Architecture and interior design portfolio

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daria drahilieva



ArchiProject interior designer 2018-2020 Yakusha studio \ Faina architect \ interior designer \ graph ic designer 2020-2022 freelancer interior designer \ cg artist 2018-2022


WWF observation cabins

A junior interior designer responsible for drawings, rendering, finding differ ent types of furniture and lighting, and visiting construction sites together with a team.

Among my responsibilities were finding a style for each project, creating moodboards, cg work, drawing, specifications, selections of materials, communicating with contractors, explaining main ideas to customers, and curating projects on construction sites. Also, I prepared graphic materials for the PR department.

As a freelancer, I designed residential and commercial interiors. My job included leading projects in all phases: from conceptual part to drawings, material selection, visiting showrooms, and communication with clients and contractors. Also, I worked as a CG artist with other interior designers.

The competition aimed to create a place where to raise awareness, where visitors can reconcile with nature.

Dubai Future Foundation

The UAE is usually associated with parametric design, 3D printing, robotic construction, and climate sensitivity. The task was to design part of the city in a way that is both functional and culturally expressive.


Rethinking spaces: a workshop with the RA Dorfman Award finalists

We took a closer look at some of the hidden or overlooked areas at the Royal Academy and how they could better serve a contemporary gallery and its audiences.


London, UK Daria Drahilieva


KNUCA B. Arch 2014-2018 Kyiv, Ukraine

KNUCA M. Arch 2018-2020 Kyiv, Ukraine

Science publications and speeches


Bachelor in architecture and design of the architectural environment.

Master of architecture. Program subject area - architecture and town plan ning, energy-efficient buildings.

Publication and speech on the International Scientific-Practical Conference of young scientists on the «Energy saving in constraction and architecture» topic.

AutoCAD Archicad

3D Max Corona renderer renderer Rhino Adobe Illustrator Photoshop Indesign

creative thinking cooperation flexibility responsibility ambitious hard-working design sensitivity organised team-player

Personal skillsSkills Language skills beginner middle advanced advanced advanced middle beginner beginner advanced middle middle +44 7517 149159
Native Fluent B2 A1 Ukranian Russian English German
4 content

Architecture museum of modern art wwf dubai future city yasna land city Che page 38 page 42 page 46 page 50 page 56 page 6 page 12 page 18 page 22 page 32


Interior dodomu hmara hlib yasna vyriy

museum of modern art

team year status location

master’s diploma Kyiv, Ukraine

The museum of modern art is neces sary for Kyiv because this city is simbious of culture, art, history, and creativity. After my research, I realized that in my town there are no modern museums, so I decided to create them.

My main idea was to create a white form with an interesting shape to lure people inside the building.

In my collage, I show how participants can feel themself in the museum. In my opinion, it’s necessary to sense nature, feelings, atmosphere, and your voices.

The museum is placed in the center of Kyiv city. There was an empty area with parking and an old building which hadn’t been serviced for a long time. Museums take a big part in my life, in every city where I have been I try to go to different kinds of exhibitions that help me to know more about partici pants, how they are thinking, where they are going and what they want to see in the first place. In museums, the main role-playing logic of moving is after realizing architects can create plans.

6 masterplan site plan
museum entrance recreation zone detour 1 2 3 4
7 collage
8 shape
9 render

10 section




The main idea of the observatory project is to create an image of bird nests with similar forms and textures to connect visitors with nature with out disturbing the integrity of it. Instead of using open observation decks there propose to construct capsules in the form of a nest, which will solve number of issues, like: timid birds that are scared of people and moving objects; picturesque arm’s length view for visitors; and smooth integration of construction into the nature by highlighting its beauty.

12 collage

13 scheme of the site plan

The form of observation decks come from behavioral traits of birds, the way they form their nests. By maximizing integration of forms into nature, birds will perceive these objects as a place to study and to stay near instead of choosing a secluded place for active wildlife.

To replicate birds’ “approach to construction”, we propose to use natural materials and techniques interpret our concept. Similar to birds using mud, clay and saliva as build ing materials, we are going to use wood, clay, and beeswax for protec tion against external influences. No concrete will be used to make the construction light and environmental ly friendly. “Pimply windows” will be used in the construction to make it convenient for birds to sit on and for visitors to observe closer the way birds behave and interact.

