Organogenesis philosophy of traditional unani and arab medicine vs modern

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Review article:

Organogenesis - Philosophy of Traditional Unani and Arab Medicine VS Modern Mohammad ZULKIFLE1 , Tariq NADEEM KHAN2 1 Prof. &Head, 2Lecturer, Department of Kulliyat (Basic Sciences), 2 Lecturer National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Abstract: The body is made up of different organs, which enable it to support the various structures and functions. These organs are develops from denser part of Akhlat (Humours) and Akhlat are made from Arkan (Basic constituents) every organ has its own functions but depends on other organ to perform them. There are two types of organs in human body, simple and compound, simple organs are homogeneous as their parts are of similar type. Compound organs are heterogeneous and composed of many simple organs these are also called as the instruments of expression. All movements and functions are carried out through them.Key words: Organogenesis, Unani medicine.

INTRODUCTION: As per Unani system of Medicine Human body is considered to derive and rests on several factors which are related with Tabiyat (Physis) and Known as Umoore Tabiya. These factors are utilized in preparing the essence of body; hence body cannot sustain and survive even in absence of a single factor. These are Arkan (Elements), Mizaj (Temperament), Akhlat (Humours), Aaza (Body organs), Arwah (Pneuma), Quwa (Faculties/capacities) and Afa’al (Body Functions). (1)

REVIEW OF LITERATURE: Unani scholars especially Aristotle mentioned four basic causes for all three creatures (Minerals, Plants, Animals), these are Asbabe Maddiya (Material causes), Asbabe Faila (efficient causes), Asbabe Suariya (Formal causes) and Asbabe Tamamiya (Final causes). (2,3) The material causes for human body are Arkan (Elements), A’da (Organs), Akhlat (humours) and Arwah (Pneuma) these all provide the basic material for human body. (1)Organs are Solid components of body that are nourished and derived from viscous part of humours. Unani physicians described them as tools for Tabiyat and divided into two types.(2) Simple homogenous organs are those that look alike and their whole and parts are identical and cannot be named differently like muscle, tendon, bone, and nerve. Compound organs- these organs are made from different order of arrangement of simple organs and are meant for complex functions. Like hand, face, liver and heart etc.(2,4)

Unani concept:

According to the Hippocrate the material for the synthesis of semen is extracted from all body organs hence semen has potential for synthesis of all organs for which it is prepared. Inside the uterus sperm from male semen fertilized the ovum and a zygote is formed, this zygote is a complete human in pin head size and development in specific uterine environment is necessary to become a complete human baby for this purpose there are some special Faculties produced in this zygote for the development in a specific shape and size. First of all Physis emerges in this zygote at the time of fertilization and take the charge as a supreme planner and do everything for the nourishment and development for this zygote. (2,4,5) The Physis bring into play some other capacities which are necessary for the development like Quwwate Mughairrah ula (primary transformative capacity). This capacity primed the different part of the zygote to accept the specific temperament of different organs. Then the primed part is acted upon by another uterine capacity i.e. Quwwate Musawwirah (Morphogenetic capacity).(4,5,6,7,8) And this capacity ultimately imparts specific temperamental shapes to already primed part of zygote. Right from now these tiny organs are nourished from blood and enlarged in size to attain maturity. In this context a controversy exist regarding the hypothesis of organs. Some scholars are of opinion that some organs are made from semen while others are of blood or sanguine origins. Right view is that, all organs are initially made from semen and latter received nourishment from blood for further development. On this ground organs are divided in to two categories. Organs derived from semen (Seminal organs) Organs derived from Blood (Sanguine organs) –muscles and fat.(2,9) Seminal organs are those that develop from semen. This is a process of differentiation of various parts of zygote in to different organs, having entirely different characteristics. The process of differentiation is attributed to the action of two uterine capacities in Unani Medicine.(2,9)

MODERN CONCEPT: In modern genetics it is attributed to activation and suppression of genes groups. Under a suitable environment, genes inherited from both parents determine how a ball of un differentiated cells develop in to a recognisable human foetus. Molecular aspects of development are extensively studied in Drosophila melanogaster and scholars have identified several genes and gene families which play important role with early developmental processes. Most of these genes produce transcription factors. These control specific RNA transcription. Transcription factors can switch genes on and off. In vertebrates three genes families have been identified which regulates development. Homeobox genes are involved in spatial pattern control and development. Four homeobox gene clusters have been identified in Humans. Each cluster contains a series of closely linked genes. In each cluster there is a direct linear correlation between position of gene and its temporal and spatial expression. Some genes conserved a location called PAXgenes. These encode DNA binding proteins which are almost certainly transcription factors and play an important role in development right across animal kingdom.(10) Mutations of different pax box cause different developmental abnormalities in different organs. Another group of genes called zinc finger genes and these

are involved in regulation of development. These groups of genes are located at different chromosomes Interruption of a multiple zinc finger gene causes malformation and the malformation not only result from mutations in these developmental genes but may result from structural and numerical abnormalities of chromosomes also. As a rule of nature grossly malformed foetus usually aborts spontaneously. Because of this developmentally malformed children are of rare occurrence. Mostly developmental genes regulates transcription, mean they regulate synthesis of building blocking material proteins.(10) No doubt proteins are major constituents in body organs but apart from proteins other material like carbohydrates and lipids are also essential in organogenesis, because they are incorporated as building material. On the basis of genetic aspect of development and organogenesis the role of genes in relation to incorporation of carbohydrates and lipids in structure of body organs is unclear. During development loss of proteins occurs in cells and thereby they acquire definite potency to develop into definite cells with definite functions. In early stage of development cells are pleuripotent, gradually during differentiation they become unipotent. In this process selective separation and activation of genes occur in temporal as well as spatial manners. Various common and rare developmental abnormalities have been studied and they are attributed to genes and chromosomes. A lot is known about embryogenesis but a lot is still behind veil. Precise mechanism of differentiation is yet to explore. (10)

