Body Vaastu The vaastu factor also applies in our human body. Our body postures matters a lot. One should not remain crossed handed or crossed legs. Some people have a tendency to sit crossed legs and crossed hands across the chest level. This position is not a receiving posture. People using these postures in there lifestyle is usually stubborn, poor recipients for good things in life. Legs and arms should be in an open position. Moving and rotating the hands and feet without any reason is inauspicious. One should not clap the tables and body just for fun sake. Facing towards the north direction while working or eating is good. While sleeping one should point the head towards the south direction. We should wear the clothes with harmonious colors; one should wear the cloths according to the temperament and requirement. Colors of the cloths should have combination and contrast in between. Karma: As in vaastu environment there is earth’s gravitational force like wise in human life it is law of karma. A small story will
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like wise in human life it is law of karma. A small story will complement this, once a hardworking, kind and gentle man lived in a village. He was good and sweet person but his wife was very bullish, harsh in words, always complain to him, she did not behaved well to the man and had made his life a hell. One day a saint came, the man was sitting upset, man asked the saint when I am good to my wife, I behave well than why she misbehaves and creates tensions for me. The saint answered, in your past life your wife was a cow and you were a crow, the cow had a big wound and the crow pricked the flesh from the cow’s wound. In this life she creates emotional wounds for you and then scratches the same wound.The morale of the story is that what ever you sow you have to reap. Crystals: This is the most powerful method to clean the negative energies. These are semi precious stones available from the mother earth. Crystal has amazing cleansing properties in them selves. The quartz family is very famous form in cleansing the negatives from our surroundings. It works as a filter for the energies. All quartz crystals have 6 primary properties. They are able to structure, store, amplify, focus, transmit and transform energy, which includes matter, thought, emotion and information. Metaphysical quartz formations possess additional properties, based on their geometry and other specific features. Quartz naturally harmonizes and energizes our gross and subtle bodies. Kirilian photography has shown that holding a small, double terminated quartz doubled the photographable portion of the aura. The chakras can be activated; cleansed, balanced and energized, and all psychic abilities can be initiated and strengthened. Silence: It is a fact that silence can speak what loud voices cannot Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically with PDFmyURL
express. Sit in a silent meditation for at least 10 minutes twice a day. Your inner will be expressed to you. Non-Judgement: I believe in non-judgment. One shall not try to judge the people throughout the day. Given something: Taking gifts is very easy; try to give gifts to your friends & relatives. What ever you give will come ten times back in your own life. Be open to receive: Receive joyfully the offers of nature i.e. abundance of sunlight, chirping noises of birds & even the heat of the day and also is open to receive compliments & material gifts from your loved ones. Just say to yourself I will accept people, situations and circumstances as they appear. I will not struggle against the moment. Fire: Fire in our culture is said to be very potent. Fire cooks our food. Fire digests our food. Fire polishes the gold. Fire even molds the steel. All these examples are the uses of fire; this means we have to respect the fire element. The fire element in our building structure should be balanced with all other elements like the water element and fire element should be balanced. It is said that fire is available on our tongue so what ever we speak is burnt out, the meaning behind this is what ever we do wrong we must commit before some body doing this burns our bad deeds and in case we do some thing good we must not tell any body about the good karma’s. Daily bath: One should take a bath on daily basis; this keeps much negative energy at the bay. Taking a bath with sea salt gives tremendous positive energy flow. Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically with PDFmyURL
Colors and clothes: The Colors matter a lot every person has a different body requirement for the colors according to the nature and moods, the colors have different nature so use according to the properties. Guna: There should be equilibrium of Gunnas in the human body.Guans are three states of consciousness, which are manifested by the mind. These guans are Tamas, Rajas and Sttava. The mind keeps fluctuating between these guans. Tamas Guna gives argument, discard between relations, it creates emotions like hatred, revenge etc. Rajas guna is sex, passion and lust. This guna is better than the Tamas guna, Rajas gives birth to life and creativity. Almost all artists , singers, Actors and art lovers are rich in rajas guna. Sattava is sadhana, control, acceptance, giving, kindness, tenderness etc. A human being who is capable of completing all the responsibilities in its life is said to have satvic guna. Jealousy: Normally we complain our brothers, sisters, neighbors and this society is jealous, but in a way it is good if anybody is envying you. The jealousy will work as a fire to burn out all your bad karmas. The bad karmas will get burnt and the feeling of lightness will come. Chit (Consciousness): The chit explains the quality of intelligence and sensation. Without the consciousness there is ignorance and insensibility. The spinal cord extends the consciousness from the base of the spine that is coccyx to the brain. The base of the spine is ruled by Shakti (Maa) and the head region is occupied by the Lord Shiva the supreme when the there is flawless channel of consciousness in between the coccyx (Base Chakra) and the Head region (Crown Chakra) the union of Shiva and Shakti happens. This means the when Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically with PDFmyURL
