Facebology Atlas of Clinical Pharmacology

Page 1

‫ميحرلا نمحرلا هللا مسب‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Topic Pharmacology of Autonomic Nervous System: Parasympathomimetics Parasympatholytics Sympathomimetics Sympathoplegics Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in ANS Paracrine & Autocrine Pharmacology: H1 – Receptor Blockers Symptomatic Treatment of Cold & Flu Serotonin Agonists & Antagonists Treatment of Migraine Headache Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Paracrine & Autocrine Pharmacology Pharmacology of Respiratory System: Bronchodilators Other Drugs used in management of Bronchial Asthma Expectorants, Mucolytics & Antitussives Treatment of Cough Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of Respiratory System

Page Number 6 7 9 19 25 32 36 37 41 42 44 46

Pharmacology of NSAIDs & Gout: Non-Selective COX inhibitors Selective COX-2 inhibitors COX-3 inhibitor Combinations of Different NSAIDs Drugs used in treatment of Gout Treatment of Sciatica, Sciatic Neuritis, Sciatic Neuralgia or Lumbar Radiculopathy Treatment of Dysmenorrhea Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of NSAIDs

62 63 75 75 80 82 84

Pharmacology of CNS: Narcotic Analgesics & Opioid Antagonists

91 92

48 49 53 55 58 60

85 86

Chapter 5

Anti-Parkinsonian Drugs Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs Antipsychotic Drugs Antidepressant Drugs Antiepileptic Drugs General & Local Anesthetics Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of CNS

94 97 100 103 107 113 116

Chapter 6

Pharmacology of Gastrointestinal Tract: H2-Receptor Antagonist Proton Pump (H+/K+ ATPase) Inhibitors Antacids & Mucosal Protective Agents Combinations & Eradication of H.Pylori Infection Anti-Emetic Drugs Anti-Flatulence & Digestive Enzymes Antispasmodics & Laxatives Stool Softeners Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of Gastrointestinal Tract

121 122 122 127 127

Pharmacology of Cardiovascular System: Drugs Used For Treatment of Heart Failure Antihypertensive Drugs Anti-Anginal Drugs Anti-Dysrhythmic Drugs Miscellaneous Drugs for treatment of different vascular disorders Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of CVS

144 145 145 157 160 162

Pharmacology of Renal System: Diuretics Anti-Diuretics Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of Renal System Combinations of Antihypertensive Drugs: Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Combinations of Antihypertensive Drugs Pharmacology of Blood:

169 170 171 174

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

130 133 135 136 140


175 183 185

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Drugs Used For Treatment of Hyperlipoproteinemia Anti-Anemic Drugs Anticoagulants Thrombolytics & Fibrinolytics Anti-Fibrinolytics & Anti-Platelet Drugs Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of Blood Pharmacology of Endocrine System: Pituitary Hormones Thyroid Hormones & Anti-Thyroid Drugs Drugs Used in treatment of Osteoporosis Estrogen & Progesterone Anti-Estrogens for management of infertility Hormonal Contraceptives Testosterone & Anti-Androgens Anabolic Steroids Insulin Preparations Oral Hypoglycemics (Anti-Diabetics) β-Cells Regulation Stimulants Glucocorticoids Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of Endocrine System


Pharmacology of Chemotherapeutic Drugs: Anti-Microbial Drugs Anti-Protozoal & Anti-Helminthic Drugs Anti-Tuberculous & Anti-Leprosy Drugs Anti-Malarial & Non-Azoles Anti-Fungal Drugs Azole Anti-Fungal Drugs Combinations for treatment of different skin Infections Treatment of Scabies Anti-Viral Drugs Human Interferons Anti-Cancer Drugs Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of Chemotherapeutic Drugs

234 235 269 269 272 273 273



190 194 199 199 201 204 205 205 206 211 211 211 212 212 216 219 220 225 229

273 279 280 284 288

Chapter 1

ď ś Parasympathomimetics : 1. Drugs Directly Stimulate the Muscarinic Receptors : A) Carbachol B) Bethanechol C) Pilocarpine: Isopto - Carpine Eye Drops For Treatment of Glaucoma available in 1% , 2% , 3% & 4% Concentrations. Suggested Dose: dose if necessary. 2. Drugs Indirectly Stimulate the Muscarinic Receptors (Anticholinesterases): A) Reversible Anticholinesterases: 1- Physostigmine (Eserine) 2- Neostigmine (Prostigmine): Amostigmine available in ampoules 0.5 mg/ampoule Suggested Dose: 1 Ampoule Daily 3- Neostigmine Substitutes: A- Edrophonium (Tensilon) B- Pyridostigmine: Pystinon available in Oral tablets 60 mg Suggested Dose for (Myasthenia Gravis): Initial dose: 60 mg orally 3 times daily. Maintenance dose: Increase dose as needed in intervals of at least 48 hours. Results of dose adjustments may take several days to become apparent. Effective doses have range from 60 mg to 1500 mg per day in 3 to 6 divided doses. B) Irreversible Anticholinesterases: Organophosphorus Compounds

 Parasympatholytics: 1. Anti-Muscarinic Drugs: A) Atropine: Atropine Sulphate 0.1% Ampoules Atropine 100 ml Vial Isopto – Atropine Eye Drops 1 % B) Hyoscine (Scopolamine) = Hyoscine-N-butylbromide: Buscopan Oral Tablets 10 Mg - Ampoules 1 Ml Buscopan Compositum (Hyoscine-N-butylbromide + Dipyronane) Oral Tablets (20 mg + 250 Mg) - Ampoules 5 Ml Buscopan Plus (Hyoscine-N-butylbromide + Paracetamol) Oral Tablets (10 mg + 500 Mg) – Suppository Suggested Dose: If necessary up to 3 times daily. C) Synthetic Atropine Substitutes: 1- Mydriatic Atropine Substitutes: A) Homatropine B) Eucatropine C) Cyclopentolate: Cyclopentolate Eye Drops 1% for Fundus Examination Suggested Dose: Dose before Fundus Examination D) Tropicamide: Mydriacyl Eye Drops 1% for Fundus Examination Suggested Dose: Dose before Fundus Examination 2- Antisecretory - Antispasmodic Atropine Substitutes: A) Atropine Methyl Nitrate B) Oxyphenonium C) Pirenzepine (Gastrozepine)

3- Antiparkinsonian Atropine Substitutes: A) Trihexy Phenidyl: Parkinol Oral Tablets 5 Mg Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet Daily B) Benzotropine: Cogintol Oral Tablets 2 Mg Suggested Dose: Âź Tablets 3 times daily Cogetropine Ampoules 1 Mg/Ml Suggested Dose: 1 Ampule Daily C) Biperiden: Akineton Oral Tablets 2 Mg Achtenon Oral Tablets 2 Mg Suggested Dose: Âź Tablets 3 times daily 4- Atropine Substitutes Decreasing Urinary Bladder Activity: Tolterodine Detrusitol Oral Tablets 2 Mg Detrusitol Retard Capsules 4 mg (Sustained Release) Tolterodine Oral Tablets 2 Mg Uricontrol Oral Tablets 2 Mg Incont L.A. Oral Tablets 4 mg 5- Atropine Substitutes Used in Bronchial Asthma: Ipratropium: Atrovent Solution for inhalation 250 mcg/2 ml & 500 mcg/2 ml Suggested Dose: If necessary up to 3 times daily.

2. Skeletal Muscle Relaxants:  Neuromuscular Blocking Agents (NMBs):  Competitive (Non-Depolarizing) neuromuscular blockers: Gallamine: Gallamine Ampoules 2 mg/2 ml Suggested Dose: Before Surgical Procedure Pancuronium: Laxacurium Ampoules 2 mg/1 ml Suggested Dose: Before Surgical Procedure Atracurium: Atracurium Besilate Ampoules 50 mg/5 ml & 25 mg /2.5 ml Suggested Dose: Before Surgical Procedure  Depolarizing neuromuscular blockers: Succinylcholine: Succinylcholine Chloride Ampoules 100 mg/5 ml Suggested Dose: Before Surgical Procedure  Antispasticity Agents (Spasmolytics & Myotonolytics):  Central Muscle Relaxants: 1-Benzodiazepine derivatives: Discussed in CNS Drugs page 97 2-Baclofen: Lioresal Oral Tablets 10 Mg Suggested Dose: Initial dose: 5 mg orally 3 times a day for 3 days, then 10 mg orally 3 times a day for 3 days, then 15 mg orally 3 times a day for 3 days, then 20 mg orally 3 times a day. Maintenance dose: 40-80 mg/day, 80 mg/day doses should be administered in 4 divided doses. 3-Methocarbamol (Usually Combined With NASIDs): Dimra Oral Tablets (Methocarbamol 500 mg + Diclofenac Potassium 50 mg) Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet 2 times daily

• Direct Muscle Relaxants: Dantrolene: Dantrelax Capsules 25 Mg Suggested Dose: 1 Capsules every 12 hours after meals Dantrelax Compound (Dantrolene + Paracetamol) Capsules 25 mg/300 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Capsules every 12 hours after meals

ď ś Sympathomimetics : (A) Non-Selective Sympathomimetic: 1- Adrenaline (Epinephrine): Adrenaline Ampoules 1 mg/1 ml Suggested Dose: 1 Ampule when needed 2- Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine): Noradrenaline MYLAN Ampoules 8 mg/4 ml Suggested Dose: 1 Ampule IV infusion when needed 3- Dopamine: Dopamine Hydrochloride Injection Ampoules 200 mg/5 ml Suggested Dose: 1 Ampule IV infusion when needed 4- Isoprenaline: Isuprel Ampoules 0.2 mg/1 ml Suggested Dose: 1 Ampule IV infusion when needed 5- Dobutamine: Dobutamine MYLAN Ampoules 250 mg/20 ml Dobutamine Ampoules 250 mg/5 ml Suggested Dose: 1 Ampule IV infusion when needed (B) Selective Sympathomimetic: (1) 1- Selective Adrenergic Agonists : Phenylephrine: It is a Powerful Selective 1-Receptor Stimulant causes severe vasoconstriction. Uses: Used Widely as Decongestant in many types of drugs as Expectorant, Antitussives & Drugs relief the symptoms of Common Cold & Flu. Will Be Discussed with each type of drugs mentioned above.

(2) 2- Selective Adrenergic Agonists : 1- -Methyldopa: Aldomet Oral Tablets 250 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 250 mg orally 2-3 times a day Maintenance Dose: 500 mg to 2 g orally divided in 2 to 4 doses, up to a maximum of 3 g/day

They Are Active -Adrenergic & (I) Receptors stimulants widely used ‌ Examples: 2-Clonidine. 3-Brimonidine: Brimonocond Eye Drops 2mg/ml Suggested Dose: 1 drop in the affected eye every 8 hours 4-Naphazoline HCl, Xylometazoline HCl & Oxymetazoline HCL: Nostamine Eye/Nasal Drops 15 ml (Naphazoline HCl + Chlorpheniramine maleate) Otrivin Nasal Drops 15 ml or Nasal Spray 10 ml Afrin Nasal Drops 10 ml or Nasal Spray 20 ml Suggested Dose: Dose When Needed ď ś Other Sympathomimetics used as Nasal Decongestant : Phenylephrine, Ephedrine & Psuedoephedrine Uses: Used Widely as Decongestant in many types of drugs as Expectorant, Antitussives & Drugs relief the symptoms of Common Cold & Flu. Will Be Discussed with each type of drugs mentioned above.

(3)β2- Selective Adrenergic Agonists : They are used as Bronchodilator & Uterine Relaxants 1- Salbutamol: Ventolin Ampoules 0.5 mg/1 ml Oral Tablets 2 mg Syrup 2 mg/5 ml Evohaler 100 Micrograms Diskus 200 Micrograms Ventolin Expectorant Syrup 50 mg + 1 mg/1 ml (Guaifenesin + Salbutamol) Suggested Doses: Bronchospasm: 2 inhalations repeated every 4 to 6 hours, in some patients, 1 inhalation every 4 hours may be sufficient. Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm: 2 inhalations 15 to 30 minutes before exercise. Status Asthmaticus: 1 ampule IV injection. Maintenance Dose: 1 tablet or spoon daily. Other β2- Selective Adrenergic Agonists used as Bronchodilator discussed in Respiratory System page 49. 2- Ritodrine: Yutopar Ampoules 50 mg/5 ml Oral Tablets 10 mg Suggested Dose: Used in Postpone Premature Labour (Labour that begins before the 37th week of gestation), the dose described by the physician.

 Sympathoplegics: (A) Adrenergic Receptor Blockers (Adrenolytics): (1) -Adrenoreceptor Antagonists:  Non-Selective -Blockers: Phentolamine: Rogitamine Ampoules 10 mg/1 ml Suggested Dose: Dose when needed  Selective 1-Blockers: Prazosin: Minipress Oral Tablets 1 mg & 2 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 1 mg two or three times a day. Maintenance Dose: slowly increased to a total daily dose of 20 mg given in divided doses. The therapeutic dosages most commonly employed have ranged from 6 mg to 15 mg daily given in divided doses. Terazosin: Prostasin Oral Tablets 2 mg & 5 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 1 mg orally once a day at bedtime. Maintenance Dose: Increased in a stepwise fashion to 2 mg, 5 mg, or 10 mg once a day to achieve desired improvement of symptoms. Doxazosin: Dosin Oral Tablets 1 mg, 2 mg & 4 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 1 mg orally once a day Maintenance Dose: 1 to 16 mg orally once a day All of Mentioned Selective 1-Blockers used in treatment of hypertension & benign prostatic hyperplasia but Terazosin widely used in benign prostatic hyperplasia more than others.

(2) Ergot Alkaloids

-Receptor Blocker:

Ergotamine: Amigraine Oral Tablets (Ergotamine 1 mg + Caffeine 100 mg + Analgin 100 mg) Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet up to 3 times daily Metograine Oral Tablets (Ergotamine 1 mg + Caffeine 50 mg + Paracetamol 325 mg + Metoclopramide 5 mg) Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet up to 3 times daily No – Migrain Oral Tablets (Ergotamine 1 mg + Caffeine 50 mg + Paracetamol 325 mg + Domperidone 5 mg) Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet up to 3 times daily Dihydroergotoxine: Hydergine Oral Tablets 1.5 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet every 12 hours after meals Methylergometrine: Methergin Oral Tablets 0.125 mg Ampoules 200 mcg /1 ml Suggested Doses: Orally: 1 tablet 3 or 4 times daily in the puerperium for a maximum of 1 week. Intramuscularly: 1 ml after delivery of the anterior shoulder, after delivery of the placenta, or during the puerperium. May be repeated as required, at intervals of 2-4 hours. Intravenously: 1 ml administered slowly over a period of no less than 60 seconds.

(3) β-Adrenergic Receptor Blockers:  Role of Selectivity: All β-Blockers are pharmacologically non-selective but some β-Blockers have greater affinity for Cardiac β1 than β2 Called Cardioselective provided that large dose of it  Loss of Affinity & appearance of non-cardiac side effects.  Non-Selective β-Blockers: The affinity to both β1 & β2 are equal. Propranolol: Inderal Oral Tablets 10 mg & 40 mg Ampoules 1 mg/1 ml Suggested Dose: The Dose depend on the kind of case the drug prescribed for. Timolol: Timolol Eye Drops 0.25% & 0.5% Suggested Dose: The Dose depend on the kind of case the drug prescribed for.  Cardio Selective β-Blockers: They have higher affinity to β1 (Cardiac) more than β2. Atenolol: Ateno Oral Tablets 50 mg & 100 mg Suggested Dose: The Dose depend on the kind of case the drug prescribed for. Bisoprolol: Bisocard Oral Tablets 5 mg & 10 mg Suggested Dose: The Dose depend on the kind of case the drug prescribed for.  Drugs which block both Receptors: Carvedilol: Carvipress Oral Tablets 6.25 mg, 12.5 mg & 25 mg Suggested Dose: The Dose depend on the kind of case the drug prescribed for.

(B) Adrenergic Neuron Blocking Agents (Sympatholytics): These are drugs which interrupt the sympathetic function leaving the receptor free. -Methyldopa: (Mentioned Before in page 20)

Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Autonomic Nervous System Name Isopto – Carpine Eye Drops 1%, 2% & 4% Amostigmine Ampoules Pystinon Oral Tablets Atropine Sulphate 0.1% Ampoules Atropine 100 ml Vial Isopto – Atropine Eye Drops 1 % Buscopan Oral Tablets 10 mg Buscopan Ampoules 1 ml Buscopan Compositum Oral Tablets Buscopan Compositum Ampoules 5 ml Buscopan Plus Oral Tablets Buscopan Plus Suppository Cyclopentolate Eye Drops Mydriacyl Eye Drops Parkinol Oral Tablets Cogintol Oral Tablets Cogetropine Ampoules Akineton Oral Tablets 20 Tablets 30 Tablets Achtenon Oral Tablets Detrusitol Oral Tablets Detrusitol Retard Capsules Tolterodine Oral Tablets (30 Tablets) Uricontrol Oral Tablets (10 Tablets) Incont L.A. Oral Tablets (30 Tablets) Atrovent 250 mcg/2 ml 500 mcg/2 ml Gallamine Ampoules Laxacurium Ampoules

Price (EGP) 6 , 8 & 10 3 11 4 20.75 7 5.75 4.5 6.5 5 6.5 3 6 14 5 6 27.5 9 14 8 114 130 36 12 60 45 55 11.25 237.5

Atracurium Besilate Ampoules Ampoules 25.5 mg/2.5 ml Ampoules 50 mg/5 ml Succinylcholine Chloride Ampoules Lioresal Oral Tablets Dimra Oral Tablets Dantrelax Capsules Dantrelax Compound Adrenaline Ampoule Noradrenaline MYLAN Ampoules Dopamine Hydrochloride Injection Ampoules Isuprel Ampoules Dobutamine MYLAN Ampoules Dobutamine Ampoules Aldomet Oral Tablets Brimonocond Eye Drops Nostamine Eye/Nasal Otrivin Nasal Drops Adult Nasal Drops Child Nasal Spray Afrin Nasal Drops Adult Nasal Drops Child Nasal Spray Ventolin Ampoules Oral Tablets Syrup Evohaler Diskus Yutopar Ampoule Oral Tablets Rogitamine Ampoules

60 88 18 7 19 22 24 2 130 18 224 170 100 18 26 2 3 3 5 2 2 3 7.5 3 10 13 18 10 20 75

Minipress Oral Tablets 1 mg Oral Tablets 2 mg Prostasin Oral Tablets 2 mg Oral Tablets 2 mg Dosin Oral Tablets 1 mg Oral Tablets 2 mg Oral Tablets 4 mg Amigraine Oral Tablets 10 Tablets Metograine Oral Tablets No – Migrain Oral Tablets Hydergine Oral Tablets 10 Tablets Oral Tablets 20 Tablets Methergin Oral Tablets Ampoules Inderal Oral Tablets 10 mg Oral Tablets 40 mg Ampoules Timolol Eye Drops 0.25% & 0.5% Ateno Oral Tablets 50 mg Oral Tablets 100 mg Bisocard Oral Tablets 5 mg 20 Tablets Oral Tablets 5 mg 30 Tablets Oral Tablets 10 mg 20 Tablets Oral Tablets 10 mg 30 Tablets

3 5 10 10 10 15 23 2.25 4 2 10.5 21 9 10 8 11 30.5 5&6 3 4 11 17 17 26

Carvipress Oral Tablets 6.25 mg Oral Tablets 12.5 mg Oral Tablets 25 mg

9 18 27

Chapter 2

 H1 – Receptor Blockers :  1st Generation (Sedating Anti-Histaminics): WARNING! No Driving or Working with heavy appliances during administration of these drugs. 1-Diphenhydramine Dramenex Oral Tablets 50 mg Sultan Oral Tablets 50 mg Insect Bite Gel 20 g (Diphenhydramine 1% + Zinc Acetate 1%) Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet at bed time daily & for gel set few amount on the site of allergy in your skin. 2-Cyclizine Emetrex Oral Tablets (Cyclizine HCl 50 mg + Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCl) 30 mg) Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet when needed. 3-Chlorpheniramine Allergex Oral Tablets 20 mg Allergex Cream 20 g 1.5% Allergex Caffeine (Chlorpheniramine 20 mg + Caffeine 20 mg) Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet 3 times daily at & for cream set few amount on the site of allergy in your skin. NB. Only Allergex Caffeine can be used during day time as it contains Caffeine CNS Stimulant which antagonize the sedating effect of Chlorpheniramine. 4-Cyproheptadine Triactin Oral Tablets 4 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet after meals 3 times daily. 5-Pheniramine Avil Ampoules 45.5 mg/2 ml – Syrup 15 mg/5 ml Avil Retard Oral Tablets 75 mg Suggested Doses: Adults and children over 10 years: ½ to 1 Tablet up to 3 times daily. Children 5-10 years: ½ a Tablet up to 3 times daily. NB. 1-Not recommended for children under 5 years of age. 2-Used parenterally in cases of transitory hypertension due to stress as it has a good calming & sedating effect.

