How to Protect Your Mental Health or Cure a Mental Disorder
Introduction • This means that we are finally able to use our total brain power, and not only a spot. We have a tiny human conscience and a huge anti-conscience. When we eliminate our anti-conscience through consciousness, we start positively using its intelligence. This is how we find balance, peace, love, wisdom, and happiness.
Today we know that • We have inherited a huge wild conscience (anticonscience) that is totally absurd and occupies the biggest part of our brain.
• Even our human conscience is absurd because it is one-sided and underdeveloped.
The unconscious mind that produces our dreams possesses uncountable wisdom because it has a divine origin.
• All dreams are produced by the wise unconscious mind.
• All dreams contain precious messages that protect our mental stability. • We must eliminate our anti-conscience the fastest possible because it generates mental illnesses within our human conscience.
• Our anti-conscience is absurd, violent, evil, immoral, and cruel. • Our human conscience must be developed by acquiring consciousness.
• In order to eliminate our anti-conscience and develop our under-developed conscience we must follow the unconscious guidance in dreams.
Dr. Raymond Ambrose Liang is a Clinical Associate Professor at The University of British Columbia specializes in psychiatry, the branch of medicine devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, study, and treatment of mental disorders.