DISCUSSION: In literature of Unani Medicine the view present regarding embryogenesis and differentiation is quite different. Unani philosophers and Medical scholars are of opinion that building material for embryogenesis is provided by the semen of parents. This material is pleuripotent and under suitable environment when this material is acted upon by specific uterine capacity. Various part of zygote becomes primed to develop into different organs. Depending on the quantity and yielding ability of material organs may be of large or small size, may or may not be formed. Yielding ability depends upon viscous property of fused semen (Zygote).(11) This property of material helps to accept the given shapes. When it is too viscous then it does not accept any shape easily in contrary state it accepts but cannot retain the shape because of fluidity. For optimum formation of organs there must be equilibrium between metamorphic capacity and material available, so that this capacity can impart organ specific temperament perfectly. Once the zygote is processed by morphogenetic capacity, now it is ready to accept temperament specific shape. It seems that this capacity re arrange the genes in zygote in accordance with structure and functions of organs. Right from now the action of second uterine capacity start. This capacity imparts specific shapes to already primed part of amorphous embryogenetic material.(11) This uterine capacity is morphogenetic capacity and resides only in uterus. Under suitable uterine temperament, temperamentally primed part of embryogenetic material accepts the action of morphogenetic capacity and ultimately acquires the shapes of specific organs but at this stage the organs are very tiny so another capacity, Quwwate Namia start the function and provide nourishment to these tiny organs and organs grow in their dimension to become mature structurally and functionally. The actions of Namia capacity starts in uterus and remain continue till the end of adolescence. At this age

growth become complete. Now Namia capacity becomes abolish and further growth cannot occur.(4,5,7,12) For this complete development Unani scholars are of view that during specially embryogenesis and letter on there must be a harmony between temperament of uterus and foetus. Grossly miss matched foetus aborts spontaneously. This temperamental harmony is in respect of racial temperament. It is because of this only inter species breeding is possible otherwise it would have been disastrous. Because of temperamental harmony foetus of other race cannot grow in the uterus of a given race. During embryogenesis all organs differentiate under the influence of metamorphic and morphogenetic capacities. Both Hararat and Burudat in uterus should not of extreme type which can convert blood in to muscles but it can convert sanguine fluid into fats. Extreme hararat and burudat may interfere with development of embryo, by burning or solidifying semens.(13) The right view is that all homogenous or simple organs are primed by metamorphic capacity and then specific shape is given by morphogenetic capacity inside uterus, hence all simple organs are of seminal origin. In later life optimum burudat may enhance fat deposition and similarly optimum hararat can help in muscles building, provided that appropriate material is available for synthesis. Apart from this genesis of simple organs, Unani medicine also deals with various functions and benefits of these organs. Simultaneously a functional normal temperament is attributed to them. Amongst simple organs Unani scholars include Nerve, Tendon, Bone, Cartilage, Ligament, Fat, Vessels, Fluid, and Hairs. (4, 13) Regarding other major organs Unani philosophers are of opinion that these organs are made from combinations of simple organs and are heterogeneous. These organs are made for complex work and called as compound organs. Amongst the compound organs three organs are of vital importance for survival of individual with one organ is of vital value for preservation of species. All others organs provide services to vital organs for accomplishment of theirs work. Heart, liver, brain and testes are the vital organs. Self sustenance and survival is impossible with at functioning of heart, brain, and liver. These three organs share their services with each other’s. (5,11) Heart provides vitality to every organ in term liver provide nourishment to all organs and brain provides ability of movement and sensation to all organs. Brain itself receives vitality and nourishment from heart and liver respectively.(11,12,14) The organs which provide services to vital organs are called as servant organs and theirs health and functions more or less depend upon health and functions of vital organs. Functionally servant organs are linked with vital organs. Any abnormality in vital organ definitely interferes with functions of servant organ. In liver diseases gastric and renal abnormalities and in heart disease pulmonary functional abnormalities and in brain decease abnormalities of nerve functions are some examples of this association.

CONCLUSION: It is concluded that because inter organs functional relationship and association Unani philosophers consider whole body as single unit. In this concept no organ is accepted independent in itself, rather either working for other or in worked upon by others. As final

analysis it can be said that holistic approach in Unani medicine is based on this concept of organs inter relationship. This approach allows the Unani physician of multiplicity of pharmaceuticals actions of drugs. For example by strengthening the brain, stomach can be strengthen, similarly strength of stomach can strengthens the brain. Liver diseases can interfere with renal as well as gastric functions. Strong heart makes strong liver and brain and there by whole body.

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Correspondence author: Dr. Tariq Nadeem Khan Deptt. Of Kulliyat, National Institute of Unani Medicine Kottigepalya, Magadi main road Bengaluru, Karnataka India -560091 Ph. No. - +918792563794 Email:

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