ď ś 2nd Generation (Non-Sedating Anti-Histaminics): 1-Fexofenadine Allerfen Oral Tablets 60 mg & 180 mg Suggested Dose: 60 mg orally twice a day or 180 mg once daily. 2-Loratadine Claritine Oral Tablets 10 mg Syrup 5 mg /5 ml Suggested Doses: Adult: 10 mg orally once a day. Pediatric: 2 to 5 years: 5 mg orally once a day (Syrup). 6 years or older: 10 mg orally once a day. 3-Cetrizine Clearest Capsules (Cetirizine 5 mg + Pseudoephedrine 120 mg) Xinase Capsules (Cetirizine 5 mg + Pseudoephedrine 120 mg) Suggested Dose: 5 to 10 mg orally.

 Symptomatic Treatment of Cold & Flu composed of 4 types of drugs : 1) 2) 3) 4)

Non – Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug usually: Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. Non – Sedating Anti Histaminic usually: Loratadine or Cetrizine. Decongestant Sympathomimetic ( 1 Agonist) usually: Pseudoephedrine. Locally Nasal Decongestant (Imidazolines) usually: Xylometazoline HCl. The 1st 3 lines of treatment founded in one or two tablets.

 Here are some combinations with their brand names : 1- ATSHI Pseudoephedrine 120 mg + Paracetamol 500 mg + Loratadine 5 mg. 2- Allercet Cold Cetirizine HCl 10 mg + Pseudoephedrine HCl 30 mg + Paracetamol 400 mg. 3- Clarinase Pseudoephedrine 120 mg + Loratadine 5 mg. (Add NSAID to the patient ) 4- Clearest Cetirizine 5 mg + Pseudoephedrine 120 mg. (Add NSAID to the patient )

 Serotonin Agonists: Buspirone Buspar Oral Tablets 10 mg & 15 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 15 mg daily (7.5 mg b.i.d.). *b.i.d. = means twice (two times) a day. Maintenance Dose: To achieve an optimal therapeutic response, at intervals of 2 to 3 days the dosage may be increased 5 mg per day, as needed. NB. The maximum daily dosage should not exceed 60 mg per day. Sumatriptan Sumigran Oral Tablets 25 mg - Syringe 6 mg/0.5 ml Imigran Oral Tablets 50 mg & 100 mg Suggested Doses: Subcutaneously: 4 to 6 mg; may repeat if needed at least 1 hour after initial dose, maximum: 12 mg/day. Orally: Initial single dose: 25 mg given with fluids as soon as possible after the onset of a migraine, range: 25 to 100 mg/dose, maximum single dose: 100 mg, May repeat after 2 hours, maximum: 200 mg/day taken. The maximum single oral dose recommended is 100 mg.

 Serotonin Antagonists: Ondansetron Emerest Oral Tablets 4 mg – Ampoules 4 mg/2 ml Zofran Oral Tablets 8 mg – Ampoules 4 mg/2 ml & 8 mg/4 ml Suggested Doses: Intravenously: Three 0.15 mg/kg doses (up to a maximum of 16 mg per dose). The first dose is infused over 15 minutes beginning 30 minutes before the start of emetogenic chemotherapy. Subsequent doses (0.15 mg/kg up to a maximum of 16 mg per dose) are administered 4 and 8 hours after the first dose. Orally: Highly Emetogenic Cancer Chemotherapy: 24 mg given successively as three 8 mg films administered 30 minutes before the start of single-day highly emetogenic chemotherapy. Moderately Emetogenic Cancer Chemotherapy: One 8 mg soluble film given 2 times a day. The first dose should be administered 30 minutes before the start of emetogenic chemotherapy, with a subsequent dose 8 hours after the first dose.

Cyproheptadine 5-HT2A Antagonist, H1-Receptor Blocker & Anticholinergic. Mentioned at page 37.

Treatment of Migraine Headache:  Acute Attack: Use only one of these two drugs: 1- Partial Agonist on 5-HT1 Receptor & -Adrenoreceptor: Metograine Ergotamine 1 mg + Caffeine 50 mg + Paracetamol 325 mg + Metoclopramide 5 mg NB. Other Brands may not containing NSAID or Anti-Emetic 2- Selective Serotonin 5-HT1D Agonist: Sumigran Sumatriptan 25 mg tablets or Syringe 6 mg/0.5 ml No – Migrain Z Zolmitriptan 2.5 mg & 5 mg Sublingual Tablets NB. When using a Selective Serotonin 5-HT1D Agonist: You Can Add NSAID to the patient e.g. Paracetamol You Can Add Anti-Emetic e.g. Metoclopramide Strictly Contraindicated with patient of Coronary Heart Disease & patient which use SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors) * Combination of NSAID (Paracetamol) & Anti – Emetic (Metoclopramide): This Combination used with drug therapy of Migraine Headache if necessary: Migracid Paracetamol 500 mg + Metoclopramide Hydrochloride 5 mg  Prophylaxis: Use only one of these two drugs: β-Blocker or Ca++ Channel Blocker 1-Inderal Propranolol 10 mg tablets 2-Stugeron Cinnarizine 25 mg tablets

Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Paracrine & Autocrine Pharmacology Name Dramenex Oral Tablets Sultan Oral Tablets Insect Bite Gel Emetrex Oral Tablets Ampoules Allergex Oral Tablets Gel Allergex Caffeine Triactin Oral Tablets Avil 3 Ampoules 6 Ampoules Syrup Avil Retard Oral Tablets Allerfen Oral Tablets 60 mg Oral Tablets 180 mg 10 Tablets Oral Tablets 180 mg 20 Tablets Claritine Oral Tablets Syrup Clearest Capsules Xinase Capsules ATSHI Oral Tablets Allercet Cold Capsules Clarinase Oral Tablets Buspar Oral Tablets 10 mg Oral Tablets 15 mg

Price (EGP) 3 3 3 13 4 3 3 3 5 6 12 2 3 4 10 20 24 12 10 7 8 8 13 23 26

Sumigran Oral Tablets Syringe Emerest Oral Tablets Ampoules Zofran Oral Tablets Ampoules 4 mg/2 ml Ampoules 8 mg/4 ml Metograine Oral Tablets No – Migrain Z Oral Tablets 2.5 mg Oral Tablets 5 mg Migracid Oral Tablets Syrup Inderal Oral Tablets 10 mg Stugeron Oral Tablets

8 30 130 80 364 138 260 4 18 35 3 2 8 7

Chapter 3

Bronchodilators:  β2- Selective Adrenergic Agonists :  Short Acting: 1-Salbutamol Discussed at page 23 (ANS) 2-Terbutaline Aironyl Oral Tablets 2.5 mg & Syrup 120 ml (5 ml/ 1.5 mg) Suggested Doses: Adult: 2 tablets 2-3 times daily. Pediatric: 0.075-0.29 mg/ kg body weight 3 times daily.

 Long Acting: 1-Salmeterol Seretide Diskus 50/100 mcg, 50/250 mcg & 50/500 mcg Suggested Doses: Adult: 1 inhalation twice a day (morning and evening, approximately 12 hours apart). Pediatric: 4 years to 11 years: 1 inhalation (100 mcg-50 mcg) twice a day (morning and evening, approximately 12 hours apart). > 12 years: 1 inhalation twice a day twice daily (morning and evening, approximately 12 hours apart). 2-Formoterol Foradil Capsules of 12 mcg + 1 inhaler Suggested Doses: Bronchospasm: 12 mcg (1 inhalation) of powder every 12 hours. Total daily dose should not exceed 24 mcg. Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm: 12 mcg (1 inhalation) of powder at least 15 minutes before exercise as needed. Additional doses should not be taken for 12 hours.

 Methylxanthines: 1-Aminophylline Minophylline – N Ampoules 25 mg/5 ml Suggested Dose: During Status Asthmaticus. 2-Theophylline Minophylline S.R. Oral Tablets 300 mg (Sustained Release) Minophylline Suppository 125 mg & 500 mg Neo Minophylline Syrup Theophylline Anhydrous 50 mg (1 gm / 100 ml) + Guaiphenesin 30 mg (0.6 gm / 100 ml). Suggested Doses: Loading Dose: 5 mg/kg loading dose (patient not receiving theophylline or aminophylline). Maintenance Dose: Otherwise Healthy Nonsmoking Adult: 10 mg/kg/day. Do not exceed 900 mg/day. Otherwise Healthy Adult Smoker: 16 mg/kg/day. Patient with congestive heart failure or cor pulmonale: 5 mg/kg/day. Do not exceed 400 mg/day.

 Antimuscarinic Bronchodilators: 1-Ipratropium Discussed at page 10 (ANS) 3-Tiotropium Spiriva Powder inhalation hard capsules 18 mcg Suggested Dose: 18 mcg by oral inhalation once a day.

 Combination of Antimuscarinic Bronchodilator + β2 Agonist: Ipratropium + Fenoterol Atrovent Comp HFA Solution for inhalation 20 mcg/50 mcg Suggested Dose: When needed only.

Other Drugs used in management of bronchial asthma:  Leukotrienes Antagonist: For treatment of bronchial asthma induced by prolonged use of NSAIDs (EXCEPT Paracetamol) due to Shift of COX pathway to LOX  formation of Leukotrienes  worsens asthma  1-Zafirlukast Ventair Oral Tablets 20 mg Suggested Dose: 20 mg orally twice a day, 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. 2-Montelukast Clear Air Oral Tablets 4 mg (Chewable) – Oral Tablets 10 mg Suggested Dose: 10 mg orally once a day, the dose should be taken in the evening.  Anti-IgE Monoclonal Antibodies: Anti-IgE Monoclonal Antibodies inhibit the binding of IgE to mast cells  inhibit mast cell degranulation Omalizumab Xolair Vial 150 mg Suggested Dose: 150 to 300 mg subcutaneously every 4 weeks or 225 to 375 mg every 2 weeks, depending on pretreatment IgE levels and patient's weight.  Corticosteroids: Intravenously, Orally & Inhalation discussed in Pharmacology of Endocrine System page 225  Mast Cell Stabilizers: 1-Sodium Cromoglycate Nazocrom Nasal Spray Suggested Dose: dose when needed. 2-Ketotifen Ketoti Oral Tablets 1 mg – Syrup 1 mg/5 ml Suggested Dose: dose when needed.

Expectorants: (We Will Mention Examples only as they have no clinical classification) Pentamix Syrup 120 ml Balsam Syrup 120 ml Broncho Syrup 120 ml Bronchicum Elixir S Syrup 120 ml

Mucolytics: Acetylcysteine Acetylcysteine Effervescent Instant 200 mg & 600 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Sachets on ½ Cup of Water every 4 or 6 hours Carbocysteine Avichest Syrup 100 ml 2% Suggested Dose: 1 Spoon 3 times daily Bromhexine Bisolvon Elixir 4 mg/5 ml Oral Tablets 8 mg Oral Drops 4 mg/2 ml Ampoules 4 mg/2 ml Suggested Dose: 1 Spoon 3 times daily (Elixir) 1 Tablet 2 times daily 3 Drops 3 times daily 1 Ampule 2 times daily Ambroxol Bronchopro Syrup 15 mg/5 ml Oral Drops 7.5 mg/ml Suggested Dose: 1 Spoon 3 times daily Bronchopro Retard Capsules 75 mg (Sustained Release) Suggested Dose: 1 Capsule daily


Benzonatate *Peripheral Antitussive

Dextromethorphan *Central Antitussive *Opioid Non – Addictive

For Dry (Non-Productive Cough): 1- Centrally Acting Antitussives (Dextromethorphan) 2- Refresh Respiratory Pathway (Guaifenesin) * This Combination under Trade Name: Bronchotec Syrup 120 ml Each 5 ml contains: (Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide 10 mg + Guaifenesin 100 mg.) Suggested Dose: 1 Spoon 3 times daily. For Wet (Productive Cough): * Usually this Kind of Cough is Associated with Common Cold & Flu. 1- Centrally Acting Antitussives (Dextromethorphan) 2- Peripherally Acting Antitussives (Benzonatate) NB. Both Dextromethorphan & Benzonatate not found in one combination. 3- Refresh Respiratory Pathway (Guaifenesin) * Combination under Trade Name: Bronchofree Capsules Each capsule contains: (Benzonatate 100 mg + Guaifenesin 100 mg + Diphenhydramine 25 mg + Phenylephrine HCl 10 mg) this combination contains Benzonatate as Peripheral Antitussive. Suggested Dose: 1 Capsule 3 times daily. * Combination under Trade Name: Bronchophane Syrup 125 ml Each 5 ml contains: (Guaifenesin 50 mg + Ephedrine Hydrochloride 7.5 mg + Diphenhydramine hydrochloride 5 mg + Dextromethorphan (as Hydrobromide) 4.58 mg) this combination contains Dextromethorphan as Central Antitussive. Suggested Dose: 1 Spoon 3 times daily.


As I Mentioned Before that this type of cough is usually associated with common cold & flu we see the previous combinations contain: Diphenhydramine (1st Generation H1-Receptor Blocker Sedating Antihistaminic). Phenylephrine & Ephedrine Hydrochloride both are Sympathomimetics Relief the Congestion (Decongestant).

WARNING! No Driving or Working with heavy appliances during administration of these drugs.

Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of Respiratory System Name Aironyl Oral Tablets Syrup Seretide Diskus 50/100 mcg 60 doses Diskus 50/250 mcg 28 doses Diskus 50/250 mcg 60 doses Diskus 50/500 mcg 60 doses Foradil 12 mcg 30 cap + Inhaler Minophylline – N Ampoules Minophylline S.R. Oral Tablets Minophylline Suppository 125 mg Suppository 500 mg Neo Minophylline Syrup Spiriva Inhaler Capsules Atrovent Comp HFA 200 doses Ventair Oral Tablets Clear Air Oral Tablets 4 mg (Chewable) Oral Tablets 10 mg Xolair Vial Nazocrom Nasal Spray Ketoti Oral Tablets Syrup Pentamix Syrup Balsam Syrup Broncho Syrup Bronchicum Elixir S Acetylcysteine Effervescent Tablets 200 mg Effervescent Tablets 600 mg

Price (EGP) 2 2 100 75 120 150 78 5 8 2 3 3 288 56 44 36 70 3000 6 7 8 9 7 5 25 8 12

Avichest Syrup Bisolvon Elixir Oral Tablets Oral Drops Ampoules Bronchopro Syrup 15 mg/5 ml Syrup 30 mg/5 ml Oral Drops Bronchopro Retard Capsules Bronchotec Syrup Bronchofree Capsules Bronchophane

4 6 3 3 4 6 6 5 7 5 10 4

Chapter 4

Non-Selective COX inhibitors: ď ś Derivatives of Salicylic Acid : 1-Acetylsalicylic Acid Aspirin Oral Tablets 500 mg Aspirin 81 Chewable Tablets 81 mg Aspirin Protect Oral Tablet 100 mg Aspirine-C Effervescent Tablets (400 mg acetylsalicylic acid & 240 mg ascorbic acid) Aspocid Oral Tablets 75 mg Aspocid Pediatric Chewable Tablets 75 mg Aspocid Buffer Effervescent Tablets 325 mg Rivo Chewable Tablets 75 mg Rivo Oral Tablets 320 mg 2-Lysine Acetylsalicylate Aspegic Vials 500 mg 3-Diethylamine Salicylate Algason Cream Diethylamine Salicylate 10% Algesal Cream Diethylamine Salicylate 10% 4-Methyl Salicylate Deep Heat Spray Suggested Doses: Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory & Antipyretic: from 1-3 g daily maximum 4 g daily. For Prophylaxis against Intravascular Disorders: 75-150 mg daily

 Derivatives of Phenyl Acetic Acid: 1-Diclofenac Anuva Dispersible Tablets 50 mg 2-Diclofenac Sodium Voltaren Oral Tablets 25, 50, 75 & 100 mg Ampoules 75 mg /3 ml Suppositories 12.5, 25 & 100 mg Ophthalmic Suspension 0.1% Emulgel 1% 3-Diclofenac Potassium Cataflam Oral Tablets 25 & 50 mg Ampoules 75 mg /3 ml Suppositories 75 mg Ophthalmic Suspension 1.5% Catafast Granules 50 mg 4-Diclofenac Cholestyramine Flotac Capsules 75 mg Significance: Safe for Cardiac & Hypertensive Patients with anti hyperlipidemic effect 5-Diclofenac Epolamine Flector Capsules 50 mg – Granules 50 mg – Gel 25 g Significance: Safe for Cardiac & Hypertensive Patients with no anti hyperlipidemic effect 6-Ketorolac Ketolac Oral Tablets 10 mg Ampoules 30 mg/2 ml Adolor Oral Tablets 10 mg Ampoules 15 mg/1 ml & 30 mg/2 ml

ď ś Derivatives of Propionic Acid: 1-Ibuprofen Brufen Oral Tablets 200, 400 & 600 mg Syrup 100 mg/5 ml Effervescent Granules 600 mg Brufen Retard Oral Tablet 800 mg Brufen Cold Oral Tablets (Ibuprofen 400 mg + Pseudoephedrine HCl 60 mg) Brufen Flu Oral Tablets (Ibuprofen 200 mg + Pseudoephedrine HCl 30 mg) Suspension each 5 ml (Ibuprofen 100 mg + Pseudoephedrine HCl 15 mg) 2-Ketoprofen Ketofan Oral Tablets 25 mg Capsules 50 & 75 mg Sustained Release Capsules 100 & 200 mg Ampoules 100 mg/2 ml Suppositories 160 mg Suspension 12.5 mg/5 ml Gel 2.5% Ketolgin Suppositories 100 mg

