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Each Field Staff Employee’s performance is monitored and assessed on an ongoing basis. This allows us to reward and encourage outstanding performance and ensure high standards are being maintained. We regularly call our clients to get feedback on you. Some of the areas we ask them to comment on are: 9 Initiative 9 Punctuality 9 Attitude 9 Speed 9 Presentation 9 Co-operation 9 Overall work performance

Any feedback that we receive about you is recorded in your work history file and we will take this feedback into consideration when placing you in jobs in the future. If we receive a report on you that is unsatisfactory, we will talk to you to find out what the problem was and, if appropriate, offer you advice on how to improve your performance. In the unlikely event we have continuing unsatisfactory reports on your performance, we will be unable to offer you any further work. In certain cases this could result in termination of your contract. For further details please refer to your Employment Agreement.

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