Summits for Others, 2017 Challenge
In early January 2017 I will be doing a fundraising climb of Adam's Peak in Sri Lanka to support the work of The Center for Global Initiatives. (I have been invited to speak at a conference in Colombo and as I have always wanted to take on Adam’s Peak, it seemed Karmic.) The Goal We hope to raise a minimum of $5,000 to buy food, medications, and educational supplies for patients and orphan children (ages 3 to 12 years). We are working to treat malaria, TB, pneumonia, and immunosuppression in collaboration with local doctors, nurses, and staff. We have a particular focus on people with HIV infection and AIDS in the Kilimanjaro Region of the Rombo District. I have already paid for all travel costs, so every penny donated goes to the work of the Center, and is 100% tax deductible. Even just $1 makes a difference. One. Dollar. Thanks!