 Derivatives of Indole: Indomethacin Indomethacin Soft Gelatin Capsules 25 & 50 mg Suppositories 160 mg Indotopic Gel 1%

 Derivatives of Oxicam: All of them are non-selective COX inhibitors EXCEPT Meloxicam Piroxicam Feldene Capsules 10 & 20 mg Dispersible Tablets 10 mg & 20 mg Ampoules 20 mg/1 ml Suppositories 20 mg Gel 0.5% Feldene Flash Fast Dissolving Tablets 20 mg

Selective COX-2 inhibitors: 1-Celecoxib Celebrex Capsules 100 & 200 mg Eurocox Capsules 100 & 200 mg 2-Meloxicam Anti – Cox II Oral Tablets 15 mg Capsules 7.5 mg Ampoules 15 mg/3 ml Suppositories 15 mg Melocam Oral Tablets 7.5 & 15 mg Ampoules 15 mg/2 ml Suppositories 15 mg

COX-3 inhibitor (Inhibit COX in the CNS only No Anti-Inflammatory effect): Paracetamol (Acetaminophen): Panadol Oral Tablets 500 mg Panadol Extra Oral Tablets (Paracetamol 500 mg + Caffeine 65 mg) Perfalgan Vials 500 mg/50 ml & 1 g/100 ml Cetal Oral Tablets 500 mg Suspension 250 mg/5 ml Oral Drops 100 mg/15 ml Suppositories 120 mg

Combinations of Different NSAIDs: 1-Diclofenac Sodium + Diclofenac Potassium Olfen DA Capsules 75 mg Significance: Diclofenac Potassium Salt rapidly absorbed than Diclofenac Sodium Salt so has rapid onset (as Analgesic) and short duration of action (as Anti-Inflammatory) While Diclofenac Sodium salt has delayed onset (as Analgesic) but long duration of action (as AntiInflammatory). 2-Ibuprofen + Paracetamol Cetafen Oral Tablets (Ibuprofen 200 mg + Paracetamol 325 mg) Cetafen Plus Oral Tablets (Ibuprofen 400 mg + Paracetamol 500 mg + Caffeine Anhydrous 65 mg) Cetafen Dispersible Tablets (Ibuprofen 100 mg + Paracetamol 162.5 mg) Cetafen Kids Suspension each 5 ml contains (Ibuprofen 100 mg + Paracetamol 162.5 mg) Significance: Ibuprofen is potent analgesic & peripheral anti-inflammatory while Paractamol has no anti-inflammatory effect but potent analgesic also, Caffeine Anhydrous Potentate the analgesic effect of both Ibuprofen & Paracetamol. 3-Acetyl Salicylic Acid + Paracetamol + Caffeine Aspicure - Combi Oral Tablets (Acetyl Salicylic Acid 250 mg + Paracetamol 250 mg + Caffeine 65 mg) Significance: Acetyl Salicylic Acid is analgesic & peripheral anti-inflammatory while Paractamol has no anti-inflammatory effect but potent analgesic also, Caffeine Potentate the analgesic effect of both Acetyl Salicylic Acid & Paracetamol.

Drugs used in treatment of Gout: 1-Colchicine Colchicine Oral Tablets 500 mcgm Colmediten Oral Tablets 0.5 mg Suggested Doses: Initial: Gout Flare: 1.2 mg orally at the first sign of the flare followed by 0.6 mg one hour later. Maximum: Gout Flare: 1.8 mg orally over a one hour period. 2-Allopurinol No – Uric Oral Tablets 100 mg & 300 mg Zyloric Oral Tablets 100 mg & 300 mg Suggested Doses: Initial: 100 mg orally once a day. Maintenance: 200 to 300 mg (mild gout) orally once a day or 400 to 600 mg/day (moderately severe tophaceous gout) in divided doses. 3-Allopurinol + Uricosuric Agent Harpagin Oral Tablets (100 mg Allopurinol + Benzbromarone 20 mg) Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet once or twice per day to be swallowed as a whole after meals with plenty of liquid.

Treatment of Sciatica composed of 2 types of drugs : 1- NSAIDs: With Different Types & Different Rote of Administration. 2- Skeletal Muscle Relaxants.  NSAIDs: In the Acute Attack: Diclofenac Potassium Ampoules IM Injection 75 mg Cataflam 75 mg/3 ml For Maintenance: Meloxicam 1 Ampoule Daily 15 mg Melocam 15 mg/2 ml Diclofenac Sodium 100 mg 1 Suppository daily Voltaren 100 mg Suppository  Skeletal Muscle Relaxants (Usually Combined with NSAID): Methocarbamol 750 mg + Ibuprofen 400 mg Ibuflex 1 Tablet Daily Methocarbamol 400 mg + Ibuprofen 200 mg Muslgix 1 Tablet Daily

Treatment of Dysmenorrhea composed of 3 types of drugs (Use only one): 1- NSAIDs: With Different Types. 2- Diuretic to reduce associated bloating. 3- Anti-Muscarinic Atropine Substitutes.  NSAIDs: Diclofenac Disposable Tablets 50 mg Anuva 1 Tablet dissolved in ½ cup of water Combination: Ibuprofen + Paracetamol + Caffeine Cetafen Plus 1 Tablet 2 times daily  Diuretic: Pamabrom (Usually Combined with Paracetamol) Womankit 1 Tablet 3 times daily  Anti-Muscarinic Atropine Substitutes (Usually Combined with NSAID):

Hyoscine-N-butylbromide 20 mg + Ketoprofen 100 mg Spasmofen 1 Ampoule 2 times daily Hyoscine-N-butylbromide 10 mg + Paracetamol 500 mg Buscopan Plus 1 Tablet 3 times daily

Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of NSAIDs & Gout Name Aspirin Oral Tablets Aspirin 81 Chewable Tablets Aspirin Protect Oral Tablets Aspirine-C Effervescent Tablets Aspocid Oral Tablets Aspocid Pediatric Chewable Tablets Aspocid Buffer Effervescent Tablets Rivo Chewable Tablets Rivo Oral Tablets Aspegic Vials Algason Cream Algesal Cream Deep Heat Anuva Dispersible Tablets Voltaren Oral Tablets 25 mg Oral Tablets 50 mg Oral Tablets 75 mg Oral Tablets 100 mg Ampoules Suppository 12.5 mg Suppository 25 mg Suppository 100 mg Ophthalmic Suspension Emugel 15 g Emugel 25 g Emugel 50 g Cataflam Oral Tablets 25 Oral Tablets 50 Ampoules

Price (EGP) 10 4 10 10 2 3 5 2 3 15 4 10 17 10 11.25 12 12.5 14 12.75 4 4 7 19.5 5.5 8 14 10 18 14.25

Suppository 75 mg Ophthalmic Suspension Flotac Capsules Flector Capsules Granules Gel Ketolac Oral Tablets Ampoules Adolor Oral Tablets Ampoules 15 mg Ampoules 30 mg Brufen Oral Tablets 200 mg Oral Tablets 400 mg Oral Tablets 600 mg Syrup 110 Syrup 150 Effervescent Granules Brufen Retard Oral Tablets Brufen Cold Oral Tablets Brufen Flu Oral Tablets 10 Tablets Oral Tablets 30 Tablets Suspension Ketofan Oral Tablets 25 mg Capsules 50 Capsules 75 mg Sustained Release Capsules 100 mg Sustained Release Capsules 200 mg Ampoules 100 mg/2 ml Suppositories

6.75 8 25 20 10 7 10 10 7 3 6 6.75 13.5 15 4 6 12.5 28 9 6 17 7 3.5 5 3 6 12 3 3.5

Suspension Gel 20 g Gel 40 g Ketolgin Suppositories 100 mg Indomethacin Capsules 25 mg Capsules 50 mg Indomethacin MISR Suppositories Indotopic Gel Feldene Capsules 10 Capsules 20 Dispersible Tablets 10 mg Dispersible Tablets 20 mg Ampoules 3 Ampoules Ampoules 6 Ampoules Suppositories Gel Feldene Flash Tablets Celebrex Capsules 100 mg Capsules 200 mg 10 Capsules Capsules 200 mg 15 Capsules Eurocox Capsules 100 mg Capsules 200 mg Anti – Cox II Oral Tablets 15 mg 10 Tablets Oral Tablets 15 mg 20 Tablets Capsules 7.5 mg Ampoules 3 Ampoules Ampoules 6 Ampoules Suppositories Melocam Oral Tablets 7.5 mg 10 Tablets

4 3.5 5 3 2.75 3.25 2 3 15 15 16 16 13 26 13 8 25 27 50 75 18 30 10 20 6 7.5 15 7 7

Oral Tablets 7.5 mg 20 Tablets Oral Tablets 15 mg 10 Tablets Oral Tablets 15 mg 20 Tablets Ampoules Suppositories Panadol Oral Tablets Panadol Extra Oral Tablets Perfalgan Vial 500 mg Vial 1 g Cetal Oral Tablets Suspension Oral Drops Suppositories Olfen DA Capsules Cetafen Oral Tablets Cetafen Plus Oral Tablets Cetafen Dispersible Tablets Cetafen Kids Suspension Aspicure - Combi Oral Tablets Colchicine Oral Tablets Colmediten Oral Tablets No – Uric Oral Tablets 100 mg Oral Tablets 300 mg Zyloric Oral Tablets 100 mg Oral Tablets 300 mg Harpagin Oral Tablets 20 Tablets Oral Tablets 30 Tablets Ibuflex Oral Tablets Muslgix Capsules

13 10 19 9 7 25 30 13 22 3 2.25 2 1.5 11 5.5 10.5 12 5 4 10 4 6 6 5 10 12 18 18 13

Spasmofen Ampoules Womankit Buscopan Plus

5 10 6.5

Chapter 5

Narcotic Analgesics: 1-Morphine Morphine Ampoules 10 mg/1 ml M.S.T. Ampoules 10 mg/1 ml Suggested Dose: When needed after a major surgery. 2-Meperidine Pethidin Ampoules 50 mg/1 ml Suggested Dose: When needed after a major surgery. 3-Fentanyl Durogesic Transdermal Patches 50 Îźg/h Suggested Dose: For Sever Cancer Pain prescribed by physician. 4-Tramadol Tramal Oral Tablets - Ampoules Suggested Dose: For Sever Cancer Pain prescribed by physician.

Opioid Antagonists: 1-Naloxone Narcan Vial 0.4 mg/1 ml Suggested Dose: For treatment of acute morphine toxicity prescribed by physician. 2-Naltrexone Anarcol Oral Tablets 50 mg Suggested Dose: For treatment of acute morphine toxicity prescribed by physician.

Anti-Parkinsonian Drugs:  Anti-Cholinergic Drugs: Discussed in ANS page 10  Dopaminergic Drugs: 1-L-Dopa (Levodopa) (Combination Between Peripheral Decarboxylase Inhibitor + L-Dopa) Sinemet Oral Tablets 25/250 (Carbidopa 25 mg + L-Dopa 250 mg) Sinemet 250 C.R Oral Tablets Controlled Release (Carbidopa Anhydrous 50 mg + L-Dopa 200 mg) Suggested Dose: Started By ¼ Tablet 3 times daily then increased according to the tolerance of the patient to the drug. 2-Selegiline (Selective MAOB inhibitor) Tonus Oral Tablets 5 mg Parkineast Capsules 5 mg Suggested Dose: 1 tablet or capsule twice a day at breakfast and lunch. 3-Bromocriptine (Dopamine Receptor Agonist) Dopagon Oral Tablets 2.5 mg Lactodel Oral Tablets 2.5 mg Suggested Doses: Initial: 1.25 mg twice daily with meals. Titration: Add 2.5 mg/day, with meals, to dosage regimen every 14 to 28 days. 4-Amantadine (Anti-Viral Drug Decrease tremors & Rigidity of Parkinsonism) PK-Merz Oral Tablets 100 mg – I.V. infusion solution 500 ml (0.2 g) Adamine Capsules 100 mg Viraflu Capsules 100 mg Infex Oral Tablets 100 mg Suggested Doses: Monotherapy: 100 mg orally twice a day; onset usually within 48 hours In patients with serious associated medical illnesses or receiving high doses of other antiparkinson drugs: Initial dose: 100 mg once a day After 1 to several weeks at initial dose: The dose may be increased to 100 mg orally twice a day, if needed.

Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs:  Benzodiazepines:  Short Acting: Alprazolam Zolam Oral Tablets 0.25 mg & 0.5 mg Xnax Oral Tablets 1 mg Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician.

 Intermediate Acting: Lorazepam Ativan Oral Tablets 2 mg Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician.

 Long Acting: Diazepam Neuril Ampoules Valpam Oral Tablets 5 mg – Ampoules 2 ml – Syrup 120 ml Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician.

 Benzodiazepines Antagonist: Flumazenil: Anexate Ampoules 0.5 mg/5 ml Anexnil Ampoules 0.5 mg/5 ml Suggested Dose: Dose when needed in acute benzodiazepines toxicity.

 Serotonin Agonists: Buspirone Discussed in Paracrine & Autocrine Pharmacology page 42

 Non-Benzodiazepines Receptor Agonist: Zolpidem Stilnox Oral Tablets 10 mg Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician.

 Barbiturates:  Ultra-Short Acting: Thiopental Thiopental Vial 0.5 g & 1 g Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician.

 Long Acting: Phenobarbitone Sominaletta Oral Tablets 15 mg – Ampoules 40 mg/1 ml – Elixir 120 ml Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician.

Antipsychotic Drugs:  Typical Antipsychotic Drugs: 1-Chlorpromazine Neurazine Oral Tablets 25 mg & 100 mg Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician. 2-Haloperidol Safinace Oral Tablets 1.5 mg & 5 mg Haloprol Ampoules 5 mg/1 ml Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician.

 Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs: 1-Risperidone Risdal Oral Tablets 2 mg & 4 mg Zesperone Oral Tablets 2 mg & 4 mg Sigmadone Oral Tablets 3 mg Risperdal Consta Vials 25 mg & 37.5 mg Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician. 2-Sulpiride Dogmatil Capsules 50 mg Dogmatil Fort Oral Tablets 200 mg Topmode Capsules 50 mg Topmode Forte Capsules 200 mg Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician.

Antidepressant Drugs:  Tricyclic Antidepressants: 1-Imipramine Tofranil Oral Tablets 10 mg & 25 mg Imipramine Oral Tablets 25 mg Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician. 2-Amitriptyline Tryptizol Oral Tablets 10 mg & 25 mg Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician.

 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs): 1-Fluoxetine Prozac Capsules 20 mg Flutin Capsules 20 mg Depreban Capsules 20 mg Philozac Capsules 10 mg & 20 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Capsule daily at bed time. Durazac Capsules 90 mg (Delayed Release Capsules) Suggested Dose: 1 Capsule Weekly. 2-Escitalopram Cipralex Oral Tablets 10 mg Cipra-Pro Oral Tablets 10 mg Escita Oral Tablets 10 mg Citapronex Oral Tablets 5, 10 & 20 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet daily at bed time.

 Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors: Tranykcypromine Parnetil Oral Tablets 10 mg Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician.

 Mixed Acting Newer Antidepressants: Bupropion (Norepinephrine-Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor) Wellbutrin S.R. Oral Tablets 150 mg (Sustained Release) Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician.

 Mood Stabilizers: Lithium Prianil C.R. Oral Tablets 400 mg (Controlled Release) Suggested Dose: Prescribed by Physician.

Antiepileptic Drugs: 1-Phenytoin Ipanten Capsules 50 mg & 100 mg Phenytin Capsules 50 mg & 100 mg Ampoules 100 mg/2 ml – 250 mg/5 ml Suspension 120 ml (30 mg) Suggested Doses: Initial dose: 100 mg extended release orally 3 times a day. Maintenance Dose: 100 mg orally 3 to 4 times a day. Status Epilepticus: Loading dose: Manufacturer recommends 10 to 15 mg/kg by slow IV administration (at a rate not exceeding 50 mg/minute). Maintenance Dose: IV or Oral: 100 mg every 6 to 8 hours. Healosol Spray 150 mg (2%) Suggested Dose: Use few amount of the spray on the wound to promote healing. 2-Carbamazepine Tegretol Oral Tablets 200 mg – Controlled Release Tablets 200 mg & 400 mg Syrup 100 ml (2%) Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 200 mg orally twice a day (immediate and extended release) or 100 mg orally 4 times a day (suspension). Increase dose at weekly intervals in 200 mg/day increments using a twice daily regimen of extended release or a three times a day or four times a day regimen of the other formulations. Maintenance Dose: 800 to 1200 mg/day. Trigeminal Neuralgia: Initial Dose: 100 mg orally twice a day (immediate or extended release) or 50 mg orally 4 times a day (Suspension). May increase by up to 200 mg/day using increments of 100 mg every 12 hours (immediate or extended release), or 50 mg four times a day. (Suspension), only as needed to achieve freedom from pain. Do not exceed 1200 mg/ day. Maintenance Dose: 400 to 800 mg/day.

3-Sodium Valproate Depakine Oral Tablets 200 mg – Syrup 57.65 mg/1 ml – Oral Solution 200 mg/1 ml Depakine Chrono Oral Tablets 500 mg Suggested Doses: Complex partial seizures: Initial dose: 10 to 15 mg/kg orally or intravenously per day as an IV infusion in divided doses, increased by 5 to 10 mg/kg per week if necessary according to clinical response. Maintenance dose: 10 to 60 mg/kg per day in divided doses. Maximum dose: 60 mg/kg per day. Simple and complex absence seizures: Initial dose: 15 mg/kg orally or intravenously per day as an IV infusion in divided doses, increased at one week intervals by 5 to 10 mg/kg/day according to seizure control and tolerability. Maximum dose: 60 mg/kg per day. 4-Lamotrigine Lamictal Oral Tablets 25, 50 & 100 mg Controlepsy Oral Tablets 25, 50 & 100 mg Suggested Dose: Added to an Antiepileptic Drug Regimen Containing Valproic Acid. 5-Ethosuximide Ethoxa Syrup 120 ml Suggested Doses: Initial dose: 500 mg (10 ml) orally daily. Maintenance dose: Dosage may be increased by small increments, for example 250 mg daily every 4 to 7 days, until optimal seizure control with minimal side effects is achieved. Dosages greater than 1.5 g per day, in divided doses, should be administered only under strict supervision of a physician. 6-Levetiracetam Tiratam Oral Tablets 500 mg & 1000 mg – Syrup 100 mg/1 ml Suggested Dose: 1000 mg daily by either immediate release oral or intravenous administration, given as 500 mg twice daily. Additional dosing increments may be given (1000 mg/day additional every 2 weeks) to a maximum recommended daily dose of 3000 mg. 7-Pregabalin Lyrica Capsules 50, 75 & 150 mg Kemirica Capsules 25, 50, 75, 150, 200 & 300 mg Suggested Dose: Doses of 150 mg to 600 mg/day have been shown to be effective.

