Dental Care Tips to Maintain Good Oral Health Good oral health is the key to maintain overall health, it leaves you with a broader and brighter smile. Maintaining oral health is much more than teeth whitening, and apart from visiting the best dentist, there are a lot many things which need to be taken care of. There are very few things which we need to change our lifestyle to ensure healthy gums and teeth, especially in winters. Yes, like we can catch flu and cough during winters, our dental health can also suffer during the winter season. Here are some dental care tips are given by one of the best dentists in Delhi that can help you to take care of your gums during winters: Replace your toothbrush in regular intervals: We often ignore replacing our old toothbrush with the new one, but we forget that anything which is not clean is the house of bacteria and germs. No matter whether your toothbrush has worn out or not, make sure to replace the same after every four months. Don't use the same brush while you are sick: During winters if you have gotten cold or flu, make sure to replace the brush. In case you keep using the same brush, then make it a point not to use the same after you are fine. Using the same brush can increase the risk of getting contaminated with cold and flu germs once again. Sanitization: Whether it's your brush or any other dental cleaning supplies, everything can be sanitized. Even if you are replacing your brush after four months but there is no harm in sanitizing the same in between. The best way to sanitize oral supplies is that when these are damp, keep them in the microwave together or separately and run the microwave for one minute. The process will help to kill the bacteria present in your toothbrush or any other dental supply. Keep yourself hydrated: Drinking water in winters is equally important as it is in summers. No matter what season it is you must drink at least two liters of water every day. It is important for healthy gums and teeth as well. More you will drink water more saliva you will produce which is good to maintain oral health. Saliva gets dry frequently in winters, and without saliva, there are
higher chances of contaminating bacteria. However staying dehydrated does not mean that you will increase the intake of sugary beverages, you must avoid the same. Use mouthwash having Fluoride: During winters it is important to use mouthwash having fluoride. Using Fluoride having mouthwash twice a day helps to rinse away bacteria, debris and helps to kill the bad odor as well. These are certain tips that can help you to maintain oral hygiene, but it is important to visit the best dentist in Delhi regularly. And if you are looking for one of such dentists, then we recommend you to visit Dr. M Jetley's clinic. He is one of the best dentists in Delhi and provides unmatchable dental care services.