To take a closer look on their natural environment we will create a capsule that is dipped into the water. To make it water-resistant it will be covered with nano material made of algae that is printed on 3D printer.

15 over the ground on the ground under the water

Along the observatory decks in the water, on and above the ground, the main administrative building with dating people the purpose of the facility, is to extend observation area. While having similar form and structure

The uniqueness of this project is usage of sustainable materials and techniques of our ancestors for construction. design will help visitors to plunge into the wild nature while minimizing urbanistic footprinte. section



with a science center, restaurant, exhibition and other facilities will be constructed. In addition to accommo structure with other decks it will accomplish a balanced composition in full harmony with the surrounding nature. construction. No usual cubical architecture with strait forms, but natural lines, with no shapes alike. Our

dubai future city

team year status location

2021 Competition

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

My part of this project was made collages and to create function of ‘capsul‘.

Vision of future Emirati city is a palm-like buildings with self-driv en flying units made by 3D printers and contollered by AI.

Guide mechanisms deliver residents to their living quarters, and then to the parking lot to avoid traffic jam. Tropical public forests and individ ual terraces are available for resi dents. Green crown of the palm used for shadow purposes. A symbi osis of advanced technology and all-natural materials is applied.

To travel long distances an andividu al module joins a large flying ship. The lifestyle of the future: home office with VR, industry is concentrated undeground and everything is robotic.

18 masterplan collage
19 collage

transformation capsul

“One bottom“ idea is integrated into the interior design. A transformation circle in the middle turns bedroom to living room with an animation series on the wall or to a pool area.

living room/collage kitchen/collage
21 bedroom/collage

yasna land | yoga platform

Daria Drahilieva 2021 sketch project Snidavka, Ukraine team year status location

22 site plan 1.platform 2.Yasna house
ЛЕП04кВ53382A 53381A 53380A 53379A 53378A 53377A 53376A явір бук смерека горіх черешня береза явірбереза смерека 20га


Eco-retreat, YASNA, in the Carpathian Mountains, designed to harnesses vibrations of the Ukrainian mystic place of power. Yoga platform is designed in tune with philosophy of live architecture and design centered in Ukrainian cultural heritage, revival of ancestral techniques and work ing with the power of nature — employing natural elements in a sustainable way.

To integrate the architecture fully into the surrounding wild forest environment, organic fluid bodies of the buildings are conceived of a wooden framework. Platform offer a view of the mountains and the forest.

23 platform
24 1 1 600 600 650 600 1830 600 1830 600 1830 600 1830 399 4100 4500 22001800 2 2 13381 9214 14444 600 6710 600 11969 12400 33 1 2 3 12300 10200 12300 4 34800 4500° 3400 3400 А B C 800 650 800 4500° 13500° 849 2316 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 800 650 3376 37039 4500 6600 11100 9214 2098 plan
25 scheme collage

yasna house

Architecture lays the path to organ ic spaces where functionality meets authentic, living materials. Explor ing ancestral relationships with the natural world, ancient techniques merge with contemporary design to create sustainable environments that reconnect to the inner-self.

Yasna house is a mountain house in the Carpathians, Ukraine. The concept was to make a harmo nious house that reflects philosophy of ‘live architecture and design’ and blends into its natural environment.

Located in a lowland, deep in the Carpathians, Vhory house was designed to embrace each ray of natural light that penetrates the surrounding mountains and spruce trees.

The fully glass facade, interrupt ed only by levels of natural wood, highlighting each floor of the build ing, reflects the surrounding moun tain forest. Panoramic glassing and terraces integrate the environment into the interior and vice versa.

Умовні позначення: горизонтал та п дписи дерева хвойні одинокостояч ; дерева широколистян одинокостояч ; дерева які потребують знос меж земельної д лянки р чка; грунтова дорога; зона кострища 62 Експлікація до генплану: 1 Господарський будинок; 2 Парк нг; 3 Грунтова дорога; 4 Стежка; 5 Рекреаційна зона 1 2 5 7 Б В Г Д А 1 2 А 1 1 1 А 2 6 4 А 3 свердловина entrance to the house drainage fie d sept c tanks park ng 0 400 4000 3675 3000 08542000 3 0.900 starting point 2.100 3 100 2 500 2 500 3 000 2.400 2.400 15 600 1.8002.100 3600 2.100 9600 3400 4049 1.500 7800 2.792 2 1.600 4.750 1.600 9 10 11 8 Е Ж И 1175 20575 075 fire p t 120 2.600 0000 80600 80600 80585 0 1% 3100 80400 80250 80118 79346 79200 80250 79600 80600 80600 80487 80600 site boundary Дата час: Назва листа: Номер листа: Масштаб: 15/09/2022 13:01:05 Прив язка будинку 4 2 3 4 4 5 1 Прим тка: 1 Дане креслення оброзм рено в метрах 1:200
27 render/collage