General Anesthetics:  Intravenous Anesthetics: 1-Thiopental Discussed With Sedatives & Hypnotics page 97 2-Ketamine Ketalar Vial 10 ml (50 mg/1 ml) 3-Propofol Diprivan 1% Ampoules 20 ml (10 mg/1 ml) Diprivan 2% Vials 50 ml (10 mg/1 ml)

 Inhalational Anesthetics: 1-Halothane New - Flotan Solution for inhalation 100 ml 2-Isoflurane Forane Solution for inhalation 100 ml

Local Anesthetics: 1-Benzocaine Benzocaine Spray 50 ml (20%) 2-Lidocaine Farco - Caine Spray 50 ml (10%) – Ointment 20 g Ultracaine Gel 20 g (50 g/1 g) 3-Lidocaine + Prilocaine Pridocaine Cream 15 g 4-Mepivacaine Mepecaine Carpules (Cartilages) 1.8 ml Each 1 ml contains: Mepivacaine hydrochloride U.S.P. 30 mg (3%) Mepecaine-L Carpules (Cartilages) 1.8 ml Each 1 ml contains: Mepivacaine Hydrochloride U.S.P. 20 mg (2%) + Levonordefrin hydrochloride 0.06 mg

Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of CNS Name Morphine Ampoules M.S.T Ampoules Pethidin Ampoules Durogesic Transdermal Patches Tramal Capsules Ampoules Narcan Ampoules Anarcol Oral Tablets Sinemet Oral Tablets Sinemet 250 C.R Tonus Oral Tablets Pakineast Capsules Dopagon Oral Tablets Lactodel Oral Tablets PK-Merz Oral Tablets I.V. infusion solution Adamine Capsules Viraflu Capsules Infex Oral Tablets Zolam Oral Tablets 0.25 Oral Tablets 0.5 mg Xnax Oral Tablets Ativan Oral Tablets Neuril Ampoules Valpam Oral Tablets Ampoules Syrup Anexate Ampoules 5 Ampoules Anexnil Ampoules 5 Ampoules

Price (EGP) 5 30 30 680 14 7 300 285 20 87 23 22.5 9 15 21 70 5 2 42 2.5 3.75 20 20 5 1 4 4 512 300

Stilnox Oral Tablets Thiopental Vial 0.5 g Vial 1 g Sominaletta Oral Tablets 15 mg Ampoules 40 mg/1 ml Elixir 120 ml Neurazine Oral Tablets 25 mg Oral Tablets 100 mg Safinace Oral Tablets 1.5 mg Oral Tablets 5 mg Haloprol Ampoules Risdal Oral Tablets 2 mg Oral Tablets 4 mg Zesperone Oral Tablets 2 mg Oral Tablets 4 mg Sigmadone Oral Tablets Dogmatil Capsules Dogmatil Fort Topmode Capsules Topmode Forte Tofranil Oral Tablets 10 mg Oral Tablets 25 mg Imipramine Oral Tablets Tryptizol Oral Tablets 10 mg Oral Tablets 25 mg Prozac Capsules Flutin Capsules

14 6 10 1 3 3.4 2 3 2 2 19 52 80 30 45 28 12 9 6 6 1.5 2.5 8 5 4 65 9

Depreban Capsules Philozac Capsules 10 mg Capsules 20 mg Durazac Capsules Cipralex Oral Tablets 14 Tablets Oral Tablets 28 Tablets Cipra-Pro Oral Tablets 7 Tablets Oral Tablets 10 Tablets Oral Tablets 14 Tablets Escita Oral Tablets 7 Tablets Oral Tablets 14 Tablets Citapronex Oral Tablets 5 mg Oral Tablets 10 mg Oral Tablets 20 mg Parnetil Oral Tablets Wellbutrin S.R. Oral Tablets Prianil C.R. Oral Tablets Ipanten Capsules 50 mg Capsules 100 mg Phenytin Capsules 50 mg Capsules 100 mg Ampoules 100 mg/2 ml Ampoules 250 mg/5 ml Suspension Healosol Spray Tegretol Oral Tablets 200 mg Controlled Release Tablets 200 mg

15 7 9 48 86 172 31.5 45 63 23 46 30 34 56 2.5 70 7 10 16 8 12 23 30 5 20 17 16

Controlled Release Tablets 400 mg Syrup 100 Depakine Oral Tablets Syrup Oral Solution 200 mg/1 ml Depakine Chrono Oral Tablets Lamictal Oral Tablets 25 mg Oral Tablets 50 mg Oral Tablets 100 mg Controlepsy Oral Tablets 25 mg Oral Tablets 50 mg Oral Tablets 100 mg Ethoxa Syrup Tiratam Oral Tablets 500 mg Oral Tablets 1000 mg Syrup Lyrica Capsules 50 mg Capsules 75 mg Capsules 150 mg Kemirica Capsules 25 mg Capsules 50 mg Capsules 75 mg Capsules 100 mg Capsules 150 mg Capsules 200 mg Capsules 300 mg Ketalar Vial Diprivan 1% Ampoules Diprivan 2% Vial

24 8 20 16 15 50 24 45 81 15 26 45 30 84 104 65 90 134 174 42 54 64 35 78 45 60 33.5 120 115

New - Flotan Solution for inhalation Forane Solution for inhalation Benzocaine Spray Farco - Caine Spray Ultracaine Gel Pridocaine Cream Mepecaine Carpules Mepecaine-L Carpules

68 268 20 15 3 7 75 75

Chapter 6

 Drugs Used For Treatment of Acid Peptic Disease: H2-Receptor Antagonist: 1-Ranitidine Zantac Oral Tablets 150 mg & 300 mg Ampoules 50 mg/2 ml - Effervescent Tablets 150 mg Rani Effervescent Granules 150 mg - Ampoules 50 mg/2 ml Ranitak Oral Tablets 150 mg & 300 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 300 mg before bed time. Maintenance Dose: 150 mg before bed time for 6 months. 2-Famotidine Antodine Chewable Tablets 10 mg – Oral Tablets 20 mg & 40 mg Ampoules 20 mg/2 ml - Effervescent Tablets 20 mg Suggested Dose: 40 mg once at bed time or 20 mg bid. 3-Nizatidine Ulcfree Capsules 150 mg Nizatect Capsules 300 mg Suggested Dose: Same as Ranitidine.

Proton Pump (H+/K+ ATPase) Inhibitors: 1-Omeprazole Epirazole Capsules 20 mg Fastcure Capsules 20 mg & 40 mg Risek Capsules 10, 20 & 40 mg – Vial 40 mg Suggested Dose: Duodenal Ulcer: 20 mg orally once a day before a meal for 4 to 8 weeks. Gastric Ulcer: 40 mg orally once a day before a meal for 4 to 8 weeks. 2-Lansoprazole Lanzor Capsules 15 mg & 30 mg Suggested Doses: Duodenal Ulcer: 15 mg orally once a day 30 minutes before eating. Therapy should be continued for up to 4 weeks. Gastric Ulcer: 30 mg orally once a day 30 minutes before eating. Therapy should be continued for 4 to 8 weeks. 3-Pantoprazole Antopral Capsules 20 mg & 40 mg Pantazol Oral Tablets 40 mg – Vial 40 mg Suggested Dose: 40 mg orally once a day for 4 to 8 weeks.

Antacids: 1-NaHCO3 (Sodium Bicarbonate) Pharocola Effervescent Granules Fawar Fawakeh Effervescent Granules 2-CaCO3 (Calcium Carbonate) Glycodal Oral Tablets (Calcium Carbonate 20 mg + Glycine 180 mg + Dimethicone 10 mg) Calcimate Capsules 500 mg Calcimate Fort Capsules 1200 mg 3-Mg(OH)2 + Al(OH)3 (Magnesium Hydroxide)+(Aluminum Hydroxide) Epicogel Suspension Each 5 ml contains: (Dried Aluminium Hydroxide Gel 405 mg + Magnesium Hydroxide 100 mg + Dimethicone 125 mg) Mucogel Suspension Each 100 ml contains: (Dried Aluminium Hydroxide Gel 8.1 gm + Magnesium Hydroxide 2.0 gm + Oxethazaine 0.2 gm) 4-Sodium Alginate + Potassium Hydrogen Carbonate Gaviscon Suspension Each 10 ml contains: (Sodium Alginate 1000 mg + Potassium Hydrogen Carbonate 200 mg) Suggested Dose for all antacids: Used after spicy meal or during administration of other drugs used for treatment of hyperacidity of stomach.

Mucosal Protective Agents: Sucralfate Gastrofait Oral Tablets 1 g Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet 4 times daily on an empty stomach.

Combinations: Omeprazole + NaHCO3 (Sodium Bicarbonate) Azgovanc Capsules (Omeprazole 20 mg + 1100 NaHCO3) Capsules (Omeprazole 40 mg + 1100 NaHCO3)

Eradication of H.Pylori infection: Two Antibiotics + Proton Pump Inhibitor Heli-Cure Oral Tablets each tablet contains: (Omeprazole 20 mg + Tinidazole 500 mg + Clarithromycin 250 mg) Enterolok Oral Tablets each tablet contains: (Norfloxacin 400 mg + Tinidazole 600 mg) (Add Proton Pump Inhibitor to the patient ď Š) Ciprodiazole Oral Tablets each tablet contains: (Metronidazole 500 mg + Ciprofloxacin HCl monohydrate 524.35 mg (Eq. to ciprofloxacin HCl 500 mg)) (Add Proton Pump Inhibitor to the patient ď Š) Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet every 12 hours for 3 to 5 weeks.

 Anti-Emetic Drugs:  For Vomiting Induced by Motion Sickness & Vertigo: *H1-Receptor Antagonist e.g. Diphenhydramine … discussed in Paracrine & Autocrine Pharmacology page 37 *Anti-Muscarinic Drugs e.g. Hyoscine discussed in ANS page 9  For Vomiting Induced by Stimulation of CTZ:  Dopamine Antagonist (D2): 1-Metoclopramide Primperan Oral Tablets 10 mg – Ampoules 10 mg/2 ml Adult Suppositories 20 mg – Child Suppositories 10 mg Oral Drops 15 ml – Syrup 5 mg/5 ml 2-Domperidone Motilium Oral Tablets 10 mg – Suspension 1 mg/1 ml Adult Suppositories 60 mg – Child Suppositories 30 mg Suggested Dose: for both prescribed by the physician according to the cause of nausea & vomiting.  5-HT3 Antagonists: Ondansteron discussed in Paracrine & Autocrine Pharmacology page 42  NK1 Receptor Antagonists: Aprepitant Emend 3 Capsules (1 Capsules 125 mg) + (2 Capsules 80 mg) Suggested Doses: Day 1: 125 mg orally 1 hour prior to chemotherapy Day 2 and 3: 80 mg orally in the morning Duration of therapy: Three days  For Vomiting Induced Pregnancy: Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) + H1-Receptor Antagonist Dizirest B6 Oral Tablets (Meclizine HCl 25 mg + Pyridoxine HCl 50 mg) Navoproxin Oral Tablets (Meclizine HCl 25 mg + Pyridoxine HCl 50 mg) Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet at night. N.B. Not to be used in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

 Anti-Flatulence: 1-Carbon Compound Eucarbon Oral Tablets Suggested Doses: Adults & children over 12 years: For a mild laxative & carminative effect: 1 or 2 tablets to be taken with ample amount of fluids during or after meals up to 3 times daily. If a stronger purgative effect is desired the evening dose increased to 3 or 4 tablets. For intensive cleansing of the digestive tract & removal of gases prior to diagnostic investigations or surgery 6 to 8 tablets may be given at once in the evening. Children over 2 years: ½ or 1 tablet 3 times daily. 2-Activated Charcoal Ultracarbon Oral Tablets 250 mg Suggested Dose: 500 to 1040 mg up to 4 times daily as needed. 3-Silicon Dioxide + Activated Dimethylpolysiloxane (Simethicone) Disflatyl Chewable Tablets (Silicon Dioxide 2 mg + Activated Dimethylpolysiloxane (Simethicone) 40 mg) Suggested Dose: 1-2 tablets to be chewed after meals & at bed time before Radiography for 2-3 days.  Digestive Enzymes (Trade Names Only): 1-Zymogen Forte Oral Tablets 2-Amrase Oral Tablets 3-Digestin Oral Tablets – Syrup 120 ml 3-Neo-Digestin Liquid 120 ml Suggested Dose: 1-2 tablets or 5 ml after every meal.

 Antispasmodics (Spasmolytics):  Anticholinergic Drugs: 1-Hyoscine-N-butylbromide Discussed in ANS page 9 2-Tiemonium Visceralgine Oral Tablets 50 mg – Ampoules 5 mg/2 ml Syrup 10 mg/5 ml – Suppositories 20 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet, Suppository or Ampule from 1 – 3 times daily.  Direct Smooth Relexants: Mebeverine Colospasmin Forte Oral Tablets 135 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet before your meal by 20 minutes.  Mixtures: Clidinium + Chrodiazepoxide Librax Oral Tablets (Chlordiazepoxide 5 mg + Clidinium Bromide 2.5 mg) Suggested Dose: 1 or 2 capsules, 3 or 4 times a day administered before meals and at bedtime.  Laxatives:  Bulk Laxatives: Natural Fibers Bran Oral Tablets Suggested Dose: 1 or 2 Tablets up to 3 times daily.  Osmotic Laxatives: 1-Lactulose Lactulose Syrup 120 ml (67%) Laxolac Syrup 120 ml (67%) Suggested Dose: For Constipation: 15 ml once daily at night. For Hepatic Encephalopathy: Initial dose: 30 ml orally 3 times a day or 300 ml in 700 ml. water or normal saline as an enema retained for 30 to 60 minutes every 4 to 6 hours. Maintenance dose: 30 to 45 ml orally 3 times a day.

2-Magnesium Sulphate + Sodium Suphate + Sodium Phosphate Laxel Effervescent Salt Suggested Dose: 1 packet in ½ a glass of water preferably first thing in the morning or last thing at night. Repeat the dose (twice or more) during the day before meals if necessary.  Stimulant (Irritant) Laxatives: 1-Castor Oil Castor Oil Oil 60 ml Suggested Dose: 30-60 ml given orally on empty stomach at the morning. 2-Bisacodyl Bisadyl Oral Tablets 5 mg – Suppositories Adult & Infantile 5 & 10 mg Suggested Dose: 5 to 15 mg orally once a day as needed.  New Different Laxatives: These are natural laxatives rich in fibers (Act as Bulk Laxatives) & produce osmotic pressure (Act as Osmotic Laxatives) also stimulate colonic contraction (Act as Stimulant Laxatives). 1-Agiolax (Granules) Suggested Dose: Drink the content of one sachet unchewed with a sufficient amount of fluid 1 time daily. 2-Nassar Tablets Suggested Dose: 1 or 2 Tablets up to 3 times daily.  Stool Softeners: 1-Dioctyl Minalax Oral Tablets Suggested Dose: For Adults: 1-2 Tablets at bed time. Children above 6 years: 1 Tablet at bed time. 2-Glycerin Glycerin Suppositories Adult & Infantile Suggested Dose: 1 Suppository when needed.

Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of Gastrointestinal Tract Name Zantac Oral Tablets 150 mg Oral Tablets 300 mg Ampoules Effervescent Tablets Rani Effervescent Granules Ampoules Ranitak Oral Tablets 150 mg Oral Tablets 300 mg Antodine Chewable Tablets 10 mg Oral Tablets 20 mg Oral Tablets 40 Ampoules Effervescent Tablets Ulcfree Capsules Nizatect Capsules Epirazole Capsules Fastcure Capsules 20 mg Capsules 40 mg Risek Capsules 10 mg 7 Capsules Capsules 10 mg 14 Capsules Capsules 20 mg 14 Capsules Capsules 20 mg 28 Capsules Capsules 40 mg Vial 40 mg Lanzor Capsules 15 mg

Price (EGP) 20 30 14.25 24 4 7 14 20 5 9 26 12 8.5 17 24 44 24 30 11 16 40 75 60 45 35

Capsules 30 mg Antopral Capsules 20 mg Capsules 40 mg 7 Capsules Capsules 40 mg 14 Capsules Pantazol Oral Tablets Vial Pharocola Effervescent Granules Fawar Fawakeh Effervescent Granules Glycodal Oral Tablets Calcimate Capsules Calcimate Fort Epicogel Suspension Mucogel Suspension Gaviscon Suspension Gastrofait Oral Tablets Azgovanc Capsules 20 Capsules 40 Heli-Cure Oral Tablets Enterolok Oral Tablets Ciprodiazole Oral Tablets Primperan Oral Tablets Ampoules Adult Suppositories Child Suppositories Oral Drops Syrup Motilium Oral Tablets Suspension Adult Suppositories Child Suppositories

65 20 18 35 35 28 2 2 5 3 6 4 4 25 6.5 10.5 15 60 32 40 5 15 5 3.5 3.5 3.5 22 8.5 15 6

Emend 3 Capsules Dizirest B6 Oral Tablets Navoproxin Oral Tablets Eucarbon Oral Tablets Ultracarbon Oral Tablets Disflatyl Chewable Tablets Zymogen Forte Oral Tablets Amrase Oral Tablets Digestin Oral Tablets Syrup 120 ml Neo-Digestin Visceralgine Oral Tablets Ampoules Syrup Suppositories Colospasmin Forte Oral Tablets Librax Oral Tablets Bran Oral Tablets Capsules Lactulose Syrup 120 ml Syrup 300 ml Laxolac Syrup 120 ml Syrup 300 ml Castor Oil Bisadyl Oral Tablets Suppositories Adult Suppositories Infantile Agiolax Granules Nassar Tablets

330 10 10 10.5 2.5 8.25 4.5 6 4 2.5 3.5 9.5 5.25 5.5 4 7 5 7 5 5 10 6 11 3 1.5 2 1.5 9 1.5

Minalax Oral Tablets Glycerin Suppositories Adult Suppositories Infantile

4 1.5 1.5

Chapter 7

 Drugs Used For Treatment of Heart Failure: Positive Inotropic Drugs: 1-Digitalis (Digoxin) Lanoxin Oral Tablets 0.25 mg – Ampoules 0.5 mg/2 ml Oral Drops 0.5 mg/1 ml Cardixin Oral Tablets 0.25 mg Suggested Dose: It has specific program for treatment prescribed by Cardiologist. Other Drugs: 1-β1 Agonists e.g. Dopamine Discussed in ANS page 19 2-Vasodailators Will be discussed with Antihypertensive drugs 3-Diuretics discussed in Renal Pharmacology page 170  Antihypertensive Drugs: Vasodilators: 1-Hydralazine Apresoline Ampoules 20 mg/5 ml Suggested Dose: 20 to 40 mg IV. 2-Minoxidil Loniten Oral Tablets 2.5 mg & 5 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 5 mg orally once a day. Maintenance Dose: 10-40 mg in 1-2 divided doses. Perfectodil Spray 5% Suggested Dose: apply small amount for treatment of alopecia. 3-Sodium Nitroprusside Niprid Vial 50 mg Suggested Dose: Used in emergency hypertensive state.

