political figures, scientists, others leaders contribute for their nation building selflessness services. Sri Lanka after offering a quick 100 to Indian skipper koli in the first test, now in the second test, it offered an easy 200 runs to him obviously as a gift for Indian kindness by not taking any military action against Lankan military crimes against Indian Tamils who fish in their traditional zones of fishing. . That is called political cricketism being advanced by India and Lanka. Interestingly, as Sri Lankans collapsing in their bating after letting Indian batboys like Koli shine with more than 600 runs, expected return favors from India but Indians cannot do that. Why India and Australia refuse to make Sachin their chief coach? Australia offered Sachin their top civilian national award Order which is exclusive for their own citizens to India Sachin obviously on request form Indian regime and India quickly made him bhararatna as per the plan of corporate lords supporting Congress-BJP.

Each time India promotes a couple of cricketers for free complimentary national awards. Now Kolhi and Pujara, Rohit are the pampered batboys and all efforts are taken to promote them with 100s. No amount of criticism of match fixings and mafia fixings, gambling through bet industry, etc, can change fake records managed by joint cricketism mostly by mutual fixings for 100s and 50s, above. The commentators and specialists argue that there is no point in talking about match fixings, fake records and ranking, etc as they are the backbone of cricket which is meant to promote batboys for huge money and national awards. Sachin was not a genuine sportboy but he got all bogus rerecords thanks to BCCI fixing, mafia operations, Indian ambassadors working in cricket nations efforts, fellow batboys who just promoted his scores by underplaying with him or throwing away wickets in favor of him that the opponent knows, etc. . When the opponent bowers decided not to promote him, Sachin just stood at the crease for nearly 2 tong years without a 100 and eventually Bangladesh helped him get his last 100 before forced retirement. Whole lot of guys worked behind and for him and he became a hero of corporate and corrupt Indian regime. So India and Australia do not trust Sachin and his weak abilities. India is now making itself in India perhaps in a big way with the help of paid cricketers from abroad who are first recruited as IPL players with instructions to serve Indian cricket causes even at the cost of their own teams. The way Lankan players who play a with Indian team all formats of cricketism, promote Indian cause reveals what India stands for and how it wins cricket matches. These outside cricketers having been paid or promised huge sums for “services� imbibe the characteristics of Indians and behave as India team players. After the tremendous success of IPL, Indian compote lords and their government are trying to diversify the IPL techniques in the fields of real sports like Badminton, Hockey, Football, tennis etc through the crickctism could not be replicated in real sports. There no many takers of Indian tricks even on huge down payments.

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