membrane DERBIGUM 2 mm 12 mm p ywood crate 140 mm insulat on STEICO 140 mm g ued beam (see CP) w th fil er STEIKO THERM 100 mm vapor barrier 4 mm p ywood 8 mm crate 100 mm a r gap 350 mm logs 25 mm Thermowood 26 mm

terrace board 26 mm logs 40 mm adjustable supports (busons) (from 30 mm to 49 mm) DERBIGUM 2 mm p ywood 9 mm f ooring 25 mm enve ope 100 mm with STEIKO THERM fi er g ued a the the (see 140 mm, 10 mm crate 100 mm air gap 249 mm logs 25 mm Thermowood 26 +8.350 +4.847 +3.820 +2.770

terrace board 26 mm logs 40 mm adjustable supports (buzons) from 102 mm to 128 mm bitumen waterproof ng 4 mm screed w th variable height (from 60 mm to 30 mm) reinforced concrete s ab (see CP)

28 section 1-1 plan of the ground floor 1 2 5 7 Б В Г Д 2 5 6 4 3 1 2 2 1 1 2100 3100 2500 2500 3000 2400 1 8 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 6 0 0 2 1 0 0 r ser К2 riser К2 А 1 2 А 1 1 1 А 2 3400 4050 1500 out ine of the 1st f oor roof contour reta n ng wal r ser К1 f rep ace ВВ1 ВК 1 4 4 riser К1 r ser К1 3 3 Ст 1 46 9 6 0 0 15600 4ВВ4 5 00° 1100 650 620 1120 898 580 2000 400 1450 620 620 1800 1100 2900 2095 3200 2400 А 3 0 5 % 05% 0,5% 0 5 % 7450 420 ВВ3 ВВ5 2 28 4 28 3 28 the second reta n ng wal Б Б 1200 7 А А 3 580 750 0 5 % water col ect on points 0 5 % 0 5 % 0 000 0 000 0 000 перегородка з костри костра конопл з вент STE KO THERM з вент колона 250*250 колона 300*150 п дп рна ст нка з переробленого бетону цегляна ст нка з утеп цегляна ст нка Умовні позначення: цегляна ст нка ВК 101 ВВ 101 Ст 101 марка в кна марка в тражного в к марка вентиляц йно ВхД 101 марка вхідних дверей ВД 101 марка в тражних двер перегородка з костри Датаічас: Назвалиста: Масштаб: 15/09/2022 Планнавідм. +1.200 Експлікація приміщень 1 го № Назва Коеф 1 Тамбур 1 2 Кухня вітальня 1 3 Гостьова вбиральня 1 4 Пральня 1 5 Кладова 1 6 Теплогенераторна 1 7 Тераса 0 3 Загальна площа ПРИМІТКИ: 1 За в дносну відм тку 0 000 прийнято в дмітку чистої підлоги першого поверху що дорівнює абсолютній відм тц +80600м 2 Даний аркуш розглядати разом з арк 6 7 8 та КБ 1 5 7 15600 +6.800 2400300025007700 1 19 46 membrane DERBIGUM 2 mm plywood 12 mm crate 140 mm insulation STEICO THERM 140 mm glued beam (see СP) with filler STEIKO THERM 100 mm vapor barrier 4 mm plywood 8 mm terrace board 26 mm ogs 40 mm ad ustable supports (buzons) from 102 mm to 128 mm bitumen waterproofing n 2 layers screed with var ab e height (from 60 mm to 30 mm) reinforced concrete slab (see CP) antern l ght +8.360 +8.350 3 +3.820 glued beam (see CP) +6.800 +3.820 +2.770 0 5% foundation (see CP) retaining wal (see CP) -0.150-0.150 ДГВБ antern ght 1 20 А 2 19
beam with
slope from
house to
outside of 1%
CP) with fil er from STEIKO THERM
hemmed OSB
mm 0,5% 0 5% 2100 3600 2100 1800 9600 +8.350
+6.800 3000
+6.800 +9.213 retain ng wall (see CP) foundation (see CP) -0.150 +3.800 +2.700 +3.820 Дат Наз Ном Мас Розр

