When Should You Visit An Orthodontist? Smile is the best gift you can give to someone. A cheerful smile is what makes the giver as well as the receiver feel elated. However, there are a few people who resist the urge to smile. This doesn’t make them bad person, but the reason behind their demeanor is a mouth full of not very pleasant looking teeth. Some of us have a set of crooked teeth which makes our smiles less effective, best orthodontist in Delhi are the experts who move your crooked teeth and help you get a perfect smile. There are several reasons you must visit an orthodontists for your teeth, but before you jump on to that section, it is important that you know who is an orthodontist and what do they do? Who is an orthodontist? Orthodontics is one of the primary category under dentistry. The primary job of an orthodontist is to work on straightening teeth, solving bite issues and occlusion. While an orthodontist is definitely a licensed dentist, not all dentist are licenses to perform orthodontic services. What do orthodontists do? Orthodontists treat malocclusion, which means they work on how you bite your food. Many of us have irregularly placed teeth which affects our ability to bite, orthodontics work on placing these teeth right in order to realign your jaw correctly. There are a number of tools and techniques used by expert orthodontist in Delhi to make jaws line up. Some of the choices include braces, trays (also known as aligners), headgears, retainers and more. The selection of these choices depend upon the individual case. While a dentist can help you with minor orthodontics issues, for critical cases, it is always recommended to contact the best orthodontist in Delhi. Reasons to see an orthodontist: Orthodontics is not about straightening the teeth alone. There can be many serious problem associates with unaligned jaw line. Crooked teeth, bite problems such as under bite or over bite can affect your oral health significantly and when left unattended for long, you might even
loseyour teeth and develop several gum diseases. Tooth decay or tooth loss are the two primary outcome of unaligned jaw line as cleaning teeth becomes tougher when you have overlapping teeth. Moreover, with bite issues, you can feel problem in talking, chewing, grinding, clenching and performing other regular jobs. When to Visit an Orthodontists? This depends upon the age of the patient. For kids, the ideal age too visit an orthodontist is 7. It is the time when the jaw is developing, so no matter you have any problem with the tooth or not, you must consult with an orthodontist near you. In case you have long crosses the age when preventive measures were helpful, you may visit an orthodontist in the age of 26 to 44 years. Orthodontist treatment is a personalized program and may take different time from one individual to another. In most of the cases the best results are experienced in a time frame of 1 year to 3 years. In case you are experiencing any sort of over bite issues or notice overlapping teeth, choose the best orthodontist in Delhi and consult for a perfect smile.