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Board gains five new members, bids two farewell

Five new members recently joined the St. George’s Board of Trustees.

Dr. Colleen Burns Jermain; Katherine Michel ’89; Christopher O’Connor P’21, ’22, ’25; Sun Tao Hung Stanley ’96; and Patrick Wood-Prince ’88 (right, top to bottom) participated in their inaugural board meeting in December.
Dr. Jermain is the superintendent of the Newport Public Schools since 2014. Mr. Sun is the deputy chairman and CEO of China-Hongkong Photo Products Holdings Limited. Mr. O’Connor is a partner and head of the health care industry advisory business at Perella Weinberg Partners. Ms. Michel is a graphic designer, printer, and print publisher. And Mr. WoodPrince is a principal at Annandale LLC.
The board also bid farewell to two trustees — Joe Hoopes ’62 and Tim Burns P’13, ’16, ’18 — who rotated off the board, thanking them for their years of dedicated service. A celebration was held in their honor on Friday, June 3, 2022.

A note of special appreciation to Mr. Hoopes for his ongoing and extraordinary support of the school: Joe was first appointed to the Board of Trustees in 1981 and served loyally and wholeheartedly, a close confidante of numerous board chairs, for 40 years.