membrane DERBIGUM 2 mm 12 mm plywood crate 140 mm nsulation STEICO 140 mm glued beam (see CP) with f ller STEIKO THERM 100 mm vapor barr er 4 mm plywood 8 mm crate 100 mm air gap 350 mm ogs 25 mm Thermowood 26 mm

terrace board 26 mm ogs 40 mm ad ustab e supports (busons) (from 30 mm to 49 mm) membrane DERBIGUM 2 mm plywood 9 mm flooring 25 mm envelope 100 mm w th STEIKO THERM filler glued beam with a s ope from the house to the outs de of 1% (see CP) with filler from STEIKO THERM 140 mm hemmed OSB 10 mm crate 100 mm air gap 249 mm ogs 25 mm Thermowood 26 mm +4.847 +3.820 +2.770

terrace board 26 mm ogs 40 mm ad ustable supports (buzons) from 102 mm to 128 mm bitumen waterproofing 4 mm screed with var ab e height (from 60 mm to 30 mm) reinforced concrete slab (see CP)

29 section 2-2

plan of the 1st floor 1 2 5 7 Б В Г Д 8 14 12 11 10 9 roof contour counture of the ground floor riser К2 2 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 3 6 0 0 2 0 0 2100 3100 2500 2500 3000 2400 1 2 А 1 А 2 3400 4050 15 3 4 4 venti at on channe ch mney r ser К1 r ser К1 3 3 ВК 4 ВК 5 ВК В7 К 8 46 7 8 0 0 15600 380 1300 2150 2335 2920 riser К2 r ser К2 А 3 2080 2303 7450 1% 1% 560 520 1880 ra n tray 140 1 28 chimney А А 1200 3 r ser К2990 r ser К2 ВК 6 Ст +2 1 910 3 820 +3 820 2 % 2% ВК 9 Ст 3 1180 перегородка з костри коноплі костра коноплі з вент фасадом STEIKO THERM з вент фасадом колона 250*250 колона 300*150 підп рна ст нка з переробленого бетону цегляна ст нка з утеплювачем цегляна ст нка Умовн позначення: цегляна ст нка ВК 101 ВВ 101 Ст 101 марка в кна марка в тражного в кна марка вентиляційно стулки ВхД 101 марка вх дних дверей ВД 101 марка в тражних дверей перегородка з костри коноплі Датаічас: Назвалиста: Масштаб: 15/09/2022 13:16:10 1 : 100 Планнавідм. +3.600 Експл кація приміщень 2 го поверху № Назва Коеф Площа 8 Хол 1 16 м² 9 Дит сан вузол 1 6 м² 10 Дитяча 1 17 м² 11 Дитяча 1 15 м² 12 Каб нет гостьо ва 1 17 м² 13 Хоз спальня 1 26 м² 14 Сан вузол 1 8 м² 15 Тераса 0 3 15 м² Загальна площа 121 м² Загальна житлова площа: 249 м2 Загальна площа терас: 50 м2 Загальна площа будинку: 299 м2 ПРИМІТКИ 1 За відносну в дмітку 0 000 прийнято в дмітку чисто п длоги першого поверху що дорівнює абсолютн й в дмітці +806 00м 2 Даний аркуш розглядати разом з арк 6 7 8 та КБ 1 5 7 15600 +6.800 2400300025007700 1 19 46 STEIKO THERM 100 mm vapor barr er 4 mm p ywood 8 mm terrace board 26 mm logs 40 mm adjustable supports (buzons) from 102 mm to 128 mm bitumen waterproof ng in 2 layers screed w th variable height (from 60 mm to 30 mm) reinforced concrete s ab (see CP) 3 +3.820 g ued beam (see CP) +6.800 +3.820 +2.770 0 5% foundation (see CP) retain ng wall (see CP) -0.150-0.150 ДГВБ lantern light 1 20 А 2 19