Renin – Angiotensin Antagonists:  Angiotensin Converting Enzymes (ACE) Inhibitors:  Sulph-Hydryl Containing: Captopril Capoten Oral Tablets 25 mg & 50 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 25 mg orally 2 to 3 times a day one hour before meals. Maintenance Dose: 25 to 150 mg orally 2 to 3 times a day one hour before meals. 

Non Sulph-Hydryl Containing: 1-Enalapril Ezapril Oral Tablets 10 mg Acapril Oral Tablets 20 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 5 mg orally once a day. Maintenance Dose: 10 to 40 mg orally per day as a single dose or in 2 divided doses. 2-Lisinopril Zestril Oral Tablets 5, 10 & 20 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 10 mg orally once a day, in patients not receiving a diuretic. Maintenance Dose: 20 to 40 mg orally once a day.

ďƒź Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs) AT1 Antagonists: 1-Losartan Potassium Amosar Oral Tablets 25, 50 & 100 mg Losartan Oral Tablets 50 & 100 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 50 mg orally once a day. Maintenance Dose: 25 to 100 mg orally in 1 to 2 divided doses. 2-Valsartan Tareg Oral Tablets 40, 80, 160 & 320 mg Disartan Capsules 80 & 160 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 80 to 160 mg orally once a day. Maintenance Dose: 80 to 320 mg orally once a day. 3-Irbesartan Aprovel Oral Tablets 150 & 300 mg X-Tension Oral Tablets 150 & 300 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 150 mg orally once a day with or without food. Maintenance Dose: 150 to 300 mg orally once a day. 4-Candesartan Cilexetil Atacand Oral Tablets 4, 8 & 16 mg Candalkan Oral Tablets 4, 8 & 16 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 16 mg orally once a day. Maintenance Dose: Daily ranges of 8 to 32 mg administered once or twice daily. 5-Olmesartan Medoxomil Angiosartan Oral Tablets 10, 20 & 40 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 20 mg orally once a day. Maintenance Dose: May increase to 40 mg/day if further blood pressure reduction is necessary after 2 weeks. 6-Telmisartan Micardis Oral Tablets 40 & 80 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 40 mg orally once a day with or without food, assuming adequate intravascular volume. Maintenance Dose: 20 mg to 80 mg orally once a day.

Calcium Channel Blockers:  Dihydropyridines (More Selective on Arteries): 1-Nifedipine Adalat LA Oral Tablets 30 mg (Prolonged Release) Epilat Capsules 10 mg Epilat Retard Oral Tablets 20 mg (Sustained Release) Suggested Dose: Extended release tablets 30 to 60 mg orally once a day dosage can be increased gradually every 7 to 14 days. 2-Amlodipine Norvasc Oral Tablets 5 & 10 mg Regcor Oral Tablets 5 & 10 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 5 mg orally once a day. Maintenance Dose: 5 to 10 mg orally once a day. 3-Nimodipine Nimotop Vial 10 mg/50 ml Suggested Dose: This is the only calcium channel blocker used parentally in emergency states.  Non-Dihydropyridines (More Selective on Myocardium): 1-Verapamil Isoptin Oral Tablets 80 mg - Ampoules 5 mg/2 ml Isoptin S.R. Oral Tablets 240 mg Suggested Dose: The Dose prescribed by the Cardiologist as it act as Antihypertensive, Antianginal & Antiarrhythmic drug. 2-Diltiazem Delay-tiazem S.R. Capsules 90, 120 & 180 mg (Sustained Release) Altiazem Oral Tablets 60 mg Suggested Dose: The Dose prescribed by the Cardiologist as it act as Antihypertensive , Antianginal & Antiarrhythmic drug.  Piperazine Derivatives (Selective on Arteries only): Cinnarizine Stugeron Oral Tablets 25 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet 2 times daily.

Other Drugs: 1-β Blockers Discussed in ANS page 29 2-Diuretics discussed in Renal Pharmacology page 170

ď ś Anti-Anginal Drugs: Nitrates: 1-Isosorbide Dinitrate Isomak Retard Capsules 20 & 40 mg (Sustained Release) Dinitra Oral Tablets 5, 10 & 20 mg Suggested Doses: Acute Attack: 2.5 mg (SL) or 5 mg (Chew) once and repeat as needed as soon as the tablet has dissolved or chewed. Prophylaxis: Initial SR: 40 mg orally every 8 to 12 hours. Maintenance SR: 10 to 40 mg every 8 to 12 hours. 2-Glyceryl Trinitrate Nitromak Retard Capsules 2.5 & 5 mg (Sustained Release) Nitroderm TTS Transdermal Patches In vivo release 5 & 10 mg Nitrolingual Spray 0.4 mg/Dose Nitronal Vial 50 ml (1 mg/1 ml) Suggested Doses: Acute Attack: Lingual spray: 1 to 2 sprays (0.4 to 0.8 mg) onto or under the tongue every 3 to 5 minutes as needed, up to 3 sprays in 15 minutes. If pain persists after the maximum number of doses, prompt medical attention is recommended. Prophylaxis: Lingual spray: 1 to 2 sprays (0.4 to 0.8 mg) onto or under the tongue 5 to 10 minutes prior to engaging in activities which might precipitate an acute attack. Transdermal patch: 0.1 to 0.4 mg/hr patch applied to a dry and hairless area of the upper arm or body for 12 to 14 hours per day; titrate as needed and tolerated up to 0.8 mg/hr. Application sites should be rotated to avoid skin irritation. Oral: 2.5 every 8 to 12 hours; titrate as needed and tolerated up to 9 mg every 8 to 12 hours.

Other Drugs: 1-Calcium Channel Blockers Discussed in page 154 2-β-Blockers Discussed in ANS page 29 3-Anti-Thyroid Drugs discussed in Endocrine Pharmacology page 205

 Anti-Dysrhythmic Drugs:  Class I: (All are Na+ Channel Blockers)  Class I (A) (In Addition Block K+ Channel): 1-Quinidine

Quinidine Sulphate Oral Tablets 200 mg Suggested Dose: 100 to 600 mg/dose orally every 4 to 6 hours; begin at 200 mg/dose and titrate to desired effect (maximum daily dose: 3 to 4 g). 2-Disopyramide

Norpace Capsules 100 mg Suggested Dose: 400-800 mg/day. The recommended dose for most adults is 600 mg/day. Patients < 50 kg may be given 400 mg/day.  Class I (B) (In Addition Block K+ Channel): Phenytoin Discussed in CNS page 107  Class I (C) (Marked Block Na+ Channel): Propafenone

Rytmonorm Oral Tablets 150 mg Suggested Dose: It has many uses prescribed only by Cardiologist.  Class II: (β-Blockers): Discussed in ANS page 29  Calss III: (K+ Channel Blockers) 1-Amiodarone

Cardio-Mep Oral Tablets 200 mg – Ampoules 150 mg/3 ml 2-Sotalol

Betacor Oral Tablets 80 mg Suggested Dose: both have many uses prescribed only by Cardiologist.  Class IV: (Ca++ Channel Blockers): Discussed in page 154

 Miscellaneous Drugs for treatment of different vascular disorders:  For Venous Congestive Disorders & Venous insufficiency: Diosmin + Hesperdin

Daflon Oral Tablets 500 mg Dafrex Oral Tablets 500 mg Suggested Doses: For Acute painful venous insufficiency: 2 tablets 3 times daily. For Maintenance: 1 Tablet 3 times daily.  For Increase Resistance in Small Blood vessels to relief Oedema: Aescin

Reparil Oral Tablets 20 mg Suggested Doses: 2 Tablets 2 times daily.  For Removing of Swellings Post-Operative or Traumatic Oedema: Trypsin + Chymotrypsin

Alphintern Oral Tablets Ambezim-G Oral Tablets Suggested Doses: 1 Tablets 3 times daily before your meal by 1 hour.  For Superficial Trauma, Hematoma, Sprain & Oedema: Pentosan Sulphuric Polyester

Hemoclar Cream 0.5% Suggested Doses: Place few amount on the traumatic area.  For Improving Peripheral & Cerebral Circulation: Pentoxifylline

Trental Oral Tablets 400 mg (Sustained Release) Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet 3 times a daily with meals.  Local Preparations for treatment of Biles & Anal Fissure: 1-Local Anesthetic + Anti-Bacterial + Hydrocortisone

Proctosedyl Ointment 15 g – Suppositories 2-Local Anesthetic + Anti-Bacterial

Procto-Glyvenol Cream 15 g – Suppositories Suggested Dose: Used Topically 3 times daily

Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of CVS Name Lanoxin Oral Tablets Ampoules Oral Drops Cardixin Oral Tablets Apresoline Ampoules Loniten Oral Tablets 2.5 mg Oral Tablets 5 mg Perfectodil Spray Niprid 5 Vials Capoten Oral Tablets 25 mg 20 Tablets Oral Tablets 25 mg 40 Tablets Oral Tablets 50 mg Ezapril Oral Tablets Acapril Oral Tablets Zestril Oral Tablets 5 mg Oral Tablets 10 mg Oral Tablets 20 mg Amosar Oral Tablets 25 mg Oral Tablets 50 mg Oral Tablets 100 mg Losartan Oral Tablets 50 mg Oral Tablets 100 mg Tareg Oral Tablets 40 mg Oral Tablets 80 mg

Price (EGP) 12 16 18 5 120 178 277 23.5 134 10 20 9 10 14 8 15 21 24 45 69 18 30 48 43

Oral Tablets 160 mg 14 Tablets Oral Tablets 160 mg 28 Tablets Oral Tablets 320 mg Disartan Capsules 80 mg Capsules 160 mg Aprovel Oral Tablets 150 mg Oral Tablets 300 mg X-Tension Oral Tablets 150 Oral Tablets 300 mg Atacand Oral Tablets 4 mg Oral Tablets 8 mg Oral Tablets 16 mg 14 Tablets Oral Tablets 16 mg 28 Tablets Candalkan Oral Tablets 4 mg Oral Tablets 8 mg Oral Tablets 16 mg Angiosartan Oral Tablets 10 mg Oral Tablets 20 mg 14 Tablets Oral Tablets 20 mg 21 Tablets Oral Tablets 40 mg 14 Tablets Oral Tablets 40 mg 21 Tablets Micardis Oral Tablets 40 mg Oral Tablets 80 mg Adalat LA Oral Tablets Epilat Capsules Epilat Retard Oral Tablets Norvasc Oral Tablets 5 mg 30 Tablets

60 128 52 30 36 55 70 17 27 22 40 60 120 6 14 19 13 17 26 24 36 92 132 68 4 5 68

Oral Tablets 10 mg 10 Tablets Oral Tablets 10 mg 15 Tablets Regcor Oral Tablets 5 mg Oral Tablets 10 mg Nimotop Vial Isoptin Oral Tablets Ampoules Isoptin S.R. Oral Tablets 20 Tablets Oral Tablets 30 Tablets Delay-tiazem S.R. Capsules 90 mg Capsules 120 mg Capsules 180 mg Altiazem Oral Tablets Stugeron Oral Tablets Isomak Retard Capsules 20 mg Capsules 40 mg Dinitra Oral Tablets 5 mg Oral Tablets 10 mg Oral Tablets 20 mg Nitromak Retard Capsules 2.5 mg Capsules 5 mg Nitroderm TTS Transdermal Patches 5 mg Transdermal Patches 10 mg Nitrolingual Spray Nitronal Vial Quinidine Sulphate Oral Tablets

32 60 8 9 142 13 3 28 42 8 10 13 10 7 7 9 3 3 2 26 17 26 28 25 25 4

Norpace Capsules Rytmonorm Oral Tablets Cardio-Mep Oral Tablets Ampoules Betacor Oral Tablets Daflon Oral Tablets Dafrex Oral Tablets Reparil Oral Tablets Alphintern Oral Tablets Ambezim-G Oral Tablets Hemoclar Cream 30 g Cream 40 g Trental Oral Tablets Proctosedyl Ointment Suppositories Procto-Glyvenol Cream Suppositories

4.5 32 12 24 12 37 11 16 18 15 6 7 28 7 5 6 6

Chapter 8

Diuretics:  Thiazide Diuretics & Thiazide-Like Diuretics: 1-Hydrochlorothiazide

HCT Georetic Oral Tablets 25 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 25 mg orally once daily. Maintenance Dose: May increase to 50 mg orally daily, as a single or 2 divided doses. 2-Indapamide

Natrilix Oral Tablets 2.5 mg Natrilix S.R. Oral Tablets 1.5 mg (Sustained Release) Suggested Dose: 1.25 mg orally once a day.  Loop Diuretics: Furosemide

Lasix Oral Tablets 40 mg – Ampoules 20 mg/2 ml Suggested Doses: Oral: Initial: 20 to 80 mg per dose. Maintenance: Increase in increments of 20 to 40 mg/dose every 6 to 8 hours to desired effect. The usual dosage interval is once or twice daily, with a maximum daily dose of 600 mg. Intravenous/Intramuscular: 10 to 20 mg once over 1 to 2 minutes. A repeat dose similar to the initial dose may be given within 2 hours if there is an inadequate response. Following the repeat dose, if there is still an inadequate response within another 2 hours, the last IV dose may be raised by 20 to 40 mg until there is an effective diuresis. Single doses exceeding 200 mg are rarely necessary.  Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors: Acetazolamide

Cidamex Oral Tablets 250 mg Suggested Dose: 250 to 375 mg once a day.

ďƒź Potassium Sparing Diuretics: 1-Spironolactone

Aldactone Oral Tablets 25 & 100 mg Suggested Dose: 25 to 200 mg/day orally in 1 or 2 divided doses. 2-Amiloride

Usually Combined with other diuretics ‌ will be discussed with combinations Combinations of Different Types of Diuretics: 1-Spironolactone + Hydrochlorothiazide

Aldactazide Oral Tablets 25 mg 2-Spironolactone + Furosemide

Lasilactone Oral Tablets Spironolactone 50 mg + Furosemide 20 mg Oral Tablets Spironolactone 100 mg + Furosemide 20 mg 3-Amiloride + Hydrochlorothiazide

Moduretic Oral Tablets Amiloride Hydrochloride 5 mg + Hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg Suggested Dose: For all of these combinations used as adjuvant therapy of essential hypertension so, the dose prescribed by physician with the main Antihypertensive drug. Anti-Diuretics: Desmopressin (A synthetic replacement for vasopressin (ADH),

the hormone that reduces urine production). Minirin Oral Tablets 0.1 & 0.2 mg Minirin Melt Oral Tablets 60 & 120 mcg For Treatment of Urinary Incontinence: Tolterodine Discussed in ANS page 10

Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of Renal System Name HCT Georetic Oral Tablets Natrilix Oral Tablets Natrilix S.R. Oral Tablets Lasix Oral Tablets Ampoules 3 Ampoules Ampoules 5 Ampoules Cidamex Oral Tablets Aldactone Oral Tablets 25 mg Oral Tablets 100 mg Aldactazide Oral Tablets Lasilactone Oral Tablets 50 – 10 Tablets Oral Tablets 50 – 30 Tablets Oral Tablets 100 – 10 Tablets Oral Tablets 100 – 30 Tablets Moduretic Oral Tablets Minirin Oral Tablets 0.1 mg Oral Tablets 0.2 mg Minirin Melt Oral Tablets 60 mcg Oral Tablets 120 mcg

Price (EGP) 6 13 15 6 6 10 5 7 18 4 9 25 10 30 8 138 250 155 300

Chapter 9

Cardio Selective β-Blocker + Diuretics: Tenedone Oral Tablets (Atenolol 50 mg or 100 mg + Chlorthalidone 25 mg) Atenoretic Capsules (Atenolol 50 mg + Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg + Amiloride Hydrochloride 2.5 mg) Bisocard Plus Oral Tablets (Bisoprolol Fumarate 5 mg + Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg) Cardio Selective β-Blocker + Calcium Channel Blocker: Tenolat S.R. Cpasules Sustained Release (Atenolol 50 mg + Nifedipine 20 mg) Angiotensin Converting Enzymes (ACE) Inhibitor + Diuretic: Capozide Oral Tablets (Captopril 50 mg + Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg) Ezapril – Co Oral Tablets (Enalapril Maleate 20 mg + Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg) Sinopril – Co Oral Tablets (Lisinopril 20 mg + Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg) Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker (AT1 Antagonists) + Diuretic: 1-Losartan Potassium + Diuretic

Losazide Oral Tablets (Losartan Potassium 50 mg + Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg) Amosar Forte Oral Tablets (Losartan Potassium 100 mg + Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg) 2-Valsartan + Diuretic

Co-Tareg Oral Tablets (Valsartan/Hydrochlorothiazide) with different concentrations: (80 mg/12.5 mg), (160 mg/12.5 mg), (320 mg/12.5 mg) & (320 mg/25 mg) Disartan Co Capsules (Valsartan/Hydrochlorothiazide) with different concentrations: (80 mg/12.5 mg) & (160 mg/12.5 mg) 3-Irbesartan + Diuretic

Co Aprovel Oral Tablets (Irbesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide) with different concentrations: (150 mg/12.5 mg), (300 mg/12.5 mg) & (300 mg/25 mg) X-Tension Plus Oral Tablets (Irbesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide) with different concentrations: (150 mg/12.5 mg) & (300 mg/12.5 mg)

4-Candesartan Cilexetil + Diuretic

Atacand Plus Oral Tablets (Candesartan Cilexetil/Hydrochlorothiazide) with concentration: (16 mg/12.5 mg) Candalkan Plus Oral Tablets (Candesartan Cilexetil/Hydrochlorothiazide) with different concentrations: (16 mg/12.5 mg) & (32 mg/12.5 mg) 5-Olmesartan Medoxomil + Diuretic

Angiosartan Plus Oral Tablets (Olmesartan Medoxomil/Hydrochlorothiazide) with different concentrations: (20 mg/12.5 mg), (20 mg/25 mg), (40 mg/12.5 mg) & (40 mg/25 mg) 6-Telmisartan + Diuretic

Micardis Plus Oral Tablets (Telmisartan/Hydrochlorothiazide) with different concentrations: (40 mg/12.5 mg), (80 mg/12.5 mg) & (80 mg/25 mg) Calcium Channel Blocker + Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker (AT1 Antagonists): Exforge Oral Tablets (Amlodipine/Valsartan) with different concentrations: (5 mg/160 mg) & (10 mg/160 mg) Calcium Channel Blocker + Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker (AT1 Antagonists) + Diuretic: Warning!! This Combination is very powerful & effective in treatment of essential hypertension prescribed only by Cardiologist & for treatment of cases of maintained high levels of blood pressure Exforge HCT Oral Tablets (Amlodipine/Valsartan/Hydrochlorothiazide) with different concentrations: (5 mg/160 mg/12.5 mg) & (10 mg/160 mg/25 mg)

N.B. for all combinations of Antihypertensive drugs: The Dose Adjusted according to the value & degree of hypertension.

Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Combinations of Antihypertensive Drugs Name Tenedone Oral Tablets 50/25 – 20 Tablets Oral Tablets 50/25 – 30 Tablets Oral Tablets 100/25 – 20 Tablets Oral Tablets 100/25 – 30 Tablets Atenoretic Capsules Bisocard Plus Oral Tablets Tenolat S.R. Cpasules Capozide Oral Tablets Ezapril – Co Oral Tablets Sinopril – Co Oral Tablets Losazide Oral Tablets Amosar Forte Oral Tablets Co-Tareg Oral Tablets 80/12.5 – 14 Tablets Oral Tablets 160/12.5 – 14 Tablets Oral Tablets 160/12.5 – 28 Tablets Oral Tablets 320/12.5 – 14 Tablets Oral Tablets 160/25 – 14 Tablets Disartan Co Capsules 80 Capsules 160 Co Aprovel Oral Tablets 150/12.5 Oral Tablets 300/12.5 Oral Tablets 300/25 X-Tension Plus Oral Tablets 150/12.5 Oral Tablets 300/12.5 Atacand Plus Oral Tablets Candalkan Plus Oral Tablets 16/12.5

Price (EGP) 11 17 17 26 21 18 10 32 14 26 26 78 43 64 128 86 86 32 38 60 75 85 18 29 60 26

Oral Tablets 32/12.5 Angiosartan Plus Oral Tablets 20/12.5 Oral Tablets 20/25 Oral Tablets 40/12.5 Oral Tablets 40/25 – 14 Tablets Oral Tablets 40/25 – 21 Tablets Micardis Plus Oral Tablets 40/12.5 Oral Tablets 40/25 Oral Tablets 80/25 Exforge Oral Tablets 5/160 Oral Tablets 10/160 Exforge HCT Oral Tablets 5/160/12.5 Oral Tablets 10/160/25

38 19 20 24 26 39 104 138 160 76 76 82 82

Chapter 10

ď ś Drugs Used For Treatment of Hyperlipoproteinemia : Bile Acid Binding Resin: Cholestyramine Cholestran Powder 4 g Suggested Doses: Initial: 4 g orally once or twice a day. Maintenance: 4 g orally 3 times a day before meals. Dosage should be individualized and based on clinical response and patient tolerance of side effects. Doses range from 8 to 36 g per day in 2 to 4 doses. HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors (Statins): 1-Atorvastatin Lipitor Oral Tablets 10, 20, 40 & 80 mg Ator Oral Tablets 10, 20 & 40 Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: 10, 20 or 40 mg orally once a day. The 40 mg starting dose is recommended for patients who require a reduction in LDL-cholesterol of more than 45%. Dose adjustments should be made at intervals of 2 to 4 weeks. Maintenance Dose: 10 to 80 mg orally once a day. 2-Simvastatin Zocor Oral Tablets 10, 20 & 40 mg Simvacor Oral Tablets 20, 40 & 80 mg Suggested Dose: 5 to 40 mg orally once a day in the evening. Fibric Acid Derivatives (Fibrates): Gemfibrozil Lopid Oral Tablets 600 mg Suggested Dose: 600 mg orally twice a day, 30 minutes before the morning and evening meal. Niacin (Nicotinic Acid): Nicotipan Oral Tablets 500, 750 & 1000 mg Suggested Doses: 600 mg orally twice a day, 30 minutes before the morning and evening meal. Ezetimibe: Choletimb Oral Tablets 10 mg Ezetrol Oral Tablets 10 mg Suggested Dose: 10 mg once a day with or without food.

 Anti-Anemic Drugs (Trade Names Only):  Oral Iron Combined with Multi-Vitamins for Anemia: 1-Haema-Caps Capsules Ferrous fumarate (Iron) 350 mg + Folic acid 2 mg + Vitamin C 50 mg + Vitamin B12 7.5 mcg + Vitamin E acetate 5 mg + Manganese 2.5 mg + Vitamin B1 15 mg + Vitamin B2 2 mg + Copper 2.5 mg + Vitamin B6 10 mg + Vitamin D 400 i.u. + Calcium gluconate 75 mg + Linoleic acid 200 mg + Linolenic acid 45 mg + Taurine 15 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Capsule Daily. 2-Vitaferrol Capsules & Syrup Elemental Iron (as polymaltose complex) 38 mg + Thiamine HCl 1 mg + Riboflavin 1 mg + Pyridoxine HCl 0.5 mg + Cyanocobalamin 4 mcg + D-Panthenol 1.5 mg + Nicotinamide 6 mg. Suggested Dose: 1 Capsule Daily or 5 ml. 3-Feroglobin Capsules & Syrup Ferrous Fumarate 73 mg + Zinc Sulphate H2O 27.4 mg + Copper Sulphate H2O 2.5 mg + Folic acid 500 mcg + Vitamin B12 - 2 mcg + Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCl) 2 mg. Suggested Dose: 1 Capsule Daily or 5 ml.

 Oral Vitamin B12 Combined with Folic Acid for Anemia: 4-Trivarol Oral Tablets 125 mg Vitamin B1 + 125 mg Vitamin B6 + 125 mcg Vitamin B12 + 0.5 mg Folic acid Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet Daily. 4-Tri - B Oral Tablets Vitamin B1 125 mg + Vitamin B6 125 mg + Vitamin B12 125 mcg + Folic acid 5 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet Daily. 4-Neuroton Oral Tablets Each Tablet Contains: Thiamine HCl (Vitamin B1) 250 mg + Riboflavine phosphate (Vitamin B2) 15 mg + Pyridoxine HCl (Vitamin B6) 200 mg + Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) 250 mcg (0.250 mg) + Folic acid 500 mcg (0.5 mg) Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet Daily.

 Parenteral Iron for Anemia: 1-Cosmofer Ampoules 50 mg/1 ml Each 2 ml ampoule contains the equivalent of 100 mg iron as iron(III)-hydroxide dextran complex 625 mg, water for injection, sodium hydroxide (pH adjuster), hydrochloric acid (pH adjuster). For intravenous or intramuscular injection or intravenous infusion Suggested Dose: When needed 1 ampoule. 1-Fercayl Ampoules 100 mg/1 ml Iron dextran equiv. 100 mg Fe+++ Suggested Dose: When needed 1 ampoule.  Iron Chelating Agent for treatment of toxicity of Iron due to excessive parenteral iron administration: Deferoxamine Desferal Vial 0.5 mg Suggested Dose: When needed the dose adjusted in hospital.

 Parenteral Vitamin B12 for Anemia: 1-Tri – B Ampoules for I.M. Injection Suggested Dose: 1 Ampoule Daily. 2-Neuroton Ampoules for I.M. Injection Suggested Dose: 1 Ampoule Daily.

 Parenteral Folic Acid combined with Vitamin B12 for Anemia: 1-Biovit 12 Ampoules for I.M. Injection Suggested Dose: 1 Ampoule Daily.

 For Treatment of Met-Hemoglobinemia: Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) C- Retard Capsules 200 mg & 500 mg Vitacid C Effervescent Tablets 1 g Suggested Dose: 1 g daily.

 Hematopoietic Growth Factors: Erythropoietin Epoform Vial 1 ml (2000 IU/1 ml) or (4000 IU/1 ml) Recormon Syringes for S.C. Injection 2000 IU/0.3 ml & 5000 I.U./0.3 Suggested Dose: Prescribed for sever hemorrhagic disorders.  Anticoagulants: 1-Heparin Cal-Heparine Ampoules 5000 IU or 12000 IU Heparin Ampoules 5000 IU Suggested Dose: for prophylaxis against Intra Vascular Thrombosis 5000 units subcutaneously every 8 to 12 hours. 2-Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWHs) e.g. Enoxaparin Clexane Syringes for S.C. Injection (2000 IU/0.2 ml), (4000 IU/0.4 ml), (6000 IU/0.6 ml) & (8000 IU/0.8 ml) Suggested Dose: for prophylaxis against Intra Vascular Thrombosis 40 mg subcutaneously once a day. The usual duration of administration is 6 to 11 days; up to 14 days administration has been well tolerated in clinical trials. In morbidly obese patients (BMI of 40 kg/m2 or greater), increasing the prophylactic dose by 30% may be appropriate.  Specific Antidote for treatment of toxicity of Heparin: Protamine Sulphate Protam Vial 10 mg/ml Suggested Dose: When needed the dose adjusted in hospital.

3-Warfarin Marevan Oral Tablets 1, 3 & 5 mg Suggested Doses: for Thromboembolic Stroke Prophylaxis Initial: 2 to 5 mg orally or intravenously once a day for 1 to 2 days, then adjust dose according to results of the International Normalized Ratio (INR) or prothrombin time (PT (. Maintenance: the usual maintenance dose ranges from 2 to 10 mg orally or intravenously once a day.  Vitamin K to antagonize toxic effect of Warfarin: Vitamin K (Phytomenadione) Haya – K Chewable Tablets 10 mg Konakion Ampoules for infants 2 mg Konakion Ampoules for adults 10 mg Amri – K Ampoules 10 mg Suggested Dose: When needed the dose adjusted in hospital.

 Thrombolytics & Fibrinolytics: 1-Streptokinase Sedonase Vial 1,500,000 IU Suggested Dose: Used for treatment of intra vascular thrombosis used immediately as soon as possible after thrombosis. 2-Urokinase Angikinase Vial 500,000 IU Suggested Dose: Used for treatment of intra vascular thrombosis used immediately as soon as possible after thrombosis. 3-DNA Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator (Alteplase) Actilyse Vial 50 mg Suggested Dose: Used for treatment of intra vascular thrombosis used immediately as soon as possible after thrombosis.

 Anti-Fibrinolytics: Tranexamic Acid Kapron Oral Tablets 500 mg – Ampoules 100 mg/1 ml Suggested Dose: Used post-operative the dose prescribed by the physician.

 Anti-Platelet Drugs:  Inhibit Thromboxane A2 (TXA2) Synthesis: Aspirin Discussed with NSAIDs page 53

 Block Platelet Membrane ADP: Clopidogrel Plavix Oral Tablets 75 mg Thrombo Oral Tablets 75 mg Sigmagrel Oral Tablets 75 mg Suggested Dose: 75 mg orally once a day with or without food. Aspirin therapy should be initiated and continued in combination with Clopidogrel.

Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of Blood Name Cholestran Powder Lipitor Oral Tablets 10 mg – 28 Tablets Oral Tablets 20 mg – 14 Tablets Oral Tablets 20 mg – 28 Tablets Oral Tablets 40 mg – 14 Tablets Oral Tablets 80 mg – 14 Tablets Ator Oral Tablets 10 mg Oral Tablets 20 mg Oral Tablets 40 mg Zocor Oral Tablets 10 mg – 7 Tablets Oral Tablets 20 mg – 7 Tablets Oral Tablets 20 mg – 14 Tablets Oral Tablets 40 mg – 7 Tablets Oral Tablets 40 mg – 14 Tablets Simvacor Oral Tablets 20 mg Oral Tablets 40 mg Oral Tablets 80 mg Lopid Oral Tablets Nicotipan Oral Tablets 500 mg Oral Tablets 750 mg Oral Tablets 1000 mg Choletimb Oral Tablets Ezetrol Oral Tablets Haema-Caps Capsules Vitaferrol Capsules

Price (EGP) 17 120 90 180 134 156 16 35 45 30 40 80 40 80 20 30 42 54 36 42 48 65 90 10 12

Syrup Feroglobin Capsules Syrup Trivarol Oral Tablets Tri – B Oral Tablet Neuroton Oral Tablets 20 Tablets Oral Tablets 30 Tablets Cosmofer Ampoules Fercayl Ampoules Desferal Vials Tri – B Ampoules Neuroton Ampoules 3 Ampoules Ampoules 6 Ampoules Biovit 12 Ampoules C- Retard Capsules 200 mg Capsules 500 mg Vitacid C Effervescent Tablets Epoform Vial 2000 IU/1 ml Vial 4000 IU/1 ml Recormon Syringes 2000 I.U./0.3 ml Syringes 5000 I.U./0.3 ml Cal-Heparine Ampoules 5000 IU Ampoules 12000 IU Heparin Ampoule Clexane Syringes 2000 IU/0.2 ml Syringes 4000 IU/0.4 ml

7 38 17 6 5 8 12 100 33 80 9 7 14 5 5 7 6 75 130 71 178 16.5 28 9 30 60

Syringes 6000 IU/0.6 ml Syringes 8000 IU/0.8 ml Protam Vial Marevan Oral Tablets 1 mg Oral Tablets 3 mg Oral Tablets 5 mg Haya – K Chewable Tablets Konakion Ampoules for infants Konakion Ampoules for adults Amri – K Ampoules Sedonase Vial 1,500,000 IU Angikinase Vial 500,000 IU Actilyse Vial Kapron Oral Tablets Ampoules Plavix Oral Tablets Thrombo Oral Tablets Sigmagrel Oral Tablets

74 86 10 5 10 14 18 28 35 5 285 630 5642 20 21 205 123 60

Chapter 11

 Pituitary Hormones: 1-Growth Hormone (Somatropin) Genotropin Vial 4 IU Somatropin Vial 4 IU Norditropin Nordilet Injection Pen 5 mg/1.5 ml Suggested Dose: for treatment of Pituitary Dwarfism prescribed by physician. 2-Fillice Stimulating Hormone (FSH) & Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Merional Vials 75 IU or 150 IU Suggested Dose: for treatment of infertility prescribed by physician. 3-Oxytocin Syntocinon Ampoules 5 IU or 10 IU Suggested Dose: used to contract uterus during labor prescribed by Gynecologist. 4-Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH) Discussed in Renal System page 171  Thyroid Hormones: Levothyroxine Eltroxin Oral Tablets 50 mcg & 100 mcg Euthyrox Oral Tablets 50 mcg & 100 mcg Suggested Dose: for treatment of hyperthyroidism 12.5 to 50 mcg orally once a day. The dosage can be increased in 12.5 to 25 mcg/day increments every 2 to 4 weeks. In older patients or in younger patients with a history of cardiovascular disease, the dosage should be increased in 12.5 to 25 mcg increments every 3 to 6 weeks.  Anti-Thyroid Drugs: 1-Propylthiouracil Thyrocil Oral Tablets 50 mg Suggested Doses: Initial: 100 to 150 mg orally every 8 hours. Rarely, a patient may require 200 to 300 mg orally every 8 hours. Initial doses are continued until 2 months after symptoms are fully controlled. Maintenance: 100 to 150 mg/day in equally divided doses every 8 to 12 hours. Therapy is usually continued until spontaneous remission occurs (up to 1 to 2 years) or ablative therapy is undertaken.

2-Carbimazole Carbimazole Oral Tablets 5 mg Suggested Doses: Initial Dose: is in the range 20 mg to 60 mg, taken as two to three divided doses. The dose should be titrated against thyroid function until the patient is euthyroid in order to reduce the risk of over-treatment and resultant hypothyroidism. Subsequent therapy may then be administered in one of two ways. Maintenance Dose: Final dosage is usually in the range 5 mg to 15 mg per day.

 Drugs Used in treatment of Osteoporosis: 1-Calcitonin Miacalcic Ampoules 50 IU/1 ml or 100 IU/1 ml – Nasal Spray 200 IU/Dose 2-Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) Devarol – S Ampoules 200000 IU/2 ml – 600000 IU/2 ml Vidrop Oral Drops 15 ml 3-Bisphosphonates e.g. Alendronate Sodium Fosamax Oral Tablets 70 mg Alendene Oral Tablets 70 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet weekly before your meal by 1 hour. 3-Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) + Bisphosphonates e.g. Alendronate Sodium Fosavance Oral Tablets Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) 2800 IU + Alendronate Sodium 70 mg Egy Dronate Oral Tablets Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) 2800 IU + Alendronate Sodium 70 mg Debosteobone Oral Tablets Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) 2800 IU + Alendronate Sodium 70 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet weekly before your meal by 1 hour.

 Estrogen: Oestradiol Ethinyl Oestradiol Oral Tablets 50 mcg Folone Ampoules 5 mg/1 ml  Progesterone: Progesterone Progest Capsules Oral & Vaginal Tablets 100 mcg Lutone Ampoules 25 mg/1 ml  Anti-Estrogens for management of infertility: 1-Clomiphene Citrate Clomid Oral Tablets 50 mg Suggested Dose: Prescribed only by physician. 2-Tmoxifen Nolvadex Oral Tablets 10 mg Suggested Dose: Prescribed only by physician.  Hormonal Contraceptives:  Injectable Contraceptives: Medroxyprogesterone Depo-Provera Vial 150 mg Suggested Dose: 150 mg intramuscularly or 104 mg subcutaneously every 3 months. The first dose should only be given within the first 5 days of a normal menstrual period, within 5 days postpartum if the patient is not breast feeding, or at 6 weeks postpartum if the patient is breast feeding. If the period between injections is > 14 weeks, pregnancy should be ruled out prior to administering.  Oral Contraceptives (Trade Names Only):  Combined Oral Contraceptives: o Monophasic Pills: Yasmin Oral Tablets each tablet contains Drospirenone 3.000 mg + Ethinylestradiol 0.030 mg Cilest Oral Tablets each tablet contains Norgestimate 0.25 mg + Ethinylestradiol 0.035 mg Gynera Oral Tablets each tablet contains Gestodene 0.075 mg + Ethinylestradiol 0.03 mg

o Triphasic Pills: Triocept Oral Tablets Three-step preparation for oral contraception. 5 strips. Strip 21 tablets. 6 Light brown tablets, each containing: 0.05 mg Levonorgestrel + 0.03 mg Ethinyl Estradiol. 5 White tablets, each containing: 0.075 mg Levonorgestrel + 0.04 mg Ethinyl Estradiol. 5 Ochreous tablets, each containing: 0.125 mg Levonorgestrel + 0.03 mg Ethinyl Estradiol.  Minipill (Progestin Only): Cerazette Oral Tablets each tablet contains: Desogestrel 0.075 mg Microlut Oral Tablets each tablet contains: Levonorgestrel 0.03 mg Exluton Oral Tablets each tablet contains: Lynestrenol 0.5 mg  Morning-After Pills: Contraplan II Oral Tablets each tablet contains: Levonorgestrel 0.75 mg  Testosterone: Testosterone Andriol Capsules 40 mg Cidoteston Ampoules 100 mg/1 ml & 250 mg/1 ml  Anti-Androgens: 1-Cyproterone Androcur Oral Tablets 50 mg 2-Flutamide Androxin Oral Tablets 250 mg  Anabolic Steroids: Nandrolone Decanoate Nandurabolin Ampoules 25 mg/ml & 50 mg/ml

NB. For all mentioned above drugs strongly the dose to be prescribed by the physician

 Insulin Preparations (Trade Names Only):  Unmodified Insulin (Soluble Insulin): Humulin R Vial 100 IU/1 ml – Cartridges 100 IU/1 ml

 Modified Insulin:  Rapid Acting: Insulin Lispro Humalog 100 Cartridges 100 IU/1 ml – Prefilled pens 100 IU/1 ml  Intermediate Acting: 1-Insulin Lispro 75% + Insulin Lispro Protamine Suspension 25% Humalog Mix 25 Cartridges 100 IU/1 ml – Prefilled pens 100 IU/1 ml 2-Insulin Lispro 50% + Insulin Lispro Protamine Suspension 50% Humalog Mix 50 Cartridges 100 IU/1 ml – Prefilled pens 100 IU/1 ml 3-Isophane Insulin (N.P.H.) Insulatard Vial 100 IU/1 ml for S.C. Injections – Cartridges 100 IU/1 ml  Long Acting: Insulin Glargine Lantus Cartridges 100 IU/1 ml Lantus SoloStar Prefilled pens 100 IU/1 ml

NB. 1- For all mentioned above insulin preparations dose to be prescribed by the physician & according to type of food the patient receive. 2- Prefilled pens sold in the Egyptian market used for S.C. injection but for Cartridges the same company which provide insulin provide specific pen combatable with their cartridges so, not one pen can be used with all type of cartridges.

