Chapter 8
Note that
Note that • Even Parity Bit (error detection technique) Even parity refers to a parity checking mode in asynchronous communication systems in which an extra bit, called a parity bit, is set to one if there is an even number of one bits in a one-byte data item. If the number of one bits adds up to an odd number, the parity bit is set to zero. Even parity checking may also be used in testing memory storage devices.
One’s Complement and Two’s Complement (Binary Additive Inverse)
Encoders •
Multiple-input/multiple-output device.
Perfoms the inverse function of a Decoder.
Outputs ( m ) are less than inputs ( n ).
Converts input code words into output code words. input code
output code ENCODER
Encoders vs. Decoders
Binary decoders/encoders
2^n-to-n encoder
Input code : Binary Code
Input code : 1-out-of-2^n.
Output code :1-out-of-2^n.
Output code : Binary Code 17