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Vastu Advice For Business by Chawla Chawladrpuneet Dr.Puneet Chawla Vastu Consultants Delhi In the present competitive business scenario, we all are running a rat’s race to excel in our respective field of work. Be it a professional or a businessman, we all have our set of inhibitions and fears in respect to business related success and accomplishments. Politics at the office front, competition among employees and subordinates, unhealthy work environment, all these are a part and parcel of handling daily business pressures which one has to face in life some time or the other. Eminent Vaastu consultants for business believe that abiding by Vaastu tips for business can solve these issues very smoothly and even stop their creation, thereby building harmonious relations among the employers as well as the employees. Simple Vaastu tips for avoiding business tensions and creating a healthy work environment at the office front. • A very vital Vastu advice for business the owner of the business is to make sure that the north-west corner of your workplace is not over-burdened or elevated as compared to the south-east corner. Also, employees should not have their seating arrangement in the south-west or else they would gain power and strength and would start dominating you sooner or later. It would also lead to increase in conflicts and clashes with your workers. • We all crave for name, fame and recognition in society, but most of the time, despite our hard work and dedication, this is not possible to achieve. If this is the case with you, check out the position of the kitchen in your house. If it happens to occupy the south-west portion of your apartment or bungalow, it can cause serious troubles in hampering your business and goodwill. Similarly, heat furnaces or generators kept in this direction should also be moved in to the suitable position, as defined by Vaastu, immediately. The fire element in the south-west leads to destroying and damaging of all the positive magnetic energy stored in this direction, thereby causing hurdles in Your visitors can save your web pages as PDF in one click with!
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your achievements. • Vaastu for business success says that the marketing staff of your business enterprise should be made to sit towards the North of the premises and should not have any kind of obstructions facing them like a wall or a cabinet. If, on the contrary, it is the south that they face, you are sure not to attain the results you deserve in your business for your efforts and hard work. You would always face obstacles while closing a deal or would always be won over by a competitor. • Disputes at the work front hinder professional growth and stability. Vaastu for business success claims that labor disputes and employees revolution can damage the prosperity of the business and can embroil it to time-taking and never-ending legal cases. To avoid this, check if there is any heat generating equipments placed in the north-east portion of the office. Also check if your water borings or other water related sources are placed in the south-east. Both these, fire in the north-east and water in the south-east, are dangerous and adverse situations which need to be interchanged without loss of time to ensure success and growth of your business. A good Vaastu consultant for your business can provide you with fruitful Vaastu tips for business, like Dr. Puneet Chawla, thereby ensuring Vastu for business success, growth and prosperity. Vastu Expert in India | Vastu Expert In Dubai | Vastu Books | Vastu Tips | Vastu
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About Chawla Chawladrpuneet
Dr.Puneet Chawla Vastu Consultants Delhi
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