0 5% 0 5% 2100 3600 2100 1800 9600 +8.350 +8.350 +0.000
+6.800 3000
+6.800 +9.213 retaining wal (see CP) foundation (see CP) -0.150 +3.800 +2.700 +3.820 Дата і час: Назва листа: Номер листа Масштаб: Розрізи 1 1, 2
30 parapet of node connecting the vent. channel to the roof assembly of rain tray and glass fence Б А terrace board 26 mm ra n tray 1 2 7 ogs 40 mm ad ustable bosons (from 30 mm to 49 mm) membrane DERB GUM 2 mm p ywood 9 mm crate 100 mm with STEIKO THERM 100 mm fasten ng under the profile bar Thermowood 26 mm Thermowood 25 mm bar profile for glass wind hydro membrane 2 mm 140 vapor barrier 4 mm bearing e ement 200 insu ation mount ng mfoam ounting foam insulation parquet board 22 mm glue 5 mm STE KO ISOREL 10 mm plywood 9 mm floor ng 40 mm STE KO THERM 100 mm ce ling 5 9 7 +3.820 1% 4 0 1 crate 100 mm wind and hydro membrane 1 5 4 2 7 6 200 f ooring 24 mm +2.770 +2.880 s ope equ pment vapor barrier 4 mm plywood 8 mm bearing element plywood 8 mm glued beam 1 : 15 Дощовийлоток тасклянаогорожа1 Д Thermowood 25 mm bar w nd , hydro membrane wooden frame 140 mm w th STEICO THERM fi ler rain tray membrane DERBIGUM 2 mm insulat on STE CO THERM 140 mm plywood 8 mm STE KO THERM 100 mm +8.350 +6.800 hemp fire 400 mm STE CO THERM 120 mm 120 mount ng foam clay panels 20 mm vapor barrier 4 mm plywood 8 mm crate 140 mm with insulat on STE CO 140 mm 2% 6 weather vane wind , hydro membrane porce ain stoneware p ate 12 mm bar hemp f re 140 mm membrane DERBIGUM 2 mm crate 140 mm w th nsulation STEICO 140 mm c ay pane s 20 mm protect ve sleeve w th minera wool f l ng p pe from a so id fuel bo ler 200 mm vent channe f reproof p asterboard 12 mm +8.865 +9.213 20702157020 STEIKO THERM 140 mm+100mm p ywood 8 mm vapor barr er 4 mm ge te 47% g ued beam (see CP) wooden frame with f l er STEIKO THERM 140 mm Датаічас: Назвалиста: Номерлиста: Масштаб: Характернівузлидаху ПРИМ ТКИ: 1 За відносну відмітку 0 000 прийнято відмітку чисто підлоги першого поверху що дор внює абсолютній відмітц +806 м 2 Даний аркуш розглядати разом з арк 2,3,7,9,11,14, КБ та СПОК 1 : 10 ПарапетВ 1 : 20 Примиканнявент. каналудодахуД