 Oral Hypoglycemics (Anti-Diabetics): 1- Sulphonylureas (Insulin Secretagogues):  1st Generation: Chlorpropamide Pamidin Oral Tablets 250 mg  2nd Generation: 1-Glibenclamide Daonil Oral Tablets 5 mg Semi-Daonil Oral Tablets 2.5 mg 2-Gliclazide Diamicron Oral Tablets 30 mg, 60 mg (Modified Release) & 80 mg  3rd Generation: Glimepride Amaryl Oral Tablets 1, 2, 3 & 4 mg 2- Biguanides: Metformin Glucophage Oral Tablets 500 mg & 1000 mg Glucophage XR Oral Tablets 1000 mg (Sustained Release) Cidophage Oral Tablets 500 mg & 1000 mg Cidophage Retard Oral Tablets 850 mg (Sustained Release) 3- Combinations of Sulphonylureas & Biguanides: 1-Metformin + Glibenclamide Glucovance Oral Tablets 500 mg/2.5 mg or 500 mg/5 mg 2-Metformin + Glimepride Amaryl M Oral Tablets 500 mg/2 mg 4- Thiazolidinedione (Insulin Sensitizers): Pioglitazone Glustin Oral Tablets 15 mg & 30 mg Diabetin Oral Tablets 15 mg & 30 mg 4- Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors: Acarbose Glucobay Oral Tablets 50 mg 4- Dipeptidyl Peptidase Inhibitors: Sitagliptin Januvia Oral Tablets 100 mg 5- Dipeptidyl Peptidase Inhibitor + Biguanide: Sitagliptin + Metformin Janumet Oral Tablets 50 mg/500 mg or 50 mg/1000 mg

ď ś β-Cells Regulation Stimulants: Incretin Mimetics e.g. Exenatide Byetta 5 mcg or 10 mcg 60 doses prefilled pen

NB. For all mentioned above drugs dose to be prescribed by the physician & according to type of food the patient receive.

 Glucocorticoids:  Natural Glucocorticoids: 1-Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate Solu-Cortef Vial 100 mg 2 ml Sigmacortin Vial 50 mg 2 ml 2-Hydrocortisone Acetate Hydrocortisone Acetate Cream or Ointment 15 g

 Synthetic Glucocorticoids: 1-Prednisone Hostacortin Oral Tablets 5 mg 2-Prednisolone Solupred Oro Oral Tablets 5 mg & 20 mg Hostacortin H Oral Tablets 5 mg 3-Methylprednisolone Solu-Medrol Vials 500 mg or 1000 mg Depo-Medrol Vial 40 mg 4-Beclomethasone Beclo Nasal Spray 20 ml 200 Dose Beclosone Inhaler 200 Dose 5-Betamethasone Betaderm Cream or Ointment 15 g 6-Dexamethasone Dexamethasone Syrup 10 mg 100 ml – Ampoules 8 mg/2 ml Epidexone Eye Drops 0.1% - Eye Ointment 0.5 mg 7-Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Dexamethasone Ampoules 8 mg/2 ml

Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of Endocrine System Name Genotropin Vial 4 IU Somatropin Vial 4 IU Norditropin Nordilet Injection Pen Merional Vials 75 IU Vials 150 IU Syntocinon Ampoules 5 IU Ampoules 10 IU Eltroxin Oral Tablets 50 mcg Oral Tablets 100 mcg Euthyrox Oral Tablets 50 mcg Oral Tablets 100 mcg Thyrocil Oral Tablets Carbimazole Oral Tablets Miacalcic Ampoules 50 IU/1 ml Ampoules 100 IU/1 ml Nasal Spray Devarol – S Ampoules 200000 IU/2 ml Ampoules 600000 IU/2 ml Vidrop Oral Drops Fosamax Oral Tablets Alendene Oral Tablets Fosavance Oral Tablets Egy Dronate Oral Tablets Debosteobone Oral Tablets Ethinyl Oestradiol Oral Tablets Folone Ampoules

Price (EGP) 110 100 510 490 820 15 25 7 9 3.5 5 20 8 70 128 150 4 4 5 63 35 105 37 60 5 9

Progest Capsules Oral & Vaginal Tablets Lutone Ampoules Clomid Oral Tablets Nolvadex Oral Tablets Depo-Provera Vial Yasmin Oral Tablets Cilest Oral Tablets Gynera Oral Tablets Cerazette Oral Tablets Microlut Oral Tablets Exluton Oral Tablets Contraplan II Oral Tablets Andriol Capsules Cidoteston Ampoule 100 mg/1 ml Ampoule 250 mg/1 ml Androcur Oral Tablets Androxin Oral Tablets Nandurabolin Ampoules 25 mg/ml Ampoules 50 mg/ml Humulin R Vial 100 IU/1 ml Cartridges 100 IU/1 ml Humalog 100 Cartridge 100 IU/1 ml Prefilled pen 100 IU/1 ml Humalog Mix 25 Cartridge 100 IU/1 ml Prefilled pen 100 IU/1 ml Humalog Mix 50 Cartridge 100 IU/1 ml Prefilled pen 100 IU/1 ml Insulatard Vial 100 IU/1 ml

18 5 24 32 9 39 23 25 22 10 8 5 40 3 6 120 35 6 8 31 95 40 50 60 70 60 70 31

Cartridges 100 IU/1 ml Lantus Cartridge 100 IU/1 ml Lantus SoloStar Prefilled pens Pamidin Oral Tablets Daonil Oral Tablets 20 Tablets Oral Tablets 30 Tablets Semi-Daonil Oral Tablets Diamicron Oral Tablets (MR) 30 mg Oral Tablets (MR) 60 mg Oral Tablets 80 mg Amaryl Oral Tablets 1 mg Oral Tablets 2 mg Oral Tablets 3 mg Oral Tablets 4 mg Glucophage Oral Tablets 500 mg Oral Tablets 1000 mg Glucophage XR Oral Tablets Cidophage Oral Tablet 500 mg Oral Tablets 1000 mg Cidophage Retard Oral Tablets 30 Tablets Oral Tablets 60 Tablets Glucovance Oral Tablets 500 mg/2.5 mg Oral Tablets 500 mg/5 mg Amaryl M Oral Tablets Glustin Oral Tablets 15 mg Oral Tablets 30 mg Diabetin

95 80 90 2 6 9 2 14 26 9 17 36 41 54 15 14 36 2 5 6 10 15 22 39 22 37

Oral Tablets 15 mg 15 Tablets Oral Tablets 15 mg 30 Tablets Oral Tablets 30 mg 15 Tablets Oral Tablets 30 mg 30 Tablets Glucobay Oral Tablets Januvia Oral Tablets Janumet Oral Tablets 50 mg/500 mg Oral Tablets 50 mg/1000 mg Byetta 5 mcg prefilled pen 10 mcg prefilled pen Solu-Cortef Vial Sigmacortin Vial Hydrocortisone Acetate Cream Ointment Hostacortin Oral Tablets 20 Tablets Oral Tablets 30 Tablets Solupred Oro Oral Tablets 5 mg Oral Tablets 20 mg Hostacortin H Oral Tablets 20 Tablets Oral Tablets 30 Tablets Solu-Medrol Vial 500 mg Vial 1000 mg Depo-Medrol Vial Beclo Nasal Spray Beclosone Inhaler Betaderm Cream Ointment

23 69 35 105 24 22 220 220 675 675 5 12 3 3 4 6 23 40 4 6 98 180 7 19 12 3 3

Dexamethasone Syrup Ampuoles 3 Ampoules Ampuoles 5 Ampoules Epidexone Eye Drops Eye Ointment 0.5 mg Dexamethasone Ampoules

3 6 9 3 4 6

Chapter 12

 Anti-Microbial Drugs:  Inhibitors of Cell Wall Synthesis (β-Lactams):  Penicillin Derivatives: o Short Acting: Benzylpenicillin (Penicillin G) Benzyl Penicillin Vial 1000000 IU o Long Acting: 1-Procaine Penicillin + Benzylpenicillin Procaine Penicillin G Fortified Injection Vial (Procaine Penicillin 300000 IU + Benzylpenicillin 100000 IU) Suggested Dose: for both the dose (number of vials) differs from case to another prescribed by physician. 2-Benzathine Benzylpenicillin Pencitard Vial 1200000 IU Suggested Dose: 1 Vial Every 2 Weeks. o Broad Spectrum: 1-Ampicillin Epicocillin Vials 250, 500 & 1000 mg – Capsules 250 mg & 500 mg Suspensions 125 mg/5 ml & 250 mg/5 ml Suggested Doses: For Adult: 500 mg 3 times daily. For Child before 6: 125 mg 3 times daily. For Child above 6: 250 mg 3 times daily. 2-Ampicillin + β-Lactamase Resistant Penicillin Ampiclox (Ampicillin + Cloxacillin) Capsules 500 mg Suggested Dose: as Ampicillin. 3-Ampicillin + β-Lactamase Inhibitor Unictam (Ampicillin + Sulbactam) Capsules 375 mg – Suspension 250 mg/5 ml Vials 375, 750, 1500 & 3000 mg Suggested Dose: as Ampicillin. 4-Amoxicillin E-Mox Vials 250, 500 & 1000 mg – Capsules 500 mg Suspensions 125 mg/5 ml & 250 mg/5 ml Suggested Doses: For Adult: 500 mg 3 times daily. For Child before 6: 125 mg 3 times daily. For Child above 6: 250 mg 3 times daily.

5-Amoxicillin + β-Lactamase Resistant Penicillin Flumox (Amoxicillin + Cloxacillin) Capsules 250 & 500 mg - Vials 500 & 1000 mg Suspension 250 mg/5 ml Suggested Dose: as Amoxicillin. 6-Amoxicillin + β-Lactamase Inhibitor Augmentin (Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid) Oral Tablets 375, 625 & 1000 mg Vials 600 mg & 1200 mg Suspensions 156 mg/5 ml, 312 mg/5 ml & 600 mg/5 ml Syrups 156 mg/5 ml, 312 mg/5 ml & 457 mg/5 ml Infantile Drops 62.5 mg/1 ml E-Moxclav (Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid) Oral Tablets 375, 625 & 1000 mg Suspensions 156 mg/5 ml, 228.5 mg/5 ml, 312 mg/5 ml & 457 mg/5 ml Hibiotic (Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid) Oral Tablets 375, 625 & 1000 mg Suspensions 230 mg/5 ml, 460 mg/5 ml & 600 mg/5 ml Suggested Doses: For Adult: 675 mg 3 times daily or 1 g 2 times daily. For Child before 6: 125 mg 3 times daily. For Child above 6: mg 3 times daily.

 Cephalosporins: o 1st Generation: 1-Cefadroxil Ibidroxil Oral Tablets 1 g – Capsules 250 mg & 500 mg Syrups 125 mg/5 ml & 250 mg/5 ml Suspension 500 mg/5 ml 2-Cefradine Velosef Oral Tablets 1 g – Capsules 250 mg & 500 mg Vials 250, 500 & 1000 mg Suspensions 125 mg/5 ml & 250 mg/5 ml 3-Cefalexin Keflex Oral Tablets 500 mg & 1 g - Suspension 250 mg/5 ml o 2nd Generation: Cefuroxime Zinacef Oral Tablets 250 mg & 500 mg Suspension 125 mg/5 ml o 3rd Generation: 1-Cefixime Suprax Capsules 200 mg & 400 mg - Suspension 100 mg/5 ml 2-Cefotaxime Claforan Vials 0.25 g, 0.5 g & 1 g Ceforan Vials 500 mg, 1 g & 2 g 3-Ceftriaxone Ceftriaxone Vials for I.M. Injection 250, 500 & 1000 mg Vials for I.V. Injection 500 mg & 1000 mg Epicephin Vials for I.M. Injection 500 & 1000 mg Vials for I.V. Injection 500 mg & 1000 mg 4-Cefoperazone Cefobid Vials 0.5 g, 1 g & 2 g Cefazone Vials 500 mg & 1 g 5-Ceftazidime Fortum Vials 250 mg, 500 mg & 1 g Cefzim Vials 500 mg & 1 g o 4th Generation: 1-Cefepime Maxipime Vials 500 mg & 1 g 2-Cefpirome Cefrom Vial 1 g

 Carbapenems: Imipenem + Cilastatin N.B. 1-Cilastatin: is a chemical compound which inhibits the human enzyme dehydropeptidase. 2-Imipenem is rapidly degraded by the renal enzyme dehydropeptidase 1 when administered alone, and is always coadministered with Cilastatin to prevent this inactivation. Tienam Vial for I.V. Injection 500 mg

ďƒź Inhibitors of Cell Wall Synthesis (Vancomycin): Vancomycin Vancomix Vials 500 mg & 1 g Vancomycine Vial 500 mg

 Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis:  Aminoglycosides: 1-Streptomycin Streptomycin Vial 1 g 2-Gentamicin Garamycin Ampoules 20 mg/2 ml, 40 mg/2 ml & 80 mg/2 ml Cream & Ointment 0.1% 3-Amikacin Amikacin Vials 100, 250 & 500 mg Spray 125 mg & 250 mg 4-Tobramycin Tobrin Eye Drops 0.3% - Eye Ointment 0.3% 5-Neomycin Neomycin Oral Tablets 500 mg  Chloramphenicol: Chloramphenicol Miphenicol Capsules 250 mg Isomiphenicol Eye Drops 0.5%  Tetracyclines: 1-Tetracycline Tetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules 250 mg Tetracycline Capsules 250 mg 2-Doxycycline Vibramycin Capsules 100 mg Doxycost Oral Tablets 200 mg  Macrolides: 1-Erythromycin Erythrocin Oral Tablets 250 mg & 500 mg - Suspension 200 mg/5 ml 2-Azithromycin Zithromax Capsules 250 mg – Vial 500 mg Suspensions 600, 900 & 1200 mg Xithrone Oral Tablets 500 mg – Suspension 200 mg/5 ml Suggested Dose: 250 mg 2 times daily before your meal by 1 hour 3-Spiramycin Rovamycin Oral Tablets 1.5 M.I.U & 3 M.I.U Rovac Oral Tablets 1.5 M.I.U & 3 M.I.U

 Oxazolidone: Linezolid Respenzo Oral Tablets 600 mg Averozolid Oral Tablets 600 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet (600 mg)/12 hour for 10 – 14 days.  Lincosamides: 1-Lincomycin Lincocin Ampoules 300 mg/1 ml & 600 mg/1 ml 2-Clindamycin Dalacin C Capsules 150 & 300 - Ampoule 600 mg/4 ml - Vagainal Cream 2% Dalacin T Topical Solution 1% Clinacyn Capsules 150 mg & 300 mg Clindasol Gel 1% - Topical Solution  Steroid Anti-Microbial: 1-Fusidic Acid Futhalm Eye Drops 1% 2-Sodium Fusidate Fucidin Cream & Ointment 2% Defucin Oral Tablets 250 mg 2-Sodium Fusidate + Betamethasone Fucicort Cream  Benzoic Acid Derivatives: Nifuroxazide Antinal Oral Tablets 200 mg – Suspension 225 mg/5 ml Suggested Dose: 200 mg 3 times daily.

 Inhibitors Bacterial Cell Metabolism:  Sulfonamides: 1-Sulfasalazine Colosalazine - EC Oral Tablets 500 mg Suggested Doses: Active Ulcerative Colitis: 3 to 4 g/day orally in evenly divided dose. Maintenance Ulcerative Colitis: 2 g/day orally in evenly divided doses. 2-Silver Sulfadiazine Dermazin Cream 1 % Suggested Dose: for burn with bacterial infection place few amounts on the burn site 3 times daily. 3-Sulfamethoxazole + Trimethoprim (Co-Trimoxazole) Septrin D.S. Oral Tablets Sulfamethoxazole 800 mg + Trimethoprim 160 mg Septrin Suspension each 5 ml contains: Sulphamethoxazole 200 mg + Trimethoprim 40 mg Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet or 5 ml 2 timed daily after your meal.  Inhibitors of Nucleic Acid function or synthesis:  Fluoroquinolones: o 1st Generation: Norfloxacin Epinor Oral Tablets 400 mg Suggested Doses: for Urinary Tract Infection. Uncomplicated: Due to Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, or Proteus mirabilis: 400 mg orally every 12 hours for 3 days. Due to other organisms: 400 mg orally every 12 hours for 7 to 10 days. Complicated: 400 mg orally every 12 hours for 10 to 21 days. o 2nd Generation: 1-Ofloxacin Tarivid Oral Tablets 200 mg Oflicin Oral Tablets 200 mg – Eye Drops 0.3 g/100 ml Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet 2 times daily (every 12 hours). 2-Ciprofloxacin Ciprobay Oral Tablets 250, 500 & 750 mg Ciprocin Oral Tablets 250, 500 & 750 mg Eye Drops & Eye Ointment 0.3% Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet 2 times daily (every 12 hours).

3-Levofloxacin Tavanic Oral Tablets 500 mg – Vial 500 mg/100 ml Levoxin Oral Tablets 250 mg & 500 mg - Vial 500 mg/100 ml Eye Drops 0.5% Suggested Dose: 500 mg daily (every 25 hours) for 7 – 14 days. o 3rd Generation: 1-Gatifloxacin Gatilox Oral Tablets 400 mg – Eye Drops 0.3% Suggested Dose: 500 mg daily (every 25 hours) for 7 – 14 days. 2-Sparfloxacin Spara Oral Tablets 200 mg Suggested Dose: 400 mg orally once as a loading dose, followed by 200 mg orally once a day thereafter for a total of 10 days. o 4th Generation: Moxifloxacin Avalox Oral Tablets 400 mg Moxiflox Oral Tablets 400 mg Vigamox Eye Drops 0.5 % Suggested Dose: 400 mg daily (every 25 hours) for 5 – 14 days.  Rifampicin: Rifampicin Rimactane Oral Tablets 300 mg – Syrup 2% Suggested Dose: this drug prescribed for special cases as treatment of tuberculosis & prophylaxis against epidemic meningitis.

