Middle Temple Hall

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Se t t i ngt hes c e ne Seti nt hehear tofLondon,y etwi t hbeaut i f ulands ec l udeds ur r oundi ngs ,Mi ddl eT empl ei st heper f ec ts et t i ngt oc r eat ey ourown f ai r yt al eweddi ng. Wi t har i c ht r adi t i onofr omanc e,i t spas tmember shav ei nc l udedc ount l es spoet sandpl ay wr i ght si nc l udi ngWi l l i am Shak es pear e, whohav ebeeni ns pi r edt oc r af tt al esofpas s i onandr ev el r y . Mi ddl eT empl eboas t snotonl yoneoft he nes tEl i z abet hanHal l si nt hec ount r y ,af ur t hers ui t eofel egantandmaj es t i cr ooms c al l edt heBenc hApar t ment s ,butal s oawar dwi nni nggar densov er l ook i ngt heRi v erThames .Af ount ai nandanc i entMul ber r y T r eespr ov i des t unni ngbac k dr opsf ory ourweddi ngphot ogr aphs .

Y ourwe ddi ngda y-be g i nni ng , mi ddl ea nde nd. . . Wer ec ogni s et hatev er yweddi ngandc er emonyi ss pec i alandourex per i enc edEv ent sT eam wi l lbeonhandt oas s i s twi t hev er y s t epwhenc r eat i ngy ourmemor abl eoc c as i on. Whet heri ti sal ar gepar t yf or300gues t soras mal lr ec ept i onf or30gues t swewi l lens ur eev er y onehasanamaz i ngex per i enc e atMi ddl eT empl e. Ourt eam c anc r eat ebes pok epac k agesf ory ourweddi ngdayandgui dey out houghy ourpl ans .What ev er y ours t y l ewewi l lmak ey ours pec i aldayonet ot r ul yr emember .

Ci v i lCe r e moni e s& Pa r t ne r s hi ps AtMi ddl eT empl ey ouc anhol dy ourc er emonyandr ec ept i onal lunderoner oof .Al lr oomsar el i c ens edt oac c ommodat egues t number sf r om 10t o100andof f erabeaut i f uls et t i ngf orex c hangi ngv ows . Weal s ohav eanumberofc hur c hesnear bywi t hi neas ywal k i ngdi s t anc eofourv enuei fy ouwi s ht ohol donl yy ourr ec ept i on wi t hus . Mi ddl eT empl ec anac c ommodat ebl es s i ngs ,As i anandJ ewi s hweddi ngc er emoni es .Wewor kwi t hs el ec t eds uppl i er st opr ov i de wonder f ulc at er i ngf ort hes eev ent s .

Mi ddl eT e mpl eHa l l Vi r t ual l yunal t er eds i nc ei t sc ompl et i oni nt he1570’ s ,t hi sbr eat ht ak i ngEl i z abet hanHal li sguar ant eedt ogi v ey ourweddi ngt he r ealwowf ac t or .Ani mpr es s i v es et t i ngf orc er emoni esupt o100gues t s ,weddi ngbr eak f as t sf r om 70t o100,andi nf or mal r ec ept i onsupt o500. Y ouandy ourgues t sc ans i tont hes ameHi ghT abl ewher egener at i onsofRoy al t yhav edi ned.The29f ootl ongt abl ei sbel i ev ed t obeagi f tf r om El i z abet hIandwasmadef r om as i ngl eoakt r eef r om Wi nds orFor es t , oat edal lt hewaydownt heRi v er Thamest oMi ddl eT empl e’ sdoor s t ep. TheHal lc anbes etupi nav ar i et yofway st os ui tf or malori nf or maldi ni ngbef or ey oudanc et heni ghtaway ,under neat ht he magnic entdoubl ehammer beam r oofwi t hy ourf ami l yandf r i ends .