axonometry / image Датаічас: Назвалиста: Номерлиста: Масштаб: Аксонометрія

Yasna house was made by nature. The most immportant reason for us was to create a house that can breathe so we used only ecological or recycling materials like concrete and membrane. We collected main ideas of energy efficient house like orientation, compactness, materials, pumps, smart house, supply and exhaust ventilation with recuparation. Our constructions are glued laminated timber, insulation-pressed wooden chips, the walls were made by hemp-lime solution, clay plaster, thriple glazing and improving airtightness. Every material is connected with each other, as a result we recived energyefficient house where clients can feel mountains.

YASNA HOUSE parking fire pit


city Che

Renovating the home on a city scale

The Stryzhen River to be made the pulsating center of the city. The rich historical and cultural herit age of the city is reflected in tourist routes / creation of tourist centers.

Discovering the natural potential of the city. Creating an eco-map of the city, ‘health’ trails, green corridor. Modernization and development of the city’s infrastructure, introduction of energy-efficient new technologies.

Development and improve ment of recreational areas (beaches / recreation areas, etc.).

Environmental issues: waste sort ing, waste disposal, monitor ing of sanitary condition of water bodies, environmental education. Renewal of sports / cultural life of the city. Creating a unique archi tectural code of the city.

concept scheme of the Stryzhen river
33 render / collage

scheme of sub-centres

34 Ed cat ona and Sc ent ic nst ute o Economics Che n h v Po ytechn c Chern h v Center for Ch dren and Youth Tou sm Ch ld en s and youth sports schoo Chern h v c ty m ta y hosp tal Reg onal andscape park Ya vshchyna Par sh o the Ho y Sp r t House Che n h vob energo Church of M chae and Fedor Depa t e ts of s ate eg s at o of acts of c v status secur ty serv ce management commerc a bu d ng Ma n Gai pa k Che n h v ch d S ate archive o Chern h v reg on Chern h v Coope at ve Co ege Che n hiv Reg ona Art Museum named afte G gory Ga agan Che n h v Reg onal H s or ca Museum Desna r ve Stryzhen r ve shopp ng cente parks squa es s ghts soc a ob ects at ract ons soc a ob ects gravity points
R 500 meters 6 8 m nute wa king d s ance krasn y b dge street Shevchenko Mar n Ga park Che n h v ch d Ch dren s and youth spo ts schoo crea on o pub c space Ya vshchyna park shopp ng cente exist ng sub cent es potent a subcente s


35 research-general zoning
dwe l ng cu ture indust y and echn ca fac t es comme ce soc a infrastructure publ c stops bus stops pedestr an access b ty zone ad us 500м exist ng bicyc e network roads pedestr an cross ngs

a pier for boats \catamarans (eco transport, without engines and fuel)

aeration fountains

public embankment with a pier for boats\catamarans (eco transport, without engines and fuel)

housing with partly public housing functions (cafes, workshops, media libraries, children's institutions, etc.)

max storey 2 near the shore further from the shore 2 5 floors. integration of energy efficient technologies

aeration fountains floating houses/islands for birds floating houses/islands for birds

public embankment with a pier for boats\catamarans (eco transport, without engines and fuel)

to dig up the existing private plots that go beyond the line of the coastal protective strip by 25 m, on the possibility of their transfer, functional changes destination, etc

analysis of the industrial zone on the issue of industrialization operation and industrial profitability a proposal to renovate an industrial zone into a public one structure (art hub, IT, cultural public institutions, media library, offices, etc.) integration of the river bank into the public embankment, creation of a pedestrian street along the river

regional landscape "Yalivshchyna" led those footpaths preservation of fauna equipped places and other recreation

analysis of buildings boundaries of their relevance possibility of joining to the Yalivshchyna remove fences security systems buildings (markings, surveillance, etc.) analysis of the renovation of plots functions height of buildings floors

bicycle pedestrian across St. 77th Division

36 proposal scheme green area on the river bank river cleaning shore fortification preservation of flora and fauna places of rest and communication bicycle pedestrian under ensuring access state research hydraulic and its reconstruction channel near Kyivska arrangement on foot replacement of pedestrian bridges new pedestrians and bicycle lanes provision barrierlessness for less mobile population groups

landscape park footpaths of local flora and places for barbecue recreation areas

pedestrian bridge Guards buildings and plots regarding and the joining the territory Yalivshchyna Park fences and add other systems for necessary (markings, video etc.) the possibilities of plots for public buildings up to 3

restoration of the sports school and stadium integration with the shore of Stryzhny increasing the amount of landscaping remove fences public embankment with a pier for boats\catamarans (eco transport, without engines and fuel)

research hydraulic construction possibility reconstruction or channel design Kyivska St arrangement foot and by bike

bicycle and pedestrian path the bridge ensuring barrier free access

public sports and children's areas, amphitheater

a pier for boats\catamarans (eco transport, without engines and fuel)

reconstruction for public entertainment, cultural and sports centers

park on the territory of the military hospital analyze the possibility of integrating part of the park into a public, open, green zone

the park and embankment near the RACS reconstruction of the embankment planting of local wild plants and trees along the embankment and Shevchenko streets preservation of an open lawn for city residents (communication, recreation, temporary events, etc.) pedestrian and bicycle path under the Red Bridge

aeration fountains

pavilion (public building) accessibility for citizens food establishment moving the building away from the water remove fences citizens' access to water recovery, cleaning, strengthening the banks of a disappearing stream

aeration fountains

37city beach "Golden Beach": allocation of a separate zone for bargaining. MAFs remove fences bicycle parking availability for less mobile population groups

bicycle and pedestrian bridges between recreational areas a new walking route

new bridge: bicycle and pedestrian paths to the left bank of the Desna connection with the existing pedestrian bridge industrial renovation zone

landscaping of public space (parks, squares, streets, etc.)

landscaping on the territory. with regulated access (private, public buildings, etc.)

river Desna

new landscaping elements, public areas and public buildings

revitalization of buildings buildings to be reviewed

pedestrian and bicycle paths

new residential complexes of 2 5 floors the site is open to the public integration of landscaping

woke up for demolition, transfer existing trees new trees

the line of the coastal protective strip is 25 m


Interior project Kozin, Ukraine team year status location

38 axonometry

This project for the family called Dodomu. It is not solely a haven but a place for lively meetings.

