3 minute read
2 0 Santine Twenty years of changing lives one student at a time.
Seven percent of the U.S. population has glossophobia, which is the fear of public speaking. That is about 27 million Americans.
“I was recommended for speech and debate but I was petrified of it, then I realized it was a catharsis for me just like acting was a catharsis for me,” said Speech Professor Rachel Santine.
In June of 2000, Santine was hired as a communications professor at Hutchinson Community College. She originally planned to stay for three years and that turned to five, 20 years later she is highly recommended by past and present students.
“She definitely helped me become a better student at HutchCC. I have been more outspoken instead of keeping quiet to myself. I am not afraid to stand in my opinion and make a whole speech about a subject or topic,” Emma Liddeke, Buhler, said.
Santine did not always want to be a public speaking teacher.
“When I got to college, I saw the speech and all the power that it has. Because it still allows you to work with language but it had that extra component, which incorporated some of the other things I enjoy like theater and voices,” said Santine.
Santine is a very unique teacher, she teaches in many different ways so all of her students can understand everything she wants them to learn.
“I enjoy Professor Santine’s teaching style because she incorporates a lot of personal stories to better explain her lesson,” said Paige Carlin, Hutchinson.
Santine takes time to help students become better speakers. She genuinely cares about the students and helping them with the things they struggle with.
“I feel like with her class it gave me an opportunity to really show who I am as a person and it helped me become a ▲ Explaining an upcoming speech to her public speaking class is Rachel Santine. Santine started her career with HutchCC in June of 1999.
Photo by Hannah Brummer
“ M y g o a l b e f o re I leave here is that I want to be known as the best educator on campus.” better speaker in front of people as well.” McKinley Cross, Buhler, said, “She also helped me with a rough time in my semester and I am so happy that she was my professor.”
Everyone has goals but for Santine, it is a little different.
“Something inside me always wants to be the best. When I walk into class every morning I see a poster that says ‘Excellence’ and that is something that is internal to me,” Santine said. “My goal before I leave here [HutchCC] is that I want to be known as the best educator on campus.”
Resume Name: Rachel Santine
Casper College- Associate in Speech
Carol College- BA in Human Communication Theory
Kansas State University- MA in Rhetorical Criticism
Northwest Missouri- MA in English
Rocky Mountain University- Accepted into PhD Program for Psychology Cognition and Learning Theory
Grand Canyon University- Partial PhD in Adult Learning Theory
Job Experience: Master Tutor Real Estate(13 years)- Platinum Realty
Radio- KQLA, Q104, Q103.5, WJBC-Bloomington
Level 3 Assistant Manager at Target
Upward Bound
▲ Top: Rachel Santine tells a story to her public speaking class about a former student’s speech. Santine attended a total of five colleges, and will start a new degree at Rocky Mountain University.
Photo by Hannah Brummer
▲ Bottom: Making points about her class’ next speech, Santine guides her public speaking students. Outside of school, Santine is a realtor at Platinum Realty.