Architecture 101 Part 1 Booklet Nikolovska Dragica

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Ar c hi t ec t ur e101-Par tI-Fr om not hi ngnes st opl ac e

My Ar c hi t ec t ur e101 adv ent ur e

Dr agi c aNi kol ov s ka

ni dr agi c aoni ns t agr am andt wi t t er

002/101 " T ol ear nhow t ot akeapi c t ur eofy ourey e. . . " Rel at i v eS i z eOfThi ngs

003/101 " Gent l enes soft hi ngswi t hnoname" 50000Y ear sAgo

004/101 " S adnes soft hi ngswi t hnoname" Thi ngsWi t hNoName

005/101 " Medi t at i on" TVWi t hout S i gnal

006/101 " S i l entt ouc h" Mus i cWi t houtS ound

007/101 Ques t i onwi t houtans wer

008/101 S hadow v as e Door sofper c ept i on

009/101 Dr awi ngl eav eswi t houtl ooki ngatt hedr awi ng. . .s t r angef eel i ng S omepeopl et heyknow t hi ngs

010/101 Kaz uoS hi nohar a' shous eandat r eeonabr i ghts unnyday . . . Day t i meni ght t i me

011/101 Myhand. . .danc i ng. . . Pl ayi tbyt r us t

012/101 Anabs t r ac tv er s i onoft hewayIam Romanc ei nmanydi mens i ons

013/101 Cr eat i ngt hei ns i dewor l d I ns i denoout s i de

014/101 Thepl ac esIam.( Мес т а) Whatmakest hedes er t

015/101 Mei nmypl ac e S t ea l i ngt hi ngs

016/101 I nmypl ac e. . .r eadi ng Br i anEnos ay s

017/101 Y ouc oul dal mos tt ouc ht hes kyt hr ought hekal ei dos c ope Exc us emewhi l e

018/101 I twasmys un. . . Mys unmac hi ne

019/101 Cany out ouc ht her ai n? S omepeopl ewal k

020/101 Can' ts eec l oudst hes eday s . . .s omademyowndar kc umul oni mbus MyBus i nes s

021/101 Ont heot hers i de-t her ei sas t y r of oam moon. . . Voy agedansl al une

022/101 Mymi ndi st r av el i ngont heni ghtr oad. . . Y ourmi ndwi l l

023/101 Canabodynameat hi ng? Y ougot t ahav e

024/101 Mypl ac ehass hadow mac hi neandwat er . . . ones houl donl yc hanget hes hoes . . .ors t aybar ef oot Onesdes t i nat i on

025/101 Igues si ti sbet t ernott o. . . I fy ous t ar tt ot hi nk

026/101 S hapi ngt hepl ac e. . . Bes ur ey ou

Ar c hi t ec t ur e101-Par tI-Fr om not hi ngnes st opl ac e

Wewer el ear ntt os t ar e,obs er v eands eepl ac esl i kear c hi t ec t sdo byS t ef anoMi r t i ,AnneS ophi eGauv i n,andPet r onel aNi t a -bi gges tt hankst ot hem,t hi swasanamaz i ngj our ney

S pec i alt hankst omyf ac ebookc el lf r i endsAnnaAmal f i ,NiNa,MuUm, Mar kDav i dandMar i oPer t i l eandt oal lmember soft hi samaz i ngc omuni t y .

Dr agi c aNi kol ov s ka ni dr agi c aoni ns t agr am andt wi t t er

Ar c hi t ec t ur e101-Par tI-Fr om not hi ngnes st opl ac e

My Ar c hi t ec t ur e101Par tI adv ent ur e

Febr uar y2015

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