Live minimalism is in the details. The selected palette of walls and floors is restrained, the main role is played by the collection of furniture and lighting, in turn, vivid in colour. The contrast of shapes, colours and materials make the family residence look like a modern design gallery. Catch a slight hint of this project. Clay plastered walls, accent light, and massive pendant lamp — hanging down to the first story. A natural wooden floor is paired with the same light handrail, providing a sense of a genial atmosphere.


40 render



team year status location

Concept project Kyiv, Ukraine

Designed in the ‘live minimalism’ style, HMARA interior was created to immerse in a calm, natural environment. The two design themes running through the project are — the sense of lightness and connection to nature.

In Ukrainian HMARA means cloud. With its serene cloud-like atmos phere, the space puts the mind at ease and allows one to relax.

Reflecting the idea of living in unity with nature, the interior speaks to its owner with earthy hues and raw textures which engage the senses. Stone, wood, natural fabrics and clay, a material that has a long-living tradition in Ukraine, used as a finish for the walls bring warmth of the home. Wide floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room open up to the natural surroundings and let the natural light flood in.

43 render
44 1st version
45 2nd version


team year status location

Interior project Kyiv, Ukraine

Hlyb is done in modern Ukrainian design. It is a pure, concise, sensu al. At the same time, you can feel the character behind it, Ukrain ian DNA, a living spirit. It’s design that shows an essence.

Connection with the earth and ecological approach is the basis of project. In the Hlyb project, the simple geometric shapes of the clay walls are hormonized with the metalic bar and tables. Roughness and uneven textures are balanced by the purity and smoothness of steel.

Combine modern materials and techniques with the long-known, passed down from ukrainian’s generation to generation. Clay walls, according to Ukrainian tradition, have very powerful energy.

46 axonometry
47 render

scheme of benchscheme of bar

render Seatmaterial Fabric FORRES 0 100 100 110 110 120 110 110 320 110 110 120 100 1200 2 5 1 0 0 3 0 0 4 5 0 220 220 320 220 220 1200 5 25 25 Візуалізація спереду Вид зверху 5 0 4 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 300 600 400 600 400 900 500 300 4000 Pleasespecifythemodel anddimensionsofthesink Drawers Metalgrooveforopening 3 0 Kitchenpart bar 5 8 3 9 8 3 2 3 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 18 564 18 240 210 1 0 840 210 3003700 4000 Фасадзробитибезшовний 5 0 1 8 3 9 2 1 3 9 2 3 0 1 6 6 1 8 4 18 18 546 18 22 19618 4 188 18 4600 450 9 0 0 2 0 0 Датаічас: Назвалиста: Номер листа: Масштаб: 15/09/202217:53:28 Бр 1.Технічнезавданняпобарній стійці 32 Видспереду Видзбоку Внутрішнійкаркас Примтки 1.Замовлення виготовленнямеблів здійснюєтьсятількипіслязатвердження маркираковини 2.Меблярівиготовляютьмеблінапідставі своїхвласнихвимірів узгодивши попередньо дизайнером 3.Данийпроектєтехнічнимзавданням неє робочимкресленнямдлямебляра Товщина плитнихматеріалівтаіншихконструктивних елементівкоригуєтьсятехнологом погоджуєтьсядодатково 4.Фурнітуратамеханізмиузгоджуються додатково 5.Фасадикухонноїчастини МДФ фарбований 6.Фасадбарноїстійки матованержавіюча сталь 7.Внутрішнійкорпус ДСП 8.Стільницякухонноїчастини акриловий камінь 7.Кольориоздобленнятаматеріали погоджуютьсядодатково 210 1 8 5 9 0 2 2 0 3 3 0 2 2 0 3 3 0 1 6 0 9 5 0 50 50 100 100 25