 Anti-Protozoal Drugs: 1-Metronidazole Flagyl Oral Tablets 250 mg & 500 mg – Suspension 125 mg/5 ml Vial 500 mg/100 ml Suggested Dose: 500 mg 3 times daily. 2-Secnidazole Flagentyl Oral Tablets 500 mg Suggested Dose: 3 Tablets (1.5 g) as a single dose 3-Diiodohydroxyquinoline + Phthalyl Sulphathiazole + Streptomycin Sulfate + Homatropine Methyl Bromide Streptoquin Oral Tablets – Suspension 60 ml Suggested Dose: 1 Tablet 3 times daily.  Anti-Helminthic Drugs: 1-Praziquantel Epiquantel Oral Tablets 600 mg Suggested Dose: Single days the 4 tablets taken at once. 2-Albendazole Alzental Oral Tablets 200 mg – Suspension 20 mg/1 ml Suggested Dose: 400 mg orally twice a day with meals 28-day cycle followed by a 14-day Albendazole -free interval, for a total of 3 cycles. 3-Mebendazole Antiver Oral Tablets 100 mg – Suspension 100 mg/5 ml Suggested Dose: 100 mg orally twice a day for 5 days.  Anti-Tuberculous Drugs: 1-Rifampicin Discussed in page 263 2-Isoniazid (INH) Usually Combined with other Anti-Tuberculous Drugs 3-Isoniazid (INH) + Rifampicin Rimactazid Oral Tablets (Rifampicin 300 mg + Isoniazid 150 mg)  Anti-Leprosy Drugs: Dapsone Dapsone Oral Tablets 50 mg Suggested Dose: 50 to 100 mg orally once a day for 2-5 years.

 Anti-Malarial Drugs: 1-Chloroquine Alexoquine Oral Tablets 250 mg Suggested Dose: 60 kg or more: 1 g chloroquine phosphate (600 mg base) orally as an initial dose, followed by 500 mg chloroquine phosphate (300 mg base) orally after 6 to 8 hours, then 500 mg chloroquine phosphate (300 mg base) orally once a day on the next 2 consecutive days. Total dose: 2.5 g chloroquine phosphate (1.5 g base) in 3 days. 2-Mefloquine Lariam Oral Tablets 250 mg Suggested Dose: 1250 mg orally as a single dose. For Prophylaxis: 250 mg orally once a week. 3-Pyrimethamine Daraprim Oral Tablets 250 mg Suggested Dose for prophylaxis: 25 mg orally once a week. Prophylaxis should begin one week prior to departure and continue for at least 6 to 10 weeks following exposure.  Non-Azoles Anti-Fungal Drugs: 1-Griseofulvin Ultragriseofulvin Oral Tablets 125 mg – Suspension 100 ml Suggested Doses: Micro-Size Formulation: 1000 mg/day orally in 2 to 4 divided doses. Ultra-Micro-Size Formulation: 660 to 750 mg/day orally in 2 to 4 divided doses. 2-Amphotericin B Photericin-B Vial 50 mg Suggested Dose for Cryptococcal Meningitis: 0.7 to 1 mg/kg per day IV plus flucytosine for 2 weeks followed by fluconazole for a minimum of 10 weeks. 3-Nystatin Nystatin Cream 20 g Nystatin Oral Drops 30 ml Suggested Dose: Used topically for different fungal infections.

 Azole Anti-Fungal Drugs: 1-Ketoconazole Nizoral Oral Tablets 200 mg – Cream 20 mg/1 g – Shampoo 2% 2-Fluconazole Diflucan Capsules 50 mg & 150 mg – Vial 2 mg/1 ml – Syrup 5 mg/1 ml Fungican Capsules 150 mg Suggested Dose for Coccidioidomycosis Meningitis: Usual Adult Dose for 200 to 800 mg IV or orally once a day dosages of 400 to 800 mg IV or orally once a day have been recommended in patients with AIDS. 3-Itraconazole Sporanox Capsules 100 mg Suggested Doses: Consolidation therapy: 200 mg orally twice a day. Duration of therapy: At least 8 weeks. 4-Clotrimazole Candistan Cream 15 g – Vaginal Cream 2% - Solution 20 ml Vaginal Tablets 100 mg & 200 mg – Spray 500 mg Suggested Dose: Topical for fungal infection. 5-Miconazole Daktarin Cream 15 g – Oral Gel 40 g Gyno – Daktarin Vaginal Cream 40 g – Vaiginal Ovules 400 mg Suggested Dose: Topical for fungal infection.  Combinations for treatment of different skin infections: 1-Nystatin + Neomycin + Gramicidin + Triamcinolone Acetonide Kenacomb Cream & Ointment 15 g 2-Miconazole + Hydrocortisone Daktacort Cream 15 g 3-Fusidic Acid + Miconazole + Betamethasone Fucisone-M Cream 15 g  Treatment of Scabies: Benzyl Benzoate Benzyl Benzoate Cream 40 g 20% - Lotion 120 ml 25%

ď ś Anti-Viral Drugs: 1-Amantadine Anti-Viral Drug used also, in treatment of Parkinsonism discussed in CNS page 94 2-Rimantadine Rymanta Syrup 50 mg/5 ml 3-Ribavirin Virin Capsules 200 mg & 400 mg 4-Acyclovir Zovirax Vial 250 mg Aciclovir Vial 500 mg Acyclovir STADA Oral Tablets 400 mg & 800 mg Acyclovir Cream 10 g 5% Suggested Doses: For Treatment of Herpes Simplex Infection: 800 mg orally 5 times daily (1 tablet each 3 hours) for 1 week. For Treatment of Herpes Simplex Encephalitis: 500 mg intravenously each 8 hours for 10-21 days. N.B. Herpes Simplex Encephalitis is a fetal disease it is strongly suggested to administrate Acyclovir I.V. even before investigations prove the infection, once patient is Immunocompromised due to AIDS, Cancer Chemotherapy or even prolonged high blood glucose level (More than 400 mg/dl for 6 months) an I.V. administration of Acyclovir is done until prove otherwise. 6-Ganciclovir Cymevene Oral Tablets 250 mg - Vial 500 mg 5-Entecavir Cludine Tech Oral Tablets 0.5 mg & 1 mg 6-Adefovir Dipivoxil Fodavir Oral Tablets 10 mg 7-Lamivudine Lamidine Oral Tablets 100 mg & 150 mg 8-Tenofovir Viread Oral Tablets 300 mg 9-Oseltamivir Tamiflu Oral Tablets 75 mg Taminil-N Capsules 75 mg – Suspension 12 mg/ml 10-Sofosbuvir Sovaldi Oral Tablets 400 mg

ď ś Human Interferons: 1-Interferon Beta-1a Avonex Syringes 30 mcg/0.5 ml 2-Interferon Alpha-2a Reiferon Retard Vial 160 mcg 3-Interferon Alpha-2b Egyferon Vials 3000000 IU & 5000000 IU

 Anti-Cancer Drugs:  Alkylating Agents & Related Compounds:

   

   

1-Cyclophosphamide Endoxan Oral Tablets 50 mg – Vials 1 g & 200 mg 2-Cisplatin Cisplatin Vials 10 mg & 50 mg Anti-Metabolites: Methotrxate Methotrexate Oral Tablets 2.5 mg – Vial 50 mg Purine Antagonists: 6-Mercaptopurine Puri-nethol Oral Tablets 50 mg Pyrimidine Antagonists: Fluorouracil (5-FU) Fluorouracil Ampoules 250 mg/10 ml Plant Alkaloids: 1-Vinblastine Velbastine Vial 10 mg 2-Vincristine Vinracine Vials 1 mg Cytotoxic Antibiotics: Doxorubicin Adriblastina Vial 10 mg Monoclonal Antibodies: Trastuzumab Herceptin Vial 440 mg Miscellaneous Anti-Cancer Drugs: Imatinib Glivec Oral Tablets 100 mg & 400 mg Anti-Estrogen for Estrogen Sensitive Breast Cancers: Letrozol Femara Oral Tablets 2.5 mg

Price Guide of Drugs Mentioned in Pharmacology of Chemotherapeutic Drugs Name Benzyl Penicillin Vial Procaine Penicillin G Fortified Injection Vial Pencitard Vial Epicocillin Vial 250 mg Vial 500 mg Vial 1000 mg Capsules 250 mg Capsules 500 mg Suspension 125 mg/5 ml Suspension 250 mg/5 ml Ampiclox Capsules 500 mg Unictam Capsules 375 mg Suspension 250 mg/5 ml Vial 375 mg Vial 750 mg Vial 1500 mg Vial 3000 mg E-Mox Vial 250 mg Vial 500 mg Vial 1000 mg Capsules 500 mg Suspension 125 mg/5 ml Suspension 250 mg/5 ml Flumox Capsules 250 mg Capsules 500 mg Vial 500 mg Vial 1000 mg Suspension 250 mg/5 ml

Price (EGP) 3 1.25 5 1 2.5 3.75 4 10.5 4 7 7 30 21 3.75 6 11 17 3 3 5 13 3 4.25 7.5 18 4 6 13

Augmentin Oral Tablets 375 mg Oral Tablets 625 mg Oral Tablets 1000 mg Vial 600 mg Vial 1200 mg Suspension 156 mg/5 ml Suspension 312 mg/5 ml Suspension 600 mg/5 ml Syrup 156 mg/5 ml Syrup 312 mg/5 ml Syrup 457 mg/5 ml Infantile Drops 62.5 mg/1 ml E-Moxclav Oral Tablets 375 mg Oral Tablets 625 mg Oral Tablets 1000 mg Suspension 156 mg/5 ml Suspension 228.5 mg/5 ml Suspension 312 mg/5 ml Suspension 457 mg/5 ml Hibiotic Oral Tablets 375 mg Oral Tablets 625 mg Oral Tablets 1000 mg Suspension 230 mg/5 ml Suspension 460 mg/5 ml Suspension 600 mg/5 ml Ibidroxil Oral Tablets 1 g Capsules 250 mg Capsules 500 mg Syrup 125 mg/5 ml Syrup 250 mg/5 ml Suspension 500 mg/5 ml

20 35 58 11.5 20 22 32 46 22 32 37 16 17 30 33.5 10.5 14 18 20 38 42 50 15 23 32 16 6 11 7 10 11

Velosef Oral Tablets 1 g Capsules 250 mg Capsules 500 mg Vial 250 mg Vial 500 mg Vial 1000 mg Suspension 125 mg/5 ml Suspension 250 mg/5 ml Keflex Oral Tablets 500 mg Oral Tablets 1 g Suspension 250 mg/5 ml Zinacef Oral Tablets 250 mg Oral Tablets 500 mg Suspension 125 mg/5 ml Suprax Capsules 200 mg Capsules 400 mg Suspension 100 mg/5 ml (30 ml) Suspension 100 mg/5 ml (60 ml) Claforan Vial 0.25 g Vial 0.5 g Vial 1 g Ceforan Vial 500 mg Vial 1 g Vial 2 g Ceftriaxone Vial for I.M. Injection 250 mg Vial for I.M. Injection 500 mg Vial for I.M. Injection 1000 mg Vial for I.V. Injection 500 mg

14 7 15 4 5 9.5 4.5 12 12 23 9 25 45 19 50 60 24 40 9 15 26 8 12 18 9 18 29 18

Vial for I.V. Injection 1000 mg Epicephin Vial for I.M. Injection 500 mg Vial for I.M. Injection 1000 mg Vial for I.V. Injection 500 mg Vial for I.V. Injection 1000 mg Cefobid Vial 0.5 g Vial 1 g Vial 2 g Cefazone Vial 500 mg Vial 1 g Fortum Vial 250 mg Vial 500 mg Vial 1 g Cefzim Vial 500 mg Vial 1 g Maxipime Vial 500 mg Vial 1 g Cefrom Vial 1 g Tienam Vial 500 mg Vancomix Vial 500 mg Vial 1 g Vancomycine Vial 500 mg Streptomycin Vial 1 g Garamycin Ampoules 20 mg/2 ml Ampoules 40 mg/2 ml Ampoules 80 mg/2 ml Cream

29 15 20 15 20 16 28 34 8 14 10 19 38 11 17 22 38 60 96 45 50 24 3 6 9 9 3

Ointment Amikacin Vial 100 mg Vial 250 mg Vial 500 mg Spray 125 mg Spray 250 mg 50 ml Spray 250 mg 100 ml Tobrin Eye Drops Eye Ointment Neomycin Oral Tablets 500 mg Miphenicol Capsules 250 mg Isomiphenicol Eye Drops 0.5% Tetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules 250 mg Tetracycline Capsules 250 mg Vibramycin Capsules 100 mg Doxycost Oral Tablets 200 mg Erythrocin Oral Tablets 250 mg Oral Tablets 500 mg Suspension 200 mg/5 ml Zithromax Capsules 250 mg Vial 500 mg Suspension 600 mg Suspension 900 mg Suspension 1200 mg Xithrone Oral Tablets 500 mg 3 Tablets Oral Tablets 500 mg 5 Tablets Suspension 200 mg/5 ml (15 ml) Suspension 200 mg/5 ml (25 ml) Rovamycin Oral Tablets 1.5 M.I.U

3 3 4.5 9 8 8 12 6 5 6 3 3 3 3 18 14 7 12 8 54 120 26 35 44 18 30 17 24 19

Oral Tablets 3 M.I.U Rovac Oral Tablets 1.5 M.I.U Oral Tablets 3 M.I.U Respenzo Oral Tablets 600 mg Averozolid Oral Tablets 600 mg Lincocin Ampoules 300 mg/1 ml Ampoules 600 mg/1 ml Dalacin C Capsules 150 mg Capsules 300 mg Ampoule 600 mg/4 ml Vagainal Cream 2% Dalacin T Topical Solution 1% Clinacyn Capsules 150 mg Capsules 300 mg Clindasol Gel Topical Solution Futhalm Eye Drops 1% Fucidin Cream 15 g Cream 30 g Ointment 15 g Ointment 30 g Fucicort Cream 15 g Cream 30 g Antinal Oral Tablets 200 mg Suspension 225 mg/5 ml Colosalazine - EC Oral Tablets 500 mg

24 9 17 88 79 12 18 24 35 26 30 25 12 17 5 6 12 10 18 10 18 11 20 10 5 15

Dermazin Cream 30 g Cream 250 g Septrin D.S. Oral Tablets Septrin Suspension Epinor Oral Tablets 400 mg Tarivid Oral Tablets 200 mg Oflicin Oral Tablets 200 mg Eye Drops 0.3 g/100 ml Ciprobay Oral Tablets 250 mg Oral Tablets 500 mg Oral Tablets 750 mg Ciprocin Oral Tablets 250 mg Oral Tablets 500 mg Oral Tablets 750 mg Eye Drops Eye Ointment Tavanic Oral Tablets 500 mg Vial 500 mg/100 ml Levoxin Oral Tablets 250 mg Oral Tablets 500 mg Vial 500 mg/100 ml Eye Drops 0.5% Gatilox Oral Tablets 400 mg Eye Drops 0.3% Spara Oral Tablets 200 mg Avalox Oral Tablets 400 mg Moxiflox Oral Tablets 400 mg Vigamox Eye Drops 0.5 %

6 25 7 6 18 39 35 6 26 46 65 18 32 35 5 5 85 93 25 51 48 7 30 12 35 90 54 45

Rimactane Oral Tablets 300 mg Syrup 2% Flagyl Oral Tablets 250 mg Oral Tablets 500 mg Suspension 125 mg/5 ml Vial 500 mg/100 ml Flagentyl Oral Tablets 500 mg Streptoquin Oral Tablets 10 Tablets Oral Tablets 20 Tablets Suspension 60 ml Epiquantel Oral Tablets 600 mg Alzental Oral Tablets 200 mg 2 Tablets Oral Tablets 200 mg 6 Tablets Suspension 20 mg/1 ml Antiver Oral Tablets 100 mg Suspension 100 mg/5 ml Rimactazid Oral Tablets Dapsone Oral Tablets 50 mg Alexoquine Oral Tablets 250 mg Lariam Oral Tablets 250 mg Daraprim Oral Tablets 250 mg Ultragriseofulvin Oral Tablets 125 mg Suspension 100 ml Photericin-B Vial 50 mg Nystatin Cream 20 g Nystatin Oral Drops 30 ml Nizoral Oral Tablets 200 mg Cream 20 mg/1 g

8 7 6 6 5 17 18 4 8 5 5 2 5 2 2 2 7 5 2 330 11 4 5 55 2 4 34 6

Shampoo 2% Diflucan Capsules 50 mg Capsules 150 mg Vial 2 mg/1 ml (50 ml) Vial 2 mg/1 ml (100 ml) Syrup 5 mg/1 ml Fungican Capsules 150 mg 1 Capsule Capsules 150 mg 2 Capsule Sporanox Capsules 100 mg 4 Capsules Capsules 100 mg 14 Capsules Candistan Cream 15 g Vaginal Cream 2% Solution 20 ml Vaginal Tablets 100 mg Vaginal Tablets 200 mg Spray 500 mg Daktarin Cream 15 g Oral Gel 40 g Gyno – Daktarin Vaginal Cream 40 g Vaiginal Ovules 400 mg Kenacomb Cream 15 g Cream 30 g Ointment 15 g Ointment 30 g Daktacort Cream 15 g Fucisone-M Cream 15 g Benzyl Benzoate Cream 40 g 20%

23 68 27 40 70 68 10 20 42 108 3 9 4 4 4 10 6 19 14 14 7 12 6 12 8 7 2

Lotion 120 ml 25% Rymanta Syrup 50 mg/5 ml Virin Capsules 200 mg Capsules 400 mg Zovirax Vial 250 mg Aciclovir Vials 500 mg Acyclovir STADA Oral Tablets 400 mg Oral Tablets 800 mg Acyclovir Cream 10 g 5% Cymevene Oral Tablets 250 mg Vial 500 mg Cludine Tech Oral Tablets 0.5 mg Oral Tablets 1 mg Fodavir Oral Tablets 10 mg Lamidine Oral Tablets 100 mg Oral Tablets 150 mg Viread Oral Tablets 300 mg Tamiflu Oral Tablets 75 mg Taminil-N Capsules 75 mg Suspension 12 mg/ml (30 ml) Suspension 12 mg/ml (60 ml) Sovaldi Oral Tablets 400 mg Avonex Syringes 30 mcg/0.5 ml Reiferon Retard Vial 160 mcg Egyferon Vial 3000000 IU Vial 5000000 IU Endoxan Oral Tablets 50 mg

3 8.5 20 36 64 330 68 98 4 698 192 130 140 225 60 100 470 330 70 35 70 Unknown 1600 370 57 85 38

Vial 1 g Vial 200 mg Cisplatin Vial 10 mg Vial 50 mg Methotrexate Oral Tablets 2.5 mg Vial 50 mg Puri-nethol Oral Tablets 50 mg Fluorouracil Ampoules 250 mg/10 ml Velbastine Vial 10 mg Vinracine Vials 1 mg Adriblastina Vial 10 mg Herceptin Vial 440 mg Glivec Oral Tablets 100 mg Oral Tablets 400 mg Femara Oral Tablets 2.5 mg

30 9 16 58 32 22 40 43 60 120 57 13185 11616 11750 555

1- For Prices & Pictures of Drugs: http://seif-online.com/ 2- For Suggested Doses: http://www.drugs.com/

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