2 minute read

The Storyteller

Photos & Design | Kaitlyn Seiwert

Celine Cousteau opened the 2022 season of the Dillon Lecture Series with stories of her adventures.


The first lecturer of the 2022 Dillon Lecture Series was Celine Cousteau. She presented numerous subjects to elementary classes, HutchCC students, DLS patrons, and community members. Celine Cousteau is the first second-generation DLS speaker. Cousteau’s father, Jean-Michael Cousteau, spoke on campus in 1984. Celine recounted her first adventure as a 9-year-old going to the Amazon rainforest. Years later, she went back to film a documentary with her father. Cousteau, while thankful she has been able to experience the Amazon rainforest, Antarctica, and Europe, lectured how adventures are available everywhere, not just in safaris or forests. During a press conference prior to the lecture, Cousteau told of her experience driving from Wichita to Hutchinson, and marveled at the sunset. After showing the press room her picture of the Kansas sunset, she was astonished to find out that what she had seen was a basic Kansas sunset. She then went on to exclaim how adventure is everywhere and different to everyone.

Cousteau's first time to the Amazon.

Provided by Celine Cousteau

One of Cousteau's most recent trips to the Amazon.

Provided by Celine Cousteau

Cousteau, today, telling the stories of people in the Amazon.

Kaitlyn Seiwert

Cousteau told the story of a tribe who contacted her, and asked if she would tell their story. She referred to them throughout her presentation as “her bosses.”

Provided by Celine Cousteau

One of Cousteau’s most prized works is “Tribes on the Edge.” She showed a small trailer for the film with shots of agriculture and different tribes during the presentation.

Provided by Celine Cousteau

While Cousteau showed the trailer for her film, she sat quietly on the stage. She also showed pictures and statistics during her presentation.

Kaitlyn Seiwert

Kaitlyn Seiwert

Kaitlyn Seiwert

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