conscious rises from maa Shakti to Shiva, super awareness is made available to the human being. This Super awareness/ consciousness is called Kundalini power. So who so ever gets the kundalini awaken attains the bliss. For awakening the kundalini a balanced life is needed. Prana: Prana is a life force, it is a power for mind body and soul. Every living being requires prana its forms may be many like food, water, air, sunlight and earth etc. The pranna flows through 72,000 nadis (nerves ) throughout the body. The pranna enters or leaves the body through nine doors. Most of the nadis begin or terminate at these doors of human body, these doors can also be called as sense organs these nine doors are: the two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, the mouth, the anus, and the genital organ. Of all these thousands of Nadis three are more important that is Surya nadi (Sun), The Chandra nadi (Moon), Sushmana (the fire). The right nostril is related to the surya nadi, the left nostril is Chandra nadi, the Sushmana is at base of the spine related to shakti consciousness. Dhayn, meditation, pranayam (Breath control) is required to have balance flow of prana. Yoga: Yoga is not limited to the basic exercises or body postures. Yoga has eight parts such as Yama(abstentions), Niyama (observances), Asanas (postures), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahra (withdrawal of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and the last part is Samadhi(super conscious state.). Concentration: Good concentration can achieve perfection. A person with good concentration can achieve the work target in half the time. Failure is a stranger to work done with perfect attention. Stagnant Wealth: Keep circulating your wealth, spend on you, your Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically with PDFmyURL
family. Do not make your money stagnant. Also circulate your joy, happiness and sorrows. Conscious: Be conscious of the present be aware of what you are doing in the present moment. That will not make you feel pain in the future for your bad times. Choice: When ever you choose ask yourself two questions 1.The consequences of my choice.2.Will this choice bring happiness to only me or to those also who are affected by this choice. Do not blame: If the problems come accept the responsibility to ward them off. Do not blame others &do not scold yourself for the bad situation. Accept the problems as on opportunity in disguise. Power to desire: Make a list of all desires keep it updating. Carry this list wherever you go. Have a look at the list before going to sleep and when getting awake in the morning. Detachment: Practice to detach yourself from unreasonable desires. Do not be so rigid to achieve the impossible desires. Do not impose stress and unnecessary burden on you. Nurture the god: who is lying deep in your Soul. be happy ,feel prosperous, feel the satisfaction in you. if you are always happy believe me god will bring more happiness to you. Inspire people: Keep inspiring, motivating people. By doing this you will always remain in a self-motivated mood. Be at rest: Lie down on the bed/floor for few minutes escape from work. Loosen all the muscles, head and even feel all the nerves, body organs at rest. You will be ready the next moment to fight with the Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically with PDFmyURL
complexities of life once again. Avoid the pending: You can never relax if you have uncompleted jobs left. Do not start new assignments. Without completing the previous one. You do not have to win a race from others. Win from yourself. Work in a steady motion. Do things one by one. White Light: Whenever you feel depressed & low or you feel tired. You may visualize a beam of white light entering your body from the crown of your body i.e. the head region. Visualize each and every part of your body, each and every nerve to be worked & polished by that white light. This white light is divine energy & can do miracles. Rejuvenate the environment: Put some nature in your room, put fresh flowers in your area, light a candle, infuse some good aroma, play some light music & also put some happy pictures in the room. Do not control yourself: You may not laugh when you want & the way you want. Let the anger never suppress it. You should divert your anger into positive energy; anger is forms of energy use it. Eat whatever you want & even eat your own way do not see that if anybody is watching you. Forgive: Do not keep grudges from near and gear. First of all forgive yourself for the mistakes committed in the past. Forgive your childhood. Secondly forgive your parents, do not keep in heart that they have not done anything for you in life. Life is a learning cycle & nobody is responsible for your problems. Forgiving may relieve you from many big diseases. Hands: When we wake up we should see both our hands, then rub the both hands and apply the heat on our face. Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically with PDFmyURL
The mantra for this is Karaagera vasste lakshmeeh karmoole sarsvatee ,karamadhya tu govindah prabhaate kardarshanam. On the first part of the palm it is goddess Lakshmi, in the middle Lord govinda and in the base of palm it is goddess Sarswati.
Defining Myself
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