Pa r l i a me ntCha mbe r Asy oupr oc eedt owhati spr obabl yt hemos tdi s t i ngui s hedofal lt heBenc hApar t ment s ,ThePar l i amentChamber ,y ouwal knot onl ypas ther al di cpanel sofReader ’ sar msandpr i c el es spor t r ai t s ,butal s opas tt hev er ys potwher eBr i dgetJ onesandD’ Ar c y wer ememor abl yengaged. Pr ev i ous l yt heMi ddl eT empl el i br ar y ,t hi sr oom hasv i ewsont ot het r anqui lgar densdownl eadi ngt heRi v erThames .Wi t hex qui s i t ec ar v ed panel l i ngandani nt r i c at ec ei l i ng,t hi sr oom i sper f ec tf orpr edr i nk sr ec ept i onsupt o120,orc er emoni esanddi ni ngupt o 70gues t s .

Que e n’ sRoom Ani nt i mat er oom andundoubt edl yt hemos tgr ac ef ulofal lt heBenc hApar t ment s ,t heQueen’ sRoom c r eat est hei deals et t i ng f oradi s c r eetweddi ngbr eak f as tf orupt o22gues t s .Wi t hi t sai r yel eganc ei ti sal s oourmos tpopul arv enuef orc er emoni es ac c ommodat i ngupt o50gues t sandr ec ept i onsupt o80gues t s . Ther oom i snamedaf t erHM t heQueenMot her ,whowasc al l edt ot heBari nt hi sv er yr oom i n1944.Shedi nedatMi ddl eT empl e v i r t ual l yev er yy earf r om 1944unt i lherdeat hi n2002,herl as tv i s i tbei ngi n2001.Anenc hant i ngpor t r ai tt omar kherc al lt ot he Bars t i l lhangsi nt her oom t oday .

Pr i nc e ’ sRoom Fl ank edbyt hes ur r oundi nghi s t or i cr edc hi mney edbui l di ngs ,t her e nedr oom pr es ent st heper f ec toppor t uni t yf orgues t st omeet f oradr i nk sr ec ept i onf orupt o100gues t s ,pr i ort odi nneri nt heHal lorPar l i amentChamber . Thewor k i ng r epl ac ei st heper f ec tbac k dr opf orweddi ngphot ogr aphsal ongwi t ht her oomswoodenc ar v edpanel l i ng.Ther oom c anac c ommodat e60gues t sf orac er emonyor40f oras mal l eri nt i mat edi nner . WhenPr i nc eWi l l i am,Duk eofCambr i dge,wasc al l edt oBenc hont he6t hJ ul y2009i nHal l ,t hi sr oom wasr enamedt o c ommemor at et hi sr oy aloc c as i on.Unt i lt hatdayi twask nownast heSmok i ngRoom.

Gues t sc anenj oyar ar el ev elofpr i v ac ywhi l ev i ewi ngt het wi nk l i ngl i ght soft heEmbank mentac r os sourl ov i ngl ymai nt ai nedl awns andawar dwi nni nggar dens . Ourgar denspr ov i deas pec t ac ul arbac k dr opf orweddi ngphot ogr aphyandv i deogr aphyaswel lasr el ax edc hampagner ec ept i ons . Thet r anqui lRos eGar denpr ov i desani dy l l i cs et t i ngf ormor ei nt i mat er ec ept i onsandhasbeenr enownedf ori t sbeaut y s i nc eShak epear e’ st i me.

CONTACTUS WEARETHEEVENTSTEAM ATMI DDLETEMPLE T ogetac l eari deaofhowy ourev entc anwor kher e,and al s oa r s t handex per i enc eofMi ddl eT empl easav enue, wehi ghl yr ec ommendv i s i t i ngusi nper s on. I nt he r s ti ns t anc e,wear eher et oans weranyques t i ons y oumayhav e.Pl eas edonothes i t at et ogeti nt ouc h. Wel ookf or war dt ohear i ngf r om y ouandt oc r eat i nga memor abl eoc c as i onwi t hy ou. TheHonour abl eSoc i et yoft heMi ddl eT empl e Mi ddl eT empl eLane London EC4Y9AT T :02074274820 E:ev ent s @mi ddl et empl e. or g. uk W:mi ddl et empl ev enuehi r e. or g. uk Dof eelf r eet oas kusaboutours epar at ebr oc hur eson: Cor por at eev ent s Foodandwi ne Fi l mi ng Day t i meev ent s

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