Марка Тип приладу

1 Дзеркало

1.1 Диспенсер

2 Змішувач для умивальника вбудований

3 Раковина з нержавіючаї сталі

4 Тримач туалетного паперу

5 Інсталяція для унітазу+клавіша змиву

6 Тримач для йоржика

7 Унітаз

8 Кухонна раковина з нержавіючої сталі

9 Змішувач для кухні

49 section scheme scheme 1 0 0 4 9 1 2 9 3 0 197 40 110 40 110 40 110 40 110 40 197 5 0 3 9 1 5 0 магніт plasterboardona metal frame 43 mm thick 2layersofplasterboard, 12.5mm5 0 Metalprofile ГКЛ 3 0 0 0 0 7 4 3 150 43 277 18 Bararoundtheperimeter niches withmagnets in thecorners 1 0 0 plasterboard12.5mm, plywood10mm ona 30mm metal frame 5 3 110 167 108 Отвори дляконвекції Екран з Мдф Ек 1 МП 1 МП 1 1/2 1/2 30 30 30 3 0 3 0 4 5 30 30 240 30 30 240 30 30 150 150 Дата і час: Назва листа: Номер листа Масштаб: 15/09/2022 18:19:18 Вузли та розрізи монтажу 9 МП 1 РМ 1 Схема підвіконня ФПМ 2 Примітки: 1.Запозначку+0.000прийнятирівень чистої підлоги 2.Даний листрозглядати разомз планом монтажута розгортками 3.Стики міжгіпсокартоном тацеглою заштукатурити 4.Заказ тавиготовлення екранутількипісля замірівчистових стін 5.Меблярвиготовляє екранопираючисьна своїрозміри 6.Креслення не є технічнимзавданнямта технічними кресленнями длямебляра 7.Оздоблюючийматеріалекрану декоративна штукатурка 8.Вотвори дляконвекції монтуються сатиновіакриловітрубки Візуалізація 100 400 100 100 2400 h=600h=500h=600 h=300 h=300 8 9 Для льодогенератору Фільтр вивід гарячої води вивід холодної води каналізаційний сток Умовні позначення плану сантехніки h=1050h=1050 740 739 640 100 100 640 3 4 8 1 0 0 5 0 2 7 5 4 6 3 650 415 1 solo lift (specify type) 250 1.1 3 2 9 0 0 1 5 0 5 5 0 400 1 250 1.1 7 5 4 6 Дата і час: Назва листа: Номер листа: Масштаб: 15/09/2022 Схема при'язки сантехнічного обладнання Сантехніка барної стійкиСантехніка сан вузла Схема сантехніки сан вузла Специфікація сантех. обладнання та аксесуарів
Сантехнічні виводи з полу h=1050h=1050 740 739 640 100 100 640 3 4 8 1 0 0 5 0 2 7 5 4 6 3 650 415 1 solo lift (specify type) 250 1.1 3 2 9 0 0 1 5 0 5 5 0 400 1 250 1.1 Сантехніка сан вузла Схема сантехніки сан вузла


Interior project Snidavka, Ukraine team year status location

This project is about ecolo gy, nature, human and texture. Limestone, clay, linen textile, lime. All this materials are bond ed with ukrainian hystory.

A light and airy living room speaks through earthy textures of live wood and clay, traditional to Ukrainian land. The idea was to create a harmo ny of an uplifted, minimalistic yet grounding, tactile space. The natural world is invited within through floorto-ceiling panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. The round ed, soft geometry of live architecture is accentuated in a uniting dining area. A handsculpted pendant lamp looms above dining table, both creat ed of a unique compostable blend.

50 axonometry
51 render

Live textures continue throughout the bedroom. Natural wooden floors are combined with textured clay walls recalling those Round shapes continue to give rhythm in the bedroom, here found in the Tree of Life tapestry, woven in the Carpathians every design piece and fills with living energy.


those of an ancient Ukrainian ‘mazanka’ house. The bed seems to float off the ground adding lightness to the environment. Carpathians by hand using an ancient loom. Live design, centered around ancestral relationships with nature, reminds of its rites in


54 kitchen stairs guest toilet
55 bed bunk bed working zone



This project is about calmness, being filled, thoughtful, and simplic ity. With a focus on natural materials like wood, stone, clay, and textile. All this brings to the space a fresh breath.

There is no direct style because all were made according to feelings.

57 bedroom
58 bahtroom

daria drahilieva

2022